  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:32, December 13, 2013 (UTC)
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando is a video game for Windows PC and Xbox. It is about a squad of clone commandos called Delta Squad, and their mission is to help save the Galactic Republic with the help of a Clone Advisor.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando (Звёздные Войны: Республиканские коммандос) — компьютерная игра в жанре шутера от первого лица, разработанный компанией LucasArts для Microsoft Windows и Xbox. Выпущена 1 марта 2005 года. Сюжет описывает действия группы клонов-коммандос под названием «Дельта» и охватывает сразу всю Войну Клонов, начиная от первой её битвы, то есть между вторым эпизодом и третьим.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando, to gra komputerowa wydana w 2005 roku. W 2005 roku wydano poradnik do gry: Republic Commando: Prima Official Game Guide.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando è un videogioco sparatutto sviluppato da LucasArts Entertainment Company e Activision disponibile dal 1 Marzo 2005 per PC e Xbox. Ambientato durante le Guerre dei Cloni.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando es un videojuego de Star Wars shooter en primera persona lanzado en los EE.UU. el 22 de marzo de 2005. Fue desarrollado y publicado por LucasArts para las plataformas Windows y Xbox. Contiene una interfaz innovadora: manejas cuatro miembros de un escuadrón de élite de la República, y realizas misiones de sigilo, interceptación y sabotaje, con órdenes rápidas e intuitivas, que con sólo pulsar un botón se ordena al escuadrón que realice maniobras estratégicas y tareas complejas.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando je tímová 3D strieľačka, ktorá vám umožní preskúmať elitný svet armády Hviezdnych vojen. Čaká vás vedenie trojčlenného týmu elitného komanda Republiky. Čakajú vás napínavé misie hlboko za nepriateľskými líniami, rozdelené do viac než 14 úrovní a na tri kampane. K dispozícií vám bude viac než tucet smrtiacich zbraní. Unikátnou novinkou v tejto hre je možnosť ovládania vlastného týmu stisnutím jedinej z klávesov. Svojich spolubojovníkov tak jediným stisnutím pošlete do útoku či im zadáte akýkoľvek iný povel s pomocou intuitívneho systému príkazov.
  • Republic Commando följer Delta Squad, en grupp av kloner som skapats, programmerats och tränats till kommandosoldater, under klonkrigen. Delta Squad, som består av RC-1138 (Boss), RC-1140 (Fixer), RC-1207 (Sev) och RC-1262 (Scorch), skickas i början av klonkrigen till Geonosis, för att lönnmörda Sun Fac, och för att spränga ett skepp. De skickas senare ut för att undersöka ett övergivet Acclamator I-klass angreppsskepp. Spelets avslutas med en serie uppdrag på Kashyyk, där Sev försvinner.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando seuraa Deltaryhmää, kloonikommandojen muodostamaa eliittiryhmää, tämän kolmen tehtävän aikana kloonisodissa. Mandalorialaisten palkkasoturien, kuten Walon Vaun ja Kal Skiratan, kouluttamana kommandot olivat kyvykkäämpiä kuin tavalliset kloonisotilaat ja heillä oli hallussaan suuri valikoima aseita, tietokonetoimintoja ja räjähteitä.
  • Overall, the game received mostly positive reviews from critics and fans, often receiving scores between 80 and 90%. Several aspects of the game were negatively received, some of this focused on level architecture, specifically a seemingly linear level design. The game was criticized for problems with squad members taking their time to catch up to the player and problems issuing commands, and short time to play-through the campaign. Multiplayer mode in the game was often critized as inadequate, with only 10 maps and limited replayability due to no co-operative campaign mode, which features in other squad-based games.
  • The game takes place around the Clone Wars between Episode II and Episode III. In the game, the player takes command of Delta Squad, a group of elite clone trooper called Clone commandos, specially bred on Kamino. The elite Clone commandos were trained by Mandalorian mercenaries, as the clone template Jango Fett believed that they could learn more in live fire simulations. Once the Commandos were fully grown, they were divided up into groups of four, mainly called "pods".
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars Republic commando
  • Star Wars Republic commando
  • Star Wars Republic commando
  • Star Wars Republic commando
  • Star Wars Republic commando
  • Star Wars Republic commando
  • PC, Xbox
  • LucasArts
  • střílečka z pohledu první osoby
  • *ESRB rating: Teen *USK: 16
  • PC, Xbox
  • *Um jogador *Multijogador
  • LucasArts
dramatis personae
  • *РК-1138, Босс *РК-1140, Фиксер *РК-1207, Сев *РК-1262, Скорч
  • *Aurebesh *Bacta *Huttese **Fierfek *Mando'a *Resina Phinda *Shyriiwook *Esclavitud *Árbol wroshyr
  • --03-04
  • 250
  • *17 *35 *CC-01/425 *Sun Fac *Jango Fett *Grievous *Martz *RC-1136 *RC-1138 "Boss" *RC-1140 "Fixer" *RC-1207 "Sev" *RC-1262 "Scorch" *Talbot *Tarfful *Soldado clon no identificado *Soldado clon no identificado (bahía de torpedo Acusador) *Walon Vau *Taun We *Mace Windu *Yoda
  • 22
  • *Guerras Clon **Primera Batalla de Geonosis ***Incursión en la Nave Núcleo **Batalla de Kashyyyk **Misión al Cúmulo Chaykin **Misión a Kashyyyk
  • *Moto jet 74-Z *Nave de Asalto clase Acclamator I **Acusador **Arrestor *Ejecutor Táctico Todo Terreno *Caza estelar Belbullab-22 **Desalmado Uno *Portatropas CR25 *Caza estelar droide *Transporte de Asalto de Baja Altitud/infantería **Harken *Nave de batalla clase Lucrehulk *Nave Núcleo clase Lucrehulk *Caza estelar de defensa territorial clase Nantex *Nave de observación *Destructor ligero clase Recusante *Acorazado Separatista *Artillería Pesada AutoPropulsada *Nave de desembarco trandoshana *Caza estelar V-19 Torrente *Nave de desembarco wookiee
  • *PC *Xbox
  • *Geonosiano **Guerreros geonosianos **Geonosiano de élite *Humano **Clon *Kaleesh **Cyborg *Kaminoano *Trandoshano *Wookiee *Especie de Yoda
  • *Aiwha *Gurrcat *Jungle worrt *Kreetle *Mynock *Nerf *Phidna
  • *Айвха *Гарр-кот *Критл *Минокк *Нерф *Тропический уоррт *Фидна
  • *Holocámara 57C *Escopeta Adornada Cargada de Partículas Aceleradas *Fusil de Repetición Cargado de Partículas Aceleradas *Cañón anti naves *Armadura **Armadura de Ops Nocturnas **Armadura de comando clase Katarn **Armadura de soldado clon Fase I *Dispensador de droides de batalla B1 *Dispensador de droides de batalla B2 *Ballesta *Implante de procesamiento de bacta *Casco de aprendizaje de soldado clon *Clonación *Láser de haz compuesto torreta *Bláster **Pistola Bláster ***Pistola bláster lateral DC-15 **Rifle Bláster ***Rifle bláster DC-15A ***Rifle bláster E-5 **Bláster DC-15S **Bláster de repetición pesado EWHB-12 *Sistema de Arma Intercambiable DC-17m *Pack de detonación *Dispensador de Droideka *Detonador de pulso electromagnético *Electrovara *Tanque de bacta de campo *Detonador de resplandor *Flash de memoria *Pistola de rayos de élite geonosiana *Pica de fuerza geonosiana *Holograma *Holoproyector *Artefacto explosivo improvisado *Mochila propulsora *Cámara de clonación de Kamino *Sable de luz *Rifle de conclusión LJ-50 *Cañón sónico LR1K *Cañón Repetidor Pesado Cargado de Partículas Aceleradas LS-150 *Cañón de masa conductora *Mina de proximidad *Vibrocuchilla Plateada de Muñeca retractable *Detonador sónico *Detonador termal *Celda de contención trandoshana *Torreta Lanza Misiles Trandoshana *Cuchilla de guerrero trandoshano *Turboláser *Lanza Misiles Dual Wookiee *Lanza Misiles Guiados Wookiee *Lanza Misiles Cuadrado Wookiee
  • Republic_commando_game.jpg
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Ação em 1ª Pessoa
  • Shooter y juego táctico en primera persona
  • LucasArts
  • 22
  • *Cúmulo Chaykin **Sistema Corbantis *Sector Corelliano **Corellia *Coruscant *Geonosis **Catacumbas geonosianas **Fábricas de droides de Geonosis **Arena Petranaki *Kamino **Ciudad Tipoca ***Complejo Militar de Ciudad Tipoca *Kashyyyk **Kachirho ***Puente de Kachirho
  • *PC *XBox
  • *Confederación de Sistemas Independientes **Gremio de Comercio **Comandante Supremo de los Ejércitos Droide ***General **Tecno Unión **Federación de Comercio **Esclavistas Trandoshanos **Mercenarios trandoshanos de asalto pesado **Mercenarios Trandoshanos *República Galáctica **Gran Ejército de la República ***Consejero Clon ***Comando clon ****Escuadrón Delta ****Escuadrón Theta ***Soldado clon ***Teniente Clon ***Piloto Clon ***Sargento clon **General Jedi **Armada de la República **Capitán *Supercomando Mandaloriano *Sargento *Hacker *Francotirador *Jefe wookiee
  • *Aiwha *Gurrcat *Worrt de jungla *Kreetle *Mynock *Nerf *Phidna *Orray *Blurrg de pantano
  • 8.700000
  • *Temuera Morrison: voice of RC-1138 (Boss) *Andrew Chaikin: voice of RC-1140 (Fixer) *Jonathan Cook: voice of RC-1207 (Sev) *Raphael Sbarge: voice of RC-1262 (Scorch) *Rena Owen: voice of Taun We and RAS Ship Computer *David W. Collins:voice of Transoshans, Clone trooper Sergeant, Republic radio chatter voices *Roger Jackson:voice of Automated ship, Clone troopers, Clone trooper Lieutenant and Gunship Pilot *Tom Kane: voice of Yoda, Captain Talbot and Trandoshan Slaver #2 *Clint Young: voice of B1 battle droid and B2 super battle droid
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • thumb|250px|Concept art for Republic Commando. *17 *CC-01/425 *Sun Fac *Jango Fett *Grievous *Martz *RC-1136 *RC-1138 "Boss" *RC-1140 "Fixer" *RC-1207 "Sev" *RC-1262 "Scorch" *Talbot *Tarfful *Three-Five *Unidentified clone trooper (Geonosis) *Unidentified clone trooper (Geonosian kill) *Unidentified clone trooper (Prosecutor) *Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Prosecutor) *Unidentified Geonosian warrior *Walon Vau *Taun We *Mace Windu *Yoda
  • 22
  • -1035.0
  • *Clone Wars **Attack on the Prosecutor **Battle of Kashyyyk **First Battle of Geonosis **Mission to the Chaykin Cluster **Mission to Kashyyyk
  • *Войны клонов **Битва за Джеонозис ***Рейд на корабль-ядро **Миссия в секторе Чайкин **Миссия на Кашиике **Битва за Кашиик
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • 3.800000
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • 3.500000
  • 5
  • --07-28
  • LucasArts Revives Classic Gaming Titles
  • Beyond a Cell Block: References to THX 1138 in Star Wars
  • From a Certain Point of View: What is the Most Underrated Star Wars Video Game?
  • Revisiting Star Wars: Republic Commando — with Its Lead Programmer
  • How Star Wars Games Expanded Legends
  • LucasArts Announces Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • LucasArts Announces Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • LucasArts Announces Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars Republic Commando: Out Now!
  • Star Wars Republic Commando: Out Now!
  • Star Wars Republic Commando: Out Now!
  • The Art of Star Wars Republic Commando
  • The Art of Star Wars Republic Commando
  • The Art of Star Wars Republic Commando
  • The Best Star Wars Games of the PlayStation 2 Era
  • Troop Movements: Animating Republic Commandos
  • Troop Movements: Animating Republic Commandos
  • Troop Movements: Animating Republic Commandos
  • What is a Republic Commando?
  • What is a Republic Commando?
  • What is a Republic Commando?
  • The Making of Star Wars Republic Commando: Temuera Morrison
  • The Making of Star Wars Republic Commando: Temuera Morrison
  • The Making of Star Wars Republic Commando: Temuera Morrison
  • The Squad is Your Weapon: Star Wars Republic Commando Tactics
  • The Squad is Your Weapon: Star Wars Republic Commando Tactics
  • The Squad is Your Weapon: Star Wars Republic Commando Tactics
  • 8
  • Подростки
  • USK: 16
  • ESRB rating: Teen
  • *Un jugador *Multijugador
  • PC Xbox
Mode de jeu
  • Solo & Multijoueur
  • Yksin- ja moninpeli
  • 78
  • *Ауребеш *Бакта *Хаттский язык *Мандо'а *Смола финды *Шириивук *Работорговля *Дерево врошир *Огонь *Время **22 ДБЯ **21 ДБЯ **19 ДБЯ
  • *Aurebesh *Bacta *Huttese **Fierfek *Mando'a *Phinda resin *Shyriiwook *Slavery *Wroshyr tree
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • Republic Commando
  • 9.200000
  • 9
  • *Гравицикл 74-Z *Ударный крейсер типа «Аккламатор I» **Обвинитель **Арестовывающий *AT-TE *Звёздный истребитель Belbullab-22 **Бездушный *Десантный корабль CR25 *Истребитель дроидов *СНДК **Харкен *Линейный корабль типа «Барышник» *Корабль-ядро типа «Барышник» *Территориальный оборонительный истребитель типа «Нантекс» *Корабль-обсерватория *Лёгкий разрушитель типа «Бунтарь» *Сепаратиский крейсер *СТАУ *Трандошанский челнок *Истребитель V-19 «Торрент» *Челнок вуки
  • *74-Z speeder bike *Acclamator-class assault ship **Prosecutor **Arrestor *All Terrain Tactical Enforcer *Belbullab-22 starfighter **Soulless One *CR25 troop carrier *Droid starfighter *Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry **Harken *Lucrehulk-class battleship *Lucrehulk-class core ship *Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter *Observation Ship *Recusant-class light destroyer *Separatist cruiser *Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery *Trandoshan dropship *V-19 Torrent starfighter *Wookiee dropship
  • *Geonosian **Geonosian warriors **Geonosian elite *Human **Clone *Kaleesh **Cyborg *Kaminoan *Trandoshan *Wookiee *Yoda's species
  • *Джеонозийцы **Джеонозийские воины **Джеонозийская элита *Люди **Клоны *Калишцы *Каминоане *Трандошане *Вуки *Раса Йоды
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • 28
  • 8.200000
  • 250
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Клавиатура и мышь, геймпад
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • 79.110000
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • 3.500000
  • 22
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • news/galaxy-wire-star-wars-news-from-around-the-web-july-28-2015
  • games/videogames/news20090706news.html
  • news/5-great-works-of-star-wars-video-game-box-art
  • news/beyond-a-cell-block-references-to-thx-1138-in-star-wars
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20050114/index.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20050128/index.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20050128/index.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/f20050128/index.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20030513.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20030513.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20030513.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20050228.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20050228.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20050228.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20050301.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20050301.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/news20050301.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/rc_morrison.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/rc_morrison.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/rc_morrison.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/swrc_squad.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/swrc_squad.html
  • gaming/videogames/news/swrc_squad.html
  • news/revisiting-star-wars-republic-commando-with-its-lead-programmer
  • news/how-star-wars-games-expanded-legends
  • news/5-classic-star-wars-games-to-match-modern-tastes
  • news/from-a-certain-point-of-view-what-is-the-most-underrated-star-wars-video-game
  • games/videogames/what_is_republic_commando/index.html
  • games/videogames/what_is_republic_commando/index.html
  • news/the-best-star-wars-games-of-the-playstation-2-era
  • 2005-02-28
  • 2005-03-01
  • --02-17
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • 4
  • *Конфедерация Независимых Систем **Коммерческая Гильдия **ТехноСоюз **Торговая федерация **Трандошанские работорговцы **Наёмники-трандошане *Генерал *Мандалорские суперкоммандос *Сержант *Снайпер *Хакер *Вуки-стражник *Галактическая Республика **Великая Армия Республики ***Клон-советник ***Клон-коммандос ****Отряд «Дельта» ****Отряд «Тета» ***Клон-солдат ***Клон-лейтенант ***Клон-пилот ***Клон-сержант ***Генерал-джедай
  • *Confederacy of Independent Systems **Commerce Guild **Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies ***General **Techno Union **Trade Federation **Trandoshan slavers **Trandoshan Heavy assault mercenaries **Trandoshan mercenaries *Galactic Republic **Grand Army of the Republic ***Clone advisor ***Clone commandos ****Delta Squad ****Theta Squad ***Clone troopers ***Clone trooper lieutenant ***Clone trooper pilot ***Clone trooper sergeant **Jedi General **Republic Navy **Captain *Mandalorian Supercommando *Sergeant *Slicer *Sniper *Wookiee Chieftain
  • USK: 16
  • ESRB rating: Teen
  • *Дроид-паук A-DSD *Боевой дроид B1 *Боевой супердроид B2 *Дройдека *Дроид GNK *МагнаСтраж *Серия MSE *Самонаводящийся дроид-паук OG-9 *Разведывательный дроид Prowler 1000 *R2-серия *R5-серия *Дроид-мусорщик
  • *Astromech droid **R-series ***R2-series astromech droid ***R5-series astromech droid *Battle droid **A-DSD advanced dwarf spider droid **B-series battle droid ***B1 battle droid ***B2 super battle droid **Droideka **IG-series ***IG-100 MagnaGuard *MSE-series *OG-9 homing spider droid *Power droid **GNK power droid *Probe droid **Prowler 1000 exploration droid *Scavenger droid
  • *Сектор Чайкин **Система Корбантис *Кореллианский сектор **Кореллия *Корускант *Джеонозис **Джеонозийские катакомбы **Джеонозийские фабрики дроидов **Арена Петранаки *Камино **Тайпока-Сити ***Военный комплекс Тайпока-Сити *Кашиик **Архипелаг Ваваатт ***Качиро ****Мост Качиро
  • *Chaykin Cluster **Corbantis system *Corellian sector **Corellia *Coruscant *Geonosis **Geonosian catacombs **Geonosis droid foundries **Petranaki arena *Kamino **Tipoca City ***Clone military education complex *Kashyyyk **Kachirho ***Kachirho Bridge
  • *Tim Longo: Director *Ryan Kaufman: Writer *Michael Stemmle: Writer *John A. Hancock: Writer *Justin Lambros: Writer
  • B+ on PC B on Xbox
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • *droide astromecánico **Serie R ***Droide astromecánico serie R2 ***Droide astromecánico serie R5 *Droide de combate **Droide Araña Avanzado Enano **Droide de combate serie B ***Droide de combate B1 ***Superdroide de combate B2 **Droideka **Serie IG ***MagnaGuardia IG-100 *Serie-MSE *Droide araña buscador OG-9 *Droide de energía **Droide de energía GNK *Droide sonda **Droide de exploración merodeador 1000 *Droide Basurero
Other Characters
  • *17 *Вэлон Вэу *Гривус *Джанго Фетт *Йода *КК-01/425 *Марц *Мэйс Винду *РК-1136 *Сан Фак *Талбот *Тарфулл *Таун Ве *Три-Пять
  • 1
  • Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:32, December 13, 2013 (UTC)
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando is a video game for Windows PC and Xbox. It is about a squad of clone commandos called Delta Squad, and their mission is to help save the Galactic Republic with the help of a Clone Advisor.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando (Звёздные Войны: Республиканские коммандос) — компьютерная игра в жанре шутера от первого лица, разработанный компанией LucasArts для Microsoft Windows и Xbox. Выпущена 1 марта 2005 года. Сюжет описывает действия группы клонов-коммандос под названием «Дельта» и охватывает сразу всю Войну Клонов, начиная от первой её битвы, то есть между вторым эпизодом и третьим.
  • Overall, the game received mostly positive reviews from critics and fans, often receiving scores between 80 and 90%. Several aspects of the game were negatively received, some of this focused on level architecture, specifically a seemingly linear level design. The game was criticized for problems with squad members taking their time to catch up to the player and problems issuing commands, and short time to play-through the campaign. Multiplayer mode in the game was often critized as inadequate, with only 10 maps and limited replayability due to no co-operative campaign mode, which features in other squad-based games. The game's positive aspects were most identified as it's fast-paced gritty action, and the audio and visual environment praised. It was also praised for a lack of "fruity Force powers or lightsabers".
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando, to gra komputerowa wydana w 2005 roku. W 2005 roku wydano poradnik do gry: Republic Commando: Prima Official Game Guide.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando è un videogioco sparatutto sviluppato da LucasArts Entertainment Company e Activision disponibile dal 1 Marzo 2005 per PC e Xbox. Ambientato durante le Guerre dei Cloni.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando es un videojuego de Star Wars shooter en primera persona lanzado en los EE.UU. el 22 de marzo de 2005. Fue desarrollado y publicado por LucasArts para las plataformas Windows y Xbox. Contiene una interfaz innovadora: manejas cuatro miembros de un escuadrón de élite de la República, y realizas misiones de sigilo, interceptación y sabotaje, con órdenes rápidas e intuitivas, que con sólo pulsar un botón se ordena al escuadrón que realice maniobras estratégicas y tareas complejas.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando je tímová 3D strieľačka, ktorá vám umožní preskúmať elitný svet armády Hviezdnych vojen. Čaká vás vedenie trojčlenného týmu elitného komanda Republiky. Čakajú vás napínavé misie hlboko za nepriateľskými líniami, rozdelené do viac než 14 úrovní a na tri kampane. K dispozícií vám bude viac než tucet smrtiacich zbraní. Unikátnou novinkou v tejto hre je možnosť ovládania vlastného týmu stisnutím jedinej z klávesov. Svojich spolubojovníkov tak jediným stisnutím pošlete do útoku či im zadáte akýkoľvek iný povel s pomocou intuitívneho systému príkazov.
  • Republic Commando följer Delta Squad, en grupp av kloner som skapats, programmerats och tränats till kommandosoldater, under klonkrigen. Delta Squad, som består av RC-1138 (Boss), RC-1140 (Fixer), RC-1207 (Sev) och RC-1262 (Scorch), skickas i början av klonkrigen till Geonosis, för att lönnmörda Sun Fac, och för att spränga ett skepp. De skickas senare ut för att undersöka ett övergivet Acclamator I-klass angreppsskepp. Spelets avslutas med en serie uppdrag på Kashyyk, där Sev försvinner.
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando seuraa Deltaryhmää, kloonikommandojen muodostamaa eliittiryhmää, tämän kolmen tehtävän aikana kloonisodissa. Mandalorialaisten palkkasoturien, kuten Walon Vaun ja Kal Skiratan, kouluttamana kommandot olivat kyvykkäämpiä kuin tavalliset kloonisotilaat ja heillä oli hallussaan suuri valikoima aseita, tietokonetoimintoja ja räjähteitä. Peli seuraa Deltaryhmän toimintaa kolmessa eri kohteessa; Geonosiksella, hylätyllä Acclamator I-luokan hyökkäysaluksella nimeltä Prosecutor ja Kashyyykilla. Jokaisessa paikassa pelaaja johtaa ryhmää useiden kohteiden läpi taistellen vihollisia vastaan aina taisteludroideista tradoshaneihin. Pelaajan apuna toimii kloonineuvonantaja CC-01/425, joka ilmoittaa tehtävän tavoitteista jokaisella tasolla. Peli auttaa kuromaan aukkoa Kloonien hyökkäys ja Sithin kosto -elokuvien välillä. Pelin kehittäjät ovat sanoneet, että kirjat ja elokuvat ovat usein jedien näkökulmasta, mutta Republic Commando puolestaan edustaa täysin sotilaitten näkökulmaa.
  • The game takes place around the Clone Wars between Episode II and Episode III. In the game, the player takes command of Delta Squad, a group of elite clone trooper called Clone commandos, specially bred on Kamino. The elite Clone commandos were trained by Mandalorian mercenaries, as the clone template Jango Fett believed that they could learn more in live fire simulations. Once the Commandos were fully grown, they were divided up into groups of four, mainly called "pods". The Commandos were instructed and trained by the most elite of warriors, people such as the Cuy'val Dar, a group of brilliant training sergeants hand-picked by Fett. The Commandos were trained in situations with live fire, making them realize just what the battles felt like. The commando team featured in the game, known as Delta Squad, trained by Walon Vau, traveled to various locations in the Star Wars universe, including Kashyyyk and Geonosis, as well as a Acclamator I-class assault ship. The game is one of the first in the Star Wars universe to feature a more militaristic style, which sets a darker tone than most other games that are a part of Star Wars. The game developers say that if the other media are seen from the point of view of the Jedi, then Republic Commando is from the point of view of the clone troopers.
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