  • Convoy (G1 anime and manga)
  • This profile will cover the Optimus Prime (known in Japan as Convoy) of the original 80's Japanese cartoon - universal stream Primax 785.06 Alpha. As the Transformers multiverse is nigh-infinite and its many universes have divergent timelines, this page will focus only on Japanese media as American/Western continuity goes in a wildly different direction. As such this profile covers the first three seasons of the Japanese version of the "The Transformers" cartoon, known as "Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers", the "Scramble City" OVA, the 1986 film "The Transformers: The Movie", the "The Headmasters" anime, and supplemental material rooted in this canon more so than US canon (such as its many splinter continuity animes and mangas, Japanese exclusive stories and toys, etc).
  • This profile will cover the Optimus Prime (known in Japan as Convoy) of the original 80's Japanese cartoon - universal stream Primax 785.06 Alpha. As the Transformers multiverse is nigh-infinite and its many universes have divergent timelines, this page will focus only on Japanese media as American/Western continuity goes in a wildly different direction. As such this profile covers the first three seasons of the Japanese version of the "The Transformers" cartoon, known as "Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers", the "Scramble City" OVA, the 1986 film "The Transformers: The Movie", the "The Headmasters" anime, and supplemental material rooted in this canon more so than US canon (such as its many splinter continuity animes and mangas, Japanese exclusive stories and toys, etc). Note that while US G1 cartoon continuity essentially ends in 1987, Japan continued making content well into the 90's. While the American cartoon version of Optimus Prime does not have the convoluted timeline that Convoy gained from decades of canon in Japan, Japanese continuity still branches off of American continuity. As such, Convoy has done and can do anything listed for Optimus Prime here (Orion Pax and base form Optimus Prime only). Thus the starting point for Convoy's stats will be copied over from G1 cartoon Optimus Prime's and expanded thus. Also Autobots and Decepticons are called Cybertrons and Destrons in Japan, FYI.