  • Mexican Man Eating Eagle
  • The Mexican Man Eating Eagle is a sub-species of the regular eagle, and in some cases, a hybrid of the Man Eating Shark and the Mexican Homing Pigeon. It lives in China and eats kittens. No, not really. It lives in Mexico and eats people. If you thought otherwise, you are a moron and deserve to be tied upside down to a tree and be bashed to death with an organic carrot.
  • The Mexican Man Eating Eagle is a sub-species of the regular eagle, and in some cases, a hybrid of the Man Eating Shark and the Mexican Homing Pigeon. It lives in China and eats kittens. No, not really. It lives in Mexico and eats people. If you thought otherwise, you are a moron and deserve to be tied upside down to a tree and be bashed to death with an organic carrot.