  • The Pesci/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: A person who gets angry with little provocation. * Straight: A person who takes offence to almost anything someone says. * Exaggerated: The rage a person takes for someone saying something, is enormous. * "Hullo." "I'LL KILL HIM!" * Justified: The person has severe anger management issues and is overly sensitive to the things others say. * Inverted: This person is never angry or upset, calmly accepting things that would upset a normal person. "My friend died and you just killed him in front of me? Oh well, that's life." * Subverted: Bob blows up at Charlie, even though Alice is the one who slighted him. * Double Subverted: Bob blows up at Charlie, and it turns out that Charlie really was stabbing him in the back. * Parodied: ??? * Deconstruc
  • Basic Trope: A person who gets angry with little provocation. * Straight: A person who takes offence to almost anything someone says. * Exaggerated: The rage a person takes for someone saying something, is enormous. * "Hullo." "I'LL KILL HIM!" * Justified: The person has severe anger management issues and is overly sensitive to the things others say. * Inverted: This person is never angry or upset, calmly accepting things that would upset a normal person. "My friend died and you just killed him in front of me? Oh well, that's life." * Subverted: Bob blows up at Charlie, even though Alice is the one who slighted him. * Double Subverted: Bob blows up at Charlie, and it turns out that Charlie really was stabbing him in the back. * Parodied: ??? * Deconstructed: The Pesci's temper rubs someone the wrong way and the "victim" Kicks The Son Of A Bitch, making him learn a painful lesson about the stupidity of his behaviour. * Reconstructed: ??? * Zig Zagged: ??? * Averted: Alice slights Bob. Bob calmly shrugs it off. * Enforced: Bob needs to be humorously over-the-top so that when Dave has road rage later in the series and needs Anger Management classes, people will take it seriously. * Lampshaded: "Are you seriously trying to stiff me on this (beep) payment? You've known me for ten (beep) years and you think I'm gonna take that (beep) quietly?" * Invoked: Bob is in a show-within-the-show where he plays The Pesci and does the routine so he can stay in character. * Defied: Bob takes Anger Management classes and resolutely tries to control his temper. * Discussed: ??? * Conversed: ??? Back to The Pesci.