  • Dreamweaver
  • Dreamweaver
  • Dreamweaver
  • A prefix title awarded to enchanters who complete their wisdom AA line.
  • Dreamweaver is the leading WYSIWYG HTML editor. Image:Wikipedia-logo-en.png [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]] has an article on: Dreamweaver
  • Programa da Adobe (anteriormente da Macromedia) usado para criar sites e outras aplicações interactivas de páginas web.
  • Programa da Adobe (anteriormente da Macromedia) usado para criar sites e outras aplicações interactivas de páginas web.
  • Dreamweaver is a Heroic Perk. __NoToC__
  • Dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Dreamweaver was the dream projection of Horbert Feist, who projected this imaginary appearance when he haunted people's dreams with the use of a dream helmet.
  • Dreamweaver by Sonitus Vir is a song set to appear in the upcoming Mungyodance 3: The Third Rave.
  • A young woman in her 20's, thin, with smooth curves and bouncy curled green hair with dozens of needles protruding through her skull. She wore a long one-piece silk white dress with three black crosses, with long sleeves that went down to the floor presumably to hide weapons. Her emerald green eyes were filled with cunning and bloodlust, her tongue licking her lips with the thrill of battle. Her face looked crusty and badly burnt.
  • Kyna sat cross-legged, a heavy tome spread over her lap. Other dusty books sat open in a smattering around her, all marked with various ribbons. The offer that Elodie had given her was too lucrative to resist, no matter what the Elders would say. She would just have to find a way into the Dream - the Nightmare - without them knowing.She had been embarrassed, losing a memory like that in front of Sister Tera. The drive within her to find herself pushed her through every Path, pushed her toward the Agency, pushed her to learn all that she could. She had thought that Agency would be a place she could support herself and practice her arts, but she had to admit... in the back of her mind, she wanted to use the tools at their disposal to rediscover herself.They had said it was a fall from a tree
  • 非教學文,所以不要問我原理,我也不太懂,寫起來有個功效,就是讓自己不會忘掉。 網海逛久了,偶爾也會想要把一些資料留下,每每我都告訴自己,我只有自己看看, 沒有對外分享或者做出任何的商業行為→我是合法的... 不過也是會遇到那種被對方鎖的死死的檔案,不能下載只能線上觀看的asx影片就是其中一種。 asx的檔案用Media Player播放時很容易出現「緩衝處理中 X%」,所以流量決定了播放的速度,不管load過幾次都會緩衝,所以我才想把影片抓下來本機看。那要怎麼把asx類的影片抓下來呢?其實,抓了asx也沒用,它不過是一個開門的鑰匙,讓你通往真正影片連結的網路位置,但是影片檔放在哪,也得讓鑰匙來告訴我們。 本例示範媽豆:「鋼之鍊金術師」預告片。 ▼ 鋼鍊官網是使用FLASH嵌入式的,所以改用MBS的預告片資源。 ▼ 隨便點選一支預告,我點選第一支。 ▼ Click之前可注意左下方的狀態列,會顯示這支影片的資訊,第一支的檔名就是00a.asx。 凡走過必留下痕跡,所以只要在網路上看過的東西,其實都會進到自己的電腦來。所以只要到特定的資料夾就找得到了(xxx代表的是自己的uername) 【XP】C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files ▼ 從那個資料夾可以找到剛剛點選的影片檔案00a.asx。 ▼ 先新增一個下載檔。
  • Dreamweavers were Volsinii who stayed for long periods within the Virtual reality pods who were capable of manipulating their virtual environment. This ability gave them their name by the other 'residents' of the virtual world. They are both respected as well as feared for this ability. They possessed a deep understanding of Human motivations and dreams as well as masters at bringing these to life in their virtual simulations.
  • To get revenge on his former friends for taking away his fantasy character in Crypts and Creatures
  • Red
  • 101
  • MGD3 Productions
  • Mungyodance 3: The Third Rave
  • Black
  • 225686
  • SDMI: Web of the Dreamweaver!
  • Dreamweaver 200px
  • Easy, Med, Hard, ANOTHER
  • Can control people into destroying their possessions with his crystal ball and can go inside people's dreams
  • Sonitus Vir
  • Male
  • 2008
  • A prefix title awarded to enchanters who complete their wisdom AA line.
  • Dreamweavers were Volsinii who stayed for long periods within the Virtual reality pods who were capable of manipulating their virtual environment. This ability gave them their name by the other 'residents' of the virtual world. They are both respected as well as feared for this ability. They possessed a deep understanding of Human motivations and dreams as well as masters at bringing these to life in their virtual simulations. After their encounter with SG-1, several Dreamweavers chose to remain inside the virtual reality where they would create scenariors, simulations and assist the Gamekeepers willful nature. A properly prepared Dreamweaver could alter a virtual scenario or simulation at a whim allowing them to produce equipment, weapons and other devices. These changes were easier to draw upon from the experiences from someone who had been hooked within the VR pods. (RPG: "Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two")
  • Dreamweaver is the leading WYSIWYG HTML editor. Image:Wikipedia-logo-en.png [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]] has an article on: Dreamweaver
  • Programa da Adobe (anteriormente da Macromedia) usado para criar sites e outras aplicações interactivas de páginas web.
  • Programa da Adobe (anteriormente da Macromedia) usado para criar sites e outras aplicações interactivas de páginas web.
  • Dreamweaver is a Heroic Perk. __NoToC__
  • Dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Dreamweaver was the dream projection of Horbert Feist, who projected this imaginary appearance when he haunted people's dreams with the use of a dream helmet.
  • 非教學文,所以不要問我原理,我也不太懂,寫起來有個功效,就是讓自己不會忘掉。 網海逛久了,偶爾也會想要把一些資料留下,每每我都告訴自己,我只有自己看看, 沒有對外分享或者做出任何的商業行為→我是合法的... 不過也是會遇到那種被對方鎖的死死的檔案,不能下載只能線上觀看的asx影片就是其中一種。 asx的檔案用Media Player播放時很容易出現「緩衝處理中 X%」,所以流量決定了播放的速度,不管load過幾次都會緩衝,所以我才想把影片抓下來本機看。那要怎麼把asx類的影片抓下來呢?其實,抓了asx也沒用,它不過是一個開門的鑰匙,讓你通往真正影片連結的網路位置,但是影片檔放在哪,也得讓鑰匙來告訴我們。 本例示範媽豆:「鋼之鍊金術師」預告片。 ▼ 鋼鍊官網是使用FLASH嵌入式的,所以改用MBS的預告片資源。 ▼ 隨便點選一支預告,我點選第一支。 ▼ Click之前可注意左下方的狀態列,會顯示這支影片的資訊,第一支的檔名就是00a.asx。 凡走過必留下痕跡,所以只要在網路上看過的東西,其實都會進到自己的電腦來。所以只要到特定的資料夾就找得到了(xxx代表的是自己的uername) 【XP】C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files 【WIN2000】C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files ▼ 從那個資料夾可以找到剛剛點選的影片檔案00a.asx。 ▼ 拉到桌面去比較好使用。 ▼ 用附屬應用程式內的「記事本」開啟剛剛拉下來的asx檔。 ▼ 出現這一大串,其中選取起來的mms那一段,就是影片真正的所在位置,請「複製」它。 接著就可以藉一些續傳軟體來把它分解抓下,這裡使用Net Transport(影音傳送帶)示範。 ▼ 先新增一個下載檔。 ▼ 把剛剛從記事本中copy下來的那一串URL貼上。 ★注意:這裡需要將URL前面的mms改成HTTP才行唷! ▼ 此時軟體開始自行抓取wmv影片了,連同asx這把鑰匙,變成三個下載檔。 ▼ 我是不知道為何會切成三個檔啦,但除了最小的那1K的檔外,其他的就是我所需的影片了。 一般來說還可以使用StreamBox VCR、FlashGet跟Net Transport,只是StreamBox VCR的註冊屢連不上,我在家用FlashGet,公司用Net Transport,它是大陸第一個可用於MMS、RTSP、HTTP、HTTPS和FTP的全能下載軟體。跟FlashGet一樣,分流下載是它們的特點,CPU佔用率也低,就算是下載普通的文件速度也是非常迅速。 ■ Net Transport(影音傳送帶) □ FlashGet ■ StreamBox VCR 以上連結不保證OK,有的還是試用版,請自行上孤狗大神拜請您所需的東西。
  • Dreamweaver by Sonitus Vir is a song set to appear in the upcoming Mungyodance 3: The Third Rave.
  • Kyna sat cross-legged, a heavy tome spread over her lap. Other dusty books sat open in a smattering around her, all marked with various ribbons. The offer that Elodie had given her was too lucrative to resist, no matter what the Elders would say. She would just have to find a way into the Dream - the Nightmare - without them knowing.She had been embarrassed, losing a memory like that in front of Sister Tera. The drive within her to find herself pushed her through every Path, pushed her toward the Agency, pushed her to learn all that she could. She had thought that Agency would be a place she could support herself and practice her arts, but she had to admit... in the back of her mind, she wanted to use the tools at their disposal to rediscover herself.They had said it was a fall from a tree that caused a coma and the wisps of memory drifting just out of reach like a word nearly forgotten dangling from the tip of a tongue. She didn't believe them, but she suspected they were telling her this to protect her from something. Oh, but she wasn't a child anymore! So many times she had tried to prove herself worthy... and yet, they held fast to that silly explanation. Didn't they trust her? She mentally recited all she had learned about the Dream from the dusty books. She wished to surprise Elodie with what she'd learned, and hoped it would only bring her more esteem in her Sister's eyes. She was grateful to find another Sister in Agency, one with the knowledge and connections she needed. The latest session with Elodie proved to be difficult and yet so richly rewarding. She had finally learned to project at will, a skill that often took years to master. Elodie suspected that Kyna once knew how, and that it must have come back to her, rather than it being wholly new information.The lesson began with a meditation. Her lids drew heavy as the two of them chanted ancient words, twisting their tongues around prayers to the Goddess, to Cenarius, to Malorne, to Nature. The air felt vivid; colors more vibrant, more breath-taking. She could feel the air pass into her lungs, tickling every tiny nerve. The thud of her own pulse was louder than war drums, louder than armies moving, louder than the earth shaking. She sunk into herself, into the nothingness, the Void.A brief spark of green light. It grew closer and closer and suddenly she found herself being hurled at it. She tried to shield her face with her hands, but found that she had neither. Terror gripped the edges of her mind, causing the Void to flicker, but she held on, hurtling, hurtling... to a stop. The World of the Waking Dream wavered like an almost-solid mist. Trees, forests, everything was as it was in the real world; yet... it shifted from time to time. A tree gone there, a tree bigger, rounder there, a house appearing where there was none before. And then she noticed the blight. Disease ate away leaf and plant alike, leaving them dull and oozing. Some even tried to reach for her as she passed. She suppressed a shudder.And then Elodie appeared. She was dressed in robes of vine-colors, embroidered with ivy. She giggled, and Kyna suddenly knew why. She blushed deeply at her nudity, and quickly her skin was replaced with a high-necked blouse and full-length skirt. A searing cry suddenly pierced the air, and instantly Elodie crouched. Battle armor replaced robe in nothing more than a blink. And then, she was gone. The cry grew louder...Kyna felt herself being shaken. She awoke to Elodie's concerned face."The Dream is filled with Taint, and there is a battle there. We must be careful until you become more adept.""Yes, Sister Elodie," she replied dutifully, her voice shaking slightly.
  • A young woman in her 20's, thin, with smooth curves and bouncy curled green hair with dozens of needles protruding through her skull. She wore a long one-piece silk white dress with three black crosses, with long sleeves that went down to the floor presumably to hide weapons. Her emerald green eyes were filled with cunning and bloodlust, her tongue licking her lips with the thrill of battle. Her face looked crusty and badly burnt.
is notable role(s) of
is Title of