  • Torat
  • Torat
  • thumb|Torat Torat ist ein berühmter Wissenschaftler im Bereich von Stellarkartographie. Die Brenari haben Asyl auf der USS Voyager gefunden, sie sind auf der Fluch vor dem Devore-Imperium. In diesem Territorium dürfen sich nämlich keinen Telepathen aufhalten. Die Brenari haben von diesem Wissenschaftler gehört und hoffen dass er ihnen helfen kann das Wurmloch, das die Fluch ermöglicht zu finden. Dieser Wissenschaftler ist Torat, den die Voyager schließlich aufspüren kann. Torat wurde von Randy Lowell gespielt, sein Synchronsprecher war Georg Tryphon. Kategorie:Person
  • The Torat is a predatory cat species from the planet Chil'a'Chin. Torat's are solitary in nature and prey on any creatures that suit their dietary needs. The panther like species have orange eyes that appear to glow, matching the lava color around them. Their fur is layered over top of armor plates that allow them to be nearly impervious to damage from the lava that makes up the majority of their homeworld. This species has been known to hunt the Xen'Chi, becoming a feared creature not just to its prey but also to many Xen'Chi children as they grow up.
  • Torat was a scientist from Torat's species in the Delta Quadrant. In 2375, when Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager had agreed to transport a group of telepaths wanted by the Devore Imperium to shelter, she contacted Torat. An expert in wormholes, he provided Janeway with research on a randomly appearing wormhole. In return, Janeway provided him with mercurium isochromate to power his ship. By using Torat's information and calculations, Janeway was able to locate the wormhole's next appearance and transport the telepaths through it to safety. (VOY: "Counterpoint")
  • 1.2m
  • 2375
  • *Black
  • Torat
  • Semi-Sentient
  • *Orange
  • Active
  • Torat
  • Cat
  • 300.0
  • 6.31152E8
  • *Armored
  • Carnivore
  • Male
  • thumb|Torat Torat ist ein berühmter Wissenschaftler im Bereich von Stellarkartographie. Die Brenari haben Asyl auf der USS Voyager gefunden, sie sind auf der Fluch vor dem Devore-Imperium. In diesem Territorium dürfen sich nämlich keinen Telepathen aufhalten. Die Brenari haben von diesem Wissenschaftler gehört und hoffen dass er ihnen helfen kann das Wurmloch, das die Fluch ermöglicht zu finden. Dieser Wissenschaftler ist Torat, den die Voyager schließlich aufspüren kann. Er wird von Captain Kathryn Janeway und Kashyk verhört. Erst als sie ihm bei seiner Wissenschaftlerehre packen und seinen Arbeit - angeblich - gering schätzen, kann er ihnen weiterhelfen. Er weiß zwar nicht, wo das Wurmloch sich dieses Mal öffnen wird, doch er gibt ihnen die Koordinaten der letzten vier Öffnungen. (VOY: ) Torat wurde von Randy Lowell gespielt, sein Synchronsprecher war Georg Tryphon. Kategorie:Person
  • Torat was a scientist from Torat's species in the Delta Quadrant. In 2375, when Captain Kathryn Janeway of the USS Voyager had agreed to transport a group of telepaths wanted by the Devore Imperium to shelter, she contacted Torat. An expert in wormholes, he provided Janeway with research on a randomly appearing wormhole. In return, Janeway provided him with mercurium isochromate to power his ship. By using Torat's information and calculations, Janeway was able to locate the wormhole's next appearance and transport the telepaths through it to safety. (VOY: "Counterpoint") Torat was played by Randy Lowell.
  • The Torat is a predatory cat species from the planet Chil'a'Chin. Torat's are solitary in nature and prey on any creatures that suit their dietary needs. The panther like species have orange eyes that appear to glow, matching the lava color around them. Their fur is layered over top of armor plates that allow them to be nearly impervious to damage from the lava that makes up the majority of their homeworld. This species has been known to hunt the Xen'Chi, becoming a feared creature not just to its prey but also to many Xen'Chi children as they grow up. Male Torat's maintain a wide territory that overlaps with other males of their kind. More often then not confrontations end in a brutal display of fighting that leaves one or both of the males too injured to survive long beyond the fight. Females while not territorial do display the ability to be territorial while they have young around.