  • Sovereignty
  • Sovereignty, Senior Officer of the crew Virtuous Sins, Prince of the flag PerfectlyEvilRedVexers on the Viridian ocean. Sovereignty first started his pirate career unaware of crews, he soon found himself being asked to join a crew to which he agreed. Working his way up from cabin person to senior officer he struggled to keep his slowly crumbling crew from falling through. A pillage he led soon showed him that perhaps he was better off leading his own crew. A long while after taking his in game wife Mskel, Sovereignty and Mskel soon decided to form their own crew to better hold true to their slowly reclining wants to sail the 3 sea's of Viridian.
  • Different cultures and governments have, understandably, had different ideas about sovereignty.
  • The Sovereignty skill allows a CEO to include many more members in the corporation.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Sovereignty/preload editintro=Sovereignty/editintro width=25 Sovereignty is a planned wiki-based, free-to-play, multiplayer game focused on geopolitical role playing. Sovereignty will take advantage of the flexibility offered by MediaWiki to provide players with an in-depth gaming experience. The game's robust feature set will include options for warfare, economic development, subnational entities, alliances, treaties, and trade. Those interested in history, economics, strategy, or politics will enjoy playing this game. Also, Sovereignty will be great place to take your althist or conworld for a multiplayer spin.
  • Sovereignty is the exclusive right to have control over an area of governance, people, or oneself. A sovereign is the supreme lawmaking authority. Enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in Book III, Chapter III of his 1763 treatise Of the Social Contract, argued, "the growth of the State giving the trustees of public authority more and means to abuse their power, the more the Government has to have force to contain the people, the more force the Sovereign should have in turn in order to contain the Government," with the understanding that the Sovereign is "a collective being" (Book II, Chapter I) resulting from "the general will" of the people, and that "what any man, whoever he may be, orders on his own, is not a law" (Book II, Chapter VI) – and furthermore predicated on the ass
  • 1
  • Sovereignty
  • October 2007
  • August 2007
  • Viridian
  • yes
  • Sovereignty, Senior Officer of the crew Virtuous Sins, Prince of the flag PerfectlyEvilRedVexers on the Viridian ocean. Sovereignty first started his pirate career unaware of crews, he soon found himself being asked to join a crew to which he agreed. Working his way up from cabin person to senior officer he struggled to keep his slowly crumbling crew from falling through. A pillage he led soon showed him that perhaps he was better off leading his own crew. A long while after taking his in game wife Mskel, Sovereignty and Mskel soon decided to form their own crew to better hold true to their slowly reclining wants to sail the 3 sea's of Viridian.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Sovereignty/preload editintro=Sovereignty/editintro width=25 Sovereignty is a planned wiki-based, free-to-play, multiplayer game focused on geopolitical role playing. Sovereignty will take advantage of the flexibility offered by MediaWiki to provide players with an in-depth gaming experience. The game's robust feature set will include options for warfare, economic development, subnational entities, alliances, treaties, and trade. Those interested in history, economics, strategy, or politics will enjoy playing this game. Also, Sovereignty will be great place to take your althist or conworld for a multiplayer spin. Players join the game by creating a character, then moving that character into a territory. A territory is a section of land under the control of a government. Each territory has several cities, an area, a population, a population density, and certain natural resources. These factors determine things like the territory's economic output and population growth rate. Players interact with each other by participating in the government of their territory. For more information, check out this Wikipedia article [1].
  • Sovereignty is the exclusive right to have control over an area of governance, people, or oneself. A sovereign is the supreme lawmaking authority. Enlightenment philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in Book III, Chapter III of his 1763 treatise Of the Social Contract, argued, "the growth of the State giving the trustees of public authority more and means to abuse their power, the more the Government has to have force to contain the people, the more force the Sovereign should have in turn in order to contain the Government," with the understanding that the Sovereign is "a collective being" (Book II, Chapter I) resulting from "the general will" of the people, and that "what any man, whoever he may be, orders on his own, is not a law" (Book II, Chapter VI) – and furthermore predicated on the assumption that the people have an unbiased means by which to ascertain the general will. Thus the legal maxim, "there is no law without a sovereign." In this model, national sovereignty is of an eternal origin, such as nature, or a god, legitimating the divine right of kings in absolute monarchies or a theocracy. A more formal distinction is whether the law is held to be sovereign, which constitutes a true state of law: the letter of the law (if constitutionally correct) is applicable and enforceable, even when against the political will of the nation, as long as not formally changed following the constitutional procedure. Strictly speaking, any deviation from this principle constitutes a revolution or a coup d'état, regardless of the intentions. In constitutional and international law, the concept also pertains to a government possessing full control over its own affairs within a territorial or geographical area or limit, and in certain context to various organs possessing legal jurisdiction in their own chief, rather than by mandate or under supervision. Determining whether a specific entity is sovereign is not an exact science, but often a matter of diplomatic dispute.
  • Different cultures and governments have, understandably, had different ideas about sovereignty.
  • The Sovereignty skill allows a CEO to include many more members in the corporation.
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