  • Gayle
  • Gayle
  • Gayle is one of Debra's friends that attended her Tupperware party. During a game, Gayle's nightgown, which she wore on her honeymoon, was accidentally torn by Debra and Marie.
  • Gayle was Martin Wright's friend who he played Ultimate Frisbee with. She was in Martin's math class.
  • Gayle is a gargoyle who Gary met in the Region of Madness in the recreation of Stone Hinge. They married soon after. She was at the Nameless Castle for Roxanne's trial.
  • Gayle is the fifth moon of the gas giant Zeus in the Kalidasa system. Gayle is a fan addition from J. Chris Bourdier, creator of The Verse in Numbers.
  • Gayle is Debbie's roommate in her apartment. He and Hank smoked weed together, while Hank thought it was a clove cigarette. Hank is mortified by this and tries to cover it up, both out of fear of losing respect from his family and trouble with the law for marijuana use. However, the police have a much more serious case on their hands. Debbie Grund is found dead of a gunshot wound in a dumpster behind Sugarfoot's. Gayle is considered the chief suspect and is arrested for Debbie's murder. Hank realizes that he was with Gayle the moment of Debbie's death, and as such he could not be the killer as no man can be in two places at once. However, Hank is reluctant to testify. Only when he is overcome with concern that he cannot let an innocent man be condemned does Hank reveal his alibi.
  • Gayle ist Lindas jüngere Schwester. Sie ist psychisch sehr labil, hat aber ein künstlerisches Talent. Sie interessiert sich sehr für Malerei, Musik und Poesie. Sie lebt allein in einer Kellerwohnung mit ihren drei Katzen. Die Kinder sollen auf Bobs Anweisung hin so tun, als sei Gayle in psychiatrischer Behandlung. Gayle aß einmal ihren Lippenstift um sich innerlich "rot zu fühlen". Ein anderes mal hat sie ein Kleid aus lebendigen Shrimps gemacht und es in der Kirche getragen. Und schließlich hat sie ihre Katze rasiert. In der Folge Topsy singen Gayle und Mr. Fischoeder ein Liebesduett.
  • Gymnast
  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Initial Phrase
  • snacky
  • Arigetti
  • Rabbit
  • アリゲッティ
Initial Clothes
  • Heart Tee
  • A home with heart
  • Rosa
  • Odile
  • Boni
  • Codrilla
  • O'Hare
  • Amiibo 391 Gayle.png
  • Ostrich
  • Cranston
  • 391
  • 5
  • Kilimanjaro,
  • One spoonful of sugar
  • Just a little bit of milk,
  • Season 2 Episode 11
  • "The Letter"
  • 1
  • Gayle
  • Alligator
  • 90
  • Bubblegum K.K.
  • Rock
  • Hula dancing
  • 5
  • --05-17
  • Cute
  • Female
  • Gayle is Debbie's roommate in her apartment. He and Hank smoked weed together, while Hank thought it was a clove cigarette. Hank is mortified by this and tries to cover it up, both out of fear of losing respect from his family and trouble with the law for marijuana use. However, the police have a much more serious case on their hands. Debbie Grund is found dead of a gunshot wound in a dumpster behind Sugarfoot's. Gayle is considered the chief suspect and is arrested for Debbie's murder. Hank realizes that he was with Gayle the moment of Debbie's death, and as such he could not be the killer as no man can be in two places at once. However, Hank is reluctant to testify. Only when he is overcome with concern that he cannot let an innocent man be condemned does Hank reveal his alibi. The charges against Gayle were dismissed and he was later released from custody after Debbie's murder was determined by Lester Payton to be accidental and self-inflicted.
  • Gayle is one of Debra's friends that attended her Tupperware party. During a game, Gayle's nightgown, which she wore on her honeymoon, was accidentally torn by Debra and Marie.
  • Gayle ist Lindas jüngere Schwester. Sie ist psychisch sehr labil, hat aber ein künstlerisches Talent. Sie interessiert sich sehr für Malerei, Musik und Poesie. Sie lebt allein in einer Kellerwohnung mit ihren drei Katzen. Die Kinder sollen auf Bobs Anweisung hin so tun, als sei Gayle in psychiatrischer Behandlung. Gayle aß einmal ihren Lippenstift um sich innerlich "rot zu fühlen". Ein anderes mal hat sie ein Kleid aus lebendigen Shrimps gemacht und es in der Kirche getragen. Und schließlich hat sie ihre Katze rasiert. In der Folge Die Kunst-Meile malt Gayle eine Serie von Tieranussen, die jedoch von Linda mit pinkfarbenen Unterhosen übermalt werden. In der Folge Dr. Yap küsst Bob Gayle unter Medikamenteneinfluß, woraufhin sich Gayle in ihn verliebt und ihm nachstellt. Linda kennt dieses Verhalten ihrer Schwester bereits, ist diese doch bisher immer auf Lindas Freunde scharf gewesen. In der Folge Topsy singen Gayle und Mr. Fischoeder ein Liebesduett.
  • Gayle was Martin Wright's friend who he played Ultimate Frisbee with. She was in Martin's math class.
  • Gayle is a gargoyle who Gary met in the Region of Madness in the recreation of Stone Hinge. They married soon after. She was at the Nameless Castle for Roxanne's trial.
  • Gayle is the fifth moon of the gas giant Zeus in the Kalidasa system. Gayle is a fan addition from J. Chris Bourdier, creator of The Verse in Numbers.
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