  • Basra
  • Basra
  • Basra is a city in southern Iraq.
  • Al-Baṣrah (Arabic: البصرة‎; BGN: Al Basrah, also called 'Basorah) is the capital of Basra Province, Iraq, and is Iraq's second largest and second most populous city. Basra is also Iraq's main port, although it is incapable of deep water access, which is handled at the port of Umm Qasr. The city is the historic location of Sumer, the home of Sinbad the Sailor, and a proposed location of the Garden of Eden. It also played an important role in early Islamic history, being built in 636 CE.
  • Basra is a map featured in Battlefield Play4Free. It was released in the midst of E3 2011 on June 9th, after being in the PTE for about two weeks. The map is focused around a large urban area set in the city of Basra, similar to Sharqi, but on a larger scale. There are a total of four control points spread about the map, as well as the Russian and USMC bases that are not capturable. There are no vehicles featured on this map.
  • Basra is a large city somewhere in southern Iraq currently under construction. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • Basra was a city in Iraq. Jim Ricker was allegedly killed in a chemical plant explosion in Basra, but in truth he survived and lived in hiding for seven years. ("Day 8: 1:00pm-2:00pm")
  • Basra is a city in Iraq. Basra was included on a map of the Middle East shown to US president Woodrow Wilson by British and French premiers David Lloyd George and Georges Clemenceau at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference to mark their interests in the area.
  • The resort which has come to be known as the "Venice of the Middle East" first started out as a military encampment built by Caliph Umar. However the military site soon became exploited as a tourist destination for it's wonderful riverside beaches and many, many camels.
  • Basra - (Bassora), miasto w Mezopotamii płd., połączone kanałem z rzeką Szat-el-Arab, 50.000 mieszk.; końcowy punkt kolei bagdadzkiej. TEM Prawdopodobnie cały tekst Encyklopedii Tradycji w pochodzi z jakiegoś starego czasopisma, przedwojennej książki lub którejś ze starych polskich encyklopedii, słownika wydanego przed II wojną światową (na końcu tekstu powinien się znajdować się odsyłacz do odpowiedniej książki lub czasopisma). Tekst nie był poprawiany pod względem merytorycznym i dlatego nie jest aktualny. Basra
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • *Heavy is the Head
  • Urban warfare
  • 248
  • PC
  • First to 1000 points
  • Basra
  • Urban
  • Iraqis
  • 8
  • 25
  • Basra - (Bassora), miasto w Mezopotamii płd., połączone kanałem z rzeką Szat-el-Arab, 50.000 mieszk.; końcowy punkt kolei bagdadzkiej. TEM Prawdopodobnie cały tekst Encyklopedii Tradycji w pochodzi z jakiegoś starego czasopisma, przedwojennej książki lub którejś ze starych polskich encyklopedii, słownika wydanego przed II wojną światową (na końcu tekstu powinien się znajdować się odsyłacz do odpowiedniej książki lub czasopisma). Tekst nie był poprawiany pod względem merytorycznym i dlatego nie jest aktualny. Możesz go uaktualnić, oddzielając swój komentarz lub obszerniejsze hasło linią ciągłą (-----), ale hasła oryginalnego NIE ZMIENIAJ - pamiętaj, że ET to przede wszystkim miejsce przechowywania starych, nieaktualnych haseł encyklopedycznych. PAMIĘTAJ: Ten tekst to ciekawostka i nie nadaje się na ściągawkę do szkoły i nie powinien też być traktowany jako jedyne źródło wiedzy na ten temat! Basra
  • Basra is a city in southern Iraq.
  • Al-Baṣrah (Arabic: البصرة‎; BGN: Al Basrah, also called 'Basorah) is the capital of Basra Province, Iraq, and is Iraq's second largest and second most populous city. Basra is also Iraq's main port, although it is incapable of deep water access, which is handled at the port of Umm Qasr. The city is the historic location of Sumer, the home of Sinbad the Sailor, and a proposed location of the Garden of Eden. It also played an important role in early Islamic history, being built in 636 CE.
  • Basra is a map featured in Battlefield Play4Free. It was released in the midst of E3 2011 on June 9th, after being in the PTE for about two weeks. The map is focused around a large urban area set in the city of Basra, similar to Sharqi, but on a larger scale. There are a total of four control points spread about the map, as well as the Russian and USMC bases that are not capturable. There are no vehicles featured on this map.
  • Basra is a large city somewhere in southern Iraq currently under construction. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • Basra was a city in Iraq. Jim Ricker was allegedly killed in a chemical plant explosion in Basra, but in truth he survived and lived in hiding for seven years. ("Day 8: 1:00pm-2:00pm")
  • The resort which has come to be known as the "Venice of the Middle East" first started out as a military encampment built by Caliph Umar. However the military site soon became exploited as a tourist destination for it's wonderful riverside beaches and many, many camels. Unfortunately this popularity would backfire on Basra when a group of Mongol package holidayists arrived in the 14th Century. The Mongol's stay, more specifically their rowdy, drink-influenced behaviour, led to the complete destruction of the city and a re-site 10 kilometres up river. This new development, still with an abundance of beautiful riverside beaches and many, many camels, became the city of modern times. A city which, while suffering the odd bit of vandalism by visiting Iranians and adventure seeking Americans out looking for a fun time, has generally gone from strength to strength while still mantaining a family friendly atmosphere. However, since March 2003 the resort has beared witness to the "invasion" of a substantial number of Brits and Americans (again). While the Americans moved on quickly, apparently seeking a "more extreme experience", the increase in British visitors has generally soured the mood amongst locals; while at first they welcomed the increase in revenue, of late they have tired of their antics, makeshift holiday camps and threats of inviting Prince Harry to the party. Despite this, the locals still remain reasonably warm and welcoming to foreigners.
  • Basra is a city in Iraq. Basra was included on a map of the Middle East shown to US president Woodrow Wilson by British and French premiers David Lloyd George and Georges Clemenceau at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference to mark their interests in the area.
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