  • Zanzibar (Level)
  • The Zanzibar multiplayer map is the Halo version of Omaha beach, but with a giant fan. There's the beach separated from the factory by some messed up wall used by sniper Turkeys and noobs. Many fools have gotten lost in the factory. How is that so? The factory has a garage with 2 floors, a balcony, and a sense of loneliness that would make people try to escape the factory, but they end up stuck in the generator. Many people can remember Zanzibar as being the place where Caboose, Tucker, that mean bitch, and other Red vs Blue guys fought the demon and his robot. Only in Halo 3 people use Forge to put MGs on the seawall to actually make the place look like D-Day. With 5 Spartans hitting the beach and 5 Elites killing the Spartans.
  • The Zanzibar multiplayer map is the Halo version of Omaha beach, but with a giant fan. There's the beach separated from the factory by some messed up wall used by sniper Turkeys and noobs. Many fools have gotten lost in the factory. How is that so? The factory has a garage with 2 floors, a balcony, and a sense of loneliness that would make people try to escape the factory, but they end up stuck in the generator. Many people can remember Zanzibar as being the place where Caboose, Tucker, that mean bitch, and other Red vs Blue guys fought the demon and his robot. Only in Halo 3 people use Forge to put MGs on the seawall to actually make the place look like D-Day. With 5 Spartans hitting the beach and 5 Elites killing the Spartans.