  • UNSC Emergency Directive XX-936-517
  • UNSC Emergency Directive XX-936-517 was an alpha-class priority emergency directive issued by the Director of Naval Intelligenceto all SPARTAN personnel attached to the New Hope and Berensys theaters of operation. It mandated the detachment of all SPARTANs from their current commands and operations and their reassignment to the Department of Strategic Intelligence, Section Three, UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence and also their secure transport to the UNSC Meridian Rays for redeployment and reassignment.
  • UNSC Emergency Directive XX-936-517 was an alpha-class priority emergency directive issued by the Director of Naval Intelligenceto all SPARTAN personnel attached to the New Hope and Berensys theaters of operation. It mandated the detachment of all SPARTANs from their current commands and operations and their reassignment to the Department of Strategic Intelligence, Section Three, UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence and also their secure transport to the UNSC Meridian Rays for redeployment and reassignment.