  • Alzarian spider
  • Alzarian Spider
  • The Alzarian Spiders are roughly rat-sized creatures and resemble a robust Earth spider, despite having only three pairs of legs rather than the usual four. Their bodies are black with a red abdomen, and they possess three pairs of large dorsal eyes and a pair of bright-yellow bioluminescent globes on their faces. Their bite can infect other creatures with a protein that alters their behavior, causing them to become aggressive and act like a Marshman.
  • Alzarian spiders had large black bodies with red abdomens and three glowing eyes. They hatched out of the riverfruit during Mistfall. The Marshmen seemed to fear the spiders, even though they were descended from them. Alzarian spider venom had an unusual effect: It carried a special protein that travelled into the brain tissue and turned the victim into more of a Marshman; the effects were similar to hypnosis. The victim acted more like a Marshman and started to lose memories and intelligence. They also had some of the weaknesses of the Marshmen. (TV: Full Circle)
  • Alzarian spider
  • Arachnid
  • Full Circle
  • The Alzarian Spiders are roughly rat-sized creatures and resemble a robust Earth spider, despite having only three pairs of legs rather than the usual four. Their bodies are black with a red abdomen, and they possess three pairs of large dorsal eyes and a pair of bright-yellow bioluminescent globes on their faces. Their bite can infect other creatures with a protein that alters their behavior, causing them to become aggressive and act like a Marshman.
  • Alzarian spiders had large black bodies with red abdomens and three glowing eyes. They hatched out of the riverfruit during Mistfall. The Marshmen seemed to fear the spiders, even though they were descended from them. Alzarian spider venom had an unusual effect: It carried a special protein that travelled into the brain tissue and turned the victim into more of a Marshman; the effects were similar to hypnosis. The victim acted more like a Marshman and started to lose memories and intelligence. They also had some of the weaknesses of the Marshmen. (TV: Full Circle)