  • Kage
  • Kage
  • Kage
  • Kage
  • Kage
  • Kage
  • KAGE
  • Kage
  • Kage
  • Kage est une aura mystérieuse et maléfique avec laquelle Kotonaru a fait un pacte.
  • Es gibt insgesammt Fünf Kage * Hokage * Kazekage * Mizukage * Raikage * Tsuchikage Diese Fünf Schatten sind die Anführer der Fünf Großmächte, im Normalfall ist der stärkste Ninja eines Dorfes Kage und wird im Grunde vom Vorgänger gewählt. Ein Kage hat viele Aufgaben, wie z. B. Die Verwaltung des Dorfes oder das Erledigen von S-Rang Missionen. Es gibt keine Angaben für Geschlecht oder Alter eines Kage, auch ein 16-Jähriger kann Kage werden, solange er die Reverrenzen erfüllt.
  • thumb|204px Kage era un Teniente de la 13ª Legión Penal que nació en el mundo colmena de Olypas y se unió a la Guardia Imperial a una edad muy temprana.
  • Kage was born in the year A.D. 701 in Metz, Austria. In 749, Kage was executed for raping and murdering a noble’s wife. He revived after his death, and became Immortal. He was taught the ways of the Immortals by Clovis. At some point, he would face his first Immortal, Marcus Constantine’s mentor Flavius Sulla and took Sulla's head and Quickening. He also took his sword, which he regarded as a trophy. Throughout 1,200 years, Kage spread a legacy of murder, rape, betrayal, and thievery across three continents.
  • Akodo Kage was one of the most beloved sensei of the Lion Clan, and taught many heroes including Akodo Toturi. Kage was a Kolat Master and after he faked his death, cutting his Lion lineage, becoming Kage.
  • Los Kage fueron una Especie inteligente casi-humana nativa del planeta Quarzite. Aunque parecían humanos, sus brillantes ojos y pálida piel los diferenciaban de ellos. Los Kage eran una especie emocional y dedicada, que formaba a guerreros para luchar contra los tiránicos beluganos, la otra especie que habitaba su planeta.
  • Kage is a CAW superstar hired to the Raw brand of New-WWE. Like several other New-WWE superstars, Kage is a SMF forum troll. He was a New-WWE mainstay from Season 1 to Season 7, before exiting the fed's main roster and opting to instead compete in Vivianverse developmental leagues such as DCO to help up-and-coming talent hone their craft. In Season 10, he would become the latest in a long line of New-WWE alumni to return to the company, following in the footsteps of The Wingmaster, Connor Wine, Chris Johansen, and Tia Red. Kage is a former Smackdown Tag Team Champions with El Hondero.
  • Kage ist ein Gegner aus Final Fantasy III, man findet ihn in der Welt der Dunkelheit.
  • Gurth:
  • Kage appears in MySims Galaxy.
  • Kage is the Teni Star in Suikoden.
  • The Kage were a near-human sentient species native to the planet Quarzite. Although they resembled humans, their striking eyes and pale skin set them apart. A spirited and dedicated people, they formed the Kage Warriors to fight the tyrannical Belugans, the other sentient species who inhabited their homeworld.
  • The title was originally created by Hashirama Senju soon after the formation of Konohagakure, making it therefore the first Kage to exist after being elected by the population of its village and country. After the creation of the position, other nations praised the innovative system that had been created and soon began to imitate.
  • Name:Unknown Nicknames: Kage Species: Human? Gender: Male Height: 5ft 9in Age: Unknown (believed to be in late teens) Birthplace: Unknown Eyes: Red Likes: Danet, Heavy Metal, proving hes the best, Dislikes: Annoying people, people bothering him Any one that tries to harm Danet and the rest of his band Ability Type: Speed
  • Charles Stephen Szili (July 20, 1976) is an American professional wrestler. Currently wrestling under the ring-name of Kage (stylized also as KAGE), Szili can be seen throughout the northeastern United States independent circuits.
  • [Source] Les Kages sont des Proche-Humains originaire de la planète Quarzite. Ils sont en guerre contre les Belugans dirigeant la planète. En 21 ABY, le dictateur Belugan Otua Blank enleva Pluma Sodi, une Kage, pour se marier avec de force. Il engagea des chasseurs de primes pour protéger le convoi amenant Pluma au palais du dictateur et les Kages tentèrent d'attaquer le convoi pour la libérer.
  • The Kages are village leaders of high ranks. They was originally only in the five main country villages leaders. But, there are a lot of other kages. While Kages do retain a high status it dosn't necessairly mean that they are the strongest ninja in their village.
  • Kage is a rank held by the highest official in any kingdoms. Kage are the leaders of their respective state, and the Kages are always Shinobi. Most of the military is factly Shinobi, since they are mostly made to be guards, unlike the Tamashī Buki Wielders, made to defeat demons from Hell. There are six kages.
  • Kage (pronounced "Kah-geh") appears in the Console version of MySims SkyHeroes. He is a ninja/pilot from the Crescent Moon Village working under Star. He agrees to work with SkyForce after being shown the MorcuCorp harvester. Kage only occasionally talks, often saying "..." when he's talked to but he is not mute like Yvette, proven several times in cutscenes and after beating the game. However, he talks regularly in the DS version without constantly saying "..."
  • Short description of characters appearance * Hair: Black * Eyes: Bloodshot red * Build: tall and chubby * Height: 6 ft, 1 in * Weight: 240 lb * Wings: 6 and made of shadows but are always hidden
  • Kage (影, Kage) is the manifestation of Kentaro Hiroshi's Hollow powers and negativity. He shares Kentaro's Inner World with Kentaro's Zanpakutō Spirit Tenchikaimei (天地晦冥, All is Plunged into Darkness) and shares the name of the latter's Bankai manifestation.
  • Un élémental de mort à l’apparence arachnide à qui l’on attribua le rôle de veiller sur Lilianna, dévorant et prenant la place de son ombre, elle resta longtemps dans l’ombre (ouh jeu de mot) avant de se montrer à Lilianna et de la combattre afin d’attester de ses progrès. Depuis Kage lui sert d'invocation.
  • left|thumb|Die fünf Kage Jedes der fünf Shinobi-Dörfer hat einen Kage (影) als Oberhaupt des Dorfes. Sie sind sehr weise und starke Shinobi, die vieles auf ihrem Weg zum Oberhaupt durchgemacht haben. Der Titel des Kage wird von Generation zu Generation weitergereicht. Die Stärke des Kage repräsentiert die Stärke und Macht des jeweiligen Dorfes. Er ist das wichtigste Glied in der Kette eines Shinobi-Dorfes. Das Wort Kage bedeutet "Schatten". Die fünf Kage der Shinobi-Großmächte von links nach rechts:
  • Kage was a Klingon ambassador serving the empire in the early 24th century. He was considered a peace lover who sought it at any cost. He was a close ally of then-Chancellor Azetbur. In 2311, he worked closely with Gell Kamemor and Paulo Endara to draft the Treaty of Algeron between the Federation, Romulan Star Empire, and the Klingons. During this time, he suspected his aide Ditagh of being a puppet of some members of the High Council, and in an argument was able to eventually bait him into admitting that his loyalty was to General Gorak, not Azetbur.
  • thumb A Kagék (szószerinti jelentése: "árnyék") a vezetői az öt leghiresebb rejtett falunak, és egyben a legerősebb shinobijai is. Hogyha egy kage sokaig tartja az állását ahogy a Harmadik Hokage-nál is volt, akkor meglehet hogy erősebb ninják is születnek nála és így a kage átadhatja a helyet a fiatalabbnak. Egy Kage szigorúan be tartja a szabályokat, elnézi a falu aktivitacióit és a ninja község vezetője. Ők azok akik ki küldik a ninjákat a küldetésekre és ők döntik el a falu jóvoltára a dolgokat. Az öt Kage:
  • A Kage may retire and give the title to someone else; the title, once granted, is held permanently. This creates a case where there are two Kages at the same time, with only one of them actually active, as was with the Fourth and Third Hokage, where the latter had given up the title to the former, only to come out of retirement when the former died. The five Kage have different titles depending on their village. These titles refer also to the Land in which their respective villages are present. Those titles are:
  • thumb|Los Cinco Kages.El Kage (影; literalmente "Sombra") es el líder de una de las Cinco Grandes Aldeas y por lo general el ninja más fuerte de su respectiva aldea. Ellos colectivamente son conocidos como los Cinco Kages (五影, Gokage). Si un Kage ha mantenido su posición durante varias décadas, como pasó en el caso del Tercer Hokage, es probable que un ninja más joven sea más fuerte que ellos. En tales casos, el Kage puede retirarse y darle el título a otra persona, el título, una vez concedido, se mantiene de forma permanente. Esto crea un caso especial en donde hay dos Kage a la vez, pero sólo uno de ellos esta activo, como lo fue con el Tercer y Cuarto Hokage. Después de que el Cuarto murió, el Tercero salió de su retiro para volver a sus actividades.
  • thumb|Los Cinco Kages.El Kage (影; literalmente "Sombra") es el líder de una de las Cinco Grandes Aldeas y por lo general el ninja más fuerte de su respectiva aldea. Ellos colectivamente son conocidos como los Cinco Kages (五影, Gokage). Si un Kage ha mantenido su posición durante varias décadas, como pasó en el caso del Tercer Hokage, es probable que un ninja más joven sea más fuerte que ellos. En tales casos, el Kage puede retirarse y darle el título a otra persona, el título, una vez concedido, se mantiene de forma permanente. Esto crea un caso especial en donde hay dos Kage a la vez, pero sólo uno de ellos esta activo, como lo fue con el Tercer y Cuarto Hokage. Después de que el Cuarto murió, el Tercero salió de su retiro para volver a sus actividades.
  • A Kage (literally meaning "Shadow") is the leader of one of the five most powerful Hidden Villages and generally are also the most powerful ninja in their respective villages. Though there may be exceptions such as a ninja may be the most powerful at the time of being installed as Kage, but has since aged and a more youthful ninja may have become more powerful.
  • thumb|Les cinq Kage. Un est le dirigeant de l'un des cinq grands villages cachés et sont généralement des shinobis extrêmement puissants. Ils dirigent de fait le Monde Shinobi ainsi que l'ensemble des confréries des Cinq Grands Pays Ninjas : Les cinq Kage et le Général Samouraï du Pays du Fer s'allièrent pour contrer la menace représentée par l'organisation Akatsuki. Ils ont ainsi formé la Première Grande Alliance Shinobi.
  • Each village has its own name for its Kage: * The Hokage (火影, Literally Meaning: Fire Shadow) of Konohagakure. * The Kazekage (風影, Literally Meaning: Wind Shadow) of Sunagakure. * The Mizukage (水影, Literally Meaning: Water Shadow) of Kirigakure. * The Raikage (雷影, Literally Meaning: Lightning Shadow) of Kumogakure. * The Tsuchikage (土影, Literally Meaning: Earth Shadow) of Iwagakure.
  • thumb|306pxKage (影, stín) je vůdce jedné z pěti nejsilnějších skrytých vesnic. Obvykle to bývají nejsilnější ninjové z vesnice, ale není to pravidlo. Tento titul ninjovi zůstává, i když se své funkce vzdá. Kage dohlíží na aktivity vesnice, přiděluje ninjům mise a rozhoduje v záležitostech bezpečnosti vesnice. Každý kage má svůj titul upraven podle zěmě, ve které se jeho vesnice nachází:
  • Masculin
  • Féminin
  • Blond
  • Akemi7
  • Inconnu
  • Bipédie
  • Highlander: The Series, in the Season Three episode "Blind Faith"
  • Akemi7
  • 6
  • ~
  • Rubio, gris
  • Une paire, jaune-vert ou rose-rouge
  • 100
Vorheriger Gegner
  • Schattenmeister
  • ~
  • *Pluma Sodi *Krismo Sodi *Rackham Sear *Coburn Sear
Folgender Gegner
  • Dunkler General
  • Kage
Date de naissance
  • Inconnue
  • 85
Nom Usuel
  • Kage
  • Pálida
  • N/A
  • Amarillo, rosa
  • 34000
  • File:kage05.gifFile:Kage04.gif
  • Default
  • Tenchikaimei
  • None
  • 65
  • ~
  • Grise
  • *Atléticos *Pálidos
  • ~
  • silver
  • Magician
  • Kage
Birth Date
  • 1976-07-20
  • ???
  • Red
  • Unknown
  • Frankish
Base of Operations
  • Kentaro's Inner World
  • Proche-Humains
  • 22
  • 29
  • 8
death place
  • N/A
  • 7
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • Unborn
  • N/A
  • Pilot, Ninja
  • Black
  • Richard Lynch
  • 50
  • Kage
  • Kage
  • Pale colors
  • "Bounty" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars
  • "Bounty" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars
  • 50
  • Kage
  • Kage
3D Hinterlässt sehr selten
  • 9200
3D Heilig
  • -
3D Feuer
  • -
  • かげ
3D Stehlen
3D Fähigkeiten
  • 12000
3D Fundort
3D Bild
  • 150
NES Stehlen
NES Fähigkeiten
3D Hinterlässt selten
NES Wind
  • -
3D Wind
  • -
  • -
NES Hinterlässt
  • nichts
3D Blitz
  • -
NES Blitz
  • -
NES Heilig
  • -
  • 2520
3D Hinterlässt häufig
NES Feuer
  • -
  • 4600
First Death
  • A.D. 749 - Executed for rape and murder of a noble's wife
  • Kage
3D Stufe
  • 47
NES Bild
  • 68
  • 4200
3D Abwehr
  • 30
NES Fundort
3D Angriff
  • 104
Gegner Nr
  • 183
NES Stufe
  • 63
3D Eis
  • -
3D Gil
  • 3900
  • 0
  • *Coburn Sear *Rackham Sear *Krismo Sodi *Pluma Sodi *Halia Vushan *Ru Vushan *Sadori Vushan
  • John Kirin
  • Los Angeles, California
  • 220.0
  • 249.0
  • L'Ombre
  • Crescent Moon Village, SkyForce
  • #FFE93E
Voice Actor
  • None
Birth Place
  • 2.200000
  • 2.300000
  • 6
  • 182.88
  • ???cm
  • Kage
  • Gold, green, pink
  • KAGE
  • Baby Beefcake
  • Chuck Szili
  • Dino Szili
  • Egak
  • Kage, Erik Kage
  • Rik Lesnar
death date
  • N/A
  • 15
  • 20
  • Unknown
  • Fanart
  • Gallery
  • General
  • Kage
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
  • *Athleticism *Pale skin *Striking eyes
  • Kage
  • 258
  • 250
  • Black, blond
  • Murderer
  • Aura Errante
  • Former rebel
  • Wandering preacher
  • 2003
  • 2008
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/bounty
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/bounty
  • Parts Unknown
  • Male
  • Human
  • Démon
  • Elémental de Mort
  • • Ninja
  • • Mercenary
  • SY 432
  • A.D. 701 - Metz, Austrasia
  • N/A
  • カゲ
  • 1072
  • black
  • red
  • darkred
wikipage disambiguates
  • Kage est une aura mystérieuse et maléfique avec laquelle Kotonaru a fait un pacte.
  • Es gibt insgesammt Fünf Kage * Hokage * Kazekage * Mizukage * Raikage * Tsuchikage Diese Fünf Schatten sind die Anführer der Fünf Großmächte, im Normalfall ist der stärkste Ninja eines Dorfes Kage und wird im Grunde vom Vorgänger gewählt. Ein Kage hat viele Aufgaben, wie z. B. Die Verwaltung des Dorfes oder das Erledigen von S-Rang Missionen. Es gibt keine Angaben für Geschlecht oder Alter eines Kage, auch ein 16-Jähriger kann Kage werden, solange er die Reverrenzen erfüllt.
  • thumb|204px Kage era un Teniente de la 13ª Legión Penal que nació en el mundo colmena de Olypas y se unió a la Guardia Imperial a una edad muy temprana.
  • A Kage (literally meaning "Shadow") is the leader of one of the five most powerful Hidden Villages and generally are also the most powerful ninja in their respective villages. Though there may be exceptions such as a ninja may be the most powerful at the time of being installed as Kage, but has since aged and a more youthful ninja may have become more powerful. A Kage may retire and give the title to someone else; the title, once granted, is held permanently. This creates a case where there are two Kages at the same time, with only one of them actually active, as was the case with the Fourth and Third Hokage, where the latter had given up the title to the former, only to come out of retirement when the former died. The Kage stand equally with the rulers of their countries, oversee the activities of their villages, and are the leaders of ninja society. They typically are the ones who send the ninja teams out on their missions and make the decisions regarding the safety of the village. Hoshigakure is one exception of a village not among the five most powerful villages which has a Kage for special reasons. Also Otogakure has a Kage-level leader, but he was not considered a Kage by the other five great nations. Amegakure also had Kage-level leaders, yet they are not considered Kages.
  • thumb|306pxKage (影, stín) je vůdce jedné z pěti nejsilnějších skrytých vesnic. Obvykle to bývají nejsilnější ninjové z vesnice, ale není to pravidlo. Tento titul ninjovi zůstává, i když se své funkce vzdá. Kage dohlíží na aktivity vesnice, přiděluje ninjům mise a rozhoduje v záležitostech bezpečnosti vesnice. Každý kage má svůj titul upraven podle zěmě, ve které se jeho vesnice nachází: * Ve skryté listové to je Hokage. V současnosti jí je Tsunade * Ve skryté písečné to je Kazekage. V současnosti je jím Gaara * Ve skryté oblačné to je Raikage. V současnosti je jím A * Ve skryté mlžné to je Mizukage. V současnosti je jím Mei Terumi * Ve skryté kamenné to je Tsuchikage. V současnosti je jím Oonoki
  • thumb|Los Cinco Kages.El Kage (影; literalmente "Sombra") es el líder de una de las Cinco Grandes Aldeas y por lo general el ninja más fuerte de su respectiva aldea. Ellos colectivamente son conocidos como los Cinco Kages (五影, Gokage). Si un Kage ha mantenido su posición durante varias décadas, como pasó en el caso del Tercer Hokage, es probable que un ninja más joven sea más fuerte que ellos. En tales casos, el Kage puede retirarse y darle el título a otra persona, el título, una vez concedido, se mantiene de forma permanente. Esto crea un caso especial en donde hay dos Kage a la vez, pero sólo uno de ellos esta activo, como lo fue con el Tercer y Cuarto Hokage. Después de que el Cuarto murió, el Tercero salió de su retiro para volver a sus actividades. El Kage esta en pie de igualdad con los gobernantes de sus países, supervisan las actividades de sus aldeas, y son los líderes de la sociedad ninja. Por lo general son los que envían a los equipos de ninjas a cabo en sus misiones y toman las decisiones respecto a la seguridad de su pueblo. Los Cinco Kages son: * El Hokage (火影; que significa "Sombra de Fuego") de Konohagakure. * El Kazekage (風影; que significa "Sombra de Viento") de Sunagakure. * El Mizukage (水影; que significa "Sombra de Agua") de Kirigakure. * El Raikage (雷影; que significa "Sombra de Rayo") de Kumogakure. * El Tsuchikage (土影; que significa "Sombra de Tierra") de Iwagakure. Aunque los líderes de otras aldeas ocultas pueden ser tan o más fuerte que cualquiera de los Kage, sus pueblos no han ganado el reconocimiento suficiente para que puedan llevar tal título. En el anime, Hoshigakure ha apodado a cada uno de sus líderes como Hoshikage (星影; literalmente significa "Sombra de Estrella"), lo que significa que su ambición es ser reconocida como una igual por las cinco grandes aldeas. Sin embargo, este título es sólo un nombre, y los Cinco Kages no lo reconocen como su igual. Desde la creación de los jinchūriki, se ha convertido en tradición que los anfitriones de las bestias sean seleccionados de la familia del propio Kage de la aldea. De esta manera, el jinchūriki no sólo tiene fuertes lazos de lealtad a la aldea y su líder, sino que también sirven para mostrar el poder del Kage. Por ejemplo, Killer B es el hijo adoptivo del Tercer Raikage, Gaara es el hijo del Cuarto Kazekage y Naruto Uzumaki es hijo del Cuarto Hokage.
  • thumb|Los Cinco Kages.El Kage (影; literalmente "Sombra") es el líder de una de las Cinco Grandes Aldeas y por lo general el ninja más fuerte de su respectiva aldea. Ellos colectivamente son conocidos como los Cinco Kages (五影, Gokage). Si un Kage ha mantenido su posición durante varias décadas, como pasó en el caso del Tercer Hokage, es probable que un ninja más joven sea más fuerte que ellos. En tales casos, el Kage puede retirarse y darle el título a otra persona, el título, una vez concedido, se mantiene de forma permanente. Esto crea un caso especial en donde hay dos Kage a la vez, pero sólo uno de ellos esta activo, como lo fue con el Tercer y Cuarto Hokage. Después de que el Cuarto murió, el Tercero salió de su retiro para volver a sus actividades. El Kage esta en pie de igualdad con los gobernantes de sus países, supervisan las actividades de sus aldeas, y son los líderes de la sociedad ninja. Por lo general son los que envían a los equipos de ninjas a cabo en sus misiones y toman las decisiones respecto a la seguridad de su pueblo. Los Cinco Kages son: * El Hokage (火影; que significa "Sombra de Fuego") de Konohagakure. * El Kazekage (風影; que significa "Sombra de Viento") de Sunagakure. * El Mizukage (水影; que significa "Sombra de Agua") de Kirigakure. * El Raikage (雷影; que significa "Sombra de Rayo") de Kumogakure. * El Tsuchikage (土影; que significa "Sombra de Tierra") de Iwagakure. Aunque los líderes de otras aldeas ocultas pueden ser tan o más fuerte que cualquiera de los Kage, sus pueblos no han ganado el reconocimiento suficiente para que puedan llevar tal título. En el anime, Hoshigakure ha apodado a cada uno de sus líderes como Hoshikage (星影; literalmente significa "Sombra de Estrella"), lo que significa que su ambición es ser reconocida como una igual por las cinco grandes aldeas. Sin embargo, este título es sólo un nombre, y los Cinco Kages no lo reconocen como su igual. Desde la creación de los jinchūriki, se ha convertido en tradición que los anfitriones de las bestias sean seleccionados de la familia del propio Kage de la aldea. De esta manera, el jinchūriki no sólo tiene fuertes lazos de lealtad a la aldea y su líder, sino que también sirven para mostrar el poder del Kage. Por ejemplo, Killer B es el hijo adoptivo del Tercer Raikage, Gaara es el hijo del Cuarto Kazekage y Naruto Uzumaki es hijo del Cuarto Hokage.
  • Kage was born in the year A.D. 701 in Metz, Austria. In 749, Kage was executed for raping and murdering a noble’s wife. He revived after his death, and became Immortal. He was taught the ways of the Immortals by Clovis. At some point, he would face his first Immortal, Marcus Constantine’s mentor Flavius Sulla and took Sulla's head and Quickening. He also took his sword, which he regarded as a trophy. Throughout 1,200 years, Kage spread a legacy of murder, rape, betrayal, and thievery across three continents.
  • Akodo Kage was one of the most beloved sensei of the Lion Clan, and taught many heroes including Akodo Toturi. Kage was a Kolat Master and after he faked his death, cutting his Lion lineage, becoming Kage.
  • Los Kage fueron una Especie inteligente casi-humana nativa del planeta Quarzite. Aunque parecían humanos, sus brillantes ojos y pálida piel los diferenciaban de ellos. Los Kage eran una especie emocional y dedicada, que formaba a guerreros para luchar contra los tiránicos beluganos, la otra especie que habitaba su planeta.
  • Kage is a CAW superstar hired to the Raw brand of New-WWE. Like several other New-WWE superstars, Kage is a SMF forum troll. He was a New-WWE mainstay from Season 1 to Season 7, before exiting the fed's main roster and opting to instead compete in Vivianverse developmental leagues such as DCO to help up-and-coming talent hone their craft. In Season 10, he would become the latest in a long line of New-WWE alumni to return to the company, following in the footsteps of The Wingmaster, Connor Wine, Chris Johansen, and Tia Red. Kage is a former Smackdown Tag Team Champions with El Hondero.
  • Kage ist ein Gegner aus Final Fantasy III, man findet ihn in der Welt der Dunkelheit.
  • Gurth:
  • Kage appears in MySims Galaxy.
  • Kage is the Teni Star in Suikoden.
  • Each village has its own name for its Kage: * The Hokage (火影, Literally Meaning: Fire Shadow) of Konohagakure. * The Kazekage (風影, Literally Meaning: Wind Shadow) of Sunagakure. * The Mizukage (水影, Literally Meaning: Water Shadow) of Kirigakure. * The Raikage (雷影, Literally Meaning: Lightning Shadow) of Kumogakure. * The Tsuchikage (土影, Literally Meaning: Earth Shadow) of Iwagakure. According to Naruto, as a Kage's primary concern is their village, interaction between the Kage is rare. The only time that all five Kage are together is during a Kage Summit, which can be convened by any of the five to discuss topics that apply to all of their villages.
  • The Kage were a near-human sentient species native to the planet Quarzite. Although they resembled humans, their striking eyes and pale skin set them apart. A spirited and dedicated people, they formed the Kage Warriors to fight the tyrannical Belugans, the other sentient species who inhabited their homeworld.
  • The title was originally created by Hashirama Senju soon after the formation of Konohagakure, making it therefore the first Kage to exist after being elected by the population of its village and country. After the creation of the position, other nations praised the innovative system that had been created and soon began to imitate.
  • Name:Unknown Nicknames: Kage Species: Human? Gender: Male Height: 5ft 9in Age: Unknown (believed to be in late teens) Birthplace: Unknown Eyes: Red Likes: Danet, Heavy Metal, proving hes the best, Dislikes: Annoying people, people bothering him Any one that tries to harm Danet and the rest of his band Ability Type: Speed
  • Charles Stephen Szili (July 20, 1976) is an American professional wrestler. Currently wrestling under the ring-name of Kage (stylized also as KAGE), Szili can be seen throughout the northeastern United States independent circuits.
  • [Source] Les Kages sont des Proche-Humains originaire de la planète Quarzite. Ils sont en guerre contre les Belugans dirigeant la planète. En 21 ABY, le dictateur Belugan Otua Blank enleva Pluma Sodi, une Kage, pour se marier avec de force. Il engagea des chasseurs de primes pour protéger le convoi amenant Pluma au palais du dictateur et les Kages tentèrent d'attaquer le convoi pour la libérer.
  • The Kages are village leaders of high ranks. They was originally only in the five main country villages leaders. But, there are a lot of other kages. While Kages do retain a high status it dosn't necessairly mean that they are the strongest ninja in their village.
  • thumb A Kagék (szószerinti jelentése: "árnyék") a vezetői az öt leghiresebb rejtett falunak, és egyben a legerősebb shinobijai is. Hogyha egy kage sokaig tartja az állását ahogy a Harmadik Hokage-nál is volt, akkor meglehet hogy erősebb ninják is születnek nála és így a kage átadhatja a helyet a fiatalabbnak. Egy Kage szigorúan be tartja a szabályokat, elnézi a falu aktivitacióit és a ninja község vezetője. Ők azok akik ki küldik a ninjákat a küldetésekre és ők döntik el a falu jóvoltára a dolgokat. Az öt Kage: * Hokage (jelentese "tűz árnyék")-Konohagakure (Avarrejtek) * Kazekage (jelentese "szél árnyék")-Sunagakure (Homokrejtek) * Mizukage (jelentese "víz árnyék")-Kirigakure (Ködrejtek) * Raikage (jelentese "villám árnyék")-Kumogakure (Felhőrejtek) * Tsuchikage (jelentese "föld árnyék")-Iwagakure (Kőrejtek) Más rejtett falvak is lehetnek erősek, sőt lehetnek meg erősebbek a kage-knál is de nem kaptak annyi elismerést hogy viselhessék ezt a címet. Az anime-ben Hoshigakure-nak a falu lakóitól ki lett nevezve törvényen kívül egy Hoshikage ( jelentése "csillag árnyék") hogy el legyenek ők is ismerve egyenlőképpen a többi rejtett faluval. Már a jinchurikik feltalálása óta az a tradíció hogy a hordozót a falu kage-jenek a családja választja ki. Ezen módszerrel nem csak a jinchurikik tisztelik a hordozójukat és falvukat de így kimutatják a kage hatalmát is. Például Gyilkos B a harmadik Raikage fia, Gaara a Negyedik Kazekage fia és Naruto a negyedik Hokage fia. Kategória:Kagék
  • A Kage may retire and give the title to someone else; the title, once granted, is held permanently. This creates a case where there are two Kages at the same time, with only one of them actually active, as was with the Fourth and Third Hokage, where the latter had given up the title to the former, only to come out of retirement when the former died. The Kage stand equally with the rulers of their countries, oversee the activities of their villages, and are the leaders of ninja society. They typically are the ones who send the ninja teams out on their missions and make the decisions regarding the safety of the village. Hoshigakure is one exception of a village not among the five most powerful villages which has a Kage for special reasons. Also Otogakure had a Kage-level leader, but he was not considered a Kage by the other five great nations. Amegakure also had Kage-level leaders, Hanzo and Pain, yet they are not considered Kages. The five Kage have different titles depending on their village. These titles refer also to the Land in which their respective villages are present. Those titles are:
  • Kage is a rank held by the highest official in any kingdoms. Kage are the leaders of their respective state, and the Kages are always Shinobi. Most of the military is factly Shinobi, since they are mostly made to be guards, unlike the Tamashī Buki Wielders, made to defeat demons from Hell. There are six kages.
  • Kage (pronounced "Kah-geh") appears in the Console version of MySims SkyHeroes. He is a ninja/pilot from the Crescent Moon Village working under Star. He agrees to work with SkyForce after being shown the MorcuCorp harvester. Kage only occasionally talks, often saying "..." when he's talked to but he is not mute like Yvette, proven several times in cutscenes and after beating the game. However, he talks regularly in the DS version without constantly saying "..."
  • Short description of characters appearance * Hair: Black * Eyes: Bloodshot red * Build: tall and chubby * Height: 6 ft, 1 in * Weight: 240 lb * Wings: 6 and made of shadows but are always hidden
  • Kage (影, Kage) is the manifestation of Kentaro Hiroshi's Hollow powers and negativity. He shares Kentaro's Inner World with Kentaro's Zanpakutō Spirit Tenchikaimei (天地晦冥, All is Plunged into Darkness) and shares the name of the latter's Bankai manifestation.
  • Un élémental de mort à l’apparence arachnide à qui l’on attribua le rôle de veiller sur Lilianna, dévorant et prenant la place de son ombre, elle resta longtemps dans l’ombre (ouh jeu de mot) avant de se montrer à Lilianna et de la combattre afin d’attester de ses progrès. Depuis Kage lui sert d'invocation.
  • thumb|Les cinq Kage. Un est le dirigeant de l'un des cinq grands villages cachés et sont généralement des shinobis extrêmement puissants. Ils dirigent de fait le Monde Shinobi ainsi que l'ensemble des confréries des Cinq Grands Pays Ninjas : * Pays du Feu : Pour Konoha (Village Caché des Feuilles), il s'agit du Hokage (Ombre du Feu). * Pays du Vent : Pour Suna (Village Caché du Sable), il s'agit du Kazekage (Ombre du Vent). * Pays de l'Eau : Pour Kiri (Village Caché du Brouillard), il s'agit du Mizukage (Ombre de l'Eau). * Pays de la Foudre : Pour Kumo (Village Caché des Nuages), il s'agit du Raikage (Ombre de la Foudre). * Pays de la Terre : Pour Iwa (Village Caché des Roches), il s'agit du Tsuchikage (Ombre de la Terre). Les cinq Kage et le Général Samouraï du Pays du Fer s'allièrent pour contrer la menace représentée par l'organisation Akatsuki. Ils ont ainsi formé la Première Grande Alliance Shinobi. Par tradition, certains jinchûriki sont liés plus ou moins aux Kage de leurs villages. Tels que Killer B, frère adoptif de A, Gaara, fils du Quatrième Kazekage, et Naruto Uzumaki, fils de Minato Namikaze. Quant à Yagura, il fut Kage lui-même.
  • Kage was a Klingon ambassador serving the empire in the early 24th century. He was considered a peace lover who sought it at any cost. He was a close ally of then-Chancellor Azetbur. In 2311, he worked closely with Gell Kamemor and Paulo Endara to draft the Treaty of Algeron between the Federation, Romulan Star Empire, and the Klingons. During this time, he suspected his aide Ditagh of being a puppet of some members of the High Council, and in an argument was able to eventually bait him into admitting that his loyalty was to General Gorak, not Azetbur. Kage did not want to start a war with either the Federation or Romulans unless that war was winnable, and reminded Ditagh that there was no dishonor in not fighting, only in not fighting well. (TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins)
  • left|thumb|Die fünf Kage Jedes der fünf Shinobi-Dörfer hat einen Kage (影) als Oberhaupt des Dorfes. Sie sind sehr weise und starke Shinobi, die vieles auf ihrem Weg zum Oberhaupt durchgemacht haben. Der Titel des Kage wird von Generation zu Generation weitergereicht. Die Stärke des Kage repräsentiert die Stärke und Macht des jeweiligen Dorfes. Er ist das wichtigste Glied in der Kette eines Shinobi-Dorfes. Das Wort Kage bedeutet "Schatten". Die fünf Kage der Shinobi-Großmächte von links nach rechts:
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