  • Tseng
  • Tseng
  • Tseng
  • Tseng
  • Tseng es el líder de los Turcos en la Compilación de Final Fantasy VII. Apareció por primera vez en Final Fantasy VII, posteriormente aparecio en Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, donde los Turcos son los protagonistas, en Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children y en Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-; y por último en el OVA Last Order: Final Fantasy VII, donde se explica el Incidente de Nibelheim desde el punto de vista de los Turcos.
  • Tseng was a soldier of the Moebius Foundation who served at Space Station Prometheus. During the Flashpoint Conflict, Tseng was ordered by Emil Narud to apprehend Jim Raynor and Valerian Mengsk. However, Naurd also released the facility's hybrid to deal with them. Tseng and their comrades, (Vrain, Osgood, Warren, and Mitchell) were attacked by the hybrid and immediately killed.
  • Tseng is on a boat!
  • Tseng est un personnage de la Compilation Final Fantasy VII. Leader des Turks, il est dévoué à son devoir. Il connait Aerith depuis qu'elle est jeune, et eut pour mission de la ramener à la Shinra. Tseng est le seul membre des Turks à ne pas être combattu durant Final Fantasy VII. Il fut blessé gravement par Séphiroth au Temple des Anciens. Il semble qu'Elena, une Turk à son service, ait des sentiments à son égard.
  • Tseng is stern, no-nonsense, and sometimes temperamental. He has known Aerith Gainsborough since she was a child and has special feelings for her, thus never completing his long-delayed mission to bring her to Shinra Electric Power Company. In spite of several instances of ruthlessness, such as striking Aeris as she was trying to assure Barret and Tifa that Marlene was safe, he is devoted to his associates and friends, as he sent out the Turks to save Zack and Cloud before the Shinra Army could catch up with them, a failure which torments him throughout the Compilation.
  • Ensign Tseng was a Human male security officer who, with Lieutenant Beyer, escorted the disgraced Diego Reyes from his secured [[quarters to his transport, the Federation starship USS Nowlan, in the year 2266. (VAN novel: Reap the Whirlwind)
  • thumb|150px|Tseng Tseng (jap. ツォン, Tson) ist ein Charakter aus der Compilation of Final Fantasy VII und Anführer der Turks. Er scheint oft rücksichtslos, beispielsweise als er Aerith schlägt, um Barret und Tifa zu erklären, dass Marlene in Sicherheit sei. Jedoch ist er stets bemüht, seinen Kameraden und Freunden zu helfen. Elena, der neuste Zugang bei den Turks, scheint romantische Gefühle für ihn zu haben. Tseng ist das einzige Mitglied der Turks, gegen den man in Final Fantasy VII nie kämpft.
  • Dark brown
  • Junichi Suwabe
  • Ryun Yu
  • Junichi Suwabe
  • Pistola
  • ツォン
viibc weapon
  • Gun
  • Soldier
  • Tseng
  • Moebius Foundation
  • Black
  • Tseng
  • Tson
  • Tseng
  • black
  • yellow
  • ツォン
  • 600
  • Turk leader
  • Male
  • 2504
boss page
  • Tseng
viicc type
  • npc
viidoc type
  • npc
ffvii type
  • npc
viibc type
  • playable
  • thumb|150px|Tseng Tseng (jap. ツォン, Tson) ist ein Charakter aus der Compilation of Final Fantasy VII und Anführer der Turks. Er scheint oft rücksichtslos, beispielsweise als er Aerith schlägt, um Barret und Tifa zu erklären, dass Marlene in Sicherheit sei. Jedoch ist er stets bemüht, seinen Kameraden und Freunden zu helfen. Elena, der neuste Zugang bei den Turks, scheint romantische Gefühle für ihn zu haben. Er kennt Aerith Gainsborough, seit sie ein Kind war. Er hat besondere Gefühle für sie, die ihn von seiner ewig dauerden Mission, sie zu Shin-Ra zu bringen, abhalten. Er spürt, dass sie als Abkömmling der Cetra die Macht hat, die Welt zu retten, jedoch soll sie dies nach eigenen Stücken verwirklichen. Tseng ist das einzige Mitglied der Turks, gegen den man in Final Fantasy VII nie kämpft.
  • Tseng es el líder de los Turcos en la Compilación de Final Fantasy VII. Apareció por primera vez en Final Fantasy VII, posteriormente aparecio en Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, donde los Turcos son los protagonistas, en Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children y en Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-; y por último en el OVA Last Order: Final Fantasy VII, donde se explica el Incidente de Nibelheim desde el punto de vista de los Turcos.
  • Tseng was a soldier of the Moebius Foundation who served at Space Station Prometheus. During the Flashpoint Conflict, Tseng was ordered by Emil Narud to apprehend Jim Raynor and Valerian Mengsk. However, Naurd also released the facility's hybrid to deal with them. Tseng and their comrades, (Vrain, Osgood, Warren, and Mitchell) were attacked by the hybrid and immediately killed.
  • Tseng is on a boat!
  • Tseng est un personnage de la Compilation Final Fantasy VII. Leader des Turks, il est dévoué à son devoir. Il connait Aerith depuis qu'elle est jeune, et eut pour mission de la ramener à la Shinra. Tseng est le seul membre des Turks à ne pas être combattu durant Final Fantasy VII. Il fut blessé gravement par Séphiroth au Temple des Anciens. Il semble qu'Elena, une Turk à son service, ait des sentiments à son égard.
  • Tseng is stern, no-nonsense, and sometimes temperamental. He has known Aerith Gainsborough since she was a child and has special feelings for her, thus never completing his long-delayed mission to bring her to Shinra Electric Power Company. In spite of several instances of ruthlessness, such as striking Aeris as she was trying to assure Barret and Tifa that Marlene was safe, he is devoted to his associates and friends, as he sent out the Turks to save Zack and Cloud before the Shinra Army could catch up with them, a failure which torments him throughout the Compilation.
  • Ensign Tseng was a Human male security officer who, with Lieutenant Beyer, escorted the disgraced Diego Reyes from his secured [[quarters to his transport, the Federation starship USS Nowlan, in the year 2266. (VAN novel: Reap the Whirlwind)