  • Guldo captures Gohan transcript
  • Gohan:Who are you? Guldo:I'm Guldo, and you're the little sayian that defeated my men. Gohan:You are the leader of those guys? Guldo:Now, prepare to face my dancing style. Gohan:(Gohan laughs at Guldo) Really? Dancing. Guldo:That's right. (Guldo gets out and places a light box behind him and places a mirror behind Gohan as his mirror reflection goes into Gohan's body. Guldo begans to dance and do some ridiculous poses, and then Gohan starts to dance and do poses). Gohan:Huh? What the? I can't stop. Guldo:Maybe I should teach you the Tootie Ta. Gohan:My arms feel like jelly. Guldo:Feel that burn.
  • Gohan:Who are you? Guldo:I'm Guldo, and you're the little sayian that defeated my men. Gohan:You are the leader of those guys? Guldo:Now, prepare to face my dancing style. Gohan:(Gohan laughs at Guldo) Really? Dancing. Guldo:That's right. (Guldo gets out and places a light box behind him and places a mirror behind Gohan as his mirror reflection goes into Gohan's body. Guldo begans to dance and do some ridiculous poses, and then Gohan starts to dance and do poses). Gohan:Huh? What the? I can't stop. Guldo:Maybe I should teach you the Tootie Ta. Gohan:My arms feel like jelly. Guldo:Feel that burn. Gohan:There's got to be a way to stop dancing? Guldo:If you don't like it? Then we'll fight instead. (Guldo stops dancing as well as Gohan). Gohan:You'll regret it. (Gohan powers up). Guldo:(Guldo shocked to see Gohan's power) Man, this kid is tough. (Gohan flies into the air and prepares to fire a Masenko at Guldo) Guldo:Oh no! Time freeze! (Guldo stops time and sees that Gohan was behind him) Guldo:(Guldo holds his breath)Oh shoot, he must have went fast to catch me. I'm running out of breath. (After he couldn't hold his breath, Gohan was freed) Gohan:Huh? How did he? That doesn't matter. (Gohan flies towards Guldo in a high speed flight) Guldo:Body Lock. (A red aura emitting around Gohan then disappears) Gohan:What happen? I'm frozen. Guldo:And now to finish you. (A flock of birds flew over Guldo) I hate birds. Gohan:Alright. (Gohan lands back to the ground) I can move again. Guldo:No you won't. Gohan:What's the? (Guldo uses his telekinesis to lift Gohan in the air) He used telekinesis on me. Gohan:(flies towards Guldo again) Time to end this fight. Guldo:Not for long kid. Guldo:(Guldo laughs and curls his hands as he shouts "Guldo Special"). (Guldo has concentrated his aura on Gohan, distinctly while he can freely move around). Gohan:I can't move, I'm frozen. Guldo:Haha! You're in my trap, and you will not escape.