  • Reformation
  • Reformation
  • |}
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Unter Reformation (deutsch: Umgestaltung, Verbesserung, besonders Kirchenverbesserung) war eine kirchlich-politische Umwälzung des 16. Jhs., welche die Entstehung des Protestantismus und damit der lutherischen und reformierten Kirchen zur Folge hatte.
  • See Againmaking.
  • The Reformation began in Wittenberg, Saxony, where Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences to the door of the Castle Church, in Wittenberg Protestants are united in their refusal to accept the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Apart from that Protestants vary enormously. The most prominent Protestant movements are listed in the article on Protestantism.
  • Reformation, nach der mittelhochdeutschen Lautverschiebung aus Reh und Formation, Wissenschaftliche Beschreibung für das Laufverhalten von Rotwildherden.
  • Reformation was a flag on the Viridian Ocean. It was founded Augest 8, 2008. It currently has no monarch.
  • Reformation is a main quest in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  • "Reformation" is the tenth episode of the third season of The Wire. The episode was written by Ed Burns from a story he co-wrote with David Simon and was directed by Christine Moore. It originally aired on November 28, 2004.
  • Reformation (also called equitable reform) is a remedy available for breach of contract. Where the terms of the contract do not reflect the understanding of the parties, a court of law may reform the terms of the contract to settle the dispute. The contract is legally modified to reflect the actual agreement as understood by the parties.
  • Mara will reform after any death, regardless of the method or circumstances. There is no way for her to die which would block the reformation, save for the ability being deleted or negated during the two or three days which reforming takes. Her dead body will decompose rapidly, sometimes even turning into ash or dust, and then another body will appear after two or three days have passed. At first the new body will appear where she died, but eventually she will gain a particular reforming location. Her appearance can alter slightly after each reformation, but will still remain similar, and all of her loved ones will be able to recognise her instinctively. She will always keep all of her memories, skills and knowledge after each reformation. She will also remain at roughly the same age as sh
  • The Reformation was one of the most important schisms or divisions in Christianity, the other major schism being the split between Roman Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church Christians. Basically the Roman Catholic Church had become very corrupt and Martin Luther thought the pope was unfit to rule. So Luther founded Protestantism. There is a good and a a bad side to Christianity, see
  • The reformation was an event in Drayan history. Once brilliant scientists and engineers, they had been continually developing better, smarter, more efficient machines, until the technology became more important than the people. The reformation ended that path, and instead they "returned to themselves". Since that time, they remained isolated to avoid the influence of those who might lead them back down the wrong path. The event was similar to actions taken by certain Human cultures.
  • Eine Reformation bezeichnet im Allgemeinen eine Neuordnung oder eine Wiederherstellung eines bestimmten Zustandes. Auf dem Planeten Drayan II hat dies jedoch eine sehr spezielle Bedeutung. Die Vorfahren der Drayaner sind sehr gute Wissenschaftler und entwickeln immer bessere Maschinen, bis die Technologie wichtiger wird, als ihr Volk. Doch es findet eine Gegenbewegung statt. Während der Reformation werden die Drayaner wieder zurück auf den rechten Weg gebracht. Anhänger dieser Bewegung ist unter Anderen der Urgroßvater der Prälatin des Jahres 2372, Alcia. (VOY: )
  • 3
  • Reformation
  • 2008
  • OR
  • The High Confessor has arrived... with backup. I'm going to have to deal with all of them if I'm going to put an end to the High Confessor's reign.
  • The High Confessor can't believe I found Confessor Martin's tape. He asked me to play it for him.
  • The High Confessor has arrived. Time to end his reign... permanently.
  • I convinced the High Confessor and his men to leave the island for good. Now to let DiMA know the job's done.
  • The High Confessor is no more. Time to return to DiMA and let him know the job's done.
  • It's done. The new High Confessor is in place and peace has been restored to Far Harbor once again.
  • The High Confessor has agreed to meet me in the Command Center tunnels. I should head down there now.
  • I've got DiMA's fabricated holotape. Now I just need to present it to the High Confessor and convince him to join me... alone.
  • I convinced the High Confessor to leave the island for good. Now to let DiMA know the job's done.
  • I've agreed to help DiMA replace the High Confessor. First, I'll need to recover a couple of Confessor Martin's holotapes from his old refuge.
  • The deed is done. Now I just need to hide the evidence...
  • I've got the tapes DiMA asked for. Time to head back to Acadia and hand them over.
  • 1
  • Viridian
  • 20
Given by
  • 8
  • yes
ability to
  • reform into a new life after death
  • 8
  • 16
  • 2009
  • 10001917
  • 21
  • FO4FH
  • 600
  • 1500
  • Atom's Bulwark
  • Peace between all factions
  • Protector of Acadia perk
  • 0
  • fail
  • finish
  • Reformation
  • Reformation
  • main
  • no
  • 2004-11-28
  • Mara reforming after dying
  • OR
  • Quest Completed
  • Quest Failed
  • Convince the High Confessor to meet with you
  • Deal with the High Confessor
  • Deal with the High Confessor's Guards
  • Give Martin's tapes to DiMA
  • Head to the meeting location
  • Hide the evidence
  • Play "Martin's New Age" for the Confessor
  • Recover Martin's holotapes
  • Return to DiMA
  • Your death intervention spells gain an additional trigger after the first expires. Their healing effect is also increased by 30%.
  • Renewal
  • Ed Burns
  • None
  • no
  • Reformation
  • Warden
  • 1
  • 10
  • 10
  • 30
  • 40
  • 45
  • 50
  • 70
  • 150
  • 250
  • 255
  • 300
  • 750
  • "Middle Ground"
  • yes
  • 5
  • DLC03MQ06a
  • no
leads to
  • |}
  • Eine Reformation bezeichnet im Allgemeinen eine Neuordnung oder eine Wiederherstellung eines bestimmten Zustandes. Auf dem Planeten Drayan II hat dies jedoch eine sehr spezielle Bedeutung. Die Vorfahren der Drayaner sind sehr gute Wissenschaftler und entwickeln immer bessere Maschinen, bis die Technologie wichtiger wird, als ihr Volk. Doch es findet eine Gegenbewegung statt. Während der Reformation werden die Drayaner wieder zurück auf den rechten Weg gebracht. Anhänger dieser Bewegung ist unter Anderen der Urgroßvater der Prälatin des Jahres 2372, Alcia. (VOY: ) Auch auf Vulkan gibt es eine große, bedeutende Reformation. Die Vulkanische Reformation im Jahr 2154 schließt an die Jahrhunderte zurückliegende Zeit des Erwachens an und führt die vulkanische Philosophie zurück zur Lehre Suraks. (ENT: , , )
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Unter Reformation (deutsch: Umgestaltung, Verbesserung, besonders Kirchenverbesserung) war eine kirchlich-politische Umwälzung des 16. Jhs., welche die Entstehung des Protestantismus und damit der lutherischen und reformierten Kirchen zur Folge hatte.
  • See Againmaking.
  • The Reformation began in Wittenberg, Saxony, where Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences to the door of the Castle Church, in Wittenberg Protestants are united in their refusal to accept the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Apart from that Protestants vary enormously. The most prominent Protestant movements are listed in the article on Protestantism.
  • Reformation, nach der mittelhochdeutschen Lautverschiebung aus Reh und Formation, Wissenschaftliche Beschreibung für das Laufverhalten von Rotwildherden.
  • Reformation was a flag on the Viridian Ocean. It was founded Augest 8, 2008. It currently has no monarch.
  • Mara will reform after any death, regardless of the method or circumstances. There is no way for her to die which would block the reformation, save for the ability being deleted or negated during the two or three days which reforming takes. Her dead body will decompose rapidly, sometimes even turning into ash or dust, and then another body will appear after two or three days have passed. At first the new body will appear where she died, but eventually she will gain a particular reforming location. Her appearance can alter slightly after each reformation, but will still remain similar, and all of her loved ones will be able to recognise her instinctively. She will always keep all of her memories, skills and knowledge after each reformation. She will also remain at roughly the same age as she was when she died, but will return in perfect health. As a result, she would thus be able to live again for a few more years before reforming once more even if she had previously died due to old age.
  • The reformation was an event in Drayan history. Once brilliant scientists and engineers, they had been continually developing better, smarter, more efficient machines, until the technology became more important than the people. The reformation ended that path, and instead they "returned to themselves". Since that time, they remained isolated to avoid the influence of those who might lead them back down the wrong path. The event was similar to actions taken by certain Human cultures. Alcia, the great-granddaughter of one of the people who helped usher in the reformation and the Drayan leader during the 24th century, believed that without the reformation Drayan society would have self-destructed. (VOY: "Innocence")
  • Reformation is a main quest in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  • "Reformation" is the tenth episode of the third season of The Wire. The episode was written by Ed Burns from a story he co-wrote with David Simon and was directed by Christine Moore. It originally aired on November 28, 2004.
  • The Reformation was one of the most important schisms or divisions in Christianity, the other major schism being the split between Roman Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church Christians. Basically the Roman Catholic Church had become very corrupt and Martin Luther thought the pope was unfit to rule. So Luther founded Protestantism. Now in the 21st Century quite a number of people in Ireland and elsewhere think the Roman Catholic Church is corrupt and the pope is unfit to rule. Some are leaving the RC church to join other Christian sects or occasionally become secular while others stay in the RC's but don't fully accept the authority of the church. The Roman Catholics are in deep trouble and the outcome is uncertain. There is a good and a a bad side to Christianity, see
  • Reformation (also called equitable reform) is a remedy available for breach of contract. Where the terms of the contract do not reflect the understanding of the parties, a court of law may reform the terms of the contract to settle the dispute. The contract is legally modified to reflect the actual agreement as understood by the parties.
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