  • 228
  • 228
  • 228
  • 228
  • El dos cientos veintidos (228) es el número natural que sigue al 227 y precede al 229. Categoría:Números
  • [[Plik:DSC08288.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Jelcz M083C Libero na linii 228 na pętli CH Reduta (2013)]] 228 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z CH Reduta na Rakowiec. Linię obsługiwał ajent Mobilis.
  • It is early in the morning and Jason and Elizabeth are engaged in another squabble in the drawing room at Collinwood. It's not enough that Jason squeezes Elizabeth for as much money as he can get out of her – now he wants to be part of the Collins family business. Elizabeth adamantly refuses to concede to Jason's demands, and she puts up a strong front.
  • Als Lena erfährt dass Annette ihrer Schicht am Imbiss nicht nachkommt, ist sie in heller Aufregung. Doch Robin gelingt es erneut, Lenas Glaubwürdigkeit vor ihren Freunden in Frage zu stellen. Währenddessen muss Annette erkennen, dass ihre Schwester Recht hatte: Robin ist ein gefährlicher Psychopath. Um ganz für Oliver da sein zu können, meldet sich Diana bei Julian vorläufig von allen sportlichen und geschäftlichen Verpflichtungen ab. Doch derweil erhält Oliver Manfreds Abschiedsbrief, der Olivers wachsende Schuldgefühle verstärkt: Den letzten Willen seines Vaters missachtet zu haben, stürzt Oliver in eine tiefe Krise. In seiner Trauer bittet er Diana, ihn alleine zu lassen. Ausgelöst durch einen Kuss zwischen Marian und Nadja reagiert Mike über und verletzt dabei versehentlich Roman. Ingo
  • 228
  • 1967-05-02
  • 224
  • 1967
  • 1967-05-10
  • 228
  • Als Lena erfährt dass Annette ihrer Schicht am Imbiss nicht nachkommt, ist sie in heller Aufregung. Doch Robin gelingt es erneut, Lenas Glaubwürdigkeit vor ihren Freunden in Frage zu stellen. Währenddessen muss Annette erkennen, dass ihre Schwester Recht hatte: Robin ist ein gefährlicher Psychopath. Um ganz für Oliver da sein zu können, meldet sich Diana bei Julian vorläufig von allen sportlichen und geschäftlichen Verpflichtungen ab. Doch derweil erhält Oliver Manfreds Abschiedsbrief, der Olivers wachsende Schuldgefühle verstärkt: Den letzten Willen seines Vaters missachtet zu haben, stürzt Oliver in eine tiefe Krise. In seiner Trauer bittet er Diana, ihn alleine zu lassen. Ausgelöst durch einen Kuss zwischen Marian und Nadja reagiert Mike über und verletzt dabei versehentlich Roman. Ingo rät Mike, seine Eifersucht zu zügeln, wenn er Nadja nicht vollkommen vertreiben will. Doch sein Bemühen misslingt und ungewollt treibt er so Nadja in Marians Arme...
  • El dos cientos veintidos (228) es el número natural que sigue al 227 y precede al 229. Categoría:Números
  • [[Plik:DSC08288.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Jelcz M083C Libero na linii 228 na pętli CH Reduta (2013)]] 228 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z CH Reduta na Rakowiec. Linię obsługiwał ajent Mobilis.
  • It is early in the morning and Jason and Elizabeth are engaged in another squabble in the drawing room at Collinwood. It's not enough that Jason squeezes Elizabeth for as much money as he can get out of her – now he wants to be part of the Collins family business. Elizabeth adamantly refuses to concede to Jason's demands, and she puts up a strong front. Jason continues to whittle at Elizabeth, and indicates that he desires to be the new director of Public Relations at the Collins Cannery. Carolyn walks into the drawing room, and Jason quickly changes the subject. She exchanges a few words with him, and then leaves to go speak with Victoria. Elizabeth continues to protest, but she knows that it will do her little good. Jason can manipulate her into doing anything. Later, Roger interrogates her about hiring Jason at the cannery, and correctly deduces it was McGuire's idea despite Elizabeth's denial. Roger offers his help, and tries and fails to learn why his sister is allowing Jason to not only live at Collinwood but to also ingratiate himself into the business. Elizabeth dismisses him and leaves the room. Meanwhile, Carolyn tells Victoria how much she detests Jason. She has grown weary of his snide remarks and his insidious way of getting under her skin. Jason walks into the room and smugly announces that Elizabeth has just made him the new public relations director for Collins Canneries. Later in the evening, Roger, Victoria and Carolyn all converge in Elizabeth's study. Carolyn begins asking questions about a locked room in the basement. She is convinced that the locked room has something to do with the hold that Jason seems to have over her mother. Roger comments that the locked room is where Elizabeth placed Carolyn's father, Paul Stoddard's, belongings after he disappeared some eighteen-years-ago. Elizabeth walks in and Carolyn asks for the key. Elizabeth becomes very flustered and says that she doesn't have it. She orders everyone to forget the matter, then storms out of the room. Shortly thereafter, Elizabeth finds Victoria in the drawing room. She tells Victoria that the basement room represents great pain for her, and asks her to discourage Carolyn from inquiring about it. Victoria realizes that Elizabeth is hiding something, but agrees to do as she asks. She later finds Carolyn rifling about her mother's study. Carolyn is looking for the key to the locked room. Victoria tries to talk her out of it, but Carolyn declares that she has a right to see her father's things – if that is truly what is down there. Victoria continues to plead her case, but has no real defense against Carolyn's determination.
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