  • Sato Katsura
  • Sato Katsura
  • Sato Katsura ist ein Mensch des 17. Jahrhunderts. Er ist ein hochangesehener Samurai und dient Lord Makoto. Als Makoto von dämonischen Wesen getötet wird, ahnt Katsura, wer dahinter steckt: der größte Rivale seines Herrn - Lord Rikushira. Er schwört Rache und trifft dabei auf den Achten Doctor und Izzy Sinclair.
  • As a samurai Sato served the Lord of Clan Makoto. He was a dedicated and highly skilled warrior, but his commitment to an honourable life was probably his over-riding motive. When Lord Makoto was killed by what appeared to be demons bearing the crest of the rival Clan Rikushira, Sato pledged himself to avenge his master and then commit suicide (feeling he had failed by allowing him to be killed). On the way to Castle Rikushira, he encountered Izzy, and with her help was able to enter the fortress.
  • The Glorious Dead
  • The Road to Hell
  • männlich
  • 260
Bekannt als
  • Cardinal Morningstar
  • Sato Katsura
  • Human
  • Sato-Katsura.jpg
  • As a samurai Sato served the Lord of Clan Makoto. He was a dedicated and highly skilled warrior, but his commitment to an honourable life was probably his over-riding motive. When Lord Makoto was killed by what appeared to be demons bearing the crest of the rival Clan Rikushira, Sato pledged himself to avenge his master and then commit suicide (feeling he had failed by allowing him to be killed). On the way to Castle Rikushira, he encountered Izzy, and with her help was able to enter the fortress. Lord Rikushira had entered into an alliance with aliens known as the Gaijin. However, the vision of Japan's future that Rikushira's mother Asami was able to extract from Izzy's mind drove her insane and she used the alien technology the Gaijin had provided (source of the demons that had killed Makoto) to destroy the castle, planning to launch a pre-emptive attack on the West to prevent the atom bombings of the 20th century. The Eighth Doctor persuaded the Gaijin to stop Asami, and in the chaos Sato was able to kill Rikushira. He was mortally wounded, however, and would have died had the Doctor not treated him with life-preserving nano-drones the Gaijin had supplied Rikushira with as part of their deal. However, to his horror, Sato discovered that the nano-drones could not be deactivated and his attempts to commit honourable suicide, now that his mission was fulfilled, were futile. He was effectively immortal and invincible, but at the same time had lost the thing that mattered most to him: his honour. For Izzy's sake he did not kill the Doctor, but left the time travellers, an angry, bitter man. (COMIC: The Road to Hell)
  • Sato Katsura ist ein Mensch des 17. Jahrhunderts. Er ist ein hochangesehener Samurai und dient Lord Makoto. Als Makoto von dämonischen Wesen getötet wird, ahnt Katsura, wer dahinter steckt: der größte Rivale seines Herrn - Lord Rikushira. Er schwört Rache und trifft dabei auf den Achten Doctor und Izzy Sinclair. Gemeinsam finden sie heraus, dass Rikushira sich mit den Gaijin verbündet hat. Im Kampf mit dieser außerirdischen Spezies kommt Katsura ums Leben, doch der Doctor rettet ihn mittels einer Nano-Drohnen-Sonde der Gaijin. Dies führt dazu, dass Katsura unsterblich wird, da die Nano-Drohnen in seinem Körper für eine ständige Reparatur zellulärer Zerstörungen sorgen. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen (Comic) Kategorie:Menschen (17. Jahrhundert) Kategorie:Unsterbliche Kategorie:Diener des Masters
is Enemy of