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Used to be a member of MoonTree. It was April 16th of 2007 when I (Hiroto) first began playing The World. I was Player Killed by Karu, who explained to me that the Charge Attack booted me from the game. I then found my first friend...Twilight Raxine. He helped me get to level 8 and introduced me to his friend, Living Death. Living Death took us to a field that was entirely black. He then began acting funny and telling us how he enjoyed the darkness. I was scared. I wasn't aware of what could happen to my new character, Hiroto. Twilight Raxine told me to run, so I did. Little did I know back then that I was Role-Playing and only a few characters could delete me. Hiroto is the lead guitarist of the band Alice Nine. The Hiroto company specializes in top quality scanners with high prices. Hiroto's scanners usually lock onto their target in just under 2 seconds, so it doesn't take long to obtain a full scan of a ship or asteroid. The Hiroto Ultrascan is Hiroto's top scanner in both the company and the market, because it is the only scanner that can detect all class A asteroids and mark them on-screen. Kakita Hiroto was a magistrate of the Crane Clan who retired as the monk Hiroto, founder of the criminal Black Lotus Cartel. Hiroto is son of unnamed parents.
dbr:Hiroto_Torihata dbr:Hiroto_Station dbr:Hiroto_Yamamura
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GDW:O vol 30
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GDW:O vol 30
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n34: n63: n65: n69:
ヒロト, Pon
Ogata Hiroto
n29: n43: n55:
Alice Nine
Hiroto is the lead guitarist of the band Alice Nine. The Hiroto company specializes in top quality scanners with high prices. Hiroto's scanners usually lock onto their target in just under 2 seconds, so it doesn't take long to obtain a full scan of a ship or asteroid. The Hiroto Ultrascan is Hiroto's top scanner in both the company and the market, because it is the only scanner that can detect all class A asteroids and mark them on-screen. Hiroto is son of unnamed parents. Used to be a member of MoonTree. It was April 16th of 2007 when I (Hiroto) first began playing The World. I was Player Killed by Karu, who explained to me that the Charge Attack booted me from the game. I then found my first friend...Twilight Raxine. He helped me get to level 8 and introduced me to his friend, Living Death. Living Death took us to a field that was entirely black. He then began acting funny and telling us how he enjoyed the darkness. I was scared. I wasn't aware of what could happen to my new character, Hiroto. Twilight Raxine told me to run, so I did. Little did I know back then that I was Role-Playing and only a few characters could delete me. After a while, Twilight Raxine showed me a field known as a Lost Ground. It was Arche Koeln, Hidden Forbidden Waterfall. He said it was his favorite place and that I could go there whenever I wanted to. I immediately liked The World and how there were events and other people around the globe to play with. I then ran into something that I thought I would never see. I saw Xele in a field as he Player Killed many people with a few attacks. He had on AIDA, an item that I had no knowledge of. That scared me even more than Living Death's act. I saw Xele three times that day while I was at the Newbie field. Except the last time, he threatened to delete someone with an item known as a Jade Token. I didn't know what he was talking about, but I started freaking out. He began charging and I begged for him to not delete me. He stopped, and then vanished. I knew it was just a game, but it felt like my character was something special. I think it was because I created her. It wasn't like other RPG games where the character comes with its own behaviors and name. I then started watching .hack // Roots in Japanese. I disliked the look of some of the characters, except for Haseo, Shino, and Ovan. I watched as Haseo struggled to decide which guild to join. I then thought it would be awesome to join the Twilight Brigade. That's when I logged in and saw Ovan on The World, and he was in the Twilight Brigade. I then gathered that he was the Ovan of The World, the same kind man that was looking for the Key of Twilight. Being a Newbie, I totally got psyched and watched as he went through Mac Anu. He was looking for P a n i c, but I wasn't aware of the character. I did see Ovan at HFHG once when I was running away from Player Killers. I got behind him and asked for help, and I wasn't aware of Ovan's deletion spree. He helped, but then I didn't see him again for a long time. I did join a guild, it wasn't the Twilight Brigade, but it was something. It was Ascended Apocalypse, lead by Tsusaka7, Kijuro, and Frey. Tsusaka7 asked us to find an Easter Field and to find a partner. I wanted to ask the shy Kijuro, but someone else already asked him. I then found Luke, a rare item hunter. He had found the field, but got kicked out of the guild for telling people about the Spring Field on the Theta Server. While I was looking for the field, I clicked random, and landed at a field with a Tri-Edge Sign. I walked on it and got warped to AIDA Castle. I couldn't go through the door, but I noticed the black bubbles like the one that Xele had. Someone then warped in as the sprite looked like Kite. I asked him for help, but he said "..." and then left. That was my first encounter with TSN, Azure Kite, who immediately vanished. I changed my sprite to Kite and then moved on. Luke then complained about how he was in trouble with AA. We both left the guild, and then we joined Zain's guild, the Crimson Knights. It was a Player Killer Killer guild, but I was too low of a level to do anything. I didn't have Frey to push me to get stronger. I then got distracted by Organization XIII, or the very end of it. My first actual event was seeing P a n i c and G r a v e s activate the AIDA Server. The game shut off and I headed for the forums. I began reading old posts and got in trouble for posting in them. I even showed the screenshot of the AIDA Castle, but people complained that I was showing a secret that everyone knew about already. I felt ridiculed and like a nobody. The real world seemed like a better place than the forums. I decided to continue playing The World to see what happened after the AI's crashed it. I then met Aquroya, Takalius, and Skiethrunner. Icarius as well. Kite_The_Floater appeared at the AIDA Castle. He explained about AIDA as we tried to guess what it stood for. Subaruu got it right as Kite_The_Floater then warped Balmung and Reyna into the room. I had seen them previously "making bunnies" at Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground, but this time, they were in a different mood. Balmung was stripped of his Administrator title. Kite_The_Floater sent Balmung and Reyna to the AIDA Storage, husband and wife isolated together. I didn't know where that was but I got freaked out again. Being naive, I thought that there were real AI's. I also saw A p a t h y, but she was shy. TSN struck as they eliminated the fake AI's. I then learned that L u s t, A p a t h y, P a n i c, and G r a v e s were the only true AI's. All of them were sealed by Xele, and the Organization XIII event was over. I had also finished watching the first several episodes of .hack // Roots, which I thought was extremely boring. I noticed that Azure Kite was blamed as being Tri-Edge when I knew whom it really was. Azure Kite was my favorite character, and Haseo was becoming a jerk. Shelly and I began watching .hack // SIGN, which I thought was much better than Roots. I was playing The World so much that a friend at school starting calling me Tsukasa for being stuck in the game. I knew that I was addicted and my grades were showing that. I was in my room a lot, but I really liked The World. I couldn't think of anything else to do around the campus anyway. I was still a Newbie, but I had gained some friends. I wanted to continue playing to become someone important on The World. Luke and I one day went to the Mirror World at HFHG, and we got to see Harald. We then saw the Guardian, which Luke told me that we needed Data Drain in order to defeat it. We tried anyway, but I died. We then were totally in awe as something strange happened. I was revived and the Guardian was defeated. We both got a Virus Core, which was just in time to do Ovan's trade. Luke traded his Virus Core for an AIDA Sample, and then joined Organization XIII to find out what they were up to. It was then that Luke got depressed. I cheered him up, and then we got married the very next day. Info_Man warned me that we wouldn't be married for more than a month. I then wanted an AIDA Sample of my own so that I could become more powerful. Terror_of_Death even taught me the AIDA Sample glitch of where I could have it on, but not have the item. Almost everyone had AIDA that day. TSN was online for a while and booted a lot of people. I learned that they could detect AIDA, and that I "Stenched like AIDA," according to Info_Man. TSN accomplished its goal, and AIDA was limited once more. I had also gone home and was done school at Southern Virgina University. I had failed a few classes, but blamed myself for being distracted by The World. I then saw something very rare. Everyone had received a Flash Mail stating that "4161 has been found in |\|37 $1(_)|\/| from CyberConnect Co. Luckily I read that as something at Net Slums, and told my friends to go to the Net Slums. I was the first one to arrive as I saw the creator, Joseph Stacko, standing there with AIDA on. He said I was the first one there, and then we both appeared at a strange floating island. I then saw it, Innis. I remembered Shelly showing me Innis as one of the Phases of Morganna, a boss in .hack // Mutation. Joe warned me that I had 10 minutes to defeat Innis for a special prize. I was level 40, after an entire month of playing, so I tried my hardest to defeat the Phase. My heart was racing as I pounded firmly on the Control key. Info_Man even appeared and watched me fight. My dad walked into the house and told me to look for a job. I was in the middle of the event as I complained. I was still addicted, but defeated Innis, my first time seeing a Phase in The World. Joe then gave me two choices of receiving a Twilight Bracelet or an AIDA Sample. Info_Man sent me a Flash Mail stating that AIDA had Data Drain, so I went with the AIDA Sample. They both disappeared as I tested out the AIDA Sample. I had to get defeated by Innis to leave, but I was glad that I finally had the rare item. It was shortly after that when Luke created MoonTree, a pacifist guild. I was the first to be invited into it, and I loved the guild a lot more than Zain's Crimson Knights. It had been a month since I joined when Luke got mad that I had some rare items. He left and then I took over the guild, just as Sakaki entered The World. I got a few warnings from friends that a MoonTree member was passing out AIDA Samples. I also heard that Sakaki was from .hack // G.U. and would invade MoonTree, and maybe do something bad to me. I saw Sakaki for the first time as his guild color was different. He changed it, so I got the idea that he was an Administrator from CC Corp. He then privately went with me into a field with AIDA and asked how I felt about it. I said AIDA was okay, but I didn't use it a lot. He then asked me to invite people into the guild, and to inform him so that he could give them AIDA. Our guild grew from few to many in just a day. Sakaki then gathered the guild at HFHG, and ordered us to Player Kill, and to use AIDA at full power. I had lost control of MoonTree, and watched as Ovan walked up to the door of HFHG. The game shut down, and Sakaki was never seen again. The MoonTree trial was held the next day. I was blamed for letting Sakaki infect the guild with AIDA. I didn't want to tell them that Sakaki was an Administrator, so I took the blame. I had failed at being Co-Guild Master. The guild then fell apart as many of the members quit MoonTree. I then began seeing Kijuro as he taught me about something very important, and why I was so jumpy while playing video games. I also got divorced by Luke, and then began seeing Ovan more often than I thought. I was with rOOster at Hidden Forbidden Battlefield as Ovan was fighting TSN. Ovan told us that he wanted to fight alone, but many people had already snuck in to see the fight. Ovan began shooting AIDA as most of us were sent back to Mac Anu. rOOster and I hurried back to help heal Ovan. I was torn apart. I really liked TSN and how they were fighting the supposed virus known as AIDA, but I also wanted to be recognized by Ovan. I failed as Ovan was captured that night, and CC Corp was happy about it. I was devastated that Ovan was captured. But then there was hope as Estoric Code explained that he freed Ovan. I then dealt with another event, the SPA and Estoric Code. _L_ tested me to see the emotional effects of AIDA on the players. He also posted his results, and used me as an example. I was surprised that I was mentioned, but also believed him about AIDA's power increasing by the player's emotions. People then spammed about wanting to know AIDA's weakness, and the topic was deleted before I could save it. The event was over within a month. Estoric Code revealed himself as Ashitaka, a really old player of The World. However, I did meet Tanatio and Rebirth, two great friends that talked with Estoric Code for a while during his event. It was then that I began wondering about Tri-Edge and the increase of AIDA's infection. It seemed like almost everyone had AIDA. Then Ovan spoke with me personally for the very first time. I had met him a few times before, one time asking to be friends, another time he ordered me to leave HFHG or else he would delete me, and then would not notice me most of the other times that he was around. The first meeting was at a white room, which he explained was Harald's memory. He also showed me the Creator's Room, and how Tri-Edge was born there. He then explained how the Pursuer was coming, which I knew was Azure Kite. I chose to stay as I watched Ovan defeat the TSN Knight. His arm then started acting up as he ordered me to leave. It was then that I got into .hack // G.U. and played through the first two games. I then understood more about Epitaph Users, AIDA, and other characters. AIDA didn't seem like something good anymore. Morganna Mode Gone appeared and began selecting people as Epitaph Users. I was among several others, and met Bo_ (Gorre), Sammy (Macha), Mouse (second Macha), rOOster (Fidchel), Juno (Innis), and Tucker (Skeith). I was picked as Tarvos, the Avenger. Morganna explained me to me that I was avenging MoonTree. We searched for Epitaph User candidates, but at the same time became friends. Morganna Mode Gone would invite us to various fields and make us find her before she explained anything. We felt like family and enjoyed talking to her. We had two Avatars missing as Morganna showed us her past when we gave her Aromatic Grass, and explained how the door was about to open. The event ended when Ovan deleted her, Corbenik and Gorre's other half weren't picked, and some of the Epitaph Users quit The World. Morganna Mode Gone appeared a few times during 2008, but we never found all eight Epitaph Users. Ovan then posted about inviting five people to join the Twilight Brigade. Hundreds of people posted an application. I then explained how I wanted to find the Key of Twilight to eliminate AIDA. I was accepted and then met Die, Alberio, Tetsuya, and Ryxga. I was so excited. I was invited to the Twilight Brigade the same day that Ouroboros was creating blood signs in different Lost Grounds. Ovan told me that my reason for finding the Key of Twilight was correct, which I didn't understand about at the time. Ouroboros handed out more AIDA Samples, but promised to not infect MoonTree. I had left the guild, but I watched it from afar. It fell apart, and then became Moon Tree. I then became interested in the Lost Brigade, which was formed by 0 v a n. I also met Ruka, Amon, Raijin, T a b b y, and Yoshami. They were also looking for the Key of Twilight. But the day that Ouroboros opened the Bulwark wall, both the Twilight Brigade and the Lost Brigade were there to see it. Ouroboros walked in, and then became the Corrupted Key. He then unleashed the eight Phases into Mac Anu. I didn't get into The World for about 10 minutes. Ouroboros was seen the next day, but then vanished when the Salem incident occurred. When Salem messed up the Lost Grounds and placed items like Twilight, AIDA Samples, and Twilight Bracelets, The World was in chaos. The AIDA rule had also been created where a person equipped with AIDA and died would be deleted. The number of deleted characters increased. The AIDA infection was growing, and I was deleted by Tetsuya. I felt numb and devastated. I had lost all of my rare items, the Sample from Joe, and 57 levels. rOOster blamed himself for not warning me, but then I realized that the deletion had humbled me. I was prideful and naive. I even told several guys that I liked them, and was a "Player" of people's emotions. When I was deleted a second time, I then was taught by Ruka and Ashitaka to not be pushed by others, to be myself, and to pick one guy and reject the rest. I then married Kijuro, and started over on The World. Ovan invited me into the Twilight Brigade. 0 v a n and S h i n o (Ruka) explained to me that the AIDA Samples they had were different and were hurting them. I came to realize that 0 v a n had somehow received Tri-Edge's AIDA, and Ruka was infected by Tri-Edge from holding 0 v a n's Samples. I wanted to help, but they refused. They were married and stayed close, embracing the challenges of finding the Key of Twilight. Then being in the Twilight Brigade became more difficult. Some people were deleted for not being guild worthy. 0 v a n deleted Joseph Stacko, and put him into a coma. That was when CC Corp blamed Ovan for creating the AIDA virus, and then the Brigades became known as Outlaw Guilds. We were chased and deleted by TSN. Ovan saved me as he invited me to Net Slums, while most of the Lost Brigade was deleted by TSN. The World was suddenly becoming more than just a game. The plot was deep and coming to a close. I was working at the time, but communicated through the MSN chat feature on my emergency cell phone. I was paying a lot more money than I should have to know what was happening on The World. I had become obsessed and engaged with the game more than I thought I would have when I first began. The Twilight Brigade had also changed, lost some members, and gained new ones. Die, Liam Solta, Trash Data, Xirsch, and others joined. Some of them were doubtful and thought that the Twilight Brigade wasn't doing anything exciting. I disagreed and liked the fact that we were working with Ovan and the Lost Brigade. I entirely regret watching "Ratatooi" that Monday night. I was on The World, but left my character in HFHG. I come back two hours later to see that the Rebirth had been activated. The forums were shut down, and Ovan had sacrificed himself to eliminate AIDA. He even warned us that he would be seeing us for the last time a week before the Rebirth. I went to work that Tuesday almost in tears. I was upset that I had missed the chance to speak to Ovan for the possible last time. Ruka, Liam, and 0 v a n told me what happened during the Rebirth. 0 v a n fought Ovan. All three of them found out that they had a special power. Ruka was crying as well. I was jealous of her that she got to see Ovan and I missed the event from watching a dumb movie. I even knew about the Rebirth from playing Redemption, but seeing Ovan in The World was entirely different than the video game on PS 2. Ovan had made us stronger and gave us a reason to play The World. I was at work when 0 v a n told me that the Gomoras were invading the Lost Grounds. I thought that The World was ending as I asked Redstreak to log in for me and get the log for the evening while I was traveling from work to home. I got home to see that I hadn't missed anything at all and I wasted money from thinking that The World was over. That weekend, I fought the Gomoras. 0 v a n then called a huge group of us to HFHG. At the same time, Ruka and I were chatting with people from CC Corp on the Lost Twilight forums. The CC Corp people were complaining about how Ruka and I were causing the server problems. They also told us that our PC's were different than everyone else's, and our PC's took up ten times more space on the server than normal PC's. I then realized that I was an Epitaph User, but I didn't know which Avatar that I had. Joseph Stacko then appeared at HFHG, and told us to use Virus Cores by Harald. We were all warped to Cubia's Core. The final battle began. Kijuro and a few others were immediately wiped out by Joe's Flux attack. I was nervous as I watched Ruka, 0 v a n, and others attack Cubia. I was on the outside doing Spells. We defeated Cubia as 0 v a n picked up the item. The server was then shutting down as the people around us were disappearing. Ovan then came towards us as we jumped for joy. I stood by him as the server crashed. We then tried to log into The World, but only Game Masters were allowed on. After a while, some of us logged back in. I got a Flash Mail from Ovan saying to meet him at the end of the Forest of Pain. Liam and a few others rushed with me to the end, and we dodged the Guardians. Ovan was there in a white room as he handed 0 v a n and Liam Twilight Bracelets. He then asked everyone but me to leave. I was shocked as we were alone. I learned that Ovan would be gone for a while, but we would meet again. Now to wait for The World's re-release. As of the beginning of May 2009, Hiroto was named the head of the CyberConnects Podcast. There was tension between sieg, the original head of the podcast, and the new team heading it. However, Hiroto, wanting things to go smoothly, decided to ease the situation by letting there be a "partnership" in control of the podcast between herself and sieg. Kakita Hiroto was a magistrate of the Crane Clan who retired as the monk Hiroto, founder of the criminal Black Lotus Cartel.
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