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Bad Moons
Some Runtherdz reckon that it must have been the Bad Moons that came up with the whole concept of Ork teef being used to buy things, when the klan figured out how quick their teeth grow. Of course there are other Runtherdz who say it is the other way round, and when teef became Ork currency the Bad Moons made their teeth grow quicker so they would have the most. In either case, Orks seldom dwell on such things for long, as knocking out teeth is far more interesting than talking about them. Bad Moons make excellent merchants and money lenders. They know the value of any item at a glance, and with a quick study of an individual, they can discern exactly how much that individual is willing to pay for something. Always eager to acquire new luxuries, haggling Bad Moons are a fixture in any Ork
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Ranged Combat, Dakka
Bad Moons
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Golden Yellow and Black
Some Runtherdz reckon that it must have been the Bad Moons that came up with the whole concept of Ork teef being used to buy things, when the klan figured out how quick their teeth grow. Of course there are other Runtherdz who say it is the other way round, and when teef became Ork currency the Bad Moons made their teeth grow quicker so they would have the most. In either case, Orks seldom dwell on such things for long, as knocking out teeth is far more interesting than talking about them. Bad Moons make excellent merchants and money lenders. They know the value of any item at a glance, and with a quick study of an individual, they can discern exactly how much that individual is willing to pay for something. Always eager to acquire new luxuries, haggling Bad Moons are a fixture in any Ork gathering where goods and services are being exchanged. All this wealth means that Bad Moons have an ostentatious reputation, and their vehicles are festooned with gaudy decoration and gold plating, as is the majority of their wargear. As gold is considered practically worthless by most Orks, being too soft to make good weapons or vehicles, they are more than happy to trade it away to Bad Moons for the more valuable teef. Bad Moons love gold more than any other metal, and will commonly have a couple of glinting teeth in their avaricious grins. If there is a downside to their wealth, it is the fact that while they have access to more teef and better loot than the average Ork, it is also incredibly easy to separate them from said wealth. All it takes is a bigger, tougher Ork to come along and smash a Bad Moons' teeth out of his head to make a serious dent in their cash flow. This is seen as right, proper, and fair by all Orks, even Bad Moons, as the violent "might makes right, biggest is best" part of Orkish society balances out the otherwise constantly expanding wealth available to Bad Moons. Bad Moons mobs are always well-equipped, at least by Ork standards. Their Nobz often sport flashy back banners and massive, kustomised weapons, and are followed by entourages of scurrying Grot servants loaded down with ammunition and chests of teef. Some of this ornamentation is simply to show other Orks just what a big deal the Bad Moons are. This could include huge coloured totems above their wagons bearing grinning Ork faces, or teetering statues of Gork or Mork built from precious metals and stones all mashed together (they're more valuable that way). Bosses and Nobz of the Bad Moons klan are well-known as aficionados of kustom Battlewagons, which are huge, heavily-armed, flashy vehicles designed to carry an entire mob along with all of its Gretchin, Snotlings, Squigs, and any other gubbins they can squeeze in. The wealthiest, most well-heeled Bad Moons become Flash Gits. Though they are not unique to this klan, many Bad Moons aspire to such Orky opulence, and these Orks possess more teef than sense and are absolutely addicted to loud, flashy, highly-customised weapons. Strutting around with expensive Snazzguns and Kustom Shootas, Flash Gits tend to have a "style over substance" mindset that appeals to the greedy Bad Moons. While all Flash Gits are known to be arrogant, conniving, treacherous scum with a decidedly mercenary and "un-Orky" mindset, those from the Bad Moons klan are considered the worst of all. A mob of Bad Moon Nobz on foot will bristle with personalised Kombi-weapons and gold-plated Deffgunz, sauntering into battle with firepower enough to slaughter whole platoons of the enemy. These heavily-armed braggards think it is a blast to wipe out an enemy unit just as a rival Ork klan is about to engage them in melee. Another aspect of the wealthy Bad Moon klan are their pretensions to knowledge (such as it is understood among the Orks). Basically, the Bad Moons have a reputation for knowing things most Orks see no practical use for. This klan also tends to have a lot of Weirdboyz, who use their wealth to dress flamboyantly. Unfortunately for them, they often end up being dragged off to battle and used against the enemy like any other weapon.