"Atlantis"@fr . "Ordre de mission sur lequel appara\u00EEt l'Atlantis"@fr . . "NCC-72007"@en . . . . . "In the year 2364, the Atlantis was commanded by Captain Jana Park, and received orders from Admiral Gregory Quinn. (TNG episode: \"Conspiracy\") In 2365, the Atlantis was under the command of Dick Brownfield, assigned to captain Atlantis on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: \"The Measure of a Man\") In 2372, the Atlantis received a distress call from Starbase 113 after a large explosion at the starbase and proceeded there at maximum warp. The Atlantis also relayed the information to other Starfleet ships that Starbase 113 believed Worf was responsible. (DS9 comic: \"Bonds of Honor\")"@en . "actif"@fr . "USS Atlantis (NCC-72007)"@fr . . "fed"@en . "24"^^ . . . . "USS"@fr . "L' USS Atlantis NCC-72007 \u00E9tait un vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration affili\u00E9 \u00E0 starfleet durant la 2\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle sous le commandement du capitaine Jana Park. Il \u00E9tait le deuxi\u00E8me vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 porter ce nom. L'USS Atlantis NCC-32710 \u00E9tait en service \u00E0 la m\u00EAme \u00E9poque."@fr . . "USS Atlantis (NCC-72007)"@en . . . "NCC-72007"@fr . . "220"^^ . "USS Atlantis"@en . . . "L' USS Atlantis NCC-72007 \u00E9tait un vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration affili\u00E9 \u00E0 starfleet durant la 2\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle sous le commandement du capitaine Jana Park. Il \u00E9tait le deuxi\u00E8me vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 porter ce nom. L'USS Atlantis NCC-32710 \u00E9tait en service \u00E0 la m\u00EAme \u00E9poque."@fr . "45"^^ . . . "In the year 2364, the Atlantis was commanded by Captain Jana Park, and received orders from Admiral Gregory Quinn. (TNG episode: \"Conspiracy\") In 2365, the Atlantis was under the command of Dick Brownfield, assigned to captain Atlantis on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: \"The Measure of a Man\")"@en . . . . . . "active"@en .