"y"@en . "solar"@en . "This is a ne first Growin guild on Solar We are fun and active like all guildes say but join us and see that the other guilds might be active but dont coomper to how active we are.for the nxt like 2weeks the guid wil be under going fast lvling join us while the guild is new so u can help and get ur self a nice rank so when the guild is fully louched you will be on bord. Rigth now we are lvling guild but once done we will do tons of hunts dungeon run and leechs even now we do hunts and dungeon runs every day Join us while we begine our adventure"@en . . "This is a ne first Growin guild on Solar We are fun and active like all guildes say but join us and see that the other guilds might be active but dont coomper to how active we are.for the nxt like 2weeks the guid wil be under going fast lvling join us while the guild is new so u can help and get ur self a nice rank so when the guild is fully louched you will be on bord. Rigth now we are lvling guild but once done we will do tons of hunts dungeon run and leechs even now we do hunts and dungeon runs every day to join u have to be lvl 50+ but if ur 40-49 u get 2days to reach lvl 50 and we wont reach u thoses 2days to see how active of a player u are and how fast u lvl after that as long and ur lvl 50+ u will get better rank then on-trail the rest will be decied by ur lvl and how much ur ae willing to give too guild the guild will have special event once a week that wil have a prize(witch might be money,equipment, aweapon or ect) Join us while we begine our adventure and if u think and am saying any lies abut the guild join us and i wil prove u wrong"@en . "The-Jokers"@en . .