"This key item is obtained by choosing Fauregandi when doing a supply quest. This outpost is located in the Beaucedine Glacier at H-9. For further information, see Supply Run Mission."@en . . "Fauregandi Supplies"@en . . "This key item is obtained by choosing Fauregandi when doing a supply quest. This outpost is located in the Beaucedine Glacier at H-9. For further information, see Supply Run Mission."@en . "This key item is obtained by choosing Fauregandi when doing a supply quest. This outpost is located in the Beaucedine Glacier at H-9. For further information, see Supply Run Mission."@en . "Temporary Key Items"@en . "Deliver these supplies to the guards manning the Fauregandi Outpost before the next conquest results are tallied."@en . "Fauregandi Supplies"@en .