"After the long battle between Hiruko and the Leaf Ninja, those who followed Hiruko's idea of world domination sought out for his body, after learning of his defeat. What they found was what was left of his studies and ancient artifacts. They discovered a red jewel, that shined without the need of light. Wanting to intact such power, they sealed Hiruko and his technique within the jewel, hoping to tame the power. This prompted those who wanted to one day control the Chimera Technique to have the chakra and body capable of taming the jewel. For many years, those who attempted to wear it lost their own powers, and their minds along with it. It was found by a powerful man who bestowed it upon his daughter, who proved capable and strong enough to make the power her own."@en . "No"@en . "Sogani"@en . "After the long battle between Hiruko and the Leaf Ninja, those who followed Hiruko's idea of world domination sought out for his body, after learning of his defeat. What they found was what was left of his studies and ancient artifacts. They discovered a red jewel, that shined without the need of light. Wanting to intact such power, they sealed Hiruko and his technique within the jewel, hoping to tame the power. This prompted those who wanted to one day control the Chimera Technique to have the chakra and body capable of taming the jewel. For many years, those who attempted to wear it lost their own powers, and their minds along with it. It was found by a powerful man who bestowed it upon his daughter, who proved capable and strong enough to make the power her own."@en . "No"@en . "Chimera Jewel"@en . . "Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary"@en . "Anime, Manga"@en . . .