"482 is a bus service running three times a day from Framlingham to Diss via Dennington, Badingham, Laxfield, Stradbroke, Horham, Denham, Hoxne, Eye, Brome, Stuston and Diss. It is operated by Nightingales of Beccles under contract to Suffolk county council."@en . . . "El cuatrocientos ochenta y dos (482) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 481 y precede al 483. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "El cuatrocientos ochenta y dos (482) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 481 y precede al 483. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "482 is a bus service running three times a day from Framlingham to Diss via Dennington, Badingham, Laxfield, Stradbroke, Horham, Denham, Hoxne, Eye, Brome, Stuston and Diss. It is operated by Nightingales of Beccles under contract to Suffolk county council."@en . "482"^^ . . ""@en . . . . ""@en . . "Barnabas and Dr. Eric Lang return to Lang's home, and Lang searches for the talisman, but it can't be found. Lang asks if they can get another talisman, but Barnabas tells him they are very rare. Jeff Clark interrupts them. He is on his way out with his suitcase, convinced something happened here last night, but he doesn't know what. After Jeff leaves, Barnabas suggests to Lang that he knows someone who can replace Jeff as his assistant, Willie Loomis, if he can convince Julia Hoffman to release him from the sanitarium."@en . . . "Barnabas and Dr. Eric Lang return to Lang's home, and Lang searches for the talisman, but it can't be found. Lang asks if they can get another talisman, but Barnabas tells him they are very rare. Jeff Clark interrupts them. He is on his way out with his suitcase, convinced something happened here last night, but he doesn't know what. After Jeff leaves, Barnabas suggests to Lang that he knows someone who can replace Jeff as his assistant, Willie Loomis, if he can convince Julia Hoffman to release him from the sanitarium. Barnabas mentions to Lang that Angelique came to him in a dream, and warned him about his dreams, and the dreams of others. At the Evans cottage, Maggie Evans is having a hard time getting her mind off her dream. There is a knock at the door, and she answers it, and is startled when she see Jeff Clark. She had never met him before, but recognizes him from her dream. Maggie tells Jeff the details of her dream. Maggie feels much better after telling Jeff about her dream. Vicki arrives, mad at Jeff for never calling her the previous night. He tells her he fell asleep at Lang's house, and if Lang told her he wasn't there, he was lying. Jeff notices the charm bracelet Vicki is wearing, and seems to recognize it, even though Vicki says she has not worn it since coming back from the past. Vicki explains how she lost it in the past, mentioning Rev. Trask and the trial. Jeff says he knew someone named Trask once, but doesn't remember from where. Later, Jeff falls asleep on a chair in the Evans living room, and he has the dream. This time, Dr. Lang is the beckoner, knocking three times on the door. Jeff opens the door and is compelled to follow Lang. Lang shows him a door and opens it, motioning Jeff to enter. Jeff does and Lang shuts and locks the door behind him. Jeff hears a voice saying \"Through night and sound, and faceless terror, through endless corridors, by trial and error, a head of blazing light does burn, and one door leads to the point of return.\" Jeff hears the tinkling music as he opens one door, finding a glowing skull staring at him. He slams that door shut, and opens another door. A guillotine blade slams down. Suddenly, Jeff awakens from his dream."@en . "Obwohl Maximilian sein M\u00F6glichstes getan hat, um Juli von der Eisshow fernzuhalten, schafft sie es doch mit Diana Hilfe, sich ihren Traum zu erf\u00FCllen. Dabei erf\u00E4hrt sie von Maximilians Bestechungsversuch. Auch Maximilians Wunsch, Celine langsam n\u00E4her zu kommen, scheint sich nicht zu erf\u00FCllen. Richard verk\u00FCndet Simone, dass er die Villa verlassen wird. Stattdessen will er ein luxuri\u00F6ses Penthouse f\u00FCr sich und Nadja kaufen. Richard verabschiedet sich schweren Herzen von seiner Villa und muss feststellen, dass die Wunden seiner Familie tiefer sitzen als geglaubt. Oliver erkl\u00E4rt der fassungslosen Annette, wie gering die Chancen stehen, jemals schwanger zu werden. Diana steht Annette bei und versucht, ihr klar zu machen, dass sie Ingo so schnell wie m\u00F6glich aufkl\u00E4ren muss. Doch Annette m\u00F6chte n"@de . "482"@de . . . "1968-04-24"^^ . . "482"@es . "481"^^ . "1968-04-30"^^ . "1968"^^ . "Obwohl Maximilian sein M\u00F6glichstes getan hat, um Juli von der Eisshow fernzuhalten, schafft sie es doch mit Diana Hilfe, sich ihren Traum zu erf\u00FCllen. Dabei erf\u00E4hrt sie von Maximilians Bestechungsversuch. Auch Maximilians Wunsch, Celine langsam n\u00E4her zu kommen, scheint sich nicht zu erf\u00FCllen. Richard verk\u00FCndet Simone, dass er die Villa verlassen wird. Stattdessen will er ein luxuri\u00F6ses Penthouse f\u00FCr sich und Nadja kaufen. Richard verabschiedet sich schweren Herzen von seiner Villa und muss feststellen, dass die Wunden seiner Familie tiefer sitzen als geglaubt. Oliver erkl\u00E4rt der fassungslosen Annette, wie gering die Chancen stehen, jemals schwanger zu werden. Diana steht Annette bei und versucht, ihr klar zu machen, dass sie Ingo so schnell wie m\u00F6glich aufkl\u00E4ren muss. Doch Annette m\u00F6chte nicht so schnell aufgeben und entschlie\u00DFt sich, f\u00FCr ihr Wunschkind zu k\u00E4mpfen."@de . . . "476"^^ . "482"@en . . . .