"A chicken softly nuzzles your neck."@en . "You apologize to everyone for your stupidity."@en . "You grab your own arm and spin yourself dizzy."@en . "Nod"@en . "A chicken engulfs you in scathing flames!"@en . "A chicken hops around like a bunny."@en . "You point your finger at it and laugh."@en . . "Grope"@en . "A chicken rolls its eyes and mutters a heart felt 'Bah!'"@en . "You comfort it."@en . "A chicken boggles at what it did."@en . "BAH!"@en . "A chicken hiccups."@en . "You bend in half and curtsey to yourself."@en . . "Incline"@en . "You squirm around a bit... ahhhhh. That felt good."@en . "Grin"@en . "A chicken sneezes."@en . "You give yourself a round of applause."@en . "A chicken thanks you heartily."@en . "A chicken ponders life, the universe, and everything."@en . "A chicken sniffs you. How bizarre..."@en . "You burst into a bright flame."@en . "Groan"@en . "Clicking the Social button on the home screen brings up the Social Menu. These following links are all for Retora Games."@en . "A chicken bounces around with a puppy."@en . "You mutter to yourself about a chicken."@en . "You cringe in terror."@en . "Social"@en . "You chuckle politely."@en . "Sniff"@en . "Your ears burn as a chicken thinks about you.. you wonder what about."@en . "A chicken purrs contentedly."@en . "Sure, go ahead and drool...yuk!"@en . "Stamp"@en . "A chicken bows before a puppy."@en . "Social"@de . "Nudge"@en . "A chicken applauds itself roundly."@en . "Where are your manners?"@en . "Gasp"@en . "A chicken tries to speak, but only gibberish erupts from its mouth."@en . "A chicken grabs its feet and bounces like a ball."@en . "So many lonely people in the world..."@en . "A chicken sulks in the corner."@en . "Social menu can be accessed from the Main menu or Pause menu. Players can access their Friends, Groups, Friend Invitations and Recent Players."@en . "You comb your hair -- perfect."@en . "There are a few ways to send friend invitations: \n* Long press on a character within the lobby and selecting Friend Request \n* Using the Search function within the social menu. Their ID must be present. \n* Adding friends through your guild screen, chat screen, or end-of-quest screen \n* Sending friends an invitation through Facebook, Twitter, or Email Having friends benefits you in the following ways: \n* Enable usage of their character in quests, allowing them to join you in real-time. \n* Enabling you to take them on your Limimin Expedition \n* Gives you the ability to jump to the same Lobby Instance as them, as well as view their online status."@en . "A chicken rolls its eyes and mutters a heart felt 'Bah!'"@en . "A chicken reddens and suddenly develops a wish to turn into a penguin."@en . . "A chicken snarls angrily."@en . "A chicken looks absent-minded, its eyes staring into space."@en . "A chicken glares at you suspiciously."@en . "Scowl"@en . "A chicken looks at a puppy archly."@en . "You cackle to yourself....Muahahahaha!"@en . "How? - begging yourself for money doesn't help."@en . "A chicken is going to bonk someone if they don\u2019t shape up. You wonder who..."@en . "A chicken snaps to attention and salutes grandly."@en . "You brandish your weapon."@en . "Take it easy now! Count to ten, very slowly."@en . "The Social motive appears in all Sims games except The Urbz: Sims in the City for consoles and The Sims Medieval. Sims crave social interaction, whether it be externally or internally. Which a Sim prefers depends on his or her Personality. An introverted Sim will replenish this motive more efficiently chatting metaphysically online with other Sims, texting, or daydreaming about other Sims in their heads. Extroverted Sims will improve the motive in these methods, but would either find the interaction unsatisfying or drop it in favor of calling another Sim on the phone and entering a phone call or inviting the Sim over. Parties are favorable to extroverted Sims, as multiple social partners will fill the need completely in little hours. These often are a fear for introverted Sims who don't ha"@en . "A chicken chuckles politely."@en . "Shake"@en . "A chicken grins at you."@en . "A chicken combs its hair, what a dashing specimen!"@en . "Social"@el . "A chicken frowns."@en . "You blow kisses in the wind."@en . "A chicken grabs your hand and starts to bounce around with you!"@en . "Space"@en . "You flourish grandly."@en . "You cheer gleefully."@en . "You mutter in disgust."@en . "A chicken turns its face away from a puppy and blushes."@en . "You limber up for battle by doing some deep knee bends."@en . "A chicken cheers for itself, it must really need attention."@en . "You drool all over a chicken."@en . "A chicken gets a mean look in its eye as it brandishes its weapon."@en . "A chicken points at you."@en . "You are so embarrassed you wish you could turn into a penguin on the spot."@en . "A chicken stamps on your foot really hard. Oooouch!"@en . "You try and try to forgive yourself."@en . "Applaud"@en . "A chicken coughs loudly."@en . "You laugh at yourself."@en . "A chicken lets out a lot of steam, much to your relief."@en . "A chicken patiently twiddles its thumbs."@en . "A chicken flirts outrageously."@en . "A chicken pokes you in the ribs."@en . "You need a hand to kiss, don't you?"@en . "A chicken flips head over heels."@en . "Strut"@en . "You stare at it, fuming."@en . "A type of command that affects the social interaction of the character, but doesn't have any direct game effects (such as damage or changing some state). Also known as an Emote. Some socials actually do affect the game, but they are small in number: \n* /laydown, /sleep, /lie - These socials put you in a prone position that you must stand from to enter combat. \n* /sit - This social puts you in a sitting position that you must stand from to enter combat. Many emotes are used for Roleplaying"@en . "You love the whole world."@en . "You bend over its fair hand and kiss it."@en . "A chicken grumbles under its breath about certain people."@en . ""@en . "A chicken smirks."@en . "A chicken starts moaning."@en . "You really need to find a mate to do that for you."@en . "A chicken starts scolding you."@en . "A chicken turns its face away from you and blushes."@en . "A chicken slaps you in the forehead and exclaims 'Doh!'"@en . "A chicken shivers uncomfortably."@en . "Curtsey"@en . "Mutter"@en . "A chicken glances about then piddles in the corner."@en . "You tell your true feelings to a chicken."@en . "A chicken mutters to itself in complete disgust."@en . "A chicken beckons you to follow it."@en . "You mock a killing bird."@en . "You swear loudly for a long time."@en . "A chicken cheers you on loudly."@en . "I'm sure you don't want to insult *everybody*..."@en . "A chicken explodes with whistles and cheers."@en . . "A chicken plays with you."@en . "You fall down laughing."@en . "You do an insulting impression of a chicken."@en . "You gently massage a stout young sapling's shoulders."@en . "A chicken sighs loudly."@en . "Social links. \n* Extracurricular Activities \n* Organizations \n* People \n* Socializing \n* Networking"@en . "A chicken stamps its foot in frustration."@en . "The Social skill relates to the ability of a capsuleer to get on with people. It generates (not surprisingly) from the Social skilltree, and provides a 5% bonus per level to the standing increases achieved with NPC agents, corporations and factions. The primary attribute applied is Charisma, with Intelligence playing a secondary role. Its training multiplier is 1."@en . "A chicken comforts a puppy."@en . "Greet Who?"@en . "A chicken cheers for a puppy, causing quite a ruckus."@en . "A chicken slaps itself in the forehead and exclaims 'Doh!'"@en . "A chicken tries to comb its tangled hair."@en . "That's right - hate yourself!"@en . "Accuse who??"@en . "A chicken spits over its shoulder."@en . "Fart"@en . "Purr"@en . "You start to moan."@en . "A chicken spanks you long and hard. You feel like a naughty child."@en . "A chicken falls down laughing."@en . "You burp loudly."@en . "Narrow"@en . "Plead"@en . "Fondle"@en . "A chicken waves to itself, it must be hot."@en . "You start to drool."@en . "You try to choke yourself, but only succeed in sticking your hand in your mouth."@en . "I beg your pardon?"@en . "A chicken curtseys gracefully."@en . . "A chicken applauds you."@en . . "You practice yoga as you try to massage yourself."@en . "You groan loudly."@en . "That action is not supported."@en . "You howl triumphantly."@en . "You beckon a chicken to follow you."@en . "A chicken puts a rose between its teeth and tangos with you seductively."@en . "You give a chicken a long and passionate kiss, it seems to take forever..."@en . "Giggle"@en . "A chicken seductively blinks its eyes at a puppy."@en . "A chicken mocks you by doing an insulting impression."@en . "That seems a little silly to me.."@en . "You hug yourself."@en . "A chicken tries to make an impression by flexing its muscles at you."@en . "Pout"@en . "Social links. \n* Extracurricular Activities \n* Organizations \n* People \n* Socializing \n* Networking"@en . "A chicken gently strokes your inner thigh with feathery touches."@en . "*HIC*"@en . "What's bothering you?"@en . "You shake its hand vigorously."@en . "Tango"@en . "A chicken growls menacingly."@en . "Socials are commands players can use for interaction with other players and mobs."@en . "Accuse"@en . "A chicken looks at you and rolls its eyes."@en . "You greet it with a light kiss on its cheek."@en . "Punch"@en . "You applaud it."@en . "You curse under your breath at yourself."@en . "A chicken whispers to you sweet words of love."@en . "Flip"@en . "A chicken spanks the thin air with a flat hand."@en . "Sneeze"@en . "A chicken nudges you suggestively. You two have an understanding."@en . "A chicken looms over you in a dominating fashion."@en . "Apologize"@en . "A chicken bows before you."@en . "A chicken shakes its head and sighs to you."@en . "A chicken sniffs sadly."@en . "A chicken taunts something that seems to be right in front of it."@en . "You gather yourself in your arms and try to kiss yourself."@en . "A chicken taunts you. It really hurts your feelings."@en . "A chicken burps loudly."@en . "You dream of better times."@en . "A chicken groans loudly."@en . "Greet"@en . "A chicken whines pitifully about the whole situation."@en . "Insult"@en . "Social \u00E9 o cart\u00E3o verde do Est\u00E1gio de Criatura, ganho se a criatura do jogador se aliar com a maioria das outras esp\u00E9cies."@pt . "A chicken grins evilly."@en . "Hiccup"@en . "A chicken knuckles its forehead, honoring you."@en . "A chicken snores loudly."@en . "You make a vain attempt to comfort yourself."@en . "Faint"@en . "Wink"@en . "Massage what, thin air?"@en . "You must feel very cuddly indeed.."@en . "Spit"@en . "A chicken licks you."@en . "A chicken boggles at what you did."@en . "A chicken screams loudly!"@en . "A chicken boggles at the thought."@en . "Arch"@en . . "Bleed"@en . "Bonk"@en . "Fume"@en . "A chicken glares around it."@en . "A chicken seductively blinks its eyes at you."@en . "A chicken coughs loudly."@en . "A chicken puts a rose between its teeth, but takes it out since noone joins it."@en . "Who do you feel like cuddling today?"@en . . "You gasp in astonishment."@en . "Tstick"@en . "You caresses a chicken's body gently, Mmm they feel good."@en . "A chicken kisses you."@en . "Moan"@en . "A chicken swears: #@*\"*&^$%@*&!!!!!!"@en . "Disdain"@en . "Point"@en . "A chicken starts a yodelling session that goes right to the bone."@en . "Peer"@en . ""@en . . "Impish"@en . "*HIC*"@en . "There are a few ways to send friend invitations: \n* Long press on a character within the lobby and selecting Friend Request \n* Using the Search function within the social menu. Their ID must be present. \n* Adding friends through your guild screen, chat screen, or end-of-quest screen \n* Sending friends an invitation through Facebook, Twitter, or Email Having friends benefits you in the following ways:"@en . "A chicken kneels solemnly before you."@en . "A chicken rubs up against you and purrs softly."@en . "A chicken cringes away from you."@en . "A chicken scowls darkly at you."@en . "Hug who?"@en . "Clap"@en . "Bezeichnet Kreaturen, die sich gegenseitig helfen. Wenn man z.B. einen Rhino Beater angreift und ein andere Art von Rhino in der N\u00E4he ist, dann wird der dem ersten zu Hilfe eilen, weil Rhinos \"social\" sind."@de . "A chicken strikes a pose and flexes."@en . "A chicken blows kisses in the wind."@en . "You shake your own hand and realize you look rather stupid."@en . ""@en . "Smirk"@en . "You chuckle politely."@en . "En Terraria, al abrir el inventario (ESC), en la parte superior derecha se podr\u00E1n ver unas casillas, thumb|Casillas de social dichas casillas se llaman ranuras, en estas se equipan accesorios, armaduras, pero existen un espacio de ranuras en as cuales se equipan objetos de Social, al ponerte algo ah\u00ED, te dar\u00E1 el aspecto de como si tuvieras ese traje o armadura puesto, pero las estad\u00EDsticas que te ese objeto no se aplicaran, de mismo modo te dar\u00E1 el aspecto, aunque no afectar\u00E1 tu defensa ni los efectos de los accesorios que lleves en las ranuras de equipar. \n* Tambi\u00E9n las casillas abajo de Social sirven para accesorios, pero no te dar\u00E1 sus efectos. \n* Esto sirve para usar el traje que mas te guste, mientras tienes tu mejor armadura para defenderte. Existen objetos que no tienen valor defensivo, y solo sirven para esta casilla, como el sombrero rojo, el sombrero copa festivo y varios otros mas, adem\u00E1s, los tintes afectar\u00E1n a lo que tengas en el casillero social. El casco de minero, vendido por el mercader, no emite luz si esta equipado en social. Todos los jefes tienen un 14% de soltar m\u00E1scaras de dicho jefe, los cuales representan un pedazo o la cabeza de dicho jefe. Estos solo sirven de objeto social como la m\u00E1scara del Esqueletr\u00F3n mayor, dejada por el Esqueletr\u00F3n mayor."@es . "Tickle"@en . "A chicken bleeds profusely."@en . "A chicken gives a round of applause."@en . "You giggle."@en . . "Shiver"@en . "A chicken gets a mean look in its eye as it brandishes its weapon."@en . "A chicken pulls your hair in an attempt to comb it."@en . . "A chicken hugs you."@en . "A chicken pukes on your clothes!"@en . "You bow before it."@en . "Caress"@en . "A chicken struts proudly."@en . "You kneel solemnly to a chicken."@en . "Snap"@en . "BOIINNNNNNGG!"@en . "A chicken plays quietly by itself."@en . "A chicken comforts you."@en . "A chicken sneezes."@en . "A chicken starts shadow-boxing."@en . "Massage"@en . "A chicken begs you for money. You graciously let it peep at your fortune."@en . "You dive at a chicken while attempting to put your hands around its neck."@en . "A chicken boggles at what a puppy just did."@en . "A chicken beckons everyone to follow it."@en . "A chicken chuckles politely."@en . "A chicken sniffs in disdain at you."@en . "You cackle in its face, scaring it senseless."@en . "Where are your manners?"@en . "You look at it archly."@en . "A chicken beckons a puppy to follow it."@en . "You brandish your weapon."@en . "You start to moan."@en . "A chicken sobs quietly to itself."@en . "Cette page est une \u00E9baucheVous \u00EAtes cordialement invit\u00E9s \u00E0 l'am\u00E9liorer ! cat\u00E9gorie:\u00E9bauche"@fr . "A chicken piddles on your shoe. Ewwww!"@en . "A chicken starts worshipping nothing at all."@en . "You insult a chicken."@en . . "BAH!"@en . "Scream"@en . "A chicken claps approvingly."@en . "Brandish"@en . "Comfort"@en . "A chicken claps you on the back."@en . "You bleed profusely, making an awful mess..."@en . . "A chicken bonks you on the head because of your stupidity."@en . "You boggle at what a chicken just did."@en . "You lick it. Hmm... tastes like chicken."@en . "A chicken fondly fondles you."@en . "You flourish grandly."@en . . "Snarl"@en . "Cough"@en . "A chicken applauds a puppy."@en . "Cry"@en . "French"@en . "Fuming with rage, a chicken lunges at a puppy trying to choke it to death."@en . "A chicken yawns."@en . "Bounce"@en . "A chicken frowns."@en . "A chicken nods at you."@en . "Frown"@en . "A chicken arches an eyebrow."@en . "You faint and collapse in a heap."@en . "That action is not supported."@en . "You beckon everyone to follow you."@en . "A chicken tries patiently to untangle a puppy's hair."@en . "You kneel solemnly on the ground."@en . "A chicken patiently twiddles its thumbs."@en . "So you think some alter-ego of yours has done something bad, eh?"@en . "A chicken smiles at you."@en . "You cackle gleefully."@en . "You hug it."@en . "You howl triumphantly."@en . "You feel insulted."@en . "You desperately try to squeeze a few coins from it."@en . "You curse loudly at it."@en . "A chicken flips head over heels."@en . "The future of SOCIAL Products of all kinds will be customised Infrastructures will be self monitoring, using smart materials and sensors. Factory manufactured housing will be the norm English still the global language Numerous world-wide virtual communities World-wide popular culture, regardless of government intervention On line voting Electronic shopping for many products will be the norm National decisions influenced by electronic referenda World population > 7.5 billion Average age in advanced nations will be 41 Migration regulated by international law State pensions on a need only basis More recreation and leisure time in middle classes Still mass starvation in 3rd world Rise of secular substitutes for religion, such as network based groups Electronic newspaper to households Various forms of electronic addiction will be a big problem Replacement of people leads to anti-technology subculture Power will be held more by corporations than by countries Some cybernations will exist which have significant economic muscle Many people will have nationality of both geonation and cybernation 3rd world technology highly vulnerable to 1st world hackers"@en . "A chicken smirks."@en . . "A chicken stares at you, fuming with rage!"@en . "Lick"@en . "*HIC*"@en . "En Terraria, al abrir el inventario (ESC), en la parte superior derecha se podr\u00E1n ver unas casillas, thumb|Casillas de social dichas casillas se llaman ranuras, en estas se equipan accesorios, armaduras, pero existen un espacio de ranuras en as cuales se equipan objetos de Social, al ponerte algo ah\u00ED, te dar\u00E1 el aspecto de como si tuvieras ese traje o armadura puesto, pero las estad\u00EDsticas que te ese objeto no se aplicaran, de mismo modo te dar\u00E1 el aspecto, aunque no afectar\u00E1 tu defensa ni los efectos de los accesorios que lleves en las ranuras de equipar."@es . "A chicken melts into your arms."@en . "A chicken claps a puppy on the back."@en . "A chicken bows deeply."@en . . "A chicken starts moaning."@en . "You patiently untangle a chicken's hair -- what a mess!"@en . . "You curtsey before it."@en . "A chicken licks its mouth and smiles."@en . "Cringe"@en . "A chicken kneels solemnly on the ground."@en . "Spank"@en . "A chicken gets a mean look in its eye as it brandishes its weapon."@en . "A chicken shivers uncomfortably."@en . . "A chicken the gmynast bends itself into an arch."@en . "A chicken bursts into a bright flame."@en . "A chicken scowls darkly."@en . "You lick your mouth and smile."@en . "You arch an eyebrow."@en . "A chicken suddenly lunges at you, trying to break your neck in half."@en . "Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!"@en . "A chicken knuckles its forehead in honor of all within view."@en . . "A chicken mumbles curses at its own mistake."@en . "A chicken bends in half and curtseys to itself."@en . . "A chicken waves."@en . "Puke"@en . "Melt"@en . "Kiss whom??"@en . "A chicken folds up like a jacknife and kisses its own toes."@en . "Ruffle"@en . "A chicken slowly peels your clothes off, running its hands over the uncovered flesh tenderly."@en . "Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!"@en . "Choke"@en . "DOH!"@en . "A chicken punches you really hard in the arm...OUCH!"@en . "A chicken rolls its eyes...sheesh!.."@en . ""@en . "You grab your feet and bounce like a ball."@en . "Boggle"@en . "What's bothering you?"@en . "A chicken grovels in the dirt before you."@en . "A chicken drools all over you."@en . "A chicken tries to speak, but only gibberish erupts from its mouth."@en . "A chicken burps loudly."@en . "Frolic"@en . "A chicken growls menacingly."@en . . "Daydream"@en . "You lick yourself. Hmm... tastes like tofu."@en . "Howl"@en . "Being Social means being pleasant and nice."@en . "A chicken pouts."@en . "A chicken cringes in terror!"@en . "A chicken seems to think a puppy is hiding something."@en . "Stare"@en . "A chicken howls triumphantly."@en . "You burp loudly."@en . "Mock"@en . "A chicken greets you with a light kiss on your cheek."@en . "Whine"@en . "What exactly are you thinking?"@en . "Grrrrrrrrr..."@en . "A chicken peers closely at you. Guard your secrets carefully..."@en . "A chicken rolls its eyes and mutters a heart felt 'Bah!'"@en . "Grumble"@en . "A chicken pukes."@en . "A chicken snickers softly."@en . "Slam"@en . "Read and reply to your private messages from other Habiticans. Manage your Inbox by deleting messages or choosing to opt-out of the private messaging system."@en . "A type of command that affects the social interaction of the character, but doesn't have any direct game effects (such as damage or changing some state). Also known as an Emote. Some socials actually do affect the game, but they are small in number: \n* /laydown, /sleep, /lie - These socials put you in a prone position that you must stand from to enter combat. \n* /sit - This social puts you in a sitting position that you must stand from to enter combat. Many emotes are used for Roleplaying"@en . . "Yodel"@en . "A chicken snores loudly."@en . "A chicken groans loudly."@en . . "A chicken glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones."@en . "A chicken coughs loudly."@en . "A chicken tickles you - hee hee hee."@en . "You clap it on the back."@en . "A chicken's eyes narrow as it stares at you fiercely."@en . "Poke"@en . "Smile"@en . "A chicken's eyes roll back into its head as it faints to the floor."@en . "A chicken tries to mock a killing bird, then gets confused."@en . "Your cheeks are burning."@en . "You gasp in astonishment."@en . "Cackle"@en . "A chicken grumbles under its breath about certain people."@en . "Comb"@en . "Steam"@en . "You giggle at your own silliness."@en . . "A type of command that affects the social interaction of the character, but doesn't have any direct game effects (such as damage or changing some state). Also known as an Emote. Some socials actually do affect the game, but they are small in number: \n* /laydown, /sleep, /lie - These socials put you in a prone position that you must stand from to enter combat. \n* /sit - This social puts you in a sitting position that you must stand from to enter combat. Many emotes are used for Roleplaying"@el . "A chicken snaps its fingers."@en . "So, you've finally discovered yourself!"@en . "You bow deeply."@en . . "Your heart bleeds for it."@en . "A chicken frolics about merrily."@en . "A chicken sticks its tongue out at you. PHTHTHBTHBTBTBHH!"@en . "Hkiss"@en . "Blush"@en . "Curtsy"@en . "Stutter"@en . "A chicken teases you about the way you look."@en . "Being Social means being pleasant and nice."@en . "Nuzzle"@en . "A chicken curses at what you've done."@en . "A chicken seems to have a conversation with itself. You smile, nod, and back away."@en . "You flirt outrageously."@en . "A chicken closes its eyes, and contemplates its wrongdoings."@en . "Grovel"@en . "Social"@pt . "A chicken gasps in astonishment."@en . "A chicken pleads with you. How pathetic."@en . "You're boggling at yourself?"@en . "A chicken curtseys before a puppy."@en . "A chicken stares at the sky."@en . "You boggle at that."@en . "A chicken giggles at your silly antics."@en . . "You fondly fondle it."@en . "It is customary to caress something."@en . "A chicken nods in agreement."@en . "A chicken points its finger at you and laughs."@en . "You chuckle politely."@en . "You flourish grandly."@en . "You enthusiastically cheer for a chicken."@en . "A chicken loves everybody in the world."@en . "That action is not supported."@en . "A chicken cries on a puppy's shoulder."@en . "A chicken caresses its body gently. Poor thing...no one will help it out with its problem."@en . "You arch your back. What flexibility!"@en . "You try to get something out of your eye."@en . "A chicken struts proudly."@en . "A chicken smiles happily."@en . "A chicken stares dreamily into space."@en . "You pull your hair, but it will not be combed."@en . "A chicken runs its hands through your hair and tenderly kisses you on the lips."@en . "A chicken skips and dances around with you, making you feel like a child."@en . "A chicken cackles maniacally to itself."@en . "Chuckle"@en . . "A chicken flourishes grandly."@en . "You twist around and clap yourself on the back."@en . "You need to shake someone's hand!"@en . "BAH!"@en . "You flirt outrageously with a chicken."@en . "You faint upon seeing it."@en . "A chicken cuddles a puppy."@en . "You suddenly begin to choke and grasp for air."@en . "You skip and dance around with it, thinking of happy things."@en . "A chicken bonks a puppy on the head in frustration."@en . "A chicken falls to the floor pleading for help from anyone."@en . "A chicken twists around and claps itself on its back."@en . "You faint."@en . "You roast yourself over a slow fire."@en . "Clicking the Social button on the home screen brings up the Social Menu. These following links are all for Retora Games."@en . "Shrug"@en . "A chicken shrugs helplessly."@en . "A chicken's heart bleeds for you."@en . "The Social skill relates to the ability of a capsuleer to get on with people. It generates (not surprisingly) from the Social skilltree, and provides a 5% bonus per level to the standing increases achieved with NPC agents, corporations and factions. The primary attribute applied is Charisma, with Intelligence playing a secondary role. Its training multiplier is 1."@en . "You kiss your toes."@en . . "A chicken chuckles politely."@en . "Scold"@en . "A chicken burps loudly."@en . "You dream of better times."@en . "Curse"@en . "Hop"@en . "You groan loudly."@en . "A chicken gently massages your shoulders...ahhhhhhhhhh..."@en . . "You practice kissing your own hand."@en . "You grin evilly."@en . "Blink"@en . "A chicken bonks itself on the head at its own stupidity."@en . "Socials are commands players can use for interaction with other players and mobs."@en . . "Social"@es . "A chicken farts loudly. How rude!"@en . "A chicken's heart bleeds for it."@en . "Tackle"@en . "You start to moan."@en . "A chicken winks suggestively at you."@en . "Think"@en . "You grovel before it."@en . "A chicken dances for the sheer joy of it."@en . "Piddle"@en . "A chicken grovels in the dirt."@en . "Flex"@en . "Flame"@en . . "The future of SOCIAL Products of all kinds will be customised Infrastructures will be self monitoring, using smart materials and sensors. Factory manufactured housing will be the norm English still the global language Numerous world-wide virtual communities World-wide popular culture, regardless of government intervention On line voting Electronic shopping for many products will be the norm National decisions influenced by electronic referenda World population > 7.5 billion Average age in advanced nations will be 41 Migration regulated by international law State pensions on a need only basis"@en . . "You grope around blindly."@en . "A chicken yawns."@en . . "You curtsey to your audience."@en . "A chicken slashes its wrists!"@en . "A chicken cackles right in your face!"@en . "A chicken apologizes to everyone for its complete stupidity."@en . "You apologize to it, and beg for its forgiveness."@en . "Social"@fr . "Waaaaah.."@en . . "Read and reply to your private messages from other Habiticans. Manage your Inbox by deleting messages or choosing to opt-out of the private messaging system."@en . "Nibble"@en . "A chicken looks at you archly."@en . "I don\u2019t think you can follow yourself..."@en . "Do you feel uncomfortable?"@en . "A chicken sends you across the dancefloor."@en . "A chicken hiccups."@en . "A chicken sniffs in disdain of all within view."@en . "A chicken mutters under its breath. You think you hear your name mentioned."@en . "You grin at it."@en . "A chicken starts running around itself in a desparate attempt to tackle the air."@en . "You skip and dance around merrily."@en . "A chicken whistles admiringly at you."@en . "A chicken shakes its head at you."@en . "A chicken waves its hand in front of your face, saying, \"Hello...Anyone home in there?\""@en . "A chicken ponders life, the universe, and everything."@en . "A chicken melts into puddle on the floor at the tender words spoken."@en . "Social menu can be accessed from the Main menu or Pause menu. Players can access their Friends, Groups, Friend Invitations and Recent Players."@en . "You brandish your weapon."@en . "A chicken wiggles its bottom at you...not bad!"@en . "Sulk"@en . "You fondly fondle yourself, feels funny doesn't it?"@en . "A chicken thinks hard."@en . "A chicken gropes around blindly."@en . "You sniff in disdain at the room."@en . "A chicken looms in a dominating fashion over those in the room."@en . "Cuddle"@en . "Wiggle"@en . "A chicken grits its teeth and fumes with rage."@en . "You cry to yourself."@en . "A chicken blushes."@en . "Drool"@en . "You give a round of applause."@en . "A chicken waves goodbye to you."@en . "A chicken teases everyone."@en . "A chicken inclines its head in greeting to you."@en . . "A chicken sulks in the corner."@en . "Bow"@en . "A chicken curses loudly at Thuvia."@en . "You glare icily at it."@en . "Who needs to be fondled?"@en . "You glare at nothing in particular."@en . "Laugh"@en . "A chicken kneels before you in solemn worship."@en . "Blow"@en . "You sniff, disgusted at your actions."@en . "You giggle at its silly antics."@en . "Where are your manners?"@en . "Having fun?"@en . "A chicken curtseys before you."@en . "A chicken looks absent-minded, its eyes staring into space."@en . "Kneel"@en . . "You bonk a chicken on the head satisfyingly at its stupidity."@en . "You gasp in astonishment."@en . ""@en . "Tkiss"@en . "You burp loudly."@en . "Wakfu contains various Social aspects so that players can interact in unique ways."@en . "You start to mock yourself."@en . "Salute"@en . "A chicken ruffles your hair playfully."@en . . "A chicken tries to choke itself. Time to call the mental hospital."@en . "A chicken bends over your fair hand and kisses it gallantly."@en . "Growl"@en . "A chicken gets a mean look in its eye as it brandishes its weapon."@en . "A chicken sticks its tongue out. PHTHTHBTHBTBTBHH!"@en . "A chicken blinks its eyes innocently."@en . "Beg"@en . "A chicken giggles."@en . "A chicken hops all around with you."@en . "Yawn"@en . "A chicken lets out a lot of steam, much to your relief."@en . "You skip and dance around by yourself."@en . "Wave"@en . "A chicken stares dreamily at you, completely lost in your eyes."@en . "The gods fall down laughing at a chicken's request for mercy."@en . "Social \u00E9 o cart\u00E3o verde do Est\u00E1gio de Criatura, ganho se a criatura do jogador se aliar com a maioria das outras esp\u00E9cies."@pt . "Snuggle"@en . "Well, we already know you love yourself"@en . "A chicken howls triumphantly."@en . "You are slapped by a chicken."@en . "You bounce around the room with it."@en . "A chicken cuddles you."@en . "Snore"@en . "A chicken strokes its chin thoughtfully."@en . "Twiddle"@en . "Clap, clap, clap."@en . "A chicken gives an impish grin. How adorable."@en . "A chicken snarls viciously at you."@en . "A chicken looks up at you with big, sad eyes and pouts!"@en . "You slash your wrists!"@en . . "A chicken points in all directions, seemingly confused."@en . "Flirt"@en . "A chicken starts a yodelling session that goes right to the bone."@en . "You look accusingly at it."@en . "A chicken snickers softly."@en . "Kiss"@en . "A chicken gives you a long and passionate kiss, it seems to take forever..."@en . "Snicker"@en . "A chicken coughs loudly."@en . "Roll"@en . . "You pantomime bonking someone. Everyone had better pay attention now."@en . "Feeling unappreciated, you loudly cheer your accomplishments."@en . "Stroke"@en . . "You blink your eyes seductively at it."@en . "Burp"@en . "A chicken pats you on your head."@en . "A chicken starts to drool."@en . "A chicken cries on your shoulder."@en . . "Worship"@en . "Doh"@en . "A chicken snaps its fingers."@en . "Slap"@en . "You kiss it."@en . "A chicken begs it for a dime or two -- or twenty!"@en . "You flirt with yourself. Must look stupid."@en . "Loom"@en . "Glare"@en . "A chicken snaps to attention and salutes you."@en . "Strip"@en . "Flourish"@en . "Jeesh!?! Am I ever silly."@en . "A chicken clumsily tries to make a move on you."@en . "Beckon"@en . "A chicken winks suggestively."@en . "You blink your eyes innocently."@en . "A chicken nibbles on your ear."@en . "Bezeichnet Kreaturen, die sich gegenseitig helfen. Wenn man z.B. einen Rhino Beater angreift und ein andere Art von Rhino in der N\u00E4he ist, dann wird der dem ersten zu Hilfe eilen, weil Rhinos \"social\" sind."@de . . "A chicken wiggles its bottom."@en . "Taunt"@en . "The Social motive appears in all Sims games except The Urbz: Sims in the City for consoles and The Sims Medieval. Sims crave social interaction, whether it be externally or internally. Which a Sim prefers depends on his or her Personality. An introverted Sim will replenish this motive more efficiently chatting metaphysically online with other Sims, texting, or daydreaming about other Sims in their heads. Extroverted Sims will improve the motive in these methods, but would either find the interaction unsatisfying or drop it in favor of calling another Sim on the phone and entering a phone call or inviting the Sim over. Parties are favorable to extroverted Sims, as multiple social partners will fill the need completely in little hours. These often are a fear for introverted Sims who don't have the Popularity aspiration and/or being too young to be comfortable in a crowd. Social is easy to raise on a Community Lot if the Sim dislikes parties or is too busy to plan one. Depending on game performance, you can see two or three Sims around or most of the neighborhood. In The Sims 2, you can force this number by entering a cheat. Sims can also take others on Vacation or go on an Outing. Despite first assumptions, all Sims only need one other social partner to have this motive fulfilled. In The Sims 2, if the Social bar is in the red for too long, a Sim will hallucinate, which is represented by the appearance of the Social Bunny, an adult-sized NPC bunny that can only be seen by the Sim that summoned it. Early in the development of The Sims 2, social was represented by two motives; friends and family. In The Sims 3, going to work will increase a Sim's social bar over time (because they are with their colleagues). This is especially useful if the Sim does not have time to talk to friends. The bar won't shoot right up to the top, however by the time the Sim goes home the bar should be decently filled."@en . "Grrrrrrrrr..."@en . "A chicken bursts into tears."@en . "A chicken throws back its head and cackles with insane glee!"@en . "Dance"@en . "Ponder"@en . "You howl triumphantly."@en . . "A chicken desperately tries to get something out of its eye."@en . "A chicken gasps in astonishment."@en . "A chicken looks around slowly, as if something is hidden in the room."@en . "You unleash a searing response to it."@en . . "You grovel in the dirt."@en . "You cuddle it."@en . "A chicken apologizes to a puppy, and begs for its forgiveness."@en . "You beg the gods for mercy."@en . "Hug"@en . "A chicken's eyes narrow fiercely, fire flaring in their depths."@en . "Knuckle"@en . "Thank"@en . "A chicken keels over and starts coughing, apparently beginning to choke."@en . . "A chicken flirts outrageously with you."@en . "A chicken gives you an adorable grin. How can you resist."@en . "Pat"@en . "A chicken chuckles politely."@en . "A chicken shakes its head."@en . "A chicken cringes away from a puppy in mortal terror."@en . "Cette page est une \u00E9baucheVous \u00EAtes cordialement invit\u00E9s \u00E0 l'am\u00E9liorer ! cat\u00E9gorie:\u00E9bauche"@fr . "A chicken shakes your hand vigorously."@en . "A chicken flourishes grandly."@en . "A chicken whistles appreciatively."@en . "You dream of better times."@en . "Cheer"@en . "What's bothering you?"@en . "A chicken burps loudly."@en . "A chicken apologizes to you, and begs for your forgiveness."@en . "A chicken shrugs helplessly."@en . "A chicken whines pitifully about the whole situation."@en . "A chicken spits in your face."@en . "Squeeze"@en . "Wakfu contains various Social aspects so that players can interact in unique ways."@en . "You turn your face away from it and blush."@en . "A chicken rolls its eyes and mutters a heart felt 'Bah!'"@en . "You cry on its shoulder."@en . "You groan loudly."@en . "Tease"@en . "A chicken caresses your body tenderly. Mmmm. Feels good doesnt it."@en . "A chicken faints at the sight of you."@en . "A chicken squeezes you fondly."@en . "You cringe away from it."@en . "A chicken caresses a puppy's body gently. Perhaps you should leave them alone?"@en . "A chicken cackles in a puppy's face."@en . "A chicken screams loudly!"@en . . "A chicken farts loudly. How rude!"@en . "Hshake"@en . "A chicken bounces around."@en . "Grrrrrrrrr..."@en . . "A type of command that affects the social interaction of the character, but doesn't have any direct game effects (such as damage or changing some state). Also known as an Emote. Some socials actually do affect the game, but they are small in number: \n* /laydown, /sleep, /lie - These socials put you in a prone position that you must stand from to enter combat. \n* /sit - This social puts you in a sitting position that you must stand from to enter combat. Many emotes are used for Roleplaying"@el . "You glare icily at your feet, they are suddenly very cold."@en . "Play"@en . "Bah"@en . "Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!"@en . "A chicken suddenly lunges at you and tackles you to the ground!"@en . "Whistle"@en . "Sigh"@en . "A chicken snuggles up to you."@en . "Love"@en . "You clumsily try to make a move on it."@en .