. . . . "Bak\u0113ne"@pl . . "Bakene \u2013 ostatni i najpot\u0119\u017Cniejszy z Siedmiu Wielkich Demon\u00F3w, kt\u00F3ry odrodzi\u0142 si\u0119 jako Rhett Butler. Zosta\u0142 uwolniony po tym jak Zoisite usun\u0105\u0142 z cia\u0142a Rhetta Butlera fioletowy Kryszta\u0142. Ze wszystkich siedmiu wielkich demon\u00F3w, Bakene wydawa\u0142 si\u0119 by\u0107 najmniej agresywny, a nawet uratowa\u0142 Lun\u0119, prawdopodobnie dlatego, \u017Ce Rhett Butler j\u0105 lubi\u0142."@pl . . "\u30D0\u30B1\u30FC\u30CD"@pl . . "\u30D0\u30B1\u30FC\u30CD"@en . . . . . . . "Bakene"@en . . "To attack"@en . . "#9966CC"@pl . . . . "\u5316\u3051\u732B"@en . "Bakene \u2013 ostatni i najpot\u0119\u017Cniejszy z Siedmiu Wielkich Demon\u00F3w, kt\u00F3ry odrodzi\u0142 si\u0119 jako Rhett Butler. Zosta\u0142 uwolniony po tym jak Zoisite usun\u0105\u0142 z cia\u0142a Rhetta Butlera fioletowy Kryszta\u0142. Ze wszystkich siedmiu wielkich demon\u00F3w, Bakene wydawa\u0142 si\u0119 by\u0107 najmniej agresywny, a nawet uratowa\u0142 Lun\u0119, prawdopodobnie dlatego, \u017Ce Rhett Butler j\u0105 lubi\u0142."@pl . . . . "Ep31_7.jpg"@pl . . . "Sailor Moon's Moon Healing Escalation"@en . . "He was trapped inside the Violet Rainbow Crystal and reborn inside a cat named Rhett Butler. Zoisite extracted the crystal from him and transformed him into the beastly Bakene. It did not attack much, especially since it remembered Luna. The seventh Shadow was killed when Rhett Butler was healed by Sailor Moon using her Moon Healing Escalation."@en . . . . "Bakene"@pl . . . "Bak\u0113ne"@en . . "Atak Moon Healing Escalation"@pl . . "Male"@en . "He was trapped inside the Violet Rainbow Crystal and reborn inside a cat named Rhett Butler. Zoisite extracted the crystal from him and transformed him into the beastly Bakene. It did not attack much, especially since it remembered Luna. The seventh Shadow was killed when Rhett Butler was healed by Sailor Moon using her Moon Healing Escalation."@en . . . "Bakene"@pl . . . . . . "m\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . . .