. . . "*Galactic Republic\n*Independent thief"@en . "*Galactic Republic: Destroy the Besadii casino's underground vault to stop the clan from funding the Separatists\n*Kanto Raka: Steal a fortune from the casino's underground vault"@en . "*Galactic Republic victory\n*Kanto Raka takes a cut of the fortune for himself"@en . . . "c. 22 BBY"@en . . . "*5 B1 battle droids\n*1 Cleaning droid\n**397-10B"@en . . "*5 B1 battle droids"@en . "*Jedi General Anakin Skywalker\n*Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano\n*Kanto Raka"@en . . . "Mission to Katalla"@en . . "Mission to Katalla"@en . . "*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n*Besadii"@en . . . . .