"To Wolfstack Docks!"@en . . "Shh! Sneak away in the dead of night..."@en . . ""@en . "To the Painted Church!"@en . . "To the Bazaar!"@en . . "To the rooftops!"@en . "Nagisa \u014Cshima"@en . . . . . . . "The slow process of beginning again. I struggle to catch my breath, and my quick exhaling makes puffs of warm air in the cold leafbare day. It is just after sunhigh, but the sun is low enough in the sky to suggest otherwise. My Clan stretches ahead of me in a long, single-file line. The familiar bodies calm me in the strange place, but the cats who normally are so proud and brave are quiet, much more quiet than I have ever seen them before. Her friends set her down gently, oh so gently, and step back to be with the rest of the Clan. Funerals are for the living, I remind myself silently. -Fork"@en . "To Takepenny Street!"@en . . "A Jewish family, Professor Mann, his wife Eva, and their son Paul are refugees who have fled from Nazi Germany. They had left Germany because, being Jewish, they had begun to be persecuted, so they try to live in an isolated mountain cabin on Waltons Mountain, in the hope that they will be able to finally have a normal life once more. When Jim Bob and Ben accidentally use their sling shot and the stone goes through the window, the family begin to believe that they are being persecuted in their new home as well. To try to avoid any further problems they decide that they must pretend that they are not Jewish and that they should no longer observe their Jewish customs. Paul is devastated though, because he has long been looking forward to celebrating his Bar mitzvah on his 13th birthday. After he confides in the Walton children, John Boy sets about helping him to fulfill his dream and finally it is arranged that Paul's special ceremony will be celebrated in the Walton home, with the Mann's new friends present."@en . "To St. Dunstan's!"@en . ""@en . "Theatrical poster to The Ceremony"@en . "To St. Fiacre's!"@en . ""@en . . . "The Ceremony"@en . "a redirect from any of the options from Choose a Venue"@en . ""@en . "Your wedding day has arrived. Are you nervous? Thrilled? Nauseous? Calm?"@en . . . . "To the Hill!"@en . "The slow process of beginning again. I struggle to catch my breath, and my quick exhaling makes puffs of warm air in the cold leafbare day. It is just after sunhigh, but the sun is low enough in the sky to suggest otherwise. My Clan stretches ahead of me in a long, single-file line. The familiar bodies calm me in the strange place, but the cats who normally are so proud and brave are quiet, much more quiet than I have ever seen them before. In the back of the line is the reason why we are here. She is carried slowly by two of her closest, lifelong friends. The dull, cloudy look in her eyes nearly kills me on the inside, but then I realize it is a side effect of death. My sister is dead. She was killed by a patrol from another Clan- no cat is sure which Clan, exactly, but we are investigating- and was found nearly a day later. I was the one who found her body. As we near the top of the hill, my sister\u2019s burial site, the Clan cats step to either side, creating a sort of path for us to walk through. The Clan murmurs their well-wishes as I walk through, parting the warm, furry bodies like water. Her friends set her down gently, oh so gently, and step back to be with the rest of the Clan. I stand before them, her brother. The Clan stares at me, they are desperate for leadership and I will give it to them. \u201CThank you,\u201D I say to her friends, Flowertail and Dapplepelt, \u201Cshe will be honored to be carried all this way by two noble she-cats like you.\u201D I see the two she-cats\u2019 eyes brighten considerably. Funerals are for the living, I remind myself silently. And I begin. The words, so meticulously practiced in my head, spill out like a waterfall. \u201CMy sister, she was great,\u201D I begin. \u201CShe was a fantastic littermate, somebody I could always count on to play with me. Always friendly, always adventurous, and ridiculously smart. She definitely didn\u2019t like to follow rules, so she found ways to get around them.\u201D The Clan purrs with amusement. The older cats definitely remember those days. \u201CShe learned quickly,\u201D I add on, \"as an apprentice. It didn\u2019t hurt that she was being trained by one of the most cunning warriors in the Clan, but she was a talented apprentice all the same. She was kind to everyone, she didn\u2019t get involved in all of the gossip that apprentices always get themselves into.\u201D A warrior calls out, \u201CAnd the warriors!\u201D It is Raventail, one of the newest warriors, and the Clan nods in agreement. \u201CYes, and the warriors,\u201D I agree out loud. \u201CAnd as a warrior\u2026\u201D This is where I trail off, consider my words more carefully. \u201CAs a warrior she was one of the best the Clan has ever seen. She was fair, she was a leader, she always thought about her decisions. And those are just a few of the qualities that led her to be chosen as deputy. \u201CAnd then she became our leader, and let me just remind everyone how much trouble we had at the beginning!\u201D Those who are old enough also remember, they nod in agreement and nudge each other. \u201CShe was so down. She thought leadership was easier. The truth is, as time went on, she definitely made it look easy.\u201D I remember her confiding in me, her sad eyes boring into mine. Back then, it was easier, because she had the weight on her shoulders that I thought I would never bear. \u201CI won\u2019t do as well,\u201D I acknowledge, transitioning from speaking of my sister, who still lays on the ground in front of me. \u201CLeadership has never come as easy to me as it did for her, and I am still just as shocked as I was the day I was chosen as her deputy. Don\u2019t misunderstand me, I\u2019m honored and I will work just as hard as my sister did.\u201D The Clan stares at me intensely. \u201CIt\u2019s a shame, really, that I\u2019ll never get her advice, but we can forge on without it.\u201D The sun goes behind a cloud, and the forest plunges into a shadow. We stand, all of us, staring at our noble leader\u2019s body. I walk forward and start digging a hole large enough. The Clan comes slowly forward to help, starting with Flowertail and Dapplepelt, and Raventail, and every other cat. I have no idea who pushes her body into the hole, and I lose track of time as we finally pile the dirt back on. It is sunset as the Clan begins to watch me again, looking for leadership. \u201CGo back to camp,\u201D I tell them, \u201CI\u2019m going to the Moonpool.\u201D I don\u2019t even know why I wrote this, but I was in a weird mood anyway, so\u2026 -Fork"@en . "66639"^^ . . "The Ceremony"@en . . "The Ceremony (\u5100\u5F0F Gishiki) is a film directed by Nagisa \u014Cshima."@en . . . "7380.0"^^ . "The Ceremony (\u5100\u5F0F Gishiki) is a film directed by Nagisa \u014Cshima."@en . "To the Butterfly!"@en . "A Jewish family, Professor Mann, his wife Eva, and their son Paul are refugees who have fled from Nazi Germany. They had left Germany because, being Jewish, they had begun to be persecuted, so they try to live in an isolated mountain cabin on Waltons Mountain, in the hope that they will be able to finally have a normal life once more."@en . . "1971-06-05"^^ .