"Human"@en . . . . . . "Peasants and indentured servants, druids, farmers, and gardeners"@en . . . . . . . . "Chauntea, The Grain Goddess, The Great Mother or Earthmother, is a fictional deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Ed Greenwood created Chauntea for his home Dungeons & Dragons game, loosely inspired by the Greek deity Demeter. Chauntea is a parallel deity to Silvanus, who is considered the god of wild nature, whilst Chauntea herself is seen as being the embodiment of all things agrarian or agricultural. She is goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer. Some of her worshippers claim that her divine glimmer gave life to the natural world, and some contend that she is the creator and source of all mortal races. In some sense Chauntea is the manifestation of the earth itself\u2014the avatar of Abeir-Toril. Her most despised enemy is Talona, the lady of pestilence, since she has a disposition to wreak suffering, disease and decay upon the natural world."@en . . "Great Mother's Garden"@en . . . "Talos i inni bogowie furii , Talona, Moander , Bane, Bhaal , Myrkul"@pl . . "Elysium"@en . "1"^^ . "Agriculture"@en . . . . . "150"^^ . "NG"@en . "Gardeners"@en . . . . "The Great Mother"@en . . "Jannath"@en . . "250"^^ . . . . . . "Summer"@en . . "Bhalla"@en . . "Agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, summer"@en . . . "Chauntea (chawn-tee-ah) is as old as Toril itself. Hers is the divine spark that gave life to the natural world, the vibrant, caring spirit infused with the planet at the moment of its creation. Originally a deity of wild places and animal life, Chauntea has grown with her world, changing and adapting to its many developments. The millennial have taught her patience\u2014to the point of being at times ponderous. Chauntea loves the inhabitants of her world, and she likes nothing more than instructing Toril's denizens on how the land itself might enrich their lives. Hers was the hand that guided the first mortal wanderers to give up the uncertainty of the gatherer for the stability of the field. Today, Chauntea is worshiped as the kind benefactor who ensures a strong harvest, healthy meals, and r"@en . . "Lawful Good"@en . "Chauntea (chawn-tee-aah) ist die G\u00F6ttin alles Wachsenden, insbesondere der Dinge, welche von Menschenhand kultiviert werden. Sie erscheint den Sterblichen nur selten und ist auch nicht f\u00FCr besondere Spektakel. Sie zieht kleine und ruhige Gaben vor. Chauntea wird vor allem im Volk von Bauern, G\u00E4rtnern und all jenen verehrt, welche von den Fr\u00FCchten der Natur leben."@de . . "Wi\u0119ksze b\u00F3stwo"@pl . . . "Chauntea, The Grain Goddess, The Great Mother or Earthmother, is a fictional deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Ed Greenwood created Chauntea for his home Dungeons & Dragons game, loosely inspired by the Greek deity Demeter. Chauntea is a parallel deity to Silvanus, who is considered the god of wild nature, whilst Chauntea herself is seen as being the embodiment of all things agrarian or agricultural. She is goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer."@en . "Chauntea , Wielka Matka, Bogini Zbo\u017Ca lub Matka Ziemia jest fikcyjnym b\u00F3stwem \u015Bwiata Zapomnianych Krain, gry Dungeons & Dragons, czyli Smoki i Lochy. Ed Greenwood stworzy\u0142 Chunte\u0119 dla swojej gry Loch\u00F3w i Smok\u00F3w, inspirowan\u0105 greckim bogiem zbo\u017Ca (Demeter). Kategoria:Dungeons & Dragons"@pl . . "Chauntea (chawn-tee-ah) is as old as Toril itself. Hers is the divine spark that gave life to the natural world, the vibrant, caring spirit infused with the planet at the moment of its creation. Originally a deity of wild places and animal life, Chauntea has grown with her world, changing and adapting to its many developments. The millennial have taught her patience\u2014to the point of being at times ponderous. Chauntea loves the inhabitants of her world, and she likes nothing more than instructing Toril's denizens on how the land itself might enrich their lives. Hers was the hand that guided the first mortal wanderers to give up the uncertainty of the gatherer for the stability of the field. Today, Chauntea is worshiped as the kind benefactor who ensures a strong harvest, healthy meals, and robust country living. She preaches a reverence for nature and urges the folk of civilized lands to repair what they have damaged, but she long ago ceded the wildlands to other deities. Chauntea rarely manifests herself in physical form, preferring to diffuse her essence throughout the living land of Toril. Religious icons depict her as a matronly, middle-aged woman with pale white hair and a welcoming smile. She wields a sturdy shock of grain as both walking staff and weapon, on the unusual occasions in which she finds herself in battle. Worshiped by farmers, gardeners, agricultural slaves, and any who make their living off the land, Chauntea is seen by most Faerunians as an integral part of the natural cycle of life. Wealthy landowners and simple farmers alike come to the local cleric of the Earthmother for advice on bringing in the harvest or in setting next season's crops. When foul weather or disease leads to blighted fields, growers turn their gaze and prayers to Chauntea in hopes that her attentions will salvage the seasonal yield. Those who subvert the harvest for ill ends have much to fear from Chauntea's servants, who take their role as pastoral protectors very seriously."@en . . . . "1"^^ . . . "Pahluruk"@en . . . "Agriculture"@en . "Chauntea's blessing"@en . . . . "Crops"@en . . . "Ig_hu_chauntea.png"@en . . "Farmers"@en . . . . . "Life"@en . . "Elizjum/Eronia/Ogr\u00F3d Wielkiej Matki; Dom Natury/Ogr\u00F3d Wielkiej Matki"@pl . "NG Neutral Gut"@de . "The Great Mother, the Grain Goddess, Earthmother"@en . "1"^^ . "*Gro\u00DFe Mutter\n*Erdmutter\n*Weizeng\u00F6ttin\n*Bhalla"@de . "Chauntea"@de . . . . . . . . . "#000"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "snopek zbo\u017Ca"@pl . "Chantea"@en . . "200px|left|thumb|Symbol Chauntei Chauntea (cza\u0142n-ti-a) jest stara jak Toril. To od niej pochodzi\u0142a boska iskra, kt\u00F3ra da\u0142a \u017Cycie \u015Bwiatu natury, a ona sama jest \u017Cywym, troskliwym duchem nape\u0142niaj\u0105cym planet\u0119 od momentu jej stworzenia. Chauntea by\u0142a pierwotnie b\u00F3stwem dzikich miejsc i zwierz\u0119cego \u017Cycia, ale wzrasta\u0142a wraz ze swoim \u015Bwiatem, zmieniaj\u0105c si\u0119 i dostosowuj\u0105c do wielu zachodz\u0105cych w nim zmian. Tysi\u0105clecia umocni\u0142y jej cierpliwo\u015B\u0107 - a\u017C do takiego stanu, \u017Ce bywa uci\u0105\u017Cliwa. Chauntea kocha mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w swego \u015Bwiata, cho\u0107 nie interesuje jej nic poza instruowaniem obywateli Torilu, jak ziemia sama mo\u017Ce wzbogaci\u0107 ich \u017Cycie. To jej r\u0119ka poprowadzi\u0142a pierwszych nomad\u00F3w w kierunku sta\u0142ych upraw, odsuwaj\u0105c ich od niepewno\u015Bci zbieractwa. Dzisiaj Chauntea jest czczona jako Wielka Matka rolnictwa"@pl . . "Blooming rose on a wreath of golden grain"@en . "#fff"@pl . "brak"@pl . . . . . "Farmers"@en . . . . . . "Chauntea"@de . . . "Renewal"@en . . "Name: Chauntea Divine rank: greater deity Title(s): The Great Mother, Grain Goddess, Earthmother Symbol: blooming rose on a sunburst wreath of golden grain Home plane: Alignment: neutral good Portfolio: agriculture, farmers, gardeners, summer Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Cleric alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Domains: animal, earth, good, plant, protection, renewal Favored weapon: \"A Shock of Grain\" (scythe) Festivals: \n* Greengrass (Greengrass) \n* High Prayers of the Harvest (Higharvestide)"@en . "Name: Chauntea Divine rank: greater deity Title(s): The Great Mother, Grain Goddess, Earthmother Symbol: blooming rose on a sunburst wreath of golden grain Home plane: Alignment: neutral good Portfolio: agriculture, farmers, gardeners, summer Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Cleric alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Domains: animal, earth, good, plant, protection, renewal Favored weapon: \"A Shock of Grain\" (scythe) Festivals: \n* Greengrass (Greengrass) \n* High Prayers of the Harvest (Higharvestide)"@en . . . "Peasants and indentured servants, druids, farmers, gardeners"@en . "A shock of grain"@en . . . . . . "Gardeners"@en . . . "Agriculture"@en . . . . . . "Chauntea"@en . . . . . . . "Chauntea"@en . "Summer"@en . . . . . . "rolnictwo, ro\u015Bliny uprawiane przez ludzi, rolnicy, ogrodnicy, lato"@pl . "Budding flower on a wreath of golden grain"@en . . . "1"^^ . "Chauntea, also known as the Great Mother, is a neutral good greater deity of agriculture. She has only few followers among adventurers and is usually worshipped by farmers and gardeners."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chauntea, also known as the Great Mother, is a neutral good greater deity of agriculture. She has only few followers among adventurers and is usually worshipped by farmers and gardeners."@en . . . . . . "Wielka Matka, Bogini Zb\u00F3\u017C, Matka-Ziemia"@pl . "Greater Deity"@en . "Agriculture"@en . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Female"@en . "A budding\nflower encircled by a sunburst or a sheaf of golden wheat on a green\nfield."@en . . "Chauntea"@pl . . . "Yondalla"@en . "Chauntea is selectable as a patron diety for player characters. Worshippers of Chauntea are referred to as Chaunteans."@en . . . . . "F"@en . . . . . . "Chauntea"@pl . . "The Great Mother, the Grain Goddess, Earthmother"@en . . . "Greater"@en . . "Elysium/Eronia"@en . . "#000"@pl . "Chauntea_p19.jpg"@de . . . . "G"@en . "CG, LG, NG, N"@en . . . . . . . "Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection, Renewal"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Chauntea"@pl . . . . . . "Chauntea (pronounced Chawn-TEE-ah), the Grain Goddess or the Great Mother was the goddess of life and a parallel deity to Silvanus, who was considered the god of wild nature, whilst Chauntea herself was seen as being the embodiment of all things agrarian or agriculture. She was a goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer."@en . . . "Chauntea is selectable as a patron diety for player characters. Worshippers of Chauntea are referred to as Chaunteans."@en . "Blooming rose on a sunburst wreath of golden grain"@en . . . . . . . . . "rozkwitaj\u0105ca r\u00F3\u017Ca na tle gwia\u017Adzi\u015Bcie u\u0142o\u017Conych k\u0142os\u00F3w zbo\u017Ca"@pl . "Chauntea (pronounced Chawn-TEE-ah), the Grain Goddess or the Great Mother was the goddess of life and a parallel deity to Silvanus, who was considered the god of wild nature, whilst Chauntea herself was seen as being the embodiment of all things agrarian or agriculture. She was a goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer. Some of her worshipers claimed that her divine glimmer gave life to the natural world, and some contended that she was the creator and source of all mortal races. In some sense, Chauntea was the manifestation of the earth itself\u2014the avatar of the twin worlds Abeir-Toril. Her most despised enemy was Talona, the lady of pestilence, since she had a disposition to wreak suffering, disease and decay upon the natural world."@en . . . . "200px|left|thumb|Symbol Chauntei Chauntea (cza\u0142n-ti-a) jest stara jak Toril. To od niej pochodzi\u0142a boska iskra, kt\u00F3ra da\u0142a \u017Cycie \u015Bwiatu natury, a ona sama jest \u017Cywym, troskliwym duchem nape\u0142niaj\u0105cym planet\u0119 od momentu jej stworzenia. Chauntea by\u0142a pierwotnie b\u00F3stwem dzikich miejsc i zwierz\u0119cego \u017Cycia, ale wzrasta\u0142a wraz ze swoim \u015Bwiatem, zmieniaj\u0105c si\u0119 i dostosowuj\u0105c do wielu zachodz\u0105cych w nim zmian. Tysi\u0105clecia umocni\u0142y jej cierpliwo\u015B\u0107 - a\u017C do takiego stanu, \u017Ce bywa uci\u0105\u017Cliwa. Chauntea kocha mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w swego \u015Bwiata, cho\u0107 nie interesuje jej nic poza instruowaniem obywateli Torilu, jak ziemia sama mo\u017Ce wzbogaci\u0107 ich \u017Cycie. To jej r\u0119ka poprowadzi\u0142a pierwszych nomad\u00F3w w kierunku sta\u0142ych upraw, odsuwaj\u0105c ich od niepewno\u015Bci zbieractwa. Dzisiaj Chauntea jest czczona jako Wielka Matka rolnictwa, \u0142askawa darczyni, kt\u00F3ra zapewnia obfite plony, zdrowe posi\u0142ki i sielskie \u017Cycie na wsi. Chauntea rzadko ukazuje si\u0119 w postaci fizycznej, woli bowiem s\u0105czy\u0107 sw\u0105 esencj\u0119 przez \u017Cyzn\u0105 ziemi\u0119 Torilu. Religijne ikony obrazuj\u0105 j\u0105 jako pulchn\u0105 kobiet\u0119 w \u015Brednim wieku, z jasnymi w\u0142osami i przyjaznym u\u015Bmiechem. W d\u0142oniach trzyma snop zbo\u017Ca s\u0142u\u017C\u0105cy jako lask\u0119, jak i bro\u0144 przy tych niezwyk\u0142ych okazjach, kiedy bogini zaanga\u017Cuje si\u0119 w bitw\u0119. Czczona przez rolnik\u00F3w, niewolnik\u00F3w pracuj\u0105cych na roli i ka\u017Cdego, kto utrzymuje si\u0119 z uprawy ziemi, przez wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 ludno\u015Bci Faerunu Chauntea jest postrzegana jako cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 naturalnego cyklu \u017Cycia. Zamo\u017Cni w\u0142a\u015Bciciele ziemscy, podobnie jak pro\u015Bci ch\u0142opi, przychodz\u0105 do lokalnych kap\u0142an\u00F3w Matki-Ziemi po rad\u0119 dotycz\u0105c\u0105 \u017Cniw lub ustalania przysz\u0142orocznych zasiew\u00F3w. Kiedy z\u0142a pogoda lub choroby pustosz\u0105 pola, hodowcy zwracaj\u0105 oczy na Chaunte\u0119 w nadziei, \u017Ce jej wzgl\u0119dy ocal\u0105 zbiory. Ci, kt\u00F3rzy przyczyniaj\u0105 si\u0119 do z\u0142ych efekt\u00F3w \u017Cniw, musz\u0105 ba\u0107 si\u0119 s\u0142ug bogini, kt\u00F3rzy swoj\u0105 rol\u0119 duszpasterzy i obro\u0144c\u00F3w traktuj\u0105 bardzo powa\u017Cnie. Kap\u0142ani Chauntei modl\u0105 si\u0119 o czary o zachodzie s\u0142o\u0144ca. Kler uznaje niewiele zorganizowanych \u015Bwi\u0105t, woli naucza\u0107 lud i oddawa\u0107 cze\u015B\u0107 bogini o ka\u017Cdym zachodzie s\u0142o\u0144ca oraz w ka\u017Cdej chwili, gdy naturalne pi\u0119kno \u015Bwiata przepe\u0142nia \u015Bwiata przepe\u0142nia ich rado\u015Bci\u0105. D\u0142ugo kultywowana tradycja ko\u015Bcio\u0142a nakazuje, by \u015Bwie\u017Co po\u015Blubiona para sp\u0119dzi\u0142a sw\u0105 pierwsz\u0105 noc na \u015Bwie\u017Co zasianym polu, co podobno zapewnia p\u0142odny zwi\u0105zek. P\u0142odno\u015B\u0107 odgrywa bardzo wa\u017Cn\u0105 rol\u0119 w kulcie Chauntei, a hedonistyczne uroczysto\u015Bci w Zielone Trawy zach\u0119caj\u0105 do nieograniczonego picia, jedzenia, ta\u0144ca i swobodnego zachowania. Kap\u0142ani przestrzegaj\u0105 uroczystych Najwi\u0119kszych Mod\u0142\u00F3w \u017Bniw w czasie rytualnej corocznej ceremonii zbiegaj\u0105cej si\u0119 z rozpocz\u0119ciem \u017Cniw."@pl . . . . . . . "The Grain Goddess"@en . "#fff"@en . "Crops"@en . . . "Chauntea , Wielka Matka, Bogini Zbo\u017Ca lub Matka Ziemia jest fikcyjnym b\u00F3stwem \u015Bwiata Zapomnianych Krain, gry Dungeons & Dragons, czyli Smoki i Lochy. Ed Greenwood stworzy\u0142 Chunte\u0119 dla swojej gry Loch\u00F3w i Smok\u00F3w, inspirowan\u0105 greckim bogiem zbo\u017Ca (Demeter). Kategoria:Dungeons & Dragons"@pl . . . . . "Chauntea (chawn-tee-aah) ist die G\u00F6ttin alles Wachsenden, insbesondere der Dinge, welche von Menschenhand kultiviert werden. Sie erscheint den Sterblichen nur selten und ist auch nicht f\u00FCr besondere Spektakel. Sie zieht kleine und ruhige Gaben vor. Chauntea wird vor allem im Volk von Bauern, G\u00E4rtnern und all jenen verehrt, welche von den Fr\u00FCchten der Natur leben."@de . . "Das Leben"@de . . . "Neutral Good"@en . . . . "dobro, ochrona, odnowa, ro\u015Blina, ziemia, zwierz\u0119"@pl . . .