"10.55"^^ . . . "V.i Part 1: The Age of Chaos"@en . . "V.i Part 2: The Age of Chaos"@en . . "Dawnport Libraries"@en . "However, Uman's and Fardos's joint efforts did not remain entirely without consequence, for during the unsuccessful attempt to separate the double god a small part broke away from it. This tiny shard grew and expanded until it took shape and eventually became a sentient creature of its own. This was the hour Kirok the Mad was born. Owing to his peculiar ancestry this strange god has a twisted or, as some say, a schizophrenic nature. He inherited Uman's creative mind and his inquisitive nature, so that he eventually became the patron god of all those who follow the path of science and research. However, the one trait Kirok is really famous for is his twisted sense of humour. He adores bad taste and ingenious pranks, and this peculiar characteristic makes him the favourite of bards, jesters and of all other kinds of suspicious people."@en . "While Fardos and Uman were working hard on their spell, Zathroth's minions went on to lay waste to the elder gods' precious creation, and the devastation continued without pause. It seemed as though the whole world was doomed to perish. However, some of the lesser gods who were tired of just standing by while their beloved Tibia was ravaged. They decided to put up resistance against the reckless hordes. Bastesh the Mistress of the Sea created huge, mysterious creatures that were both elegant and fierce, and she populated her beloved ocean with them to make sure Zathroth's minions would never defile its pure waters. However, there was little she could do to help her cousins who lived on the dry land. Of all her creatures the only ones to survive on land were the dextrous and venomous snakes. Crunor and Nornur, too, created creatures to fight against Brog's and Zathroth's hordes: Crunor the Lord of the Trees created fierce wolves, while Nornur equipped his beloved spiders with deadly poison to make them more powerful."@en . "V.i Part 1: The Age of Chaos"@en . "Book"@en . "A new god is created and lesser gods fight to protect Tibia"@en . . . . ""@en . "Uman looked with sadness at the damage his evil half had done to the creation Fardos and he had worked for so hard. He felt that Zathroth had finally gone too far. In his desperation he turned to Fardos for advice. Together, they decided that it would be best to sever the bond between Uman and Zathroth once and for all. They set about to this task with great energy, and their efforts soon enough appeared to be crowned with success. However, the weaker the bond between Uman and Zathroth became, the weaker Uman himself grew, and in the end they realised that the duality could not be separated without endangering Uman's very existence. At last the invocation was aborted. Uman had to accept the fact that the duality between Zathroth and himself could not be broken, and that their fate and indeed their very existence were intertwined for eternity."@en . "V.i Part 1: The Age of Chaos (Book)"@en . . "V.i Part 1: The Age of Chaos"@en . .