"Deutsch"@de . "Full GLA arsenal"@en . "Splinter Cell is the first video game created within the Splinter Cell series. It is a critically-acclaimed 3D action-adventure stealth video game, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and built on the Unreal Engine 2. It is the first Splinter Cell game in the series endorsed by Tom Clancy, and follows the activities of NSA agent Sam Fisher. The game is available for Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Windows, and Mac OS X. 2D versions of the game were released for the N-Gage, Game Boy Advance, and mobile phones. The mobile phone version of the game was developed by Gameloft."@en . "Windows, Mac, Xbox, Playstation 2, GameCube, GameBoy Advance, N-Gage"@de . "Unknown GLA Splinter General"@en . . "[[Kategorie:Ubisoft Montreal]] [[Kategorie:Ubisoft]] Kategorie:Stealth-Shooter Kategorie:USK16+ Kategorie:Spiele von A-Z Splinter Cell wurde am 28.11.2002 f\u00FCr die Xbox, und am 27.02.2003 f\u00FCr den PC, die Playstation 2, den GameCube, den GameBoy Advance und das N-Gage ver\u00F6ffentlicht. Insgesamt wurde das Spiel nach Angaben von Ubisoft 6 Millionen mal verkauft."@de . . "A Canadian hacker, he is the technology behind Nikoladze's terrorism. He is killed by Fisher in the \"Kola Peninsula\" mission."@en . . "Aid the Chinese forces"@en . "GLA loyalists' civil war victory"@en . "Keinen"@de . "Jarmen Kell"@en . "--02-19"^^ . . "300"^^ . "Einzelspieler"@de . "Europa 28.11.2002 27.02.2003 , 27.03.2003 , 02.06.2003 , 21.01.2004"@de . . "splinter cell cover.jpg"@de . . . . "Splinter Cell"@es . "Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube"@en . . . "GLA ambush on Chinese nuke convoy"@en . "Splinter Cell was a GLA operation during their \"War of Liberation\" to wipe out a splinter faction that had abandoned the GLA cause. Despite Chinese support to the splinter group, GLA loyalists achieved victory and forcibly reunited the organisation."@en . . . "Assist the splinter cell"@en . "Ubisoft Montreal \nUbisoft Shanghai"@en . "Global Liberation Army"@en . . "--03-28"^^ . . "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Splinter cell, dall'inglese: Cellula Infiltrata - Cellula Fantasma) \u00E8 una famosa serie di romanzi e videogiochi di spionaggio ideati dallo scrittore Tom Clancy. I libri sono ispirati ai videogiochi, e sono stati effettivamente scritti da altri autori, sempre sotto lo pseudonimo di David Michaels. [1][2]Il visore notturno, tipica icona della serie Splinter CellNella finzione letteraria, gli Splinter Cell sono agenti facenti capo alla divisione sperimentale Third Echelon della NSA, operanti prettamente in singolo in ambienti ostili che richiedano particolare agilit\u00E0, conoscenza della strategia militare e longeva esperienza tattica. Adibiti al recupero furtivo di informazioni chiave e alla silenziosa eliminazione di minacce per la pace internazionale senza lasciare tracce del loro passaggio, il governo degli Stati Uniti d'America nega l'esistenza di questo \"programma prototipo\" in caso di cattura degli agenti. Gli operativi sono supportati sul campo da piccoli team che raccolgono 3-4 fra i migliori e pi\u00F9 ambiti esperti in ingegneria edile,tattica,equipaggiamento e sistemi informatici. La straordinaria abilit\u00E0 di queste invisibili forze d'\u00E9lite \u00E8 affinata da strumentazione, armi ed equipaggiamento militare avveniristico e tecnologicamente fra i pi\u00F9 avanzati al mondo. Per il programma Splinter Cell, Third Echelon attinge militari fra i corpi di forze speciali degli Stati Uniti d'America e ne affina le gi\u00E0 superbe capacit\u00E0 mentali e fisiche al \"CIA training Farm\" di Camp Perry in Virginia. Nonostante la natura evidentemente fittizia degli avvenimenti narrati nei giochi della serie, vengono richiamate tematiche realistiche e attuali come il terrorismo internazionale, l'uso di virus informatici o di armi chimiche, i colpi di Stato e cos\u00EC via."@en . . . "Splinter Cell"@it . "Splinter Cell is a stealth based game produced by Ubisoft, which follows the story of American NSA Black Ops agent Sam Fisher. The character of Sam Fisher is voiced by actor Michael Ironside. His boss, Irving Lambert, is voiced by actor Don Jordan. Sam Fisher's trifocal goggles are considered the \"signature\" symbol of the Splinter Cell series, as was intended by the character designer, according to the special features of the first Splinter Cell for Xbox. Originally, Tom Clancy rejected the idea of Fisher having them, stating that goggles with both thermal vision and night vision are impossible to make. The creators argued that having two separate sets of goggles would make for awkward gameplay and convinced Clancy to allow it."@en . . "The main villain of the story. He is the President of Georgia who wants to bring down America with his power and resources. He launches a technological war on the U.S. before going underground for fear of capture. A terrorist leader. He is killed by Fisher in the \"Presidential Palace\" mission."@en . "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Splinter cell, dall'inglese: Cellula Infiltrata - Cellula Fantasma) \u00E8 una famosa serie di romanzi e videogiochi di spionaggio ideati dallo scrittore Tom Clancy. I libri sono ispirati ai videogiochi, e sono stati effettivamente scritti da altri autori, sempre sotto lo pseudonimo di David Michaels. [1][2]Il visore notturno, tipica icona della serie Splinter CellNella finzione letteraria, gli Splinter Cell sono agenti facenti capo alla divisione sperimentale Third Echelon della NSA, operanti prettamente in singolo in ambienti ostili che richiedano particolare agilit\u00E0, conoscenza della strategia militare e longeva esperienza tattica. Adibiti al recupero furtivo di informazioni chiave e alla silenziosa eliminazione di minacce per la pace internazionale senza lasciare"@en . . "Pages: 26"@en . "--04-10"^^ . . . "Splinter Cell was a GLA operation during their \"War of Liberation\" to wipe out a splinter faction that had abandoned the GLA cause. Despite Chinese support to the splinter group, GLA loyalists achieved victory and forcibly reunited the organisation."@en . . "Splinter Cell ist eine Videospiel-Reihe die von Ubisoft entwickelt wurde. Inhaltlich geht es um Sam Fisher, der f\u00FCr die Geheime Agentur Third Echelon ebenso geheime Auftr\u00E4ge erledigt. Die Splinter Cell Reihe bietet vom Gameplay her Stealth als auch Action Abschnitte. Es wurden bisher sechs Spiele f\u00FCr verschiedene Konsolen entwickelt, ein siebtes Spiel wird 2013 erscheinen. Neben den Spielen, gibt es auch einige Romane."@de . "Pages: 26"@en . "Categor\u00EDa:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categor\u00EDa:Letra ]] Categor\u00EDa:Literatura Categor\u00EDa:Videojuegos"@es . . "Near Lenger, Kazakhstan"@en . . "Scud Storm if not destroyed completely"@en . . . "Coordinates the transportation and equipment for field agents. He drops Sam off at the start of a mission and picks him up at the end. He is killed by a Russian mercenary in the \"Kalinatek\" mission ."@en . "Splinter Cell ist eine Videospiel-Reihe die von Ubisoft entwickelt wurde. Inhaltlich geht es um Sam Fisher, der f\u00FCr die Geheime Agentur Third Echelon ebenso geheime Auftr\u00E4ge erledigt. Die Splinter Cell Reihe bietet vom Gameplay her Stealth als auch Action Abschnitte. Es wurden bisher sechs Spiele f\u00FCr verschiedene Konsolen entwickelt, ein siebtes Spiel wird 2013 erscheinen. Neben den Spielen, gibt es auch einige Romane."@de . . . . . . "GLA Splinter Cell"@en . "Stealth-Shooter"@de . "Inaktiv"@de . "Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow"@de . . "Splinter Cell"@en . . "[[Kategorie:Ubisoft Montreal]] [[Kategorie:Ubisoft]] Kategorie:Stealth-Shooter Kategorie:USK16+ Kategorie:Spiele von A-Z Splinter Cell wurde am 28.11.2002 f\u00FCr die Xbox, und am 27.02.2003 f\u00FCr den PC, die Playstation 2, den GameCube, den GameBoy Advance und das N-Gage ver\u00F6ffentlicht. Insgesamt wurde das Spiel nach Angaben von Ubisoft 6 Millionen mal verkauft. Splinter Cell basiert grafisch auf einer modifizierten Version der Unreal Engine, welche es erm\u00F6glicht, detaillierte Schatten darzustellen. Der Spieler hat dadurch die M\u00F6glichkeit, Konflikten aus dem Weg zu gehen, indem er die schattigen Abschnitte der Level nutzt, um unerkannt seine Einsatzziele zu erreichen."@de . . . "The computer and security expert at Third Echelon. She, like Lambert, will contact Sam throughout a mission - usually in accordance with Lambert."@en . . "2013"^^ . "Unknown Chinese General"@en . "--11-17"^^ . . "Destroy the Chinese forces"@en . "2010-02-12"^^ . "Heavy"@en . "Splinter Cell is a stealth based game produced by Ubisoft, which follows the story of American NSA Black Ops agent Sam Fisher. The character of Sam Fisher is voiced by actor Michael Ironside. His boss, Irving Lambert, is voiced by actor Don Jordan."@en . "Chinese Escort consists:\n*Battlemaster\n*Dragon Tank\n*Troop Crawler\n*Gattling Tank\n*Tank Hunter"@en . . . . "Abandonada"@es . . . "Captured Nuke Convoy Trucks"@en . . "Categor\u00EDa:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categor\u00EDa:Letra ]] Categor\u00EDa:Literatura Categor\u00EDa:Videojuegos"@es . . . . . . . . "All\n*Chinese escorts banished"@en . . "Superanton"@de . "de.splintercell"@de . "Playsonic2"@es . . . . "Splinter Cell"@de . . "21"^^ . "GLA General"@en . . "Almost full GLA arsenal except the Scud Storm"@en . . . "Nathan Wolff"@en . . . "Splinter cell"@en . "Wipe out the splinter cell"@en . . "Post-Release"@en . "Repel the enemy"@en . . "Splinter Cell is the first video game created within the Splinter Cell series. It is a critically-acclaimed 3D action-adventure stealth video game, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and built on the Unreal Engine 2. It is the first Splinter Cell game in the series endorsed by Tom Clancy, and follows the activities of NSA agent Sam Fisher. The game is available for Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Windows, and Mac OS X. 2D versions of the game were released for the N-Gage, Game Boy Advance, and mobile phones. The mobile phone version of the game was developed by Gameloft."@en . . . "A former Soviet Spetsnaz operator, he is Nikoladze's terrorist military commander - usually working with mercenaries. He is killed by Fisher in the \"Abbattoir\" mission."@en . . . "Splinter Cell Wiki"@es . . "The link between agents, like Fisher, and the commanders of Third Echelon. He contacts Sam with new information, objectives, and instructions periodically throughout a mission."@en . "Windows 98/ME/2000/XP; Prozessor mit 800 MHz; 256 MB RAM; Grafikkarte mit 32 MB; 1,5 GB Festplattenspeicher"@de . "16"^^ . "Portal:Action"@de . "Stealth, Action"@en . "He is a seasoned veteran of Black Ops, working for the NSA."@en . "Splinter Cell"@en . "es.splintercell"@es . "Action"@de . . . "All\n*Command Center\n*Barracks\n*Arms Dealer\n*Supply Stash\n*Splinter Cell forces"@en . . "Destroy the GLA loyalists"@en . "China"@en . . "12"^^ . "Splinter Cell Wiki es un wiki de Wikia dedicado a todos los videojuegos y novelas de la saga Splinter Cell."@es . "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell"@en . . "Video Game"@en . "Splinter Cell"@de . . . . . . "XxModernAssassin"@de . .