"Giratina"@es . . "115"^^ . "33"^^ . "None"@en . . "Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pok\u00E9mon very rarely ventures down from the mountains."@en . . "Cat\u00E1strofe"@es . "Rumored to sense danger with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains."@en . . . . . "6"^^ . . "Pt 359 front.png"@en . "152"^^ . . . "2"^^ . "3420"^^ . "159"^^ . "Rumored to sense danger with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains."@en . ""@en . . "47"^^ . "*Salvaje: Ruta 120."@es . "60"^^ . . "It sharply senses even subtle changes in the sky and the land to predict natural disasters. It is a long-lived Pok\u00E9mon that has a life-span of 100 years."@en . . "Justified( Hidden)"@en . "Absol"@ca . . "200"^^ . "Absol debuts in Chapter 215. Absol stands on an overhanging, looking over Lavaridge Town and towards Mt. Chimney. Absol is seen by Ruby, Wallene, Maryann, and Tyler on their way to the cave-in at Rusturf Tunnel; Tyler initially blames Absol for the cave-in. Absol kneels, inviting her to get onto its back. She does so, asking if Kyogre and Groudon are going to battle each other, and Absol takes off running\u2014leaving Tyler behind until Maryann insists. Absol takes them in the direction of Sootopolis City."@en . . "Corte 18px|Corte 18px|Corte 18px|Corte"@es . "Competitive Stage"@en . "rojofuego"@es . . . . . "Absol ist ein Pok\u00E9mon vom Typ Unlicht. Absol hat eine Anfangsfreundschaft von 35, ist von der Spezies Desaster und hat eine Fangrate von 30."@de . "Absol"@en . . "negro 2"@es . . . "Rumored to sense disasters with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains."@en . . . . "Jedes Mal, wenn ABSOL sich den Menschen zeigt, endet dies in einer Katastrophe wie Erdbeben oder Sturmflut. Deswegen ist es auch als das Katastrophen-POK\u00E9MON bekannt."@de . "It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a doom bringer."@en . "Rare"@en . "The Disaster Pok\u00E9mon"@en . "18"^^ . "Absol (\u30A2\u30D6\u30BD\u30EB) is a highly popular and sought Pok\u00E9mon. It features a lot of merchandise, not only from general Advanced Generation releases, but also as the supporting star of the 6th and 17th Pok\u00E9mon movies. Competition between fellow collectors can be fierce, and like some Hoenn Pok\u00E9mon, items can be difficult to find or even have yet to be discovered. Since the introduction of it's Mega evolution, it's popularity has only increased."@en . . "3"^^ . "Pichu"@en . . . "Absol Shiny PtHGSS.png"@en . "Swarm"@en . "Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pok\u00E9mon."@en . "Chimecho"@ca . "rub\u00ED"@es . . "Blanc"@ca . . . "* Absol: Repudiado por las supersticiones de anta\u00F1o que lo proclamaban heraldo de cat\u00E1strofes naturales, tuvo que refugiarse en las monta\u00F1as.\n* Mega-Absol: El pelaje erizado de su dorso se asemeja a un par de alas que, al agitarse, emiten una potente aura que arrolla al rival."@es . "Drampa"@es . "Rare"@en . . "x"@es . . "N/A"@en . "Absol \u00E9s un Pok\u00E9mon de tipus sinistre introdu\u00EFt en la tercera generaci\u00F3."@ca . . . . "Siniestro"@es . . . . "Detecta con precisi\u00F3n cualquier cambio producido en la atm\u00F3sfera o la tierra y predice cat\u00E1strofes naturales. Es un Pok\u00E9mon longevo que vive 100 a\u00F1os."@es . "Absol Shiny Back RS.png"@en . "Competitive Stage: Mega Absol"@en . "Rumored to sense danger with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains."@en . "It has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years."@en . "Campo"@es . "AbsolXYshiny.gif"@en . "Absol BW.gif"@en . . . "\u00C1b.sol"@es . . "565"^^ . "none"@de . . . . "* Salvaje: Monte Lanakila, Aldea Tapu"@es . "Giratina"@ca . . . "* Salvaje: Monte Lanakila, Aldea Tapu"@es . . . . . . . "Saphir"@de . "Siniestro"@es . . "It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger."@en . "Expert Stages"@en . "Dark"@en . . "Although it\u2019s said to bring disaster, in actuality, this Pok\u00E9mon possesses a calm disposition and warns people of any crises that loom."@en . . "Tercera"@ca . . . "359"^^ . . . "465"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . . "60"^^ . "Absol Back Shiny IV.png"@en . "Froslass"@es . "Absol ist ein Pok\u00E9mon vom Typ Unlicht. Absol hat eine Anfangsfreundschaft von 35, ist von der Spezies Desaster und hat eine Fangrate von 30."@de . "Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pok\u00E9mon very rarely ventures down from the mountains."@en . "Stage EX1: Absol"@en . "65"^^ . . "Cuando se supo que present\u00EDa los desastres con su cuerno, tuvo que buscar refugio en las monta\u00F1as."@es . "83.2"^^ . "Any cave"@en . "5"^^ . "Magic Bounce( Mega)"@en . . "1059860"^^ . . "Monta\u00F1a"@es . . "It appears from deep in the mountains to warn people about upcoming disasters it has sensed with its horn."@en . "It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger."@en . . "Es sp\u00FCrt drohende Katastrophen und erscheint nur dann, wenn es andere vor der Gefahr warnen will."@de . "4"^^ . . "Dark"@en . . "150"^^ . "dark"@en . "Inkay"@es . "Se te une tras vencer a Articuno. 6.8%"@es . "Routes 13 and 14"@en . "60"^^ . "130"^^ . "Wynaut"@ca . "Absol Shiny Back BW.gif"@en . "Absol Shiny RSFRLG.png"@en . "Tercera"@es . . "Cueva Helada despu\u00E9s de terminar el juego"@es . "Rare"@en . . "Immediately in row 3 or 4, then switch countdown"@en . . "It has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years."@en . "Popularity"@en . "It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger."@en . "3"^^ . "Absol Back IV.png"@en . "zafiro"@es . "150"^^ . . "in rows 5 and 6 after 10 moves, then switch countdown"@en . . . . . "Height"@en . . "Presiente desastres inminentes y se aparece a la gente para advertir del peligro."@es . . "I hate Absol. Hate them with a passion. Not because of what they are, but what they stand for. My whole life, I\u2019ve been seeing them. It, rather. It\u2019s actually just one. Every time I see it, someone I care about dies. I saw the Absol for the first time when I was only six years old. My mother and I were taking a walk in the woods near our house. It was a large forest, and it had all sorts of small Pokemon in it. Seedot, Oddish, Zigzagoon, Taillow, a few Poochyena and even the occasional Marill. I loved walking in those woods with my mother and seeing all the little creatures run about. \u201CWhere?\u201D"@en . "Absol"@es . . . "Snorunt"@es . . "9"^^ . . "Pearl"@de . "B"@en . . . . . "359"^^ . . "It has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years."@en . . . "1"^^ . "Absol"@en . "It sharply senses even subtle changes in the sky and the land to predict natural disasters. It is a long-lived Pok\u00E9mon that has a life-span of 100 years."@en . "It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a doom-bringer."@en . "Cat\u00E0strofe"@ca . . . . . "Absol tiene la habilidad de predecir las cat\u00E1strofes naturales. Este Pok\u00E9mon vive en h\u00E1bitats monta\u00F1osos, hostiles y accidentados de los que rara vez se aleja."@es . "1"^^ . "Route 13, Giant Chasm"@en . . . "Tangela"@es . "Aparece cuando prev\u00E9 una cat\u00E1strofe natural inminente, por eso dicen que trae mala suerte."@es . . . "Grumpig"@es . . "Vulpix"@es . "Pidgey"@en . . . "in rows 5 and 6 after 3 moves, then switch countdown"@en . . "Absol"@nl . . . . "50"^^ . "0"^^ . "68"^^ . . . . . . . . "High"@en . "Absol Back III.png"@en . "negro"@es . . "Uncommon , Common"@en . . "Fase extra 1"@es . "Chimecho"@ca . "50"^^ . "Mind Zap"@en . . . "30"^^ . "Tangrowth"@en . "Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pok\u00E9mon."@en . "AbsolBack XY.gif"@en . "4"^^ . . "Absol"@es . . "ABSOL kann bevorstehende Naturkatastrophen voraussagen. Es lebt auf einem kargen, zerkl\u00FCfteten Berg. Dieses POK\u00E9MON wagt sich nur sehr selten ins Tal herunter."@de . "Route 213"@de . . "Absol Shiny BW.gif"@en . . . "Zona Ruinas. Para que sea tu amigo debes superar su megarreto."@es . "Absol has a dark blue face with a short, cat-like muzzle, a small, black, triangular nose, a scythe-like tail, and sickle-shaped growth on the right side of its head. Some believe this to be an abnormal development of its right ear, but it is actually a horn, as said in its Pok\u00E9Dex entry. Despite its appearance, this horn is actually very soft to the touch, particularly whenever Absol is not tense or angry."@en . "R-256"@es . . "Sinistre"@ca . . "parab\u00F3lico"@es . "103.6"^^ . "3"^^ . "rub\u00ED"@es . . "It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger."@en . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "Chimecho"@ca . . "It appears from deep in the mountains to warn people about upcoming disasters it has sensed with its horn."@en . "115"^^ . . "RS 359 front.png"@en . "Globo Estelar."@es . "Spinda"@en . "Absol"@en . "Es taucht auf, wenn es sp\u00FCrt, dass eine Naturkatastrophe kurz bevorsteht. Daher wurde es irrt\u00FCmlicherweise f\u00FCr einen Unheilsboten gehalten."@de . "245"^^ . "Routes 13 and 14"@en . . . "Presiente los desastres naturales. Puede llegar a superar los 100 a\u00F1os de vida."@es . . . . "Erases icons with three diagonal lines from top right to bottom left"@en . . . "Absol tiene la habilidad de predecir las cat\u00E1strofes naturales. Este Pok\u00E9mon vive en h\u00E1bitats monta\u00F1osos, hostiles y accidentados de los que rara vez se aleja."@es . . . . "Absol Shiny PtHGSS.png"@en . . "*Manada: Ruta 213.\n*Parque Compi: Zona rocosa"@es . "C"@es . "Absol Back BW.gif"@en . . "While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pok\u00E9mon, it can Mega Evolve into Mega Absol using the Absolite. 359Absol-Mega.png"@en . . . "Happiny"@en . . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . . "It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a doom-bringer."@en . "Footprint"@en . "1"^^ . "Route 120"@de . "Absol (\u30A2\u30D6\u30BD\u30EB) is a highly popular and sought Pok\u00E9mon. It features a lot of merchandise, not only from general Advanced Generation releases, but also as the supporting star of the 6th and 17th Pok\u00E9mon movies. Competition between fellow collectors can be fierce, and like some Hoenn Pok\u00E9mon, items can be difficult to find or even have yet to be discovered. Since the introduction of it's Mega evolution, it's popularity has only increased."@en . "Camp"@ca . "75"^^ . "rojofuego"@es . "1.2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "* Salvaje: Rutas 13 y 14.\n*Claro Oculto: Ruta 23.\n* Dream World: Monte Escarpado con la habilidad Justiciero."@es . . . "Special Stages"@en . . "5"^^ . "Rumored to sense danger with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains."@en . "*Salvaje: Monte Corona .\n*Parque Compi: Zona rocosa"@es . . "* Salvaje: Ruta 8\n*Safari Amistad: En algunos safaris de Tipo siniestro."@es . "Rumored to sense disasters with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains."@en . . "Diamond"@de . "Chimecho"@es . . "12"^^ . "Absol"@de . . . . "115"^^ . . . . . . . "Ataca emitiendo Pulsos Umbr\u00EDos y r\u00E1fagas de viento tenebroso."@es . . . . . . . "Absol (\u30A2\u30D6\u30BD\u30EB Abusoru) is a species of Pok\u00E9mon in the series of the same name. It is a Dark-type Pok\u00E9mon that made its first appearance in the third generation games Ruby and Sapphire."@en . "Absol BW.gif"@en . "RS 359 front.png"@en . . . . . "10"^^ . . . . "Rare"@en . "Muntanya"@ca . . "0"^^ . . . . . . "75"^^ . . "platino"@es . . "Type"@en . . . . "Wynaut"@ca . "It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a doom bringer."@en . . "Vulpix"@ca . . "65"^^ . . . . "R-285"@es . . . "35"^^ . "Absol XY.gif"@en . . . "III"@en . . . "Umbreon"@en . "Es bemerkt sogar kleinste Ver\u00E4nderungen der Luft und der Erde und kann Naturkatastrophen \nvorhersagen. ABSOL lebt sehr lange, um die 100 Jahre."@de . . "None"@en . "Absol has a dark blue face with a short, cat-like muzzle, a small, black, triangular nose, a scythe-like tail, and sickle-shaped growth on the right side of its head. Some believe this to be an abnormal development of its right ear, but it is actually a horn, as said in its Pok\u00E9Dex entry. Despite its appearance, this horn is actually very soft to the touch, particularly whenever Absol is not tense or angry."@en . "115"^^ . "Chimecho"@es . . "1.2"^^ . "6400"^^ . "60"^^ . . . . . "Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pok\u00E9mon."@en . "Chimecho"@en . . . "* Historia: Se une a tu equipo luego de vencer a Articuno. M\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n en esta gu\u00EDa.\n* Salvaje: Campo Ventoso , Cueva Occidental .\n* Zona de Recreo: Montes Oscuros."@es . "Wynaut"@es . "Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pok\u00E9mon very rarely ventures down from the mountains."@en . "It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger."@en . "2"^^ . "Blanco"@es . "It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger."@en . . . "Solrock"@es . . "Froslass"@ca . . . "Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pok\u00E9mon very rarely ventures down from the mountains."@en . "\u00C0b.sol"@ca . "209"^^ . "Absol es un Pok\u00E9mon de tipo siniestro introducido en la tercera generaci\u00F3n, a partir de la sexta generaci\u00F3n puede megaevolucionar en Mega-Absol."@es . "platino"@es . . . "Absol \u00E9s un Pok\u00E9mon de tipus sinistre introdu\u00EFt en la tercera generaci\u00F3."@ca . "rub\u00ED"@es . . . "Absol (\u30A2\u30D6\u30BD\u30EB Abusoru) is a species of Pok\u00E9mon in the series of the same name. It is a Dark-type Pok\u00E9mon that made its first appearance in the third generation games Ruby and Sapphire."@en . "75"^^ . . . . "Species"@en . . . "AbsolXYshiny.gif"@en . . . . "\u30A2\u30D6\u30BD\u30EB"@ca . "1"^^ . "I hate Absol. Hate them with a passion. Not because of what they are, but what they stand for. My whole life, I\u2019ve been seeing them. It, rather. It\u2019s actually just one. Every time I see it, someone I care about dies. I saw the Absol for the first time when I was only six years old. My mother and I were taking a walk in the woods near our house. It was a large forest, and it had all sorts of small Pokemon in it. Seedot, Oddish, Zigzagoon, Taillow, a few Poochyena and even the occasional Marill. I loved walking in those woods with my mother and seeing all the little creatures run about. My mother always brought her Linoone, Breeze, to walk alongside us in case we were ever attacked, but we never were. Breeze was a quiet, gentle creature, and very kind to me and my brother and sister. She never got upset when we spilled juice on her, or bit us when we might have pulled her fur by accident, she was always calm and relaxed. That day, when we were walking through those woods, everything was still and quiet. We hadn\u2019t seen any of the usual Pokemon. All of a sudden Breeze curled up into a tiny ball, and started growling and whimpering, pure fear shining in her bright blue eyes. \u201CWhat\u2019s wrong, Breeze?\u201D my mother asked, trying to soothe the rattled Linoone. I followed where Breeze\u2019s eyes were pointing, and it was then I saw it. Perched on a log, directly in the center of a sun-dappled clearing was an Absol. I didn\u2019t know what it was at the time. It looked lighter than air, like the slightest wind might blow it over. It was on its toes, ready to spring up and flee at any moment. My mouth hung open in awe of the strange and beautiful creature. My mother didn\u2019t see it, she was too occupied with trying to pacify Breeze. I suddenly snapped out of my stupor. \u201CMama! MAMA! A Pokemon! A big white one! Mama!\u201D I hollered. My mother sat up. \u201CWhere?\u201D I turned around again, pointing a pudgy finger at the clearing. \u201CRight over\u2026. There\u2026 Where did it go?\u201D The creature had gone. Breeze stood up again, barking at the spot where I had been pointing, before tearing off into the woods. \u201CBREEZE! NO! WAIT!\u201D my mother cried, before sighing. The Linoone was gone. \u201CWhat did the Pokemon look like, Mickey?\u201D \u201CIt was big and white and fluffy, and it had big black claws, and a black tail, and a black horn on its head to match!\u201D My mother\u2019s hands flew to her mouth, and her eyes widened. \u201CHoney, that was an Absol. We have to get home and call your father.\u201D \u201CBut Breeze-\u201C \u201CNo buts. Breeze is smart, she can find her own way home. We have to go. Now!\u201D Shocked at my mother\u2019s abruptness, I meekly let her drag me home by my arm. I didn\u2019t know what was going on, but if it had anything to do with father, it had to be important. My father traveled most of the time, and wasn\u2019t home very often, but always brought us the nicest gifts when he found time to come home to his family. Soon we were home. My mother raced to the phone, her fingers flying over the buttons as she dialed in the numbers. She was almost completely silent for several long minutes, her ear pressed to the phone with her only sounds being grunts and a few words here and there. Then suddenly she began to sob. Young as I was, I knew something was wrong, even as she hung up the phone, trying to contain herself. \u201CMama? What happened to Daddy?\u201D My mother looked up, her eyes red, before hugging me and beginning to sob again. It was then I knew that my father was never coming back. My father had been in Lilycove city, staying at the hotel there. He had been there to visit Mt. Pyre, and catch some Pokemon indigenous to that area, as well as check out the Safari zone. However, one night he decided to go for a cruise. The captain of the boat was drunk, and ran the ship up on the rocks. There were no survivors. All we had to remember my father by was his Mightyena, Grimm, who he had left in his hotel room, and a gift that he been going to bring back for me. He had caught me my very own Pokemon. A beautiful female Vulpix he had captured on Mt. Pyre. I named her Foxfire. It was amazing to finally have my own Pokemon. My brother, Alex, who was three years older than me, had his Electrike, Jolt. My sister, Eva, who was two years younger than me, had her Skitty, Blush. And now I finally had my own Pokemon, and I felt that in her, in my precious Foxfire, a tiny piece of my father lived on. The second time I saw the Absol was two years later, when I was eight. I was playing in the backyard with my sister, and our Pokemon. Our brother was in the front yard with his Manectric. He\u2019d been asked to keep to the other side of the house because he was training his Pokemon, and Jolt was a good bit stronger than either of our Pokemon. I remember it quite clearly. We had all dressed up in eye patches, and bandanas, and fake peglegs, even our Pokemon, and we were all pretending to be pirates searching for buried treasure. We were making believe that the occasional bolts of lighting dancing away from the front lawn were an approaching storm. A typical child\u2019s game. I was supervising as my loyal Foxfire \u201Cswabbed the deck\u201D with her tail, when I chanced to look up. Straight ahead of me, not more than twenty feet away, was the Absol. It was the same one from all those years ago. I don\u2019t know how I knew, but I did. My Vulpix, noticing that I had stopped giving orders, looked up to see what it was that I was staring at. She saw it too. The beast gave a low, guttural growl of its own name, and suddenly we heard a bloodcurdling scream from the front yard, accompanied by a shock of lighting. The Absol fled into the woods. Without missing a beat, I turned to my sister. \u201CEVA! Quickly, go get Mama! I\u2019ll check on Alex!\u201D She nodded dumbly, and ran inside the house. In seconds I was in the front yard, Foxfire at my side. The sight I was met with was a grim one. My brother was pinned under a fallen tree, screaming and trying to struggle away as Jolt vainly tried to lift the wooden colossus off of his broken body. \u201CFoxfire! Go help Jolt!\u201D I cried. She immediately obeyed, and I ran to my brother, to see if I could get him to calm down. As I was doing so, the efforts of my Vulpix and his Manectric were joined by the strength of Breeze and Grimm. (Yes, Breeze came home that night. She was injured and shaky, and almost fainted, but she was alive.) My mother and sister quickly followed, joining us in the front yard. In minutes we had the tree off of him, mainly thanks to Grimm\u2019s move, strength. The hospital was called, and Alex was taken away. It didn\u2019t look good. Eight broken ribs, a fractured collarbone, his spine and neck were both badly cracked, and both of his legs and his hips were shattered. Apparently, while my brother had been training, he had failed to notice a lightning rod imbedded in one of the trees. One of Jolt\u2019s attacks had been pulled to it, and the old tree was too weak to remain standing, and fell on Alex. The doctors couldn\u2019t save him. One of his ribs had punctured his lung, and they couldn\u2019t fix him in time to prevent him from drowning in his own blood. He died in the hospital that very night. I had lost my father, and then just two years later my beloved older brother was taken from me. I was there when he died. I stayed at his bedside until the very end. I can remember his last words. \u201CYou know, it\u2019s sad, Mickey. I always thought I\u2019d be a Gym Leader. \u201C For a long time, my mother, my sister, and my dear little Vulpix were my only comfort. I frequently cried myself to sleep holding Foxfire in my arms. I decided to call that Absol Reaper. It seemed an appropriate name for a herald of death. It was another year before Reaper brought his unwelcome presence back into my life. My sister had just left on the school bus. I wasn\u2019t going to school that day, I wasn\u2019t feeling well, but I can still remember the picture of her smiling and boarding that bus, her Skitty peeking out of her backpack. I was watching the vehicle disappear down the road, waving all the way, and then suddenly Reaper was there. He sitting on a rock across the street, watching me. I blinked, my arm frozen in midair, and my blue-gray blanket still clutched tightly around my shoulders. Suddenly the ground was rocked by a huge explosion. I whipped my head around, staring at the bus. The entire vehicle was in flames, a mushroom-cloud of smoke billowing up from it. I dropped my blanket, and began to run down the road, hoping to see if my sister or anyone else was okay, save them if I had to. I had a fire-type Pokemon, I was used to a burn or two. I was still quite far away when there was a second explosion. This one knocked me off my feet. I fell to the ground crying, covered in dust and too shocked and upset to get up. Even though I was only nine, I knew that no one could have survived that explosion. I looked back towards the house, trying to see if my mother was coming, but the only thing my mind could register was that Reaper was gone again. The fire department was called, and the street was filled with firemen for the next two hours. Everyone in the bus was killed, as I had thought. Over the next week or two, we gathered bits and pieces of information, and it was almost a whole month before the town had figured out what had happened. One of the high-school jocks, wanting to look cool, had brought a Voltorb on the bus. His sibling had seen him sneak it inside his backpack as he left the house, but for a long time was too scared to say anything. After he had snuck the volatile Pokemon on the bus, he and his friends started taunting it, thinking it was funny. The creature became angry and used its signature move, self-destruct. That was the first explosion. The second explosion was the flames reaching the gas tank. My sister and many of my friends had been killed, and the event scarred the whole town. No one really talked about it, but there was a silent recognition that hung in the air for months, sharing the hurt of the fact that most of us had lost a friend or relative in that tragedy. I became a very solemn child, almost as sorrowful as my mother. I was in great pain, but I can\u2019t even imagine what it was like for her, losing her husband and all but one of her children in a short three years. My darling Foxfire was my only joy left. She was so sweet, always trying her hardest to cheer me up and make me laugh. I never did laugh, I was hurting too badly for that, but I made sure that she knew I appreciated her trying. For three years I was solemn. For three years Foxfire did her best to bring me joy. For three years I felt peace. A grim, ugly, empty kind of peace, a peace full of finality, the kind of feeling you get when you have just had a victory, but at a cost. But three years of peace nonetheless. For three years I thought the death was over. But for three years, I was dead wrong. The day was overcast, and gloomy. It perfectly suited my mood. Earlier, I had found a box of some of my sibling\u2019s things, and so my head was clouded with the sorrow of their deaths. I was walking through the backyard, hoping the fresh air would clear my head a little. Foxfire was trying to cheer me up, as usual. She was doing something particularly funny, she had found an old hat and scarf of my mothers, and was strutting around wearing them like she was a super model. It was so cute, and she looked so funny, and she was just trying so hard for me that for the first time in years I almost felt happy. As we walked by the well, she jumped up on its edge and began to saunter around on two legs, pretending it was a catwalk. She looked so comical doing that, that the edges of my face seemed to crack a little as I finally gave a pained smile. My eyes were watering with the borderline of what were almost tears, but I was ever-so-slightly smiling. And then I saw him. Two burning red eyes peaking out of the trees surrounding the lawn. It was Reaper. Suddenly Foxfire began to stumble. She had slipped on a wet patch of moss on the well\u2019s edge. I realized what was about to happen, and dove for her. \u201CFOXFIRE, NO!\u201D I was half a second too late, my fingers just bushing her tail as she disappeared down the well, hitting the water ten feet below with a splash. I reacted instantly, dropping the bucket down. \u201CFoxfire! Grab the bucket! Get in!\u201D I felt the end of the rope gain weight, and then it was gone for a split second, before returning. Then it was gone again. It was a full minute before there was a consistent weight present in the bucket below, but as soon as there was, the splashing was gone. Panic took full control as I pulled the bucket back up as fast I could. In it lay my Vulpix, waterlogged and only barely breathing. She was a fire type. She couldn\u2019t handle being in the water that long. That and the heavy liquid filling her lungs was quickly killing her. My Foxfire, my precious Pokemon was dying. I hoisted her out of the bucket, sobbing, and held her tightly to my chest. \u201CFoxfire, please, no! Please don\u2019t leave me! I need you! You\u2019re all I\u2019ve got left!\u201D I begged. Her eyes opened just slightly, looking at me. \u201CPlease, Foxfire, you can\u2019t die! As soon as I finished school, you and me, we were going to go everywhere together\u2026 Please\u2026 Don\u2019t go\u2026 You can\u2019t\u2026 I love you\u2026\u201D I sobbed, holding her tighter, as if that would keep life in her body. She smiled at me, weakly, and her eyes slid shut again. Her small chest heaved one last time. And she was gone. And I broke down. Foxfire was all I had left, and now she was gone too. Through my pain and through the endless tears running down my cheeks, I noticed only one thing. The red eyes that had appeared between the trees had disappeared. We buried her in the backyard. I saw to it that she got a good funeral, just as good as any person would have gotten. I brought her flowers, roses, to be exact. Lots of them. They were her favorite. My mother and I lit all sorts of candles, and we read from the bible as we lowered her into the hole Breeze had made with dig. After that, I lost myself. I stole hundreds of packages of cigarettes, and I lost track of my days. My life dissolved into hours upon hours of chain-smoking cigarette after cigarette. I knew that weak lungs ran in my family, but I didn\u2019t care that I was killing myself. I had nothing left to live for, it didn\u2019t matter to me if I died of old age or died locked in a smoky, cigarette-bud covered bedroom. Now I am thirteen. I am confined to bed with severe lung cancer. I knew this would happen, but I didn\u2019t care. I still don\u2019t. My mother doesn\u2019t care either, she hasn\u2019t been right in the head since my sister died. She probably won\u2019t even notice I\u2019m gone, and if she does, I can only hope she\u2019ll respect my wish to die. It hurts to think. It hurts to talk. It hurts to breathe. I\u2019m almost too weak to type this, but I type it because I don\u2019t think I\u2019ll be here much longer, and I wanted someone to find this, just because I want someone out there to know. I\u2019ve been refusing the treatments, and the doctors aren\u2019t sure how long I have left, but now I know I have very little time. Why? Reaper just appeared outside my window. He's staring straight at me."@en . "60"^^ . "Absol Shiny DP.png"@en . "Pt 359 front.png"@en . "Azurill"@en . "4"^^ . . . . "3"^^ . . "30"^^ . "Cada vez que Absol aparece ante le gente, ocurre una cat\u00E1strofe natural como un terremoto o un maremoto. Por esta raz\u00F3n se lo conoce como el Pok\u00E9mon de las cat\u00E1strofes."@es . "Abandona su refugio en las monta\u00F1as para prevenir a los humanos de los desastres que predice con su cuerno."@es . . . "Absol Shiny Back XY.gif"@en . "Es sp\u00FCrt drohende Katastrophen und erscheint nur dann, wenn es andere vor der Gefahr warnen will."@de . "Como Pok\u00E9mon oscuro, en Torre Colosal."@es . "Chimecho"@es . . "It appears from deep in the mountains to warn people about upcoming disasters it has sensed with its horn."@en . . . . "10"^^ . . . . . "Rare"@en . . "*Intercambiar: de Pok\u00E9mon Rub\u00ED, Zafiro, Esmeralda o Pok\u00E9mon Colosseum."@es . "Corte P4 Archivo:Movimiento de campo corte de potencia 4.png"@es . "359"^^ . "150"^^ . "Rubin"@de . . . "IV"@en . "*Sonidos de Hoenn: Pozo Slowpoke, Cueva Uni\u00F3n, Cueva Oscura, Islas Remolino, Monte Plateado, Ruta Helada, Cueva Acantilado, Cueva Diglett, Monte Moon, Cueva Celeste, T\u00FAnel Roca, Islas Espuma, Calle Victoria (Kanto), Cataratas Tohjo."@es . "50"^^ . . "Riolu"@en . . "Vulpix"@es . "Absol"@ca . . "It has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years."@en . . "Absol Shiny BW.gif"@en . . "E 359 front.gif"@en . "Pok\u00E9dex"@en . "Costa"@es . "Weight"@en . "130"^^ . "Absol ataca duplic\u00E1ndose para confundir al enemigo. Su guada\u00F1a lo corta todo."@es . "200"^^ . "Es taucht auf, wenn es sp\u00FCrt, dass eine Naturkatastrophe kurz bevorsteht. Daher wurde es irrt\u00FCmlicherweise f\u00FCr einen Unheilsboten gehalten."@de . "Absol Shiny RSFRLG.png"@en . . . "It appears from deep in the mountains to warn people about upcoming disasters it has sensed with its horn."@en . "Absol es un Pok\u00E9mon de tipo siniestro introducido en la tercera generaci\u00F3n, a partir de la sexta generaci\u00F3n puede megaevolucionar en Mega-Absol."@es . . "Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pok\u00E9mon."@en . . "*Salvaje: Boquete Gigante, Ruta 13"@es . "* Absol: Se rumorea que es portador de calamidades, pero en realidad tiene un car\u00E1cter muy d\u00F3cil. Alerta a los humanos cuando vienen cat\u00E1strofes.\n* Mega-Absol: Al megaevolucionar, el pelaje del dorso se le eriza de tal forma que parece tener alas. Pero al no tratarse de verdaderas alas, no puede volar."@es . . "diamante"@es . . . . "Bronzong"@en . . . . "diamante"@es . . "1"^^ . "Absol debuts in Chapter 215. Absol stands on an overhanging, looking over Lavaridge Town and towards Mt. Chimney. Absol is seen by Ruby, Wallene, Maryann, and Tyler on their way to the cave-in at Rusturf Tunnel; Tyler initially blames Absol for the cave-in. Maryann and Tyler see Absol at Slateport City after the flood; Tyler again blames Absol, this time going as far as to accuse Absol of being the mastermind behind Teams Aqua and Magma. Absol looks thoughtfully at Maryann when she points out that correlation does not equal causation, and she asks Absol if it was trying to warn people of the impending disaster. Absol kneels, inviting her to get onto its back. She does so, asking if Kyogre and Groudon are going to battle each other, and Absol takes off running\u2014leaving Tyler behind until Maryann insists. Absol takes them in the direction of Sootopolis City. Absol gets there and uses Magic Coat to protect Ruby and Sapphire. Absol refuses to do anything else, as it is a neutral representation of nature."@en . . . "DP 359 front.png"@en . . "60"^^ . . "N/A"@en . . "Wynaut"@en . "oro heartgold"@es . "8"^^ . "* Salvaje: Archipi\u00E9lago Sureste , V\u00EDa Cristalina y Gran Iceberg"@es . "Absol XY.gif"@en . "Siniestro"@es . "Long ago, superstitions were spread about it, saying it brought disaster. This fed a hatred of it, and it was driven deep into the mountains."@en . "While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pok\u00E9mon, it can Mega Evolve into Mega Absol using the Absolite. 359Absol-Mega.png"@en . "It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a doom-bringer."@en . "rub\u00ED"@es . . "216"^^ . . . . "47"^^ . "18"^^ . "It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a doom-bringer."@en . "50"^^ . . "75"^^ . "Sawk"@en . "Route 13, Giant Chasm"@en . . "Corte P4 Archivo:Movimiento de campo corte de potencia 4.png"@es .