. . . . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Holonet News"@en . "Kul Teska"@fr . "Kul Teska"@fr . "games/videogames/news20090511.html"@en . . . "Kul Teska fue un mercenario skakoano que trabaj\u00F3 durante las Guerras Cl\u00F3nicas, el conflicto de secesi\u00F3n entre la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica y la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes. Antes de que tomara un sendero criminal, Teska era un respetado cient\u00EDfico en la Tecno Uni\u00F3n. No obstante, un accidente con su traje presurizado dej\u00F3 a Teska con una gran desfiguraci\u00F3n y fue forzado a abandonar la corporaci\u00F3n. Con la ayuda de su vasto conocimiento en el campo de la cibern\u00E9tica, Teska reconstruy\u00F3 su traje presurizado, equip\u00E1ndolo con una variedad de armas, y se volvi\u00F3 un sicario. Posteriormente, Teska continu\u00F3 sus propios experimientos con la gravedad y dio inicio a la construcci\u00F3n del rayo de polarizaci\u00F3n grav\u00EDtico, una superarma con potencia de fuego suficiente para destruir una estrella. Los ex"@es . . "Masculin"@fr . "Kul Teska"@es . . "\u041A\u0443\u043B \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043A\u0430"@en . "Kul Teska"@hu . . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"@en . . . . . "Traje de presurizaci\u00F3n skakoano aumentado"@es . "Verde"@es . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"@en . . "Enhanced Skakoan pressure suit"@en . . . . "H\u00EDm"@hu . . . "games/jointheclonewars/#/commandcenter/hnn"@es . "[Source] Kul Teska \u00E9tait un mercenaire embauch\u00E9 par la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants et le Techno-Syndicat. Il \u00E9tait cyborg et combattu lors de la bataille de Ryloth et lors de la bataille de Behpour o\u00F9 il mourut."@fr . "22"^^ . "Kul Teska"@en . "Kul Teska was a Skakoan mercenary during the Clone Wars, who was hired by the Sith Lord Count Dooku in order to destroy Naboo's sun. Although these claims were theorical, Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to meet with Senator Padm\u00E9 Amidala when he arrived at the space station, Juma-9. There, he met Plo Koon and the two felt a dark presence. After destroying a portion of the invading droids, Kenobi ordered Cody and the crew to evacuate. Kenobi and Koon reached the bridge to find Teska talking to Dooku, but Teska shut the transmission and escaped with the Jedi following."@en . . . "Skakoano"@es . "Kul Teska"@fr . "Kul Teska"@es . . . . . . "Kul Teska"@en . "Kul Teska"@en . "Mercenaire"@fr . . "games/videogames/news20090511.html"@es . . . . . . . "Era del Alzamiento del Imperio"@es . . "Kul Teska fue un mercenario skakoano que trabaj\u00F3 durante las Guerras Cl\u00F3nicas, el conflicto de secesi\u00F3n entre la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica y la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes. Antes de que tomara un sendero criminal, Teska era un respetado cient\u00EDfico en la Tecno Uni\u00F3n. No obstante, un accidente con su traje presurizado dej\u00F3 a Teska con una gran desfiguraci\u00F3n y fue forzado a abandonar la corporaci\u00F3n. Con la ayuda de su vasto conocimiento en el campo de la cibern\u00E9tica, Teska reconstruy\u00F3 su traje presurizado, equip\u00E1ndolo con una variedad de armas, y se volvi\u00F3 un sicario. Posteriormente, Teska continu\u00F3 sus propios experimientos con la gravedad y dio inicio a la construcci\u00F3n del rayo de polarizaci\u00F3n grav\u00EDtico, una superarma con potencia de fuego suficiente para destruir una estrella. Los experimentos de Teska no tardaron en llamar la atenci\u00F3n del Conde Dooku, el l\u00EDder de la Confederaci\u00F3n. Durante las Guerras Cl\u00F3nicas, Teska entr\u00F3 en el servicio de Dooku y se le proporcion\u00F3 un laboratorio en el planeta Behpour en el sistema Naboo, donde el skakoano sigui\u00F3 con el desarrollo de su arma. En 22 ABY, el rayo grav\u00EDtico fue terminado, y su parte integral, el N\u00FAcleo Grav\u00EDtico, deb\u00EDa ser llevado a Behpour en una fragata estelar clase Munificente. Sin embargo, la caja que conten\u00EDa el n\u00FAcleo fue robada sobre el planeta Alzoc III por el cazarrecompensas duros Cad Bane. Esperando rastrear el n\u00FAcleo por la potente radiaci\u00F3n que emit\u00EDa, Teska asalt\u00F3 la estaci\u00F3n espacial de la Rep\u00FAblica Juma 9, de modo que pudiera usar sus esc\u00E1neres. Tras localizar la pieza en el planeta Ryloth, Teska fue confrontado por dos Maestros Jedi dentro de la estaci\u00F3n, Obi-Wan Kenobi y Plo Koon. El skakoano logr\u00F3 evadirlos a ambos y se dirigi\u00F3 a Ryloth. All\u00ED, se encontr\u00F3 con Cad Bane, quien hab\u00EDa sido tomado en custodia por el Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker y su p\u00E1dawan, Ahsoka Tano, y estaba siendo escoltado a su nave estelar, La Habilidad de la Mano, con la caja. Despu\u00E9s de una escaramuza con ambos Jedi y dos de sus soldados clones, CS-2207 y CC-7567, Teska reclam\u00F3 la pieza y rob\u00F3 el transporte de Bane para huir hacia Behpour. Cuando Teska lleg\u00F3 a su base, la senadora de la Rep\u00FAblica Padm\u00E9 Amidala arrib\u00F3 en el planeta, investigando los rumores de una presencia Separatista en el sistema. Teska captur\u00F3 a la senadora y la mantuvo como su reh\u00E9n. Poco despu\u00E9s, siguiendo un mensaje emitido por Amidala, las fuerzas de la Rep\u00FAblica asaltaron Behpour. Skywalker y Tano se infiltraron en la base, y el skakoano les orden\u00F3 que se rindieran, o \u00E9l matar\u00EDa a la senadora cautiva. No obstante, los dos Jedi lograron rescatar a Amidala y seguidamente se enfrentaron a Kul Teska en una batallaen la sala del n\u00FAcleo del rayo de polarizaci\u00F3n grav\u00EDtico, mientras que el mismo rayo cargaba su poder para destruir el sol de Naboo. Teska fue asesinado, y Amidala sabote\u00F3 el rayo, causando que fuese destruido junto con toda la base."@es . "Kul Teska"@hu . . . "Kul Teska was a Skakoan male mercenary active during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Before he took a criminal's path, Teska was a respected scientist in the Techno Union. However, an accident with his pressure suit left Teska disfigured and forced him to leave the Union. With the help of his knowledge in the field of cybernetics, Teska rebuilt his pressure suit, equipping it with a variety of weapons, and became a gun-for-hire. All the while, Teska continued his own experiments with gravity and began construction of the gravitic polarization beam, a superweapon with enough firepower to collapse a star. Teska's experiments soon attracted the attention of Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy. During the Clone Wars, Teska came into Dooku's service and was provided with a laboratory on the planet Behpour in the Naboo system, where the Skakoan continued the development of his weapon. By 22 BBY, the gravitic beam was complete, and its integral part, the Gravitic Core, was to be delivered to Behpour on a Munificent-class star frigate. However, the crate containing the Core was stolen over the planet Alzoc III by the Duros bounty hunter Cad Bane. Hoping to track the Core by the power signature it radiated, Teska assaulted the Republic space station Juma 9 in order to use its scanners. After locating the part on the planet Ryloth, Teska was confronted by two Jedi Masters inside the station, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon. The Skakoan evaded the two and headed for Ryloth. There, he met Cad Bane, who had been taken into custody by the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and was being escorted to his starship, the Sleight of Hand, with the crate. After a skirmish with the two Jedi and two of their clone troopers, CS-2207 and CT-7567, Teska reclaimed the part and stole Bane's transport in order to reach Behpour. When Teska reached his base, Republic Senator Padm\u00E9 Amidala arrived on the planet, investigating rumors of a Separatist presence in the system. Teska captured the Senator and held her hostage. Soon, following a message delivered by Amidala, the Republic forces assaulted Behpour. Skywalker and Tano infiltrated the base, and the Skakoan ordered them to surrender, or he would kill the captive Senator. The two Jedi, however, rescued Amidala and engaged Kul Teska in battle in the gravitic polarization beam's core room, while the beam itself built up its power to collapse the Naboo star. Teska was killed, and Amidala sabotaged the beam, causing it to destroy itself and the entire base."@en . "Z\u00F6ld"@hu . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes holocomm transmissions"@es . . "[Source] Kul Teska \u00E9tait un mercenaire embauch\u00E9 par la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants et le Techno-Syndicat. Il \u00E9tait cyborg et combattu lors de la bataille de Ryloth et lors de la bataille de Behpour o\u00F9 il mourut."@fr . "Kul Teska"@en . . "Kul Teska"@es . "CSI"@es . . . "Kul Teska egy hipermodern technik\u00E1val fel\u00FAj\u00EDtott skakoi-kiborg volt."@hu . . . . "Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Coming This September"@es . . . "games/jointheclonewars/#/commandcenter/holocomm"@en . "Kul Teska"@en . . . . . "Kul Teska"@fr . . . . . . "Kul Teska"@es . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Holonet News"@es . "*Techno Union\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems"@en . . "Kul Teska"@es . "Masculino"@es . . . "Kul Teska egy hipermodern technik\u00E1val fel\u00FAj\u00EDtott skakoi-kiborg volt."@hu . "1"^^ . "*Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants\n*Techno-Syndicat"@fr . . . "Kul Teska"@fr . "Kul Teska was a Skakoan mercenary during the Clone Wars, who was hired by the Sith Lord Count Dooku in order to destroy Naboo's sun. Although these claims were theorical, Obi-Wan Kenobi was going to meet with Senator Padm\u00E9 Amidala when he arrived at the space station, Juma-9. There, he met Plo Koon and the two felt a dark presence. After destroying a portion of the invading droids, Kenobi ordered Cody and the crew to evacuate. Kenobi and Koon reached the bridge to find Teska talking to Dooku, but Teska shut the transmission and escaped with the Jedi following. They met in a room and Teska used every weapon he had against the Jedi, but the two deflected the shots. They finally sent Teska flying into outer space and sealed the windows, but the two lost their lightsabers. Teska could breath in space, and then headed to the planet Ryloth, knowing the Gravitic Core to accomplish the mission was there. As he arrived on Ryloth, he discovered Cad Bane, his competitor, carrying his hi-tech weapon that can destroy an entire cruiser, just behind Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, which is about to arrest Bane. Teska tries to grab the weapon but Anakin quickly pull the weapon with his force pull and then he flee onto the space. Anakin met him again at the Separatist's Laser factory which Teska about to launch a deadly cannon to destroy billions and finally Teska meet his fate when he stuck at the core of the laser which about to blast off. Right before the laser launch, Padm\u00E9 Amidala has disabled it. And since then, Teska never seen again."@en . . . . . "\u041A\u0443\u043B \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043A\u0430"@fr . "Kul Teska"@fr . . "c. 22 ABY, Behpour"@es . "Kul Teska"@en . . . . "\u041A\u0443\u043B \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043A\u0430"@es . . "Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes holocomm transmissions"@en . . . . "CIS"@en . "TCWexKulTeska.asp"@en . . . "*Tecno Uni\u00F3n\n*Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes"@es . . "Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Coming This September"@en . . "games/jointheclonewars/#/commandcenter/hnn"@en . . . . . "22"^^ . . . "Kul Teska was a Skakoan male mercenary active during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Before he took a criminal's path, Teska was a respected scientist in the Techno Union. However, an accident with his pressure suit left Teska disfigured and forced him to leave the Union. With the help of his knowledge in the field of cybernetics, Teska rebuilt his pressure suit, equipping it with a variety of weapons, and became a gun-for-hire. All the while, Teska continued his own experiments with gravity and began construction of the gravitic polarization beam, a superweapon with enough firepower to collapse a star. Teska's experiments soon attracted the attention of Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy. During the Clone Wars, Teska came in"@en . . . "Kul Teska"@es . . "Kul Teska"@fr . "250"^^ . . . . "games/jointheclonewars/#/commandcenter/holocomm"@es . "Kul Teska"@en . "Ultramodern skakoi nyom\u00E1s ruha"@hu .