. . . . . . . . . . "-Are you sure I would fit in the Avengers, Tony? \u2013 Col. James Rhodes asked his friend while he was driving his car to the shore the Helicarrier was above. -Of course Rhodey, after all you\u2019re \u201Cthe astonishing Iron Patriot\u201D! \u2013 -Don\u2019t mock me, Tony. You know we needed a patriotic hero, especially when you\u2019re pretty much a wild card. \u2013 -Well, no one can expect me to follow orders\u2026 - -You should Tony! You need to be more respectful! \u2013 -Stupid traffic jam! \u2013 Tony exclaimed. -You\u2019re not even paying attention\u2026 - -Paying? What should I pay? Money isn\u2019t a problem. \u2013 -Not money, Tony. I was saying you\u2019re not paying attention\u2026 - -You were talking? \u2013 -Ugh \u2013 Rhodey shook his head. Close to where they were driving, the mutant Mystique was giving her unofficial foster daughter Rogue the indications of her first mission as member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. -So I should take on the Helicarrier and the Avengers? \u2013 Rogue asked her foster mother. -Exactly\u2026. \u2013 Mystique whispered. \u2013Wreak havoc\u2026 - Rhodes and Stark suited up and flew to the Helicarrier Meeting Room, where they found Major Carol Danvers talking to Nick Fury. -What\u2019s she doing here? \u2013 Iron Man asked. -Actually she\u2019s applying to be an Avenger too. \u2013 Iron Patriot replied. \u2013I told her to do so. \u2013 -Rhodey! \u2013 Ms. Marvel exclaimed. -Oh\u2026 one of Ross\u2019 employees\u2026 - Fury rolled his eyes. -He actually could make a good Avenger\u2026 - Danvers mentioned. \u2013He has helped you a lot before. -Like\u2026? \u2013 -Last time it was against Moonstone at the UN Headquarters\u2026 - -And don\u2019t forget our assault on the dockyard with Aldrich Killian\u2026 - Rhodey added. -And when he helped me fight Vanko and Hammer\u2019s Hammer Drones \u2013 Stark added. -Okay, I\u2019ll inform the other Avengers\u2026 You to Air Force guys, welcome to the show. \u2013 Fury said sternly before walking out. -Or the circus\u2026 - Tony laughed, as him and Rhodey got their suits off. \u2013Come here Rhodey, I\u2019ll show you around. \u2013 When Ms. Marvel was distracted, Rogue got in the Helicarrier and absorbed her powers and memories by behind, absorbing them permanently for an unknown reason. -What?! \u2013 Carol shouted as she turned around to face Rogue. \u2013Who are you?! \u2013 -You call me\u2026 Rogue \u2013 Rogue smirked and punched Danvers. -Avengers\u2026 Assemble! \u2013 Ms. Marvel shouted. Rogue fired a photon blast against Carol, weakening her. Due to stealing Ms. Marvel\u2019s \u201Cseventh sense\u201D, she could sense the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents coming, shooting photon blasts at them before they could react. -Thank you for your amazing powers, honey. \u2013 Rogue laughed. -What kind of freak are you?! \u2013 -Yeah, we\u2019re used to being hated on\u2026 Homo superior\u2026 Or\u2026 Mutant \u2013 Ms. Marvel charged against Rogue and pushed her out of the Helicarrier, coming down with her and engaging in a fight mid-air. -You should really leave us alone! \u2013 Danvers shouted punching the mutant. -Who tells me to do so?! \u2013 Rogue shouted back, grabbing the Major\u2019s wrists. -IRON PATRIOT DOES!!! \u2013 Rhodey appeared from behind and electrocuted the mutant, making her faint. Mystique, who was watching from under them, shapeshifted into Nick Fury and told them to come down with her hand. -Give me the mutant; I\u2019ll put her in the Detention Cell. \u2013 Mystique said, looking and sounding like Fury. \u2013You really nailed it this time, Air Force punks. Now go back to the Helicarrier, I\u2019ll join you soon. \u2013 Carol and James did as said, but once they were on the Helicarrier, they found the real Nick Fury. -I swear we saw you down there and you asked us to hand you Rogue! \u2013 Ms. Marvel exclaimed. -I will contact a mutant I know, Professor Charles Xavier. \u2013 Fury said. \u2013He will know who these mutants are and what to do with them. Until then, enjoy your earned spot in the Avengers. \u2013"@en . . . "-Are you sure I would fit in the Avengers, Tony? \u2013 Col. James Rhodes asked his friend while he was driving his car to the shore the Helicarrier was above. -Of course Rhodey, after all you\u2019re \u201Cthe astonishing Iron Patriot\u201D! \u2013 -Don\u2019t mock me, Tony. You know we needed a patriotic hero, especially when you\u2019re pretty much a wild card. \u2013 -Well, no one can expect me to follow orders\u2026 - -You should Tony! You need to be more respectful! \u2013 -Stupid traffic jam! \u2013 Tony exclaimed. -You\u2019re not even paying attention\u2026 - -Paying? What should I pay? Money isn\u2019t a problem. \u2013 -You were talking? \u2013 -Like\u2026? \u2013"@en . . . . . "Proud to Serve (A!)"@en . . . .