. "Arius es el principal villano de Devil May Cry 2, el es un hombre rico y de negocios, tiene una empresa llamada Uroboros. Desea encontrar Las Arcana, artefactos que le daran poder para elevar al demonio Argoxas, y utilizar su poder para convertirse en un Dios y gobernar el Mundo. Si bien es humano, es un poderoso brujo, que pude hacer magias para luchar contra Dante y Lucia. Es creador de una importante corporacion llamada \"Uroboros\""@es . . . . . . "Arius"@es . . . . "DMC 2"@es . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Unspecified Island"@en . . . "Due\u00F1o de Uroboros"@es . "Arius"@pl . "Arius"@en . "Humano convertido en Demonio"@es . "Arius ist der Antagonist in Devil May Cry 2 und der Gr\u00FCnder sowie Gesch\u00E4ftsf\u00FChrer von Uroboros."@de . . . . "Antagonista"@es . "Fire God"@en . "Mensch"@de . "Sherman Howard"@es . "Arius is a wealthy, insane businessman who serves as the primary antagonist of Devil May Cry 2. Although he is the president of an international public corporation, \"Uroboros\", he focuses his research into the black arts as a modern-day sorcerer, in an effort to raise the demon known as Argosax from the Demon World and use its power to become \"an all-powerful immortal\". He came to Dumary Islandin search of the legendary Arcana, the four mystical artifacts which would allow him to unseal Argosax."@en . "Arius is a wealthy, insane businessman who serves as the primary antagonist of Devil May Cry 2. Although he is the president of an international public corporation, \"Uroboros\", he focuses his research into the black arts as a modern-day sorcerer, in an effort to raise the demon known as Argosax from the Demon World and use its power to become \"an all-powerful immortal\". He came to Dumary Islandin search of the legendary Arcana, the four mystical artifacts which would allow him to unseal Argosax."@en . "Arius (AD 256 - 336) was an early Christian theologian of Libyan descent, born in Antioch. He was described by Epiphanius as \"tall, grave, and winning\" [1]. Arius taught that the Son of God was not eternal, and was subordinate to God the Father (a view known generally as Arianism). Although he attracted considerable support at the time, Arius' views were deemed heretical at the First Council of Nicaea, leading to the formation of the Nicene Creed."@en . . . . . . "Arius (AD 256 - 336) was an early Christian theologian of Libyan descent, born in Antioch. He was described by Epiphanius as \"tall, grave, and winning\" [1]. Arius taught that the Son of God was not eternal, and was subordinate to God the Father (a view known generally as Arianism). Although he attracted considerable support at the time, Arius' views were deemed heretical at the First Council of Nicaea, leading to the formation of the Nicene Creed."@en . . . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiArius - b\u00F3g ognia jednego z dzikich wyspiarskich plemion zamieszkuj\u0105cych dalekie zak\u0105tki Nirnu. Odpowiada\u0142 on za aktywno\u015B\u0107 wulkanu z wyspy. Sk\u0142ada si\u0119 mu ka\u017Cdego roku ofiar\u0119 z dziecka, kt\u00F3rej niedotrzymanie powoduje zdenerwowanie boga, kt\u00F3ry doprowadza do erupcji wulkanu mo\u017Cliwie zabijaj\u0105c tysi\u0105ce mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w wyspy."@pl . "Arius"@de . "Arius"@es . . . . . "250"^^ . "Arius es el principal villano de Devil May Cry 2, el es un hombre rico y de negocios, tiene una empresa llamada Uroboros. Desea encontrar Las Arcana, artefactos que le daran poder para elevar al demonio Argoxas, y utilizar su poder para convertirse en un Dios y gobernar el Mundo. Si bien es humano, es un poderoso brujo, que pude hacer magias para luchar contra Dante y Lucia. Es creador de una importante corporacion llamada \"Uroboros\""@es . . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiArius - b\u00F3g ognia jednego z dzikich wyspiarskich plemion zamieszkuj\u0105cych dalekie zak\u0105tki Nirnu. Odpowiada\u0142 on za aktywno\u015B\u0107 wulkanu z wyspy. Sk\u0142ada si\u0119 mu ka\u017Cdego roku ofiar\u0119 z dziecka, kt\u00F3rej niedotrzymanie powoduje zdenerwowanie boga, kt\u00F3ry doprowadza do erupcji wulkanu mo\u017Cliwie zabijaj\u0105c tysi\u0105ce mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w wyspy."@pl . . . . . "Arius"@de . . "Arius ist der Antagonist in Devil May Cry 2 und der Gr\u00FCnder sowie Gesch\u00E4ftsf\u00FChrer von Uroboros."@de . . "Possibly Padomaic Ocean"@en . "Volcano Eruptions"@en . "Mensch mit d\u00E4monischen Kr\u00E4ften"@de . "Arius"@en . . . . . . . . .