. . "Randiroc, known to the Merikit as Mer-kanti, is the \"lost Randir heir\", the Randir Lordan deposed by Rawneth in favor of her son Kenan. As Highlord, Ganth Gray Lord should have ruled on this, but the Knorth Massacre and White Hills intervened. As a Shanir randon weapons-master and Tentir contemporary of Harn and Sheth, Rawneth's Shadow Assassins contract on him has remained unsuccessful. He has bound to him a flock of royal jewel-jaws, color-matching carrion eating insects and can only eat blood, milk and honey."@en . "Glow-bugs traced his movements. He played with them, sculpting their flight with his white hands, expanding his gestures into wide, glowing sweeps. They danced with him, and he with them, wind-blowing kantirs in a moon-silvered field. At times, in flight, his feet barely touched the bending grass."@en . . "Binder, white hair, animal bound"@en . . "Randiroc, known to the Merikit as Mer-kanti, is the \"lost Randir heir\", the Randir Lordan deposed by Rawneth in favor of her son Kenan. As Highlord, Ganth Gray Lord should have ruled on this, but the Knorth Massacre and White Hills intervened. As a Shanir randon weapons-master and Tentir contemporary of Harn and Sheth, Rawneth's Shadow Assassins contract on him has remained unsuccessful. He has bound to him a flock of royal jewel-jaws, color-matching carrion eating insects and can only eat blood, milk and honey."@en . . . . . "Randir"@en . "Jame"@en . . "Randiroc of Randir"@en . "Riverlander"@en . "Mer-kanti"@en . "Randiroc"@en . "*"@en . . . "the Lost Randir Heir"@en . "*\n*\n*"@en . . "*"@en . . . . "*Randir master-ten\n*Randon\n*Weapons-master\n*Randir Lordan"@en . "Tentir"@en . . .