"2011"^^ . "Fortunately, it's your first day so he shrugs it off and gives you your first assignment (allowing you no time to settle in due to the lack of troops). You must locate a scientist who is missing and never showed to his post (Dr. Ishii, Delta labs researcher) and bring him safely back to HQ. Sergeant Kelly then sends you on your way with a Sentry Bot to guide you (he remarks that he hopes you follow the Sentry better than you've followed orders so far)."@en . . "Neil Ross"@en . . . "Campbell died in the CPU Complex Sub-Level, mortally wounded by the transformed Sergeant Kelly who stole his BFG 9000 prototype."@en . . . . . "El Sargento Mayor Thomas Kelly es uno de los primeros personajes con los que el jugador se re\u00FAne en Doom 3. \u00C9l est\u00E1 en la cima de la cadena de mando en la Base de Marte (Marine HQ). A pesar de que parece ser un poco fr\u00EDo, es muy respetado por sus servicios y liderazgo. Un militar de carrera, que s\u00F3lo espera lo mejor de sus hombres."@es . . "Deceased"@en . . "2"^^ . . . . . . . . "Thomas Kelly"@en . . . "7 January 1772-7 September 1855. Lord Mayor of London 1836 Member of the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers. Wrote Kelly\u2019s Practical Builder\u2019s Price Book (1850) Further information here [1] and here [2] Details of his diary here [3]."@en . . "Demon/Dead"@en . . . "Male"@en . "Stabbed by Benecio Cruz"@en . . "Thomas Kelly"@es . "Thomas Kelly"@en . . . . "Fortunately, it's your first day so he shrugs it off and gives you your first assignment (allowing you no time to settle in due to the lack of troops). You must locate a scientist who is missing and never showed to his post (Dr. Ishii, Delta labs researcher) and bring him safely back to HQ. Sergeant Kelly then sends you on your way with a Sentry Bot to guide you (he remarks that he hopes you follow the Sentry better than you've followed orders so far). Not long after you locate the missing scientist, the demonic outbreak occurs killing (and possessing) Dr. Ishii and along with almost everyone on the entire base. Sergeant Kelly, now in Delta Labs, orders all remaining marines to head back to HQ for further orders. You are the only marine to arrive at HQ alive. When you approach the communications monitor, Sergeant Kelly appears on the screen. He seems both surprised and relieved to see you and gives you your next set of orders: Link up with Bravo Team in order to send a distress call. His role in the game is significant: as he commands the Doomguy with orders different than those from Councilor Swann, he creates a conflict as to what the Doomguy should do. The question is whether or not to alert the fleet of the situation: Kelly wants reinforcements, Swann fears that the hordes of Hell will use it to invade Earth. In any case, it doesn't really matter, since if the Doomguy doesn't contact the fleet, then Betruger does it himself. After sending/canceling the transmission, the player is not contacted by Kelly again until he reaches Delta Labs. Kelly appears on a monitor in a recorded message and tells the player to meet him at Service Tunnel 1, but when the player gets there, Kelly is nowhere to be found (in fact, a trio of Cacodemons teleports in). After this, the player does not see or hear from Kelly again until the CPU Complex. Although Kelly doesn't appear in Resurrection of Evil, his office can be found, where he kept a double-barreled shotgun. Interestingly, there is a picture of him killing a bear with his shotgun, as well as having the trophy of the same bear mounted on his wall. There is also a functional arcade machine present, probably made to honor him. SPOILER WARNING: Plot details follow. At some point during the game, Kelly is converted over to the demons' side. He ambushes Campbell and Swann in Delta Labs, gravely injuring Swann. Campbell chases after him, leaving Swann behind. The player encounters the wounded Swann, who warns him that Kelly has been turned. The player makes his way to the CPU complex where he finds Campbell, who has been ambushed and mortally wounded by Kelly. Before expiring, Campbell tells the player that Kelly has his gun. At this point, Kelly contacts the player and taunts him saying: \"I killed that pathetic bodyguard, and now I shall kill you.\" In the next level, the player comes face-to-face with Kelly, who has been transformed into a hideous tank-like monstrosity called Sabaoth. The player has no choice but to fight and kill his former commanding officer. After you defeat Sabaoth, you are rewarded with Campbell's BFG 9000."@en . . . "Campbell died in the CPU Complex Sub-Level, mortally wounded by the transformed Sergeant Kelly who stole his BFG 9000 prototype."@en . . . . "El Sargento Mayor Thomas Kelly es uno de los primeros personajes con los que el jugador se re\u00FAne en Doom 3. \u00C9l est\u00E1 en la cima de la cadena de mando en la Base de Marte (Marine HQ). A pesar de que parece ser un poco fr\u00EDo, es muy respetado por sus servicios y liderazgo. Un militar de carrera, que s\u00F3lo espera lo mejor de sus hombres."@es . "*Ally \n*Hostile"@en . . "Master Sergeant"@en . "7 January 1772-7 September 1855. Lord Mayor of London 1836 Member of the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers. Wrote Kelly\u2019s Practical Builder\u2019s Price Book (1850) Further information here [1] and here [2] Details of his diary here [3]."@en . . "1"^^ .