. "#fc0"@en . "Servalan, played by Jacqueline Pearce was the principal villain of Blakes 7. Her creator Terry Nation originally intended her to make a single appearance but she finally appeared in all four series. She was not seen in the series finale. Carnell described her as \"the sexiest officer I have ever known\", a rare compliment. Kasabi described her as \"a credit to your background - spoilt, idle, vicious\", and added \"greedy\", \"sick\" and \"degenerate\" before she died. She had also, when a Federation political officer, listed Servalan as \"unfit for command\". Sula called her \"a tasteless megalomaniac\" and alluded to her as \"a grotesque anachronism\". Krantor described her as \"perfidious as a snake\". Rontane said that \"any attempt to embarrass her personally is an exercise in total futility\", and Bercol agreed, adding \"she has all the sensitive delicacy of a plasma bolt\". Avon later likened her to a \"greedy gangster\". For all her ruthless ambition and self-interested endeavours, she exhibited a firm belief in order and a horror of moral decadence, and had long sought a way to clean up Freedom City. By contrast, however, albeit much later as Commissioner Sleer, she expressed admiration for slave-dealer Verlis\" work, saying that she was \"obviously fulfilling a deeply felt need\". In this case, as so often, it is difficult to gauge her sincerity in what she said."@en . "Servalan, played by Jacqueline Pearce was the principal villain of Blakes 7. Her creator Terry Nation originally intended her to make a single appearance but she finally appeared in all four series. She was not seen in the series finale."@en . "Warlord"@en . "Servalan"@en . "Human"@en . "Servalan"@en . "#000"@en . . "Seek-Locate-Destroy"@en . "Jacqueline Pearce as Servalan"@en . "Servalan"@en . "Female"@en . . "Terran Federation"@en . . . .