"Omnipresence*, Vocalism *"@en . . . . . . . . . "Killed and resurrected by a vampire"@en . . . "137"^^ . . . "143"^^ . "Yes"@en . . . "6"^^ . . . . . "Whoops - Were you looking for Chicken? He shows up at Sunday Mass as bread and wine. People love Him so much they'll eat him. Obey."@en . . . . "Jesus Santos, The True Prophet"@en . . . . "Manga"@en . . . . . . "Jesus"@de . . "The Heavens"@en . "background:#F5A9A9"@en . . . . . "After the Grayson Civil War, the Faithful, or Masadans, took the New Testament out of their holy scripture and decided that if Jesus had been the true Messiah, he would not have let technology become evil, thus disclaiming his divinity. (HH2)"@en . "Early 30's"@en . . "Jesus, also known as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, was the central figure of Christianity, regarded by most Christian denominations as the son of God, born of a human mother, Mary. He was considered an important prophet in Islam. There was a stained glass window in the Parish Church of St. Clementine in Godric's Hollow which depicted Jesus along with the authors of the four books of the Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). One of the known works by artist Haniball Carathi was a \"little piece\" depicting \"our Ladie\" (i.e., Mary) with the presumably infant Jesus \"upon her right hand.\" A catalogue listing for this work was incorporated into the label of the Belch Powder box."@en . . . . . . . . "Yehoshua Immanuel ben Yosef"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Human\n*Deity"@en . . . . . . . "Born"@en . . . . . "No"@en . . . . . . . . . "Ultra Rare"@en . . . "Jesus is presumably a human, but the only fact known about this person is that he would have given Sam Witwicky a dishonestly inflated grade to trick Sam's father into buying Sam a car."@en . . "No"@en . "Jesus \u300C\u30B8\u30FC\u30B6\u30B9 Jesus?\u300D es un manga creado por Nanatsuki Kyoichi y publicado en Weekly Sh\u014Dnen Magazine desde 1992 hasta 1995, contando con 13 vol\u00FAmenes."@es . "RAPHAEL ,"@en . . . "c 4 BC"@en . "\u30A4\u30A8\u30B9"@en . . "OMEGA"@en . . . . "Jesus (Arabic: \u0639\u06CC\u0633\u06CC) was a Messenger of God and the Masih who was sent to guide the Children of Israel, (ban\u012B isr\u0101'\u012Bl) with a new scripture, the Inj\u012Bl or Gospel. The Qur'an (Koran), considered by Muslims to be God's final and authoritative revelation to mankind, mentions Jesus twenty-five times. It states that Jesus was born to Mary as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God. To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles, all by the permission of God rather than of his own power. According to the Qur'an, Jesus was neither killed nor crucified, but rather he was ascended to heaven (jannah). Islamic tradition and commentaries state that he will return to earth near the day of judgment to restore "@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "Sup, brokis! Jesus here with some pretty rad news. I like just got a page on this new Wiki called \"This Are Important Stuff.\" WICKET SWEET!!!!1 But, I'm kinda peeved that I'm getting all this hype for the boring junk I did like walking on water. I was all like =_= and everyone else was like @_@ and I was like ^_______^''' But anyway, I would like to give a shout-out to all my homes in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, yeah, I'm dead, but Heaven ROCKS. They have like a pool of MARSHMALLOW FLUFF. You know, the stuff you make fluffernutters with? Anyone who doesn't know, that peanut butter and marshmallow."@en . . . . . . "ALPHA ,"@en . . . "Half-length portrait of younger man with shoulder-length hair and beard, with right hand raised over what appears to be a red flame. The upper background is gold. Around his head is a golden halo containing an equal-armed cross with three arms visible; the arms are decorated with ovals and squares."@en . "BETA ,"@en . "jesusss"@en . . . . "After the Grayson Civil War, the Faithful, or Masadans, took the New Testament out of their holy scripture and decided that if Jesus had been the true Messiah, he would not have let technology become evil, thus disclaiming his divinity. (HH2)"@en . . "Grandchild"@en . . . "Action, Drama"@en . . "Mid 30's"@en . . "Yeshuah of Nazareth"@en . "Jesus ist ein total irrer Typ - l\u00E4ssiges Outfit (einteiliges Sackgewand und dazu die legend\u00E4ren Jesus-Latschen) und immer 'n coolen Spruch auf Lager sind seine Markenzeichen. Immer hat er seine Dickmilch mit und teilt sie gern mit allen anderen. Wenn es uns mal langweilig wird, bricht er irgend so eine Diskussion vom Zaun und wenn wir nicht so richtig mitmachen, schiebt er noch 'n Wunder nach. Das ist echt Spitze. Da wir manchmal etwas schwer von Cap\u00E9 sind, erkl\u00E4rt er alles nochmal und hat auch immer ein Gleichnis parat, das es auch die ganz einf\u00E4ltigen Seelen kapieren. einer der Ihn gut kennt"@de . "Eine Jesusfigur gab J.D. Tipps \u00FCber sein ungeborenes Kind."@de . . . . . "No"@en . "Judea"@en . "Arch-Angel/Christ/Prophet/Empath"@en . . . "Jesus was resurrected on Ostara\u2019s feast day."@en . . "Virus.DOS.Jesus or Jesus is a virus that runs on MS-DOS. This virus has 2 versions: \n* Virus.DOS.Jesus.1215 \n* Virus.DOS.Jesus.1258"@en . "Jesus(\u30A4\u30A8\u30B9Iesu) is a key figure in Steel Ball Run. Appearing in proximity to the Saint Corpse Parts, although never confirmed as such, this figure is named once as and heavily implied to represent the biblical and much-venerated Son of God in Christianity, Jesus Christ."@en . . . . . "DOS"@en . . . "c. AD 30"@en . "Jesus Christ(/\u02C8d\u0292i\u02D0z\u0259s/; Greek: \u1F38\u03B7\u03C3\u03BF\u1FE6\u03C2 Iesous; 7\u20132 BC to AD 30\u201333), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God. Christianity regards Jesus as the awaited Messiah (or \"Christ\") of the Old Testament and refers to him as Jesus Christ, a name that is also used in non-Christian context."@en . . . . . . . . . "Jesus was resurrected on Ostara\u2019s feast day."@en . "None"@en . . . . . . . "Jesus ([\u0292esus] en IPA) o Iexua ([je\u0283ua] en IPA) es la Fio de Dio (Iaue, o YHWH en ivri) en cristianisme. El es la person tre de la Trinia. On crede ce Jesus ia nase entre 18 e 3 aec (o \"ante Cristo\") en Betlehem, Iudea (aora Israel). Jesus ia fa miracles: el ia cambia acua a vino, ia revive persones mor (Lazaro, la fia de Jairus, la fio de un vidua, e Jesus se mesma), ia nuri 5000 e 4000 poplas, ia pasea sur acua, ia sani sordas, siecas, mudas, etc. Jesus ia fa ance estraes de demones. El ia ave 12 apostoles."@en . . . . "Jesus"@en . . . "Jesus is believed to have lived from about 4 B.C.E., to 29/33 C.E. He grew up in the Middle East, around the Galiean district of Israel. He was a preacher of reformation amongst the Jewish poluation, gaining a small, dedicated following. His criticisms of those with power earned him the ire of local leaders. They evenutally had him crucified by the the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. Chistians generally beleive more about Jesus, believeing he ressurected after his death and serves now as their savior. Muslims usually believe he was another prophet of God, rejecting the claim of his ressurection. Two main contemporary sources mention Jesus. Josephus mentions him twice, once when mentioning James, Jesus brothers' death and a second time in what is called the Testimonium Flavianum, which is qu"@en . . . . . . . . "Nationality/Race:"@en . . . "No"@en . . . "The principal sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical gospels, especially the Synoptic Gospels, though some scholars argue such texts as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of the Hebrews are also relevant. Most critical scholars in biblical studies believe that some parts of the New Testament are useful for reconstructing Jesus' life, agreeing that Jesus was a Jew who was regarded as a teacher and healer, that he was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire. Aside from these few conclusions, academic debate continues regarding the chronology, the central message of Jesus' preaching, his social class, cultural environment, and religious orientation. Scholars offer competing descriptions of Jesus as the awaited Messiah, as a self-described Messiah, as the leader of an apocalyptic movement, as an itinerant sage, as a charismatic healer, and as the founder of an independent religious movement. Christians predominantly believe that Jesus is the \"Son of God\" (generally meaning that he is God the Son, the second person in the Trinity) who came to provide salvation and reconciliation with God by his death for their sins. Other Christian beliefs include Jesus' virgin birth, performance of miracles, ascension into Heaven, and a future Second Coming. While the doctrine of the Trinity is accepted by most Christians, a few groups reject the doctrine of the Trinity, wholly or partly, as non-scriptural. In Islam, Jesus (Arabic: \u0639\u064A\u0633\u0649, commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's important prophets, a bringer of scripture, and a worker of miracles. Jesus is also called \"Messiah\", but Islam does not teach that he was divine. Islam teaches that Jesus ascended bodily to heaven without experiencing the crucifixion and resurrection, rather than the traditional Christian belief of the death and resurrection of Jesus. __TOC__"@en . . . "Sup, brokis! Jesus here with some pretty rad news. I like just got a page on this new Wiki called \"This Are Important Stuff.\" WICKET SWEET!!!!1 But, I'm kinda peeved that I'm getting all this hype for the boring junk I did like walking on water. I was all like =_= and everyone else was like @_@ and I was like ^_______^''' But anyway, I would like to give a shout-out to all my homes in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, yeah, I'm dead, but Heaven ROCKS. They have like a pool of MARSHMALLOW FLUFF. You know, the stuff you make fluffernutters with? Anyone who doesn't know, that peanut butter and marshmallow. Anyway, one day God and I were chillin' out eaten fluffernutters when he was all \"!\u05D6\u05D4 \u05D8\u05D5\u05D1\" and I was like, \"!\u05DB\u05DF, \u05D0\u05E0\u05D7\u05E0\u05D5 \u05E6\u05E8\u05D9\u05DB\u05D9\u05DD \u05DC\u05D5\u05D5\u05D3\u05D0 \u05E9\u05D0\u05E3 \u05D0\u05D7\u05D3 \u05DC\u05D0 \u05D9\u05DB\u05D5\u05DC \u05DC\u05E7\u05D1\u05DC \u05D0\u05EA \u05D6\u05D4 \u05D1\u05DE\u05E7\u05D5\u05DD \u05D0\u05D7\u05E8\" And he was all \"!\u05D0\u05E0\u05D9 \u05DC\u05D4\u05DE\u05E6\u05D9\u05D0 \u05D1\u05D8\u05DF \u05D0\u05DC\u05E8\u05D2\u05D9\u05D5\u05EA\" And so, he gave some peeps peanut allergies and made some more fluffernutters. It was a pretty rad day. Peace Out, Jesus. P.S.: Easter is coming up, bros. Gonna do anything cool over break? Text me."@en . . . . . "Nickname/Alias"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jesus of Nazareth (7-2 BCE\u201426-36 CE), also known as Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus H. Christ, Issa, and Jeebus is the central figure of Christianity. According to mainstream Christian mythology, Jesus is the son of God and God simultaneously, making God his own father. Mainstream Christians also hold that Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead some time later, making him a Jewish zombie, therefore meaning mainstream Christians believe God is a cosmic Jewish zombie who is his own father."@en . . . "30"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "A Larger World"@en . . "Image:Invise.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "normal"@de . "SBR Chapter 25"@en . . . . "Bethlehem, Judea, Roman Empire ; Nazareth, Galilee"@en . . "Jesus war der beliebteste Schotte. Geboren im Jahre Null als Ewan McJoseph von Joseph McNerd als erste bezeugte Jungm\u00E4nnergeburt, wegen der noch heute alle Schotten Rock tragen, in gewisser Erwartung, dass Jesus bei seiner Wiederkehr erneut spontan in Schottland von einem zuf\u00E4llig ausgew\u00E4hlten Schotten geboren wird. Er verbrachte die ersten Lebensjahre in den schottischen Highlands. Papa emeritus Benedikt XVI. bescheinigte Jesus in seiner Osterpredigt 2015 \"...Jesus war ein Highlander...\", was von der \u00C4rztekammer zwar als \"war ein Heilender (ohne Approbation)\", also als Affront verstanden wurde, aufgrunddessen die gesamte kassen\u00E4rztliche Vereinigung aus der Kirche austrat, aber von einem christlichen Politiker mit schottischem Migrationshintergrund namens McAllister best\u00E4tigt wurde. Theologen fanden mittels historischkritischer Methode schlie\u00DFlich den Beweis: Jesus war geizig wie es nur Schotten sind. \u00DCberall lie\u00DF er sich einladen. Aber man lie\u00DF ihn gern ins Haus - er war ein Gentleman-Schnorrer. Jesus war sein K\u00FCnstlername, und um sich scharte er Leute, die j\u00FCnger waren als er, und nannte sie spa\u00DFeshalber immer \"J\u00FCnger\". So gab es etliche Missverst\u00E4ndnisse mit den unerfahrenen J\u00FCnglingen. So war Jesus \u00FCberall willkommen und wurde eingeladen, doch beim Vater des Judas gab es ein peinliches Missverst\u00E4ndnis. Der war n\u00E4mlich Gastwirt und sein Sohn Judas kl\u00E4rte ihn nicht auf, dass Jesus \u00FCberall f\u00FCr umme isst. Der Vater dachte also, Jesus w\u00FCrde, wenn er zum Essen kommt, anschreiben lassen. Jahrelang t\u00FCrmten sich deshalb Zechschulden. Der Vater hie\u00DF den Sohn schlie\u00DFlich die Schulden einzutreiben. Dazu ben\u00F6tigte er die Hilfe r\u00F6mischer Besatzungssoldaten. Er verkleidete sich als Hauptmann und befahl eine zuf\u00E4llig daherkommende Kohorte Soldaten unter sein Kommando zwecks Geldeintreibung. Doch in Jesu Schrebergarten \"Geldsehmanimma\" war nix zu holen. Schon wollten die Soldaten alles nach verborgenen Sch\u00E4tzen umgraben, da griff Jesus zu einer List, und versprach die Kollekte von seiner Bergpredigt vollst\u00E4ndig dem Vater des Judas zu \u00FCberlassen. Doch da alle Gottesdienstbesucher geizige Schotten waren, musste sich der Vater mit bescheidenen 5 Sesterzen zufriedengeben, denn ein zweites Mal gelang dem Sohn der Coup mit den r\u00F6mischen Soldaten nicht. So nahm der Vater die wei\u00DFe Kreide, und strich alle mit roter Kreide angeschriebenen Zechschulden mit einem gro\u00DFen Kreuz durch. Das Kreuz war fortan Symbol f\u00FCr Jesus. A propos Bergpredigt: Die 5000 Zuh\u00F6rer mussten verk\u00F6stigt werden, und es war auch gen\u00FCgend Fisch da, doch roch der schon etwas streng. Doch zum Gl\u00FCck gab es wieder ein Missverst\u00E4ndnis mit den J\u00FCngern: Statt f\u00FCnf F\u00E4ssern Wein kauften sie 5 Gallonen Whisky. Jesus hie\u00DF seine heimliche Geliebte, die K\u00FCchenfee Marta, den Fisch zu Fischst\u00E4bchen verarbeiten und sto\u00DFbetete zu Gott \"ich will dein Sohn sein, wenn das gut geht\". Es ging gut: Dank scharfem Highlander-Whisky mundete der Gammelfisch vorz\u00FCglich, ohne McZumas Rache. G\u00E4ste aus Schweden klauten sogar das Rezept. Die Schweden werden heute noch bewundert mit den Worten \"Alter Schwede\", weil sie alt werden, obwohl sie sowas essen. Mit einem in den Worten \"selig sind die Friedfertigen\" verkappten Aufruf zum Aufstand brachte Jesus seine 5000 Predigth\u00F6rer zu einer Erhebung gegen die r\u00F6mische Herrschaft. Mit der Folge, dass die R\u00F6mer eine Mauer bauen mussten, um wenigstens ihre angrenzende Provinz England zu sichern. Somit wurde Jesus zum Gr\u00FCnder von Schottland, das ab dann so hie\u00DF, weil es jahrhundertelang durch die Mauer abgeschottet war."@de . "250"^^ . "Status:"@en . . . . . . . "Jesus, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, or Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity. Christians believe that he was the Son of God and Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Old Testament, and that after his execution by Roman officials, he rose from the dead, offering salvation to mankind."@en . "Jesus"@ia . . "7"^^ . . . . . . . . "4"^^ . . . "Jesus Christ, the Savior, also known as Jebus and affectionally Jeb by Krinkels, is a major character in the Madness Combat series. He serves as the main antagonist against Hank J. Wimbleton in the first five episodes of the series and as the protagonist in Madness Inundation, Incident: 110A, Incident: 111A and for a segment of Incident: 1000A. Jesus has been killed 5 times in the canon (3 times by Hank, once by Tricky, and for the last time during the upstart of the normality restoration). He has killed over 248 people in the series. Krinkels has said that Jesus went \"the way of the Sheriff,\" meaning that he won't return. Jesus is a boss enemy in the Story Mode of Madness Interactive. In Madness: Project Nexus, he is a mercenary in Arena Combat Mode. He is the playable character Dr. Christoff in the Story Mode."@en . "Jesus"@nl . . "*Attention this is nothing but a joke in my spare time nothing is to be taken seriously Jesus isn't that savior you think he is. I know the bible says he's almighty but he's not. As a matter of fact. I think jesus may just be a creppy pedifile. He has touched many children. As he has touched adults. I am not interested in seeing his second cumming ok. He's touched me far enough. He wasn't very wise either. Gambling with jews. Not the best idea i mean really. Jesus wasn't really murdered. The real story is he was gambling with some jews. He was playing a game with dice. He lost. So he decided to open up a can o' whop ass on the jews. Of course knowing jews the told him as punishment. They wanted to play a kinky game. They tied him up. Got frisky. Whipped him a few times. Then let him go. The bible was really a book about him. That jesus made. I mean really some people belive the book just appeared. Did god make. If so your telling me god took a whole seven days to make the world um...thats alot work like damn i cant even mow my lawn within 3 hours. thats a pretty amazing dude. Im sure god has slaves but he takes all the credit. Back to my point. Your telling me god spent all that time making the world then he chopped his own trees down skinned em' and printed billions of copies and sold them around the world. Yeah suuuure. Oh and holy wat well that my friend is jesus piss. When jesus was about fifteen he was in his room playing video games around three o' clock in the morning and had to pee but didn't want to leave his room so he peed in a bottle he just happend to drink alot of water that day so it seemed clear. Don't you feel bad for the idiot who drank jesu s piss. Sucks for you bro"@en . "Virus.DOS.Jesus or Jesus is a virus that runs on MS-DOS. This virus has 2 versions: \n* Virus.DOS.Jesus.1215 \n* Virus.DOS.Jesus.1258"@en . . . . . . . . . "Jesus.jpg"@es . "Jesus (8-2 BC \u2013 29-36 AD), also known as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Nazarene or even Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is the Son of God and God himself too in the means of prupose(John 10:30). Christ is a Greek title meaning One who is Anointed, corresponding to the Hebrew term Messiah. Therefore, the title \"Jesus Christ\" means Jesus the Anointed One."@en . . . . . . "& Royal/Gracious Empaths"@en . . "SBR Chapter 67"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Jesus"@sv . . . "Unknown"@en . . "Jesus Trunchez \u00E4r en av de tre br\u00F6derna Trunchez och tillika en mindre karakt\u00E4r i GTA IV. Han och hans tv\u00E5 br\u00F6der, Javier och Jos\u00E9 fick \u00E5r 2000 ta \u00F6ver strippklubben the Triangle Club efter Dwayne Forge. N\u00E4r han \u00E5r 2008 kommer ut ur f\u00E4ngelset s\u00E5 v\u00E4grar dock de tre att l\u00E4mna tillbaka klubben i hans \u00E4go, varp\u00E5 han i uppdraget \"Kl\u00E4 av f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da\" (\"Undress to Kill\") skickar Niko f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da de tre br\u00F6derna, vilket om man klarar uppdraget lyckas. Kategori:Mindre framtr\u00E4dande personer Kategori:Br\u00F6derna Trunchez"@sv . . . . . "1973"^^ . . "Jesus"@de . . . . . "Jesus was the child of Mary and Joseph. Iolaus, Uris and Trinculos were guided to the birthplace of Jesus in Bethos by strange images in their dreams. (HTLJ \"A Star to Guide Them\") Later, Xena and Gabrielle encountered Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling by foot. Gabrielle gave them her donkey. (XWP \"A Solstice Carol\")"@en . "Jesus.jpg"@de . "Der Sohn vom Chef h\u00F6chstpers\u00F6nlich. Gr\u00FCndete eher aus Versehen eine Weltreligion. Sorgte bei der Hochzeit von Kanaa f\u00FCr ein erstklassiges Bes\u00E4ufnis und wurde als S\u00E4ufer und Viel-Fresser beschimpft. Umgab sich gerne mit zwielichtigem Gesindel und Huren. Wurde von den religi\u00F6sen und staatlichen M\u00E4chten umgebracht, was ihn allerdings nicht aufgehalten hat. Tja. War einer der ersten Hippies der Weltkultur, noch bevor es Hippies \u00FCberhaupt gab. Hat zwar nicht \"Make love, not war!\" erfunden, h\u00E4tte es aber erfinden k\u00F6nnen. Au\u00DFerdem: Erfinder der Jesuslatschen! Auch bekannt als Jemus"@de . . . . . . . . . "Jesus Christ is a meme on 2b2t. He is often shown in videos saying \"divine\" things. The first Jesus video was uploaded in July 2, 2016, titled Rusher.m4v. A second Jesus video entitled Jesus visits 2b2t was uploaded in February 17, 2017. It should be noted that the two Jesus videos are completely different, however still fall under the same meme."@en . . . "The principal sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical gospels, especially the Synoptic Gospels, though some scholars argue such texts as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of the Hebrews are also relevant. __TOC__"@en . "Calvary, Judea, Roman Empire"@en . . . . . . "He tholed beating and amansing before his death by roodfastening at the hands of the Romers and at the bidding of Jewish holy men. After three days, his followers hold, he rose from the dead; more late he rose up into heaven. Four books, known as Gospels (Godspells), were written to tell about his life. Also, the writings by Saint Paul of Tarsus tell about these outcomes."@en . "Yeshua, supposed son of a carpenter (or joiner) named Yosef and a young woman (possibly a virgin) named Maryam, born in Nazareth (or Bethlehem) in Roman Israel, some time between 8 BC/BCE and 6 AD/CE. He began preaching in Palestine aged around thirty. His message was mainly of love, peace, mercy, kindness, charity, forgiveness and compassion, and he is said to have performed several miracles. Accused of defying Mosaic law, he was executed by crucifixion in Jerusalem around 30 AD/CE. In addition to being the founder of Christianity, and second-'biggest' prophet in Islam, Christians believe that Jesus Christ (from Christos, \"annointed\", from the Hebrew word Messiah) is no less than the Son of God as well as being an aspect of God Himself. The New Testament of the Christian Bible says He was crucified by Roman procurator Pontius Pilatus after being betrayed by Judas Iscariot (Yehudah of Kerioth/Yehudah the Sicarius), but returned from the dead 3 days later. Muslims dismiss the idea that any human can be the Son of God or an aspect of God, but do believe that Jesus (whose name they translate as Isa) was born of a virgin mother and will someday return to Earth. They also believe that Jesus did not die on the cross, as God intervened to prevent it, carrying Jesus's physical body to Heaven. The whole Bible (or for some only the second half, depending on your views) is mostly about Him, His life, His sayings, and His deeds ... if you're not Jewish. But then you would not have the Bible, but the Tanakh. Trope Namer for: \n* Bigger Than Jesus \n* Crystal Dragon Jesus \n* Clone Jesus \n* Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory \n* Hijacked by Jesus \n* Hippie Jesus \n* If Jesus, Then Aliens \n* Jesus Saves \n* Jesus Taboo \n* Jesus Was Crazy \n* Jesus Was Way Cool \n* Kung Fu Jesus \n* Looks Like Jesus \n* No Such Thing as Space Jesus \n* No Such Thing as Wizard Jesus \n* Pals with Jesus \n* Real Men Love Jesus Also directly inspired the following tropes: \n* Away in a Manger \n* Crucified Hero Shot \n* Go and Sin No More \n* Last Supper Steal \n* The Messiah \n* Messianic Archetype \n* Never Accepted in His Hometown \n* The Paragon \n* Passion Play \n* Pieta Plagiarism \n* Second Coming \n* Turn the Other Cheek And, indirectly: \n* The Antichrist \n* Anti-Anti-Christ Many books, movies and so on were made about him, among them: \n* The Bible, of course. \n* In particular The Four Gospels, which are specifically about Jesus' life. \n* The Book of Mormon, climaxing with his post-resurrection visit to the American continent. \n* Ben-Hur \n* Godspell \n* The Greatest Story Ever Told \n* Jesus Christ Superstar \n* Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter \n* Jesus of Nazareth \n* The Last Temptation of Christ \n* The Passion of the Christ \n* Saint Young Men, pals with Buddha \n* Life of Brian gives him a bit part in the beginning, and features a man whose life paralleled his to an extent, only with less luck. \n* Lamb a very Affectionate Parody of his life as recounted by his best friend Biff. \n* The Nativity Story \n* The Miracle Maker The 1979 film Jesus, a word-for-word adaptation of the gospel of Luke with British actor Brian Deacon in the title role, is claimed to be the most-watched movie of all time, due largely to its global translation and distribution by Christian missionaries. Because missionaries usually show the film to people free of charge, though, accurate figures for total viewings are pretty much impossible to come by, so don't expect to see the film on \"Most Watched Films\" lists alongside Gone with the Wind and Avatar any time soon. For more tropes that describe Jesus, try the character page for The Four Gospels. See also: Useful Notes on Christianity, Useful Notes on Gnosticism, Useful Notes on Islam and Useful Notes on Judaism. Not to be confused with the manga Jesus, about a hitman-turned-teacher."@en . . "JESUS"@en . . . . . "The Light, Lord, Papa Dios,"@en . . . . "Jesus (\u30B8\u30FC\u30B6\u30B9) is a completed manga written by Nanatsuki Kyoichi and illustrated by Fujiwara Yoshihide which run in Weekly Sh\u014Dnen Magazine from 1992 to 1995."@en . . . "Jesus Christus (der gesalbte) von Nazareth war ein Zimmermannssohn aus Galil\u00E4a. Er wurde Stifter der christlichen Glaubenslehre. In Assassin's Creed wird er als Besitzer eines, wenn nicht sogar mehreren Edensplittern, genannt: Das Tuch: Mit dem er von den Toten \"auferstand\" und kranke Menschen heilen konnte Der Stab: mit dem er die Menschen f\u00FChren konnte Einer der \u00C4pfel: der es ihm erm\u00F6glichte u.a. Wasser in Wein zu verwandeln Wodurch er f\u00FCr Beobachter g\u00F6ttlich gewirkt haben muss."@de . . . . . . . . "Jesus (\u30B8\u30FC\u30B6\u30B9) is a completed manga written by Nanatsuki Kyoichi and illustrated by Fujiwara Yoshihide which run in Weekly Sh\u014Dnen Magazine from 1992 to 1995."@en . . . . . "*Attention this is nothing but a joke in my spare time nothing is to be taken seriously Jesus isn't that savior you think he is. I know the bible says he's almighty but he's not. As a matter of fact. I think jesus may just be a creppy pedifile. He has touched many children. As he has touched adults. I am not interested in seeing his second cumming ok. He's touched me far enough. He wasn't very wise either. Gambling with jews. Not the best idea i mean really. Jesus wasn't really murdered. The real story is he was gambling with some jews. He was playing a game with dice. He lost."@en . . . . "Manga"@es . . "siehe links"@de . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "Jesus' true vessel: INVISE '''"@en . . . "Jesus is believed to have lived from about 4 B.C.E., to 29/33 C.E. He grew up in the Middle East, around the Galiean district of Israel. He was a preacher of reformation amongst the Jewish poluation, gaining a small, dedicated following. His criticisms of those with power earned him the ire of local leaders. They evenutally had him crucified by the the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. Chistians generally beleive more about Jesus, believeing he ressurected after his death and serves now as their savior. Muslims usually believe he was another prophet of God, rejecting the claim of his ressurection. Two main contemporary sources mention Jesus. Josephus mentions him twice, once when mentioning James, Jesus brothers' death and a second time in what is called the Testimonium Flavianum, which is questioned on its authenticity. Tacitus mentions Jesus as well, calling his Christus. However, these references are minor and most details about his actions must be drawn from the histroy present in the Gospels, especically the Synoptic Gospels found in the Bible."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Jesus, also known as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, was the central figure of Christianity, regarded by most Christian denominations as the son of God, born of a human mother, Mary. He was considered an important prophet in Islam. There was a stained glass window in the Parish Church of St. Clementine in Godric's Hollow which depicted Jesus along with the authors of the four books of the Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)."@en . "Parent"@en . . . "Revolutionary, terrorist"@en . . "Jesus er en jamaikansk pusher som d\u00F8de av Kennel Hoste. Jesus var blodig avhening av snus og gress.Jesus er kjent som den homosexuelle pedofile mannen med hvit fin kjole og hippie sveis. Alkoholen var jo alles fiende, derfor \"elsk din fiende\" Derfor ble det mange fulle folk i verden. For \u00E5 kunne skaffe penger nok til all spriten, var Jesus n\u00F8dt til \u00E5 skaffe til veier 30 gullpenger hver eneste dag. Han var Maria Magdalenas hallik, han smuglet ogs\u00E5 vin og narkotika til Norge. Jesus startet til og med en gartnerkjede. Ikke engang den lukrative smuglingen gav Jesus inntekter nok til \u00E5 dekke behovet sitt. Derfor begynnte han som p\u00E5 sin karriere som historieforteller og svindler. Med tiden samlet han et f\u00F8lge p\u00E5 12 personer. Med s\u00E5 mange medhjelpere ble det ikke vanskelig \u00E5 utf\u00F8re stunts som for"@nn . . . . . "*Jesus of Nazareth\n*Jesus Christ"@en . . "Sh\u014Dnen"@es . . . . "The Holy Saint"@en . . "No"@en . "hide"@en . . . . "Heiland der Christen"@de . "Jesus ([\u0292esus] en IPA) o Iexua ([je\u0283ua] en IPA) es la Fio de Dio (Iaue, o YHWH en ivri) en cristianisme. El es la person tre de la Trinia. On crede ce Jesus ia nase entre 18 e 3 aec (o \"ante Cristo\") en Betlehem, Iudea (aora Israel). La madre de Jesus ia es la virjin Maria (o Mariam). Jesus ia nase en la rena de Herode e cuando Herode ia aprende ce Jesus ia nase, el ia comanda la masacra de la inosentes. Multe persones ia crede ce 14 000 o 64 000 enfantes ia es asasinada, ma aora The Catholic Encyclopedia (La catolica ensiclopedia) dise ce ses o dudes enfantes ia es asasinada). Jesus e se parentes, Maria e Josef (o Iosef), ia fuji a Egipte. Jesus ia fa miracles: el ia cambia acua a vino, ia revive persones mor (Lazaro, la fia de Jairus, la fio de un vidua, e Jesus se mesma), ia nuri 5000 e 4000 poplas, ia pasea sur acua, ia sani sordas, siecas, mudas, etc. Jesus ia fa ance estraes de demones. El ia ave 12 apostoles."@en . "Martyr of the Eternal Pagan Church. Accused of Heresy, sentenced to death by crucifiction."@en . . . "c. 4 BC"@en . . . . . "Jesus is the central figure to Christianity. His story is told in the Christian Bible. During his life as a carpenter, he taught about the way of God and preached forgiveness and salvation before being crucified (the cross is a symbol of Christianity because of this) to atone for the sins of the world. After a three-day and period in Hell where he declared victory over Satan, he was resurrected. He then spent a period of forty days on Earth after his resurrection which ended in his ascension to Heaven. It is said that he will one day return to Earth to judge the living and the dead."@en . . "Jesus ist ein total irrer Typ - l\u00E4ssiges Outfit (einteiliges Sackgewand und dazu die legend\u00E4ren Jesus-Latschen) und immer 'n coolen Spruch auf Lager sind seine Markenzeichen. Immer hat er seine Dickmilch mit und teilt sie gern mit allen anderen. Wenn es uns mal langweilig wird, bricht er irgend so eine Diskussion vom Zaun und wenn wir nicht so richtig mitmachen, schiebt er noch 'n Wunder nach. Das ist echt Spitze. Da wir manchmal etwas schwer von Cap\u00E9 sind, erkl\u00E4rt er alles nochmal und hat auch immer ein Gleichnis parat, das es auch die ganz einf\u00E4ltigen Seelen kapieren. Ganz besonders toll ist, dass er alle Typen, seien sie auch noch so mie\u00DF drauf, total lieb hat und f\u00FCr alle ein Ohr hat. Was Jesus \u00FCberhaupt nicht abkann ist, wenn die hohen Herren von der Kirchenf\u00FChrung wieder einmal nur ans Geld denken und dabei die \u00C4rmsten vergessen. Da kann der richtig sauer werden und wenn dann noch im Gotteshaus anstatt zu beten kr\u00E4ftig geschachert wird, dann setzt es bei ihm total aus und er tobt rum und haut alles platt. Insgesamt finde ich Jesus total in Ordnung und ich werde ihm wohl \u00FCberall hin folgen, egal wohin es geht. Mit Jesus ist immer was los. einer der Ihn gut kennt siehe auch: Super-Jesus"@de . . "Posthumous references"@en . . . "Jesus of Nazareth (7-2 BCE\u201426-36 CE), also known as Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus H. Christ, Issa, and Jeebus is the central figure of Christianity. According to mainstream Christian mythology, Jesus is the son of God and God simultaneously, making God his own father. Mainstream Christians also hold that Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead some time later, making him a Jewish zombie, therefore meaning mainstream Christians believe God is a cosmic Jewish zombie who is his own father."@en . . . "Jesus \u300C\u30B8\u30FC\u30B6\u30B9 Jesus?\u300D es un manga creado por Nanatsuki Kyoichi y publicado en Weekly Sh\u014Dnen Magazine desde 1992 hasta 1995, contando con 13 vol\u00FAmenes."@es . . . . . . . . . "The principal sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical gospels, especially the Synoptic Gospels, though some scholars believe texts such as the Gospel of Thomas are also relevant. Critical Biblical scholars and historians believe that the New Testament is useful for reconstructing Jesus' life. He was a Jew who was regarded as a teacher and healer: it is believed that he was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire. Academic debate continues regarding the chronology, the central message of Jesus' preaching, his social class, cultural environment, and religious orientation. Critical scholars have offered competing descriptions of him as a self-described messiah, as the leader of an apocalyptic movement, as an itinerant sage, as a charismatic healer, and as the founder of an independent religious movement. Most contemporary scholars of the historical Jesus consider him to have been an independent, charismatic founder of a Jewish restoration movement, anticipating an imminent apocalypse. Other prominent scholars, however, contend that his \"Kingdom of God\" meant radical personal and social transformation instead of a future apocalypse. Christians traditionally believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, :529-532 performed miracles, :358-359 founded the Church, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, :616-620 from which he will return :1091-1109 While the doctrine of the Trinity is accepted by most Christians, a few groups reject the doctrine of the Trinity, wholly or partly, as non-scriptural. Most Christian scholars today present him as the awaited Messiah and as God, arguing that he fulfilled many Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. Judaism rejects assertions that Jesus was the awaited Messiah, arguing that he did not fulfill the Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh. In Islam, he (Arabic: \u0639\u064A\u0633\u0649\u200E, commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's important prophets, a bringer of scripture, the product of a virgin birth, and a worker of miracles. Islam also teaches that he ascended bodily to heaven without experiencing death at the crucifixion. Islam and the Baha'i Faith use the title \"Messiah\" for him, but do not teach that he was God incarnate."@en . . "Jesus ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe Lone Ranger. Die Minifigur ist im April 2013 erschienen. Er ist ein Bandit."@de . . . . . . . "The son of Bob, sent down to earth to bring back nachos and a pack of cigs for his old man. Instead ran around the earth performing miracles, gathering disciples and even starting his own black magic cult (christianity). Got p00nz3d by the romans and failed to bring back anything edible or smokable. Bob then ripped his head off and replaced it with a dinosaur's and sent him back to earth as raptor jesus where he remains to this day. Moral of the story: if god sends you out for a pack of cigs and some nachos you better fucking bring him a box of cubans and best damn nachos known to mankind."@en . . . "God!"@nl . "Jesus is lord"@en . . . "siehe links"@de . . . "Died"@en . . . "Married"@en . . . . . "Jesus of Nazareth, \u05D9\u05E9\u05D5\u05E2\u200E, \u05D9\u05E9\u05D5\u200E"@en . . . "Jesus is presumably a human, but the only fact known about this person is that he would have given Sam Witwicky a dishonestly inflated grade to trick Sam's father into buying Sam a car."@en . . . "Hunter"@en . "Jesus is lord"@en . . . "Hometown:"@en . . . "Child"@en . . . . . "Jesus (Arabic: \u0639\u06CC\u0633\u06CC) was a Messenger of God and the Masih who was sent to guide the Children of Israel, (ban\u012B isr\u0101'\u012Bl) with a new scripture, the Inj\u012Bl or Gospel. The Qur'an (Koran), considered by Muslims to be God's final and authoritative revelation to mankind, mentions Jesus twenty-five times. It states that Jesus was born to Mary as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God. To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles, all by the permission of God rather than of his own power. According to the Qur'an, Jesus was neither killed nor crucified, but rather he was ascended to heaven (jannah). Islamic tradition and commentaries state that he will return to earth near the day of judgment to restore justice and defeat al-Mas\u012B\u1E25 ad-Dajj\u0101l (\"the false messiah\", also known as the Antichrist). Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered to have been a Muslim by the term's definition; i.e., one who submits to the will of God, as he preached that his followers should adopt the \"straight path\" as commanded by God. Islam rejects the Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God, that he was ever crucified or resurrected, or that he ever atoned for the sins of mankind. The Qur'an says that Jesus himself never claimed any of these things, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and Allah will vindicate him. The Qur'an emphasizes that Jesus was a mortal human being who, like all other prophets, had been divinely chosen to spread God's message. Islamic texts forbid the association of partners with God (shirk), emphasizing a strict notion of monotheism; i.e., God's divine oneness (tawh\u012Bd). Numerous titles are given to Jesus in the Qur'an, such as al-Mas\u012B\u1E25 (\"the messiah; the anointed one\" i.e. by means of blessings), although this particular term does not correspond with the meaning given to it by Christians. Arabic-speaking Christians refer to Jesus as Yasu (Arabic script \u064A\u0633\u0648\u0639). Jesus is seen in Islam as a precursor to Muhammad, and is believed by Muslims to have foretold the latter's coming."@en . . . . "Acci\u00F3n, Comedia, Drama"@es . "Jesus"@es . . . "Fast"@en . . . . . "Prisoner"@en . . "Jesus wears a robe around his body and has a red sheet covering part of it. He has a brown bushy beard and long hair. A halo is constantly above his head to symbolise his holy nature."@en . . . "Jesus Trunchez \u00E4r en av de tre br\u00F6derna Trunchez och tillika en mindre karakt\u00E4r i GTA IV. Han och hans tv\u00E5 br\u00F6der, Javier och Jos\u00E9 fick \u00E5r 2000 ta \u00F6ver strippklubben the Triangle Club efter Dwayne Forge. N\u00E4r han \u00E5r 2008 kommer ut ur f\u00E4ngelset s\u00E5 v\u00E4grar dock de tre att l\u00E4mna tillbaka klubben i hans \u00E4go, varp\u00E5 han i uppdraget \"Kl\u00E4 av f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da\" (\"Undress to Kill\") skickar Niko f\u00F6r att d\u00F6da de tre br\u00F6derna, vilket om man klarar uppdraget lyckas. Kategori:Mindre framtr\u00E4dande personer Kategori:Br\u00F6derna Trunchez"@sv . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Jesus]] \u1F38\u03B7\u03C3\u03BF\u1FE6\u03C2 from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Jesus]] [[\u05D9\u05E9\u05D5\u05E2#|\u05D9\u05E9\u05D5\u05E2]]. The Greek text makes no distinction between Jesus and Joshua, referring to them both as \u1F38\u03B7\u03C3\u03BF\u1FE6\u03C2. The Latin Vulgate is likely the earliest to make a distinction, referring to Jesus as Iesus and Joshua as Iosias."@ia . . . . . "Tusk (1)"@en . . . . . . . "Jesus wears a robe around his body and has a red sheet covering part of it. He has a brown bushy beard and long hair. A halo is constantly above his head to symbolise his holy nature."@en . . . . . "Jesus"@en . . . "Jesus"@en . . "Joseph of Nazareth , Mary"@en . . "The principal sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical gospels, especially the Synoptic Gospels, though some scholars believe texts such as the Gospel of Thomas are also relevant. Critical Biblical scholars and historians believe that the New Testament is useful for reconstructing Jesus' life. He was a Jew who was regarded as a teacher and healer: it is believed that he was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire."@en . . "DELTA ,"@en . . . . . . "Paul Monroe, more commonly known as \"Jesus\", is a main character first encountered in Issue 91 of Image Comics' The Walking Dead and is a survivor and resident who lived in the Hilltop Colony which held almost two hundred other survivors. Jesus now resides in the Alexandria Safe-Zone, but eventually was forced back to the Hilltop Colony. While initially mistrusted by Rick Grimes and his group, he eventually gains their respect as a valued comrade. He currently serves as one of Maggie Greene's advisor and right-hand man at Hilltop, alongside Dante."@en . "Real Name"@en . "none"@en . . . "hide"@en . . . . . . . . . "none"@en . . "Jesus was Arlene Cuddy's much younger lover in the Season 7 episode Family Practice. He was an unseen character."@en . . . "Jesus Christ is a meme on 2b2t. He is often shown in videos saying \"divine\" things. The first Jesus video was uploaded in July 2, 2016, titled Rusher.m4v. A second Jesus video entitled Jesus visits 2b2t was uploaded in February 17, 2017. It should be noted that the two Jesus videos are completely different, however still fall under the same meme."@en . . . "Virus.DOS.Jesus.1215, Virus.DOS.Jesus.1258"@en . . "God!"@nl . "The son of Bob, sent down to earth to bring back nachos and a pack of cigs for his old man. Instead ran around the earth performing miracles, gathering disciples and even starting his own black magic cult (christianity). Got p00nz3d by the romans and failed to bring back anything edible or smokable. Bob then ripped his head off and replaced it with a dinosaur's and sent him back to earth as raptor jesus where he remains to this day. Moral of the story: if god sends you out for a pack of cigs and some nachos you better fucking bring him a box of cubans and best damn nachos known to mankind."@en . "Carpenter, Preacher, Reformer"@en . . . "Jesus Christ, the Savior, also known as Jebus and affectionally Jeb by Krinkels, is a major character in the Madness Combat series. He serves as the main antagonist against Hank J. Wimbleton in the first five episodes of the series and as the protagonist in Madness Inundation, Incident: 110A, Incident: 111A and for a segment of Incident: 1000A. Jesus has been killed 5 times in the canon (3 times by Hank, once by Tricky, and for the last time during the upstart of the normality restoration). He has killed over 248 people in the series. Krinkels has said that Jesus went \"the way of the Sheriff,\" meaning that he won't return."@en . . . . . "Der Sohn vom Chef h\u00F6chstpers\u00F6nlich. Gr\u00FCndete eher aus Versehen eine Weltreligion. Sorgte bei der Hochzeit von Kanaa f\u00FCr ein erstklassiges Bes\u00E4ufnis und wurde als S\u00E4ufer und Viel-Fresser beschimpft. Umgab sich gerne mit zwielichtigem Gesindel und Huren. Wurde von den religi\u00F6sen und staatlichen M\u00E4chten umgebracht, was ihn allerdings nicht aufgehalten hat. Tja. War einer der ersten Hippies der Weltkultur, noch bevor es Hippies \u00FCberhaupt gab. Hat zwar nicht \"Make love, not war!\" erfunden, h\u00E4tte es aber erfinden k\u00F6nnen. Au\u00DFerdem: Erfinder der Jesuslatschen! Merkmale: Hat immer einige junge M\u00E4nner um sich (J\u00FCnger genannt) die ihn halt toll finden und mit ihm mitlaufen. Die Frauen, die auch dabei waren, werden meist gerne bzw. lieber verschwiegen. Hobbys: Mit vielen Prostituierten und viel Wein feiern... naja... das kann man jetzt toll und bewundernswert finden, muss man aber nicht. und McHammerl, du hast das wichtigste vergessen: Wegen dem Kerl gibts jedes Jahr an Weihnachten so ein tolles Krippenspiel wo ich immer ein klatschendes Marktweib war! :) Stimmt, au\u00DFerdem verdanken wir ihm die Weihnachts-, Oster- und Pfingstferien. Ein bi\u00DFchen auch die Allerheiligenferien. Er hat am 24. Dezember Geburtstag. Oder am 25... das hab ich nie so ganz verstanden... naja aber eigentlich schl\u00FCpft an dem Tag nur ein dicker Mann mit dickem wei\u00DFen Bart (hinter dem versteckt sich eine Faust bla bla) und der zw\u00E4ngt sich durch die Kamine der Welt. Dazu h\u00E4lt er die Zeit auf der Welt an mit einer hochkomplizierten Zeitanhaltemaschiene. Diese wurde von derselben Firma entwickelt die auch schon McHammerl erschaffen hat und den Ballsfader. Auch bekannt als Jemus Hat viele Fans, u.a. die Jesus Skins"@de . . . "All Nationalities"@en . "Epic"@en . "Paul Monroe, more commonly known as \"Jesus\", is a main character first encountered in Issue 91 of Image Comics' The Walking Dead and is a survivor and resident who lived in the Hilltop Colony which held almost two hundred other survivors. Jesus now resides in the Alexandria Safe-Zone, but eventually was forced back to the Hilltop Colony. While initially mistrusted by Rick Grimes and his group, he eventually gains their respect as a valued comrade. He currently serves as one of Maggie Greene's advisor and right-hand man at Hilltop, alongside Dante."@en . . . "Direct"@en . . . "Other Relatives"@en . . . "Queen"@en . . . . . "Alive as INVISE"@en . . . . . . "Jesus"@nn . "Mein Baby und sein Baby"@de . "Whoops - Were you looking for Chicken? He shows up at Sunday Mass as bread and wine. People love Him so much they'll eat him. Obey."@en . "MICHAEL* ,"@en . . "Jesus or Jashua was a Jew who is said to have lived in the first century CE. Jesus is also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth though historians question whether there was a city or even a hamlet called Nazareth at the time. One single house aparently was found. Christians believe Jesus was G-d based on material that was written at least forty years after his the time by his supporters. Jews see Jesus as a false Messiah who did not achieve what the true Messiah should achieve. Jesus may have been honestly mistaken rather than an imposter, since we know hardly anything about Jesus except what his supporters said there is no way of telling. According to Judaism the true Messiah must *Be an observant Jewish man descended from the house of King David \n* Be an ordinary human being (as opposed to the Son of God) \n* Bring peace to the world \n* Gather all Jews back into Israel \n* Rebuild the ancient Temple in Jerusalem \n* Unite humanity in the worship of G-d and Torah observance Furthermore, Jews believe that G-d gave a complete and everlasting covenant to his followers in the form of the Tanakh while Christians claim that Jesus brought a new covenant. The two views are incompatible."@en . . . . . . . "79108"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . "Eine Jesusfigur gab J.D. Tipps \u00FCber sein ungeborenes Kind."@de . . . . "Jesus ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe Lone Ranger. Die Minifigur ist im April 2013 erschienen. Er ist ein Bandit."@de . "Jesus, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, or Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity. Christians believe that he was the Son of God and Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Old Testament, and that after his execution by Roman officials, he rose from the dead, offering salvation to mankind. All information about the life of Jesus comes exclusively from the four Gospels of the New Testament. Tradition holds that His conception and birth to a Jewish mother (believed to be around 4 BC) were immaculate. During his youth he worked as a carpenter before becoming a wandering preacher. His ministry took place in Judea and Galilee in Palestine. Through His ministry, Jesus accomplished miracles, championed the poor, and taught about the Kingdom of Heaven. After arriving in Jerusalem during a Passover gathering, possibly in AD 30, Jesus was betrayed by an Apostle named Judas and arrested by Roman authorities for claiming to be a king and inciting a resistance movement against Roman rule. He was soon sentenced to death by Roman governor Pontius Pilate, and crucified. However, the Apostles later claimed that they encountered Jesus alive again three days after his death; this doctrine of Resurrection is the central tenet of Christianity."@en . . . . "Jesus or Jashua was a Jew who is said to have lived in the first century CE. Jesus is also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth though historians question whether there was a city or even a hamlet called Nazareth at the time. One single house aparently was found. Christians believe Jesus was G-d based on material that was written at least forty years after his the time by his supporters. According to Judaism the true Messiah must"@en . . . "Jesus was Arlene Cuddy's much younger lover in the Season 7 episode Family Practice. He was an unseen character."@en . . . . "Execution by crucifixion"@en . "Jesus (8-2 BC \u2013 29-36 AD), also known as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Nazarene or even Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is the Son of God and God himself too in the means of prupose(John 10:30). Christ is a Greek title meaning One who is Anointed, corresponding to the Hebrew term Messiah. Therefore, the title \"Jesus Christ\" means Jesus the Anointed One. The main sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical Gospels of the New Testament, generally dated after 60 AD. Most scholars in the fields of Biblical Studies and history agree that Jesus was a Jewish teacher from Galilee, was regarded as a healer, and on the orders of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate was sentenced to death by crucifixion for the alleged or implied crime of sedition against Rome. Christian views of Jesus (known as Christology) are both diverse and complex. Most Christians are Trinitarian and affirm the Nicene Creed believing that Jesus is both the Son of God and God made incarnate, sent to provide salvation and reconciliation with God by atoning for the sins of humanity. Other Christian groups do not believe that the Nicene Creed correctly interprets Scripture, although they are not always recognized as Christians by Trinitarians. A resume of Jesus's life is that He was born of a virgin, crucified and entombed, resurrected on the third day of death and after 40 days He ascended into Heaven where he resides with God the Father until the Second Coming in the Last Days. During all of his time in Earth, Jesus fulfilled Biblical prophecy."@en . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Jesus]] \u1F38\u03B7\u03C3\u03BF\u1FE6\u03C2 from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Jesus]] [[\u05D9\u05E9\u05D5\u05E2#|\u05D9\u05E9\u05D5\u05E2]]. The Greek text makes no distinction between Jesus and Joshua, referring to them both as \u1F38\u03B7\u03C3\u03BF\u1FE6\u03C2. The Latin Vulgate is likely the earliest to make a distinction, referring to Jesus as Iesus and Joshua as Iosias."@ia . "Direct POV"@en . "Jesus war der beliebteste Schotte. Geboren im Jahre Null als Ewan McJoseph von Joseph McNerd als erste bezeugte Jungm\u00E4nnergeburt, wegen der noch heute alle Schotten Rock tragen, in gewisser Erwartung, dass Jesus bei seiner Wiederkehr erneut spontan in Schottland von einem zuf\u00E4llig ausgew\u00E4hlten Schotten geboren wird. Er verbrachte die ersten Lebensjahre in den schottischen Highlands. Papa emeritus Benedikt XVI. bescheinigte Jesus in seiner Osterpredigt 2015 \"...Jesus war ein Highlander...\", was von der \u00C4rztekammer zwar als \"war ein Heilender (ohne Approbation)\", also als Affront verstanden wurde, aufgrunddessen die gesamte kassen\u00E4rztliche Vereinigung aus der Kirche austrat, aber von einem christlichen Politiker mit schottischem Migrationshintergrund namens McAllister best\u00E4tigt wurde. Theolo"@de . . . . . "Jesus Christ(/\u02C8d\u0292i\u02D0z\u0259s/; Greek: \u1F38\u03B7\u03C3\u03BF\u1FE6\u03C2 Iesous; 7\u20132 BC to AD 30\u201333), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God. Christianity regards Jesus as the awaited Messiah (or \"Christ\") of the Old Testament and refers to him as Jesus Christ, a name that is also used in non-Christian context."@en . . "Assembly"@en . . "He tholed beating and amansing before his death by roodfastening at the hands of the Romers and at the bidding of Jewish holy men. After three days, his followers hold, he rose from the dead; more late he rose up into heaven. Four books, known as Gospels (Godspells), were written to tell about his life. Also, the writings by Saint Paul of Tarsus tell about these outcomes. In the tale, his foe, Satan, is said to one day mislead even the highest thinkers and those in high standings with slight outwitting, bilding to be with god. He knows of god's works and will even speak or write about them, though it is swith to fool sheep into believing he is swith a rotherer of the light. He even will fop rotherers in heaven, by showing them his ways and leering them to be holy and good. At the end, however, the High Rotherer Michael will rise up and hild this wicked nadder till the hirler is swinned and the holy one, who will be riding on a horse, nighs again. The holy one will have upon his breastdish the name \"Truth and Righthood\" and will slay the wicked one."@en . . . "Occupation"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . "*God \n*Mary"@en . . "Light Brown"@en . . "jesusss"@en . . "Yeshua, supposed son of a carpenter (or joiner) named Yosef and a young woman (possibly a virgin) named Maryam, born in Nazareth (or Bethlehem) in Roman Israel, some time between 8 BC/BCE and 6 AD/CE. He began preaching in Palestine aged around thirty. His message was mainly of love, peace, mercy, kindness, charity, forgiveness and compassion, and he is said to have performed several miracles. Accused of defying Mosaic law, he was executed by crucifixion in Jerusalem around 30 AD/CE. Trope Namer for: Also directly inspired the following tropes: And, indirectly:"@en . . . . "Wolfgang Wagner"@de . . . "Jesus Christus (der gesalbte) von Nazareth war ein Zimmermannssohn aus Galil\u00E4a. Er wurde Stifter der christlichen Glaubenslehre. In Assassin's Creed wird er als Besitzer eines, wenn nicht sogar mehreren Edensplittern, genannt: Das Tuch: Mit dem er von den Toten \"auferstand\" und kranke Menschen heilen konnte Der Stab: mit dem er die Menschen f\u00FChren konnte Einer der \u00C4pfel: der es ihm erm\u00F6glichte u.a. Wasser in Wein zu verwandeln Wodurch er f\u00FCr Beobachter g\u00F6ttlich gewirkt haben muss."@de . . "GABRIEL"@en . . "The Saint"@en . . . . . "Traditionally and temporarily, a garden tomb located in what is now the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem."@en . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . "Martyr of the Eternal Pagan Church. Accused of Heresy, sentenced to death by crucifiction."@en . . . . . "Jesus is the central figure to Christianity. His story is told in the Christian Bible. During his life as a carpenter, he taught about the way of God and preached forgiveness and salvation before being crucified (the cross is a symbol of Christianity because of this) to atone for the sins of the world. After a three-day and period in Hell where he declared victory over Satan, he was resurrected. He then spent a period of forty days on Earth after his resurrection which ended in his ascension to Heaven. It is said that he will one day return to Earth to judge the living and the dead."@en . . ".COM, .EXE"@en . . "Jesus was the child of Mary and Joseph. Iolaus, Uris and Trinculos were guided to the birthplace of Jesus in Bethos by strange images in their dreams. (HTLJ \"A Star to Guide Them\") Later, Xena and Gabrielle encountered Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling by foot. Gabrielle gave them her donkey. (XWP \"A Solstice Carol\")"@en . "Vessels:"@en . "LUCIFER* ,"@en . . . "Galilean"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Sh\u014Dnen,"@en . "Sibling"@en . "Jesus(\u30A4\u30A8\u30B9Iesu) is a key figure in Steel Ball Run. Appearing in proximity to the Saint Corpse Parts, although never confirmed as such, this figure is named once as and heavily implied to represent the biblical and much-venerated Son of God in Christianity, Jesus Christ."@en . . . . "Powers/Abilities"@en . . "'''Jesus' messenger vessel: MOSAIC"@en . "Jesus"@en . . "D4C (2)"@en . . . "Virus"@en . . . . . . "Julian Acosta"@de . . "JESUS"@en . "Jesus er en jamaikansk pusher som d\u00F8de av Kennel Hoste. Jesus var blodig avhening av snus og gress.Jesus er kjent som den homosexuelle pedofile mannen med hvit fin kjole og hippie sveis. Alkoholen var jo alles fiende, derfor \"elsk din fiende\" Derfor ble det mange fulle folk i verden. For \u00E5 kunne skaffe penger nok til all spriten, var Jesus n\u00F8dt til \u00E5 skaffe til veier 30 gullpenger hver eneste dag. Han var Maria Magdalenas hallik, han smuglet ogs\u00E5 vin og narkotika til Norge. Jesus startet til og med en gartnerkjede. Ikke engang den lukrative smuglingen gav Jesus inntekter nok til \u00E5 dekke behovet sitt. Derfor begynnte han som p\u00E5 sin karriere som historieforteller og svindler. Med tiden samlet han et f\u00F8lge p\u00E5 12 personer. Med s\u00E5 mange medhjelpere ble det ikke vanskelig \u00E5 utf\u00F8re stunts som for eksempel \u00E5 helbrede spedalske mennesker. M\u00E5ten de som regel gjorde det p\u00E5, var at en av medhjelperene l\u00F8p inn i byen kvelden f\u00F8r Jesus skulle komme. Han kledde seg i filler og sminket p\u00E5 seg s\u00E5r, slik at han s\u00E5 spedalsk ut. Dagen etter kom Jesus, og med brask og bram \"helbredet\" han sin spedalske venn. N\u00E5r det var gjort, klappet alle tilskuerene og gav Jesus pengegaver. Etter et slikt stunt plantet han alltid et aprikostre og risset inn i barken; \"Jesus was here\", \"flotte aprikostr\u00E6r tilsalgs\" og \"knull til hun er full, -Magdalena er billig og braBM Jesus\" . Under denne perioden pleide Jesus og Lucifer(Satan) \u00E5 samles p\u00E5 onsdagskveldene for \u00E5 lage helvette i historien. Da satt som regel Magnus \u00E5 spilte rock musikk for dem. Disse stuntene gav etter hvert Jesus ry til \u00E5 kunne gj\u00F8re litt av hvert. Grunnen til at Bibelen inneholder feil som for eksempel at Jesus gikk p\u00E5 vannet,og andre litt for utrolige sprell, er at det var Kjell Magne Bondevik som skrev den i en litt for ruset tilstand. Kjell Mangne hadde kompisrabatt p\u00E5 spriten, og fikk stadig vekk litt for mye. Det gikk ofte rundt for ham. Engang han og Jesus hadde pimpet og drukket hele kvelden, m\u00E5tte Jesus lette p\u00E5 trykket. Han gikk ned til vannet, og i det han slapp ut trykker st\u00F8nnet han; \"\u00C5\u00C5\u00C5\u00C5 gud \"og \"FADERN\" like etterp\u00E5 da str\u00E5len traff leggen hans. I rusen tolket Kjell Magne at Jesus sa at gud var hans far. Og hvis Jesus sier at Gud var hans far, s\u00E5 stemte det, mente Bondevik. For Jesus var til \u00E5 stole p\u00E5, han var spriten! Jesus levde hardt, og d\u00F8de ung. Han ble et offer for en litt for hard S&M lek med noen Romerske soldater. Jesus' siste ord var: \"I'll be back!!! and when I'll be back, I will fuck all the guys on earth. Cause McGyver told me so And you all know that he's the brain of all brains!\" From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki."@nn . "GAMMA ,"@en . .