. . "In 2369, Commander William T. Riker was kidnapped and subjected to a neurosomatic technique. One of the delusions created by this technique had him believe he was a patient in ward 47 at the Institute. While there, he also met a woman named Jaya who also claimed to be a kidnapped Starfleet officer, \"Commander Bloom of the starship USS Yorktown\". He soon realized that she really was a psychiatric patient however, when she tried to use a spoon as a communicator. (TNG: \"Frame of Mind\" )"@en . . . . . "In 2369, Commander William T. Riker was kidnapped and subjected to a neurosomatic technique. One of the delusions created by this technique had him believe he was a patient in ward 47 at the Institute. In the delusion, Doctor Syrus, a psychiatrist there, tried to convince Riker that his being a Starfleet officer was a delusion, just a series of hallucinations that started after he stabbed a man in cold blood. After being given a list of available treatments, Riker opted for reflection therapy. When he was not responding to treatment, the hospital adminstrator Suna ordered synaptic reconstruction on Riker. While there, he also met a woman named Jaya who also claimed to be a kidnapped Starfleet officer, \"Commander Bloom of the starship USS Yorktown\". He soon realized that she really was a psychiatric patient however, when she tried to use a spoon as a communicator. (TNG: \"Frame of Mind\" )"@en . . "Tilonus Institute for Mental Disorders"@en . . .