. . . . "69"@ko . . . "Krakow tram line 69.svg.png"@pl . "Episode 69 was introduced in N 1.4, as the end of the 60's column."@en . . . . "Burke and Mrs. Johnson have a discussion about Malloy's's murder. She is of the belief that the Sheriff is afraid of the Collins family and doesn't have the sense the good Lord gave him. She reports that Malloy didn't like Roger but thought the world of Elizabeth. Mrs. Johnson admits that she was 'fond' of Malloy, a fact of which everyone in town was aware except possibly him. Malloy was a good man who never harmed anyone. Would he harm someone to help Elizabeth? Yes, in Mrs. Johnson's opinion. Burke puts the pieces together for her. Malloy's broken watch was given to him by his 'father'. Mrs. Johnson believes that Malloy's body showed up at Collinwood because Roger was the killer. Carolyn tricks Joe and asks him to lunch because of Burke. He's upset at her, but she puts Joe's questions aside by kissing him. Mrs. Johnson would do anything to avenge Malloy and states she has no love for the Collins family or any of its members. Pieces of the puzzle are laid out by Burke for Mrs. Johnson and Carolyn for Joe. Joe tells Carolyn that Laura dumped Burke for Roger and posits that that is the reason for Burke's revenge. Joe draws an ironic diagram for Carolyn. Burke is reluctant to believe that Victoria lied for Roger; Mrs. Johnson tells him to put his personal feelings aside. Mrs. Johnson is surprised that Roger showed up at the meeting. Spoiled Carolyn is unable to comprehend the concept of a job or responsibility. She's bored or something. Burke wants to plant Mrs. Johnson in Collinwood. Carolyn shows up and tells Burke that Roger denied everything. Burke plants seeds in Carolyn's mind about Mrs. Johnson's needing a job. He says everyone at Collinwood is fair game."@en . . . "69"@ko . . . "69"@es . . . "69"^^ . "70"^^ . "Tiu estas nomata la jaro de la kvar imperiestroj, post la morto de Galbo, Oto fari\u011Das imperiestro de la romia imperio, poste Vitelio, poste Vespasiano. 69 signifas kunan seksumadon de du personoj, kiuj bu\u015Das unu la alian. Se temas pri geparo, unu franzas kaj la alia midzas; se temas pri geja a\u016D lesba paro, amba\u016D midzas, resp. franzas unu la alian. La vorto devenas de la figuro de tia paro, grafike simila al la nombro 69 (sesdek na\u016D). En Kamasutro, Vatsyayana nomas tiun seksumadan manieron \"korva pozicio\"."@eo . . . . . . "Cheated on School tests a lot"@en . "1966-09-29"^^ . "\u201C6699\u201D"@zh . . . . . "69"^^ . . "13980.0"^^ . . "28"^^ . . . . . "Le 69 est le nombre pr\u00E9c\u00E9dant le nombre 70 et succ\u00E9dant le nombre 68.[r\u00E9f. n\u00E9cessaire] M\u00EAme pas vrai, r\u00E9pond le clone de Superman, pour qui le 69 succ\u00E8de aux pr\u00E9liminaires. 69 s'est beaucoup d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 apr\u00E8s 68... On en voyait partout. Pas dans la rue, mais presque. 1. \n* REDIRECTION L'Association pour la Sauvegarde des Positions Nonantaines dans le Kamasutra est rassur\u00E9e. Pour rappel, en m\u00E9canique quantique, l'antisym\u00E9trie CP est une theorie qui stipule qu'il n'y a pas de Cul dans une Pipe."@fr . "Varios."@es . "70.0"^^ . "69 este numarul asociat in cele mai multe cazuri cu clasa noastra. Este un numar sacru care aduce noroc celor care stiu ce inseamna si note proaste la info noob-ilor. 69 este des intalnit in arhivele Hasdeului, dar mai ales in domeniul informaticii, cand lui Marcel ii dau 69 de erori dupa ce incearca sa repare o bucla. Teehee."@ro . "List Number 69"@en . . "bedeutendes Jahr in der Weltgeschichte: die Menscheit landetet auf dem Mond und McHammerl wurde geboren. Gleichzeitig war es wohl auch die Bl\u00FCte der Hippiekultur Andere Vorkommnisse: \n* Nixon wird gew\u00E4hlt \n* de Gaulle tritt zur\u00FCck \n* Stonewallaufstand, angezettelt durch einen gewissen Christopher Street \n* Proteste von 250.000 gegen den Vietnam-Krieg \n* Willy Brandt wird Bundeskanzler \n* ARPANET der Vorl\u00E4ufer des Internet entsteht \n* Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod feiert Premiere \n* Woodstock"@de . . "#69 is the sixty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . . "68"^^ . . "PROSZ\u0118 WPISA\u0106 KOMENTARZ NUMER LINII 69( www.mzk.bydgoszcz.pl )"@pl . . . . . "69 (\u516D\u4E5D roku ky\u016B?) is the numbers 6 and 9 combined, its Japanese pronunciation sounding like \"rokku\", thus being used as a pun for Rockman (\u30ED\u30C3\u30AF\u30DE\u30F3 Rokkuman?, Mega Man). Also, fans consider June 9 (6/9) the day of the Rockman franchise due to this. The number is used in some official Rockman related content:"@en . "Number 69 was an item on The List."@en . . . . . "69"@de . . . . . "69 ( API : /swa.s\u0251\u0303t.n\u00F8f/ ) 1. \n* Soixante-neuf. Le num\u00E9ro gagnant est le 69. 2. \n* Habitant du d\u00E9partement de la Rh\u00F4ne. Les 69 de l\u2019ann\u00E9e derni\u00E8re sont arriv\u00E9s au camping et ont repris le m\u00EAme emplacement. 3. \n* Pratique sexuelle de deux partenaires dans laquelle chacun stimule avec la bouche le sexe de l\u2019autre, dans une position t\u00EAte-b\u00EAche. Le chiffre est une repr\u00E9sentation stylis\u00E9e de cet arrangement. 4. \n* Alors Pinocchio fait un 69 et quand la femme se pose dessus lui elle dit : Pinocchio, mens-moi, mens-moi ! - (St\u00E9phanie Langlais, Une Fran\u00E7aise \u00E0 Madrid) \n* 69e 69 ( API : /swa.s\u0251\u0303t.n\u00F8f/ ) {{[[Mod\u00E8le:|]]}} 1. \n* D\u00E9partement du Rh\u00F4ne. J\u2019habite dans le 69. \n* six neuf \n* Rh\u00F4ne-Alpes \n* Rh\u00F4ne \n* Lyon \n* \n* 99"@fr . "69"^^ . . . "For several years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, 69 had several missions to Kothlis, Yavin, Commenor, Clak'dor V, Rhen Var, and Mustafar. It wasn't until 2 ABY, the hight of the Galactic Civil War, 69 was hired for a mission against the Alliance High Command of the Rebel Alliance. He was sent to the world of Commenor, to steal a code disc with blueprints of the new Rebel X-wings. That was when he met the Zeltron assassin Quorra."@en . . . "Season 1 intro"@en . "69 ( API : /swa.s\u0251\u0303t.n\u00F8f/ ) 1. \n* Soixante-neuf. Le num\u00E9ro gagnant est le 69. 2. \n* Habitant du d\u00E9partement de la Rh\u00F4ne. Les 69 de l\u2019ann\u00E9e derni\u00E8re sont arriv\u00E9s au camping et ont repris le m\u00EAme emplacement. 3. \n* Pratique sexuelle de deux partenaires dans laquelle chacun stimule avec la bouche le sexe de l\u2019autre, dans une position t\u00EAte-b\u00EAche. Le chiffre est une repr\u00E9sentation stylis\u00E9e de cet arrangement. 4. \n* Alors Pinocchio fait un 69 et quand la femme se pose dessus lui elle dit : Pinocchio, mens-moi, mens-moi ! - (St\u00E9phanie Langlais, Une Fran\u00E7aise \u00E0 Madrid) \n* 69e"@fr . . "69 is a number popularized by Neil. It can be used to refer to page numbers, prices of tacos at taco bell, or just general amounts."@en . . . . ""@en . "69 is a single by AVTechNO!. It was released by KarenT. This single can be bought on iTunes."@en . "69"^^ . . . . "Linia autobusowa numer 69 jest lini\u0105 zwyk\u0142\u0105. Jej d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 wynosi 3,98 km i 4,06 km z powrotem, gdy\u017C wtedy autobus jedzie przez wiadukt przy ulicy Druckiego-Lubeckiego. Do przystanku Ludowa linia kursuje tylko w niekt\u00F3rych godzinach, pozosta\u0142e kursy s\u0105 tylko do Rugia\u0144skiej. Czas przejazdu w obie strony jest taki sam i wynosi 12 minut. 30px Ten artyku\u0142 potrzebuje zdj\u0119\u0107 obrazuj\u0105cych go. Je\u015Bli mieszkasz w pobli\u017Cu, zr\u00F3b zdj\u0119cie i umie\u015B\u0107 je na Szczecinwikii. 30px UWAGA!!!Ten artyku\u0142 pilnie wymaga przebudowy.Je\u017Celi jeste\u015B w stanie, prosz\u0119 przebuduj go. Kategoria:Linie autobusowe zwyk\u0142e"@pl . "69"@eo . "3"^^ . . . . "El n\u00FAmero 69 en el Aeropuerto de Las Venturas."@es . . "This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number \"69\" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. \n* Pete Munro (1999) \n* Ramriddlz (2016)"@en . "El sesenta y nueve (69) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al sesenta y ocho y precede al setenta. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . . "Incomplete"@en . "20"^^ . "68.0"^^ . . . "#69 is the sixty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . "Nachdem Jenny Julian droht, ihr Kind abzutreiben, wenn er nicht zu ihr zur\u00FCckkehrt, m\u00FCssen Diana und Julian schweren Herzens ihre Liebesbeziehung beenden. Jenny hingegen plant nun, wirklich schwanger zu werden, damit ihre L\u00FCgen zur Wahrheit werden. Doch Simone besteht darauf, dass Jenny ihre Eislaufkarriere weiter verfolgt und schickt sie aufs Eis, wo sie von Julian beobachtet wird. Dieter sieht seine Bef\u00FCrchtung, dass Keule sich an Jutta ranschmei\u00DFt, best\u00E4tigt, als er den Widersacher in Unterhosen in seinem Wohnzimmer vorfindet. Das Missverst\u00E4ndnis l\u00E4sst sich zwar aufkl\u00E4ren, doch Dieter hat genug und verlangt, dass Jutta k\u00FCndigt. Annette plant mit Nadja und Roman eine \"Ladies-Night\". Beim feucht-fr\u00F6hlichen Warm-Up in Annettes Wohnung werden deren Kondome kurzerhand zu Wasserbomben umfunktioniert - mit einer f\u00FCr Annette erschreckenden Entdeckung ..."@de . . "miniatur|Man beachte die 69 auf der Start- und Landefl\u00E4che Die stetige Verwendung der Zahl 69 ist ein bekanntes Easter Egg der Grand-Theft-Auto-Serie. Die Skurrilit\u00E4t ergibt sich aus der Doppeldeutigkeit der Zahl: einerseits bezeichnet 69 eine normale Nummer (die auf den Kopf gedreht ebenfalls 69 ergibt), andererseits eine Sexualpraktik. Welche Nennungen im Spiel beabsichtigt sind und welche zuf\u00E4llig entstanden, ist nat\u00FCrlich unklar. Der Vollst\u00E4ndigkeit halber sind im Folgenden alle Nennungen gelistet."@de . "That Guy: Oh-oh my, but we did have quite a party. [puts bottles down and reaches for his glasses.] Oh, \"Those\"-GuyWithTheGlasses.com reviewers. Oh look, they even left FilmBrain inside the couch. That's adorable. [FilmBrain is heard offscreen, his voice is muffled. ThatGuy turns to the camera again] Well, it has in fact been a while, but I am still here to answer your que-[feels a headache/hangover]AHHHHH!!! Sorry. Ant over there was shuffling. I am in fact here to answer your questions, just...just ask them very softly. That Guy: WILL YOU TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN!?!?! That Guy: I want to know."@en . . "Tiu estas nomata la jaro de la kvar imperiestroj, post la morto de Galbo, Oto fari\u011Das imperiestro de la romia imperio, poste Vitelio, poste Vespasiano. 69 signifas kunan seksumadon de du personoj, kiuj bu\u015Das unu la alian. Se temas pri geparo, unu franzas kaj la alia midzas; se temas pri geja a\u016D lesba paro, amba\u016D midzas, resp. franzas unu la alian. La vorto devenas de la figuro de tia paro, grafike simila al la nombro 69 (sesdek na\u016D). En Kamasutro, Vatsyayana nomas tiun seksumadan manieron \"korva pozicio\"."@eo . "69"@zh . "Burke and Mrs. Johnson have a discussion about Malloy's's murder. She is of the belief that the Sheriff is afraid of the Collins family and doesn't have the sense the good Lord gave him. She reports that Malloy didn't like Roger but thought the world of Elizabeth. Mrs. Johnson admits that she was 'fond' of Malloy, a fact of which everyone in town was aware except possibly him. Malloy was a good man who never harmed anyone. Would he harm someone to help Elizabeth? Yes, in Mrs. Johnson's opinion. Burke puts the pieces together for her. Malloy's broken watch was given to him by his 'father'. Mrs. Johnson believes that Malloy's body showed up at Collinwood because Roger was the killer. Carolyn tricks Joe and asks him to lunch because of Burke. He's upset at her, but she puts Joe's questions as"@en . . . "69 is a number. It is often used as a emphism for sex."@en . . "\u201C6699\u201D"@zh . "69 (sixty-nine) is a positive integer following 68 and preceding 70. Its ordinal form is written \"sixty-ninth\" or 69th."@en . "69 (\u516D\u4E5D roku ky\u016B?) is the numbers 6 and 9 combined, its Japanese pronunciation sounding like \"rokku\", thus being used as a pun for Rockman (\u30ED\u30C3\u30AF\u30DE\u30F3 Rokkuman?, Mega Man). Also, fans consider June 9 (6/9) the day of the Rockman franchise due to this. The number is used in some official Rockman related content: \n* June 9 is the day the story of Mega Man 2 starts. \n* 69 is the number in the license plate from the Support Car. \n* Mr. Famous has a record of 69 consecutive NetBattle wins. \n* The sell price of the Powered Buster in Power Stone 2 is 69000. \n* 69 is used several times in a parody by Sakura in Secret File #18."@en . . "co 30 minut w nocy"@pl . . . . "69"@ro . . "1.4"^^ . ""@en . . "PROSZ\u0118 WPISA\u0106 KOMENTARZ NUMER LINII 69( www.mzk.bydgoszcz.pl )"@pl . . "250"^^ . . "The year 69 AD."@en . "1966-09-22"^^ . "Highest bidder"@en . "*Rise of the Empire era\n*Rebellion era\n*New Republic era\n*New Jedi Order era\n*Legacy era"@en . . . . "Bawz_b_20061208_0069_awz_216x136.jpg"@de . . . "69"@ko . . . . . "Episode 69"@en . "69 este numarul asociat in cele mai multe cazuri cu clasa noastra. Este un numar sacru care aduce noroc celor care stiu ce inseamna si note proaste la info noob-ilor. 69 este des intalnit in arhivele Hasdeului, dar mai ales in domeniul informaticii, cand lui Marcel ii dau 69 de erori dupa ce incearca sa repare o bucla. Teehee."@ro . . . . . . . . . . . "68"^^ . . . . . . "GTA: London 1969, GTA 2, GTA III, GTA: VC, GTA: SA, GTA: LCS, GTA: VCS, GTA IV, GTA: EFLC y GTA V."@es . . . "Specialman"@en . . "69"@fr . . . . . . . "1.88"^^ . "69 is a single by AVTechNO!. It was released by KarenT. This single can be bought on iTunes."@en . "3000.0"^^ . . . . . "1967"^^ . "69 es el n\u00FAmero puesto y Easter Egg por Rockstar Games en sus juegos haciendo referencia a la posici\u00F3n del Kamasutra. Aparecen en casi todos los GTA de distintas maneras y en distintos lados."@es . "69 es el n\u00FAmero puesto y Easter Egg por Rockstar Games en sus juegos haciendo referencia a la posici\u00F3n del Kamasutra. Aparecen en casi todos los GTA de distintas maneras y en distintos lados."@es . "Le 69 est le nombre pr\u00E9c\u00E9dant le nombre 70 et succ\u00E9dant le nombre 68.[r\u00E9f. n\u00E9cessaire] M\u00EAme pas vrai, r\u00E9pond le clone de Superman, pour qui le 69 succ\u00E8de aux pr\u00E9liminaires. 69 s'est beaucoup d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 apr\u00E8s 68... On en voyait partout. Pas dans la rue, mais presque. 1. \n* REDIRECTION Ce nombre a de remarquable que retourn\u00E9 il se lit 69 aussi d'o\u00F9 sa grande r\u00E9putation. En revanche on ne sait pas pourquoi le nombre 96 -qui a la m\u00EAme sp\u00E9cificit\u00E9- \u00E9veille moins d'int\u00E9r\u00EAt. Cela est d'autant plus injuste que si on retourne chaque chiffre du nombre 96, on retrouve le nombre 69. Heureusement son copain le plus proche, le 99, b\u00E9n\u00E9ficie d'une solide implantation au sein de la communaut\u00E9 gay. (A noter que le 66 peut se retrouver dans les couples gay qui jouent au cochon pendu pendant leurs \u00E9bats) L'Association pour la Sauvegarde des Positions Nonantaines dans le Kamasutra est rassur\u00E9e. La physique th\u00E9orique assure qu'en vertu du principe d'incertitude le nombre 96 peut spontan\u00E9ment par effet tunnel se transformer en 69 mais cette transformation d\u00E9pend de la conjecture et des retournements de situation. Il est aussi \u00E9tabli que le 69 subissait r\u00E9guli\u00E8rement des mutations en 99 violant ainsi le principe d'antisym\u00E9trie CP apr\u00E8s transformations de Bill Clinton. Pour rappel, en m\u00E9canique quantique, l'antisym\u00E9trie CP est une theorie qui stipule qu'il n'y a pas de Cul dans une Pipe."@fr . "69"^^ . . . . . . . "69 {{[[Mod\u00E8le:|]]}} 1. \n* D\u00E9partement du Rh\u00F4ne. 2. \n* J\u2019habite dans le 69. \n* six neuf \n* Rh\u00F4ne-Alpes \n* Rh\u00F4ne \n* Lyon \n* 99 \n*"@fr . . . "trasa sze\u015B\u0107dziesi\u0105tki dziewi\u0105tki"@pl . "69 (sixty-nine) is a positive integer following 68 and preceding 70. Its ordinal form is written \"sixty-ninth\" or 69th."@en . . . . "474.65"^^ . . . . "The year 69 AD."@en . "8122006"^^ . "69 is a number. It is often used as a emphism for sex."@en . "El sesenta y nueve (69) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al sesenta y ocho y precede al setenta. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . "On remarquera la r\u00E9currence du nombre 69 un peu partout dans la s\u00E9rie Grand Theft Auto. Le nombre 69 fait r\u00E9f\u00E9rence \u00E0 une position sexuelle et s\u2019est gliss\u00E9 dans la majorit\u00E9 des \u00E9pisodes de la s\u00E9rie GTA, dont certaines occurrences sont pr\u00E9sent\u00E9es ci-dessous."@fr . . . . "miniatur|Man beachte die 69 auf der Start- und Landefl\u00E4che Die stetige Verwendung der Zahl 69 ist ein bekanntes Easter Egg der Grand-Theft-Auto-Serie. Die Skurrilit\u00E4t ergibt sich aus der Doppeldeutigkeit der Zahl: einerseits bezeichnet 69 eine normale Nummer (die auf den Kopf gedreht ebenfalls 69 ergibt), andererseits eine Sexualpraktik. Welche Nennungen im Spiel beabsichtigt sind und welche zuf\u00E4llig entstanden, ist nat\u00FCrlich unklar. Der Vollst\u00E4ndigkeit halber sind im Folgenden alle Nennungen gelistet."@de . . . . "70"^^ . "69 {{[[Mod\u00E8le:|]]}} 1. \n* D\u00E9partement du Rh\u00F4ne. 2. \n* J\u2019habite dans le 69. \n* six neuf \n* Rh\u00F4ne-Alpes \n* Rh\u00F4ne \n* Lyon \n* 99 \n*"@fr . . . "On remarquera la r\u00E9currence du nombre 69 un peu partout dans la s\u00E9rie Grand Theft Auto. Le nombre 69 fait r\u00E9f\u00E9rence \u00E0 une position sexuelle et s\u2019est gliss\u00E9 dans la majorit\u00E9 des \u00E9pisodes de la s\u00E9rie GTA, dont certaines occurrences sont pr\u00E9sent\u00E9es ci-dessous."@fr . . . . "red"@en . . "Episode 69 was introduced in N 1.4, as the end of the 60's column."@en . . . . "69"@pl . "Nachdem Jenny Julian droht, ihr Kind abzutreiben, wenn er nicht zu ihr zur\u00FCckkehrt, m\u00FCssen Diana und Julian schweren Herzens ihre Liebesbeziehung beenden. Jenny hingegen plant nun, wirklich schwanger zu werden, damit ihre L\u00FCgen zur Wahrheit werden. Doch Simone besteht darauf, dass Jenny ihre Eislaufkarriere weiter verfolgt und schickt sie aufs Eis, wo sie von Julian beobachtet wird. Dieter sieht seine Bef\u00FCrchtung, dass Keule sich an Jutta ranschmei\u00DFt, best\u00E4tigt, als er den Widersacher in Unterhosen in seinem Wohnzimmer vorfindet. Das Missverst\u00E4ndnis l\u00E4sst sich zwar aufkl\u00E4ren, doch Dieter hat genug und verlangt, dass Jutta k\u00FCndigt. Annette plant mit Nadja und Roman eine \"Ladies-Night\". Beim feucht-fr\u00F6hlichen Warm-Up in Annettes Wohnung werden deren Kondome kurzerhand zu Wasserbomben umfunkt"@de . "This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number \"69\" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. \n* Pete Munro (1999) \n* Ramriddlz (2016)"@en . . "69"@pt . "That Guy: Oh-oh my, but we did have quite a party. [puts bottles down and reaches for his glasses.] Oh, \"Those\"-GuyWithTheGlasses.com reviewers. Oh look, they even left FilmBrain inside the couch. That's adorable. [FilmBrain is heard offscreen, his voice is muffled. ThatGuy turns to the camera again] Well, it has in fact been a while, but I am still here to answer your que-[feels a headache/hangover]AHHHHH!!! Sorry. Ant over there was shuffling. I am in fact here to answer your questions, just...just ask them very softly. That Guy: WILL YOU TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN!?!?! Narrator: How come Pluto's in the doghouse and... That Guy: No, no, no. Now it's been far too long to just take questions from the narrator, you pompous ass. Narrator: Nice to see you care. That Guy: Eat my nipples. Let's take some questions from Matsuricon, the real people of the world. Matsuricon Fan: Why is Pluto in the doghouse- That Guy: LOUD! ... You're too loud. Please... ask the question again in a much softer voice. (That Guy rubs his temples) Matsuricon Fan: Why is Pluto in the doghouse- That Guy: (sarcastically) Wow, that's so much better. Thank you. Matsuricon Fan: Why is Pluto in the doghouse while Goofy roams free? That Guy: That's a very good question. And the answer is Pluto actually used to be exactly like Goofy. You see, everybody thinks that Pluto is just an everyday dog that they keep on a leash, but that doesn't make any sense in that universe. In reality, Pluto is just an everyday person that they lobotomized. You see, a long time ag, Pluto caught on to the conspiracy about why all the cartoon characters only have four fingers. The answer was so horrifying, that he was going to spread the word to everybody he knew. But, luckily his old roomate, Mickey, found out and knocked him out. When he woke up, 80% of his brain was gone, and he's now the humble creature that you know today, never letting on that Mickey and all his lovable friends are actually the most evil creations of all time. Incidently, I also know why all cartoon characters only have four fingers. It's exactly wh- (That Guy's cellphone rings) Excuse me. (That Guy picks up his phone) Hello? (Mickey over the phone) Mickey: (coldly) Look to your left. (That Guy looks to the left, and his eyes widen when he sees a threatening shadow of Mickey looking at him) (That Guy hangs up his phone, and looks back to the camera) Nevermind. (Mickey laughs while That Guy's eyes widen again) Matsuricon Fan: If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? That Guy: Why, an everyday non suspicious dog like Pluto of course. (That Guy looks to his left, scared as Mickey's shadow appears to the left again, and then disappears) Matsuricon Fan: What is worse: Hell or purgatory? That Guy: You know, it's a shame Hell gets such a bum rap. Everybody acts like an eternal damnation is such an unhealthy thing, but look at the benefits. You're constantly working out, you're sweating off all those pounds, and you constantly have a motivation to keep yourself active: Pain. Which is why Hell is so much better than purgatory. Do you wanna know exactly what purgatory is? It's a plain white room with one chair that's only semi-comfortable, and a television set showing you nothing but the complete works of King of the Hill. ... It's not good, it's not bad. It's just... King of the Hill. I mean, I'm sure it has it's fan base, and it's very loyal. It stayed on for so long, but... w-was there ever a King of the Hill fan club? Were there ever King of the Hill teamsters or junkies? Have you ever seen anyone cosplay as anything from King of the Hill? Though, I take it back, I did see one guy cosplay as that Laotian guy. Though, maybe he was just asian. Either way, can we all agree that that character was horribly racist, but nobody cares because it was on King of the Hill. (That Guy looks at a drawing on the wall behind him) What the hell am I looking at anyway? Matsuricon Fan: Which souls are the most delicious? That Guy: Well, do you remember the first Batman movie? The Michael Keaton one? Do you remember the scene where he says \"Shields open\" and the Batmobile starts driving on it's own to him? Well , if you look very closely, and turn up the brightness on your tv, you can clearly see that there's a hand driving the stearing wheel of the Batmobile. That guy's soul was delicious. I don't know what it is. There was something just about that guy's soul that was unbelievable. It was the tastiest one I ever had. I asked him before I devoured his carcass, \"What do you do?\" and he said, \"I was the hand in the first Batman movie driving the Batmobile.\" And in reality, it doesn't matter what I say right now, because you've already stopped this video, gone to watch the first Batman movie, to see if that hand is actually in there. I shit you not. There is a hand driving the Batmobile. And his soul was delicious. Now you know. (The logo from \"The More You Know\" PSA appears above That Guy's head while he sports a creapy smile and a voice screams in the background) There was a hand driving the Batmobile! Warn your family! Matsuricon Fan: So, where exactly is Canada? That Guy: Well, many think that it's just above the United States. But really, Canada is in all of us. And soon it will burst out of your chest like the aliens from that movie: First Wives Club! They'll crawl around the United States, destroying all the humans that they see, and inevitably, they will grow up all looking like Phelous. I mean, come on. Listen to the guy. Clearly he's an alien from outer space. As are all Canadians. Why else would they be so polite? (whisper) They're trying to eat us! But don't let Obscurus Lupa know. He's saving it for a surprise. (That Guy's smile disappears) Matsuricon Fan: What color is a mirror? That Guy: The same color as air. Suck on that, doctor. (That Guy looks away in disgust) Matsuricon Fan: What happened to your first love? That Guy: ... My first love. (That Guy remembers back to episode 54, when he proposed to his GPS, and then they broke up afterwards) GPS: What happened to the magic between us? What happened to all the joy you used to make me feel? You're not the same man you were when you proposed! That Guy: That was a long time ago! (the flashback ends) ... As you probably all have figured out, my first love was a flashback cloud. And, I don't know what happened to her. I mean, everytime I have a flashback she appears, but then she's suddenly gone. But it's okay. I'm a grown-up adult. I'm the kind of person who can take that kind of stuff, and not let it get to me whatsoever... (repeats to reassure himself) Whatsoever... Whatso- (cut to That Guy with no shirt on, crying and holding his head with his hands) FLASHBACK CLOUD! FLASHBA- (cut back to That Guy who has returned to normal) -ever. Matsuricon Fan: Do you read comics, and what is your favorite comic? That Guy: Yes, and my favorite comic book series of all time is The Cabinet Who Speaks In Tongues. (Picture of a cabinet with gibberish being played in the background is shown) And his sidekick: Compulsive Lying Ping-Pong Table. (Picture of the cabinet with gibberish being played in the background is shown again, with a ping-pong table beside it) Ping Pong Table: The Holocaust never happened. (cut back to That Guy) I think DarkHorse ran that series. Matsuricon Fan: Can I be your friend? That Guy: ... (eerie music plays while That Guy just looks at the camera with a creepy blank expression) We will walk through the meadows, and laugh at baby deer because we shot them. Then, we'll massage ham, and play slide whistles to our heart's content. (camera zooms in a bit) We'll acuse jellybeans of being racist, and then sing to the actor who plays Ronald McDonald when he's asleep. (camera zooms in a bit again) All this... (That Guy's mouth twitches into a small smile) ...I can do for you... (cut to That Guy acting normal again and the eerie music has stopped) Or we could get coffee? Whichever. Matsuricon Fan: If you're the devil, then what exactly is the Hummel figure? That Guy: You know, I as well have a lot of questions for the Hummel figurine. Hummel: MY BABUSHKA HAS EATEN ALL OF YOUR PUPPIES... That Guy: Knock it off! I have some questions for you. Like for example, didn't you shoot yourself in the last one, or something happened? Hummel: Wait, is that what happened to me? I don't know. It's been so long. ey(?) That Guy: How is it you keep coming alive? How is it that you talk even though your mouth doesn't move? How is it you have a male voice instead of a female voice? How come you seem to be out of focus and a hand is holding you? How is it that you always seem to appear in front of me, and I disapear, and yet, you're somehow there, and we're talking to each other? Hummel: I don't know. I'm just the Hummel figurine. That Guy: I think you know clear well what the answers are and I will not rest until you tell me! Hummel: Oh, you want to know? That Guy: I want to know. Hummel: You want to know? That Guy: I want to know! Hummel: [simutaneously] You want to know? You want to know? You want to know?!! You want to know!?! Do you want to know!??! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOOOOOU WANT TO KNOW!?! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!?! That Guy: [simutaneously] I want to know, Hummel figurine! Let me know! Let me know! I would like to know right now! I would like for you to come here and tell me EXACTLY ALL THESE ANSWERS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN KEEPING FROM ME!!! YOU WILL GIVE ME THESE ANSWERS HUMMEL FIGURINE!! YOU WILL GIVE ME THESE ANSWERS!!! YES, HUMMEL FIGURINE!! YES! YES! YES, HUMMEL FIGURINE!! YOU WILL GIVE ME ANSWERS!!!! Hummel: I'LL SHOW YOU!!! Hummel: See you in MY realm. (laughs deviously. frightening music is played. Hummel stops laughing and music stops playing.) Hummel: (looks off-screen) Wait, have we ever done a \"To Be Continued...\"? Voice off-screen (maybe That Guy?): No. Hummel: Well we are now!!!"@en . "69"@en . . . . . . "DStitle.jpg"@en . "bedeutendes Jahr in der Weltgeschichte: die Menscheit landetet auf dem Mond und McHammerl wurde geboren. Gleichzeitig war es wohl auch die Bl\u00FCte der Hippiekultur Andere Vorkommnisse: \n* Nixon wird gew\u00E4hlt \n* de Gaulle tritt zur\u00FCck \n* Stonewallaufstand, angezettelt durch einen gewissen Christopher Street \n* Proteste von 250.000 gegen den Vietnam-Krieg \n* Willy Brandt wird Bundeskanzler \n* ARPANET der Vorl\u00E4ufer des Internet entsteht \n* Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod feiert Premiere \n* Woodstock"@de . . . "For several years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, 69 had several missions to Kothlis, Yavin, Commenor, Clak'dor V, Rhen Var, and Mustafar. It wasn't until 2 ABY, the hight of the Galactic Civil War, 69 was hired for a mission against the Alliance High Command of the Rebel Alliance. He was sent to the world of Commenor, to steal a code disc with blueprints of the new Rebel X-wings. That was when he met the Zeltron assassin Quorra."@en . . . "Number 69 was an item on The List."@en . "69"^^ . . . "2"^^ . . . . "69 is a number popularized by Neil. It can be used to refer to page numbers, prices of tacos at taco bell, or just general amounts."@en . . . . . . . "Linia autobusowa numer 69 jest lini\u0105 zwyk\u0142\u0105. Jej d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 wynosi 3,98 km i 4,06 km z powrotem, gdy\u017C wtedy autobus jedzie przez wiadukt przy ulicy Druckiego-Lubeckiego. Do przystanku Ludowa linia kursuje tylko w niekt\u00F3rych godzinach, pozosta\u0142e kursy s\u0105 tylko do Rugia\u0144skiej. Czas przejazdu w obie strony jest taki sam i wynosi 12 minut. 30px Ten artyku\u0142 potrzebuje zdj\u0119\u0107 obrazuj\u0105cych go. Je\u015Bli mieszkasz w pobli\u017Cu, zr\u00F3b zdj\u0119cie i umie\u015B\u0107 je na Szczecinwikii. 30px UWAGA!!!Ten artyku\u0142 pilnie wymaga przebudowy.Je\u017Celi jeste\u015B w stanie, prosz\u0119 przebuduj go. Kategoria:Linie autobusowe zwyk\u0142e"@pl .