"The Qel-Tythas family was fully reconstituted as a formal house in 20 ABY on New Alderaan, becoming one of the last noble Alderaanian families with roots to the original homeworld. After the House of Organa slowly became absorbed into the Corellia Royal House of Solo and the Second Empire's Fel Dynasty, the heads of the House of Qel-Tythas eventually rose to the position of monarch. At some point between the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War and the rise of the Fel Empire, Force-sensitivity had resurfaced within the Qel-Tythas bloodline. Julian and Nero Qel-Tythas were such individuals inheriting their family's Force-sensitivity."@en . . "()"@en . "*\n*\n*"@en . . "*Julian Qel-Tythas\n*Nero Qel-Tythas\n*Keson Qel-Tythas"@en . "667777"^^ . . "House of Qel-Tythas"@en . . . . . "The Qel-Tythas family was fully reconstituted as a formal house in 20 ABY on New Alderaan, becoming one of the last noble Alderaanian families with roots to the original homeworld. After the House of Organa slowly became absorbed into the Corellia Royal House of Solo and the Second Empire's Fel Dynasty, the heads of the House of Qel-Tythas eventually rose to the position of monarch."@en . "House of Qel-Tythas"@en . "*\n*\n*\n**"@en . "223333"^^ . .