"Suicide vessel"@en . "The Thunder was an Airam CR90 corvette active during the Galactic Civil War. During the Battle of Nocto, the Airam sent the Corvette, fully-loaded with Proton bombs, to ram the Star Dreadnought Vengeance's bridge after the shields went down on the massive warship."@en . "100"^^ . . . "Thunder"@en . . . . "Thunder (CR90 corvette)"@en . . "~ 3.5 ABY"@en . . . . "The Thunder was an Airam CR90 corvette active during the Galactic Civil War. During the Battle of Nocto, the Airam sent the Corvette, fully-loaded with Proton bombs, to ram the Star Dreadnought Vengeance's bridge after the shields went down on the massive warship."@en .