"Liebe ~ Maboroshi no Hikari is a song by Sheryl Nome and was released on the Macross Frontier concept album: Cosmic Cuune as track 5."@en . "2010-11-24"^^ . . "Liebe ~ Maboroshi no Hikari"@en . . "Yoko Kanno"@en . "Yoko Kanno"@en . . "Liebe ~ Maboroshi no Hikari is a song by Sheryl Nome and was released on the Macross Frontier concept album: Cosmic Cuune as track 5."@en . "May'n"@en . "Liebe ~ Illusion Light"@en . "Cosmic Cuune"@en . . "J-Pop"@en . "Album"@en . "\u30EA\u30FC\u30D9\uFF5E\u5E7B\u306E\u5149"@en . . "Iwasato Yuho"@en .