. . . "60"^^ . "5"^^ . . "Barracks"@en . "Musket"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "4"^^ . "110"^^ . "The Jaegers (\u30CF\u30F3\u30BF Hanta) are a mercenary group currently residing in the New World. The Jaeger\u2019s consist of three members leader Richard Abberbury, and his two followers Enigma and Stylish. They are well renounced for their shier of usage violence throughout there path of destruction, because of this the world government has considered dangerous, thus issuing a bounty for each member of the group. The mercenary's combined comes to a staggering File:Bsymbol.gif800,000,000 and counting. Since their formation, The Jaeger\u2019s have made many enemies with both the World Government and Pirates a like. They have also clashed briefly with members the Revolutionary Army some time ago, before entering the New World."@en . . . "30"^^ . "90"^^ . . "6"^^ . "55"^^ . "Jaegers"@en . . . "Greatest victory ever achieved by the jaegers was during World War 2. On june 6. 1944 allied forces tried an invasion on two fronts: Normandy and Calais. Two jaegers, Matti and Riku, were having a holiday in Calais and they achieved to kill over 5,984,948 Germans supported by 18,939 tanks, half the German army anywhere in the World, and nuked Calais to a stinking hellhole. More than it already was. The Allies thus cancelled the invasion of Calais and concentrated it on Normandy."@en . "None"@en . . "Jaegers (\u731F\u5175, ieegaa) are the elite among mercenaries in Zemuria and being acknowledged as one is a recognition of high skill and experience. They most often form groups known as a jaeger corps (\u731F\u5175\u56E3, ieegaa), of which many of exist, each with their own specialties, histories and sometimes rivalries. Many jaegers make use of specialized equipment and are among the most dangerous individuals on the continent."@en . "7"^^ . . "Jaegers are a type of skirmisher in Empire: Total War."@en . "Greatest victory ever achieved by the jaegers was during World War 2. On june 6. 1944 allied forces tried an invasion on two fronts: Normandy and Calais. Two jaegers, Matti and Riku, were having a holiday in Calais and they achieved to kill over 5,984,948 Germans supported by 18,939 tanks, half the German army anywhere in the World, and nuked Calais to a stinking hellhole. More than it already was. The Allies thus cancelled the invasion of Calais and concentrated it on Normandy. Of course, because allied forces won the war, the Soviets claimed that the incident at Calais was caused by the Germans discovering there was only one bottle of Schnapps left. But still, even today, the French living in Calais remember two Finnish Jaegers, armed with Suomi-submachineguns and great logs, Killing millions of Germans and yelling \"Perkele!\" each time they reached bodycount of another million enemies. The proof that the defeat in Calais happened, is buried under the bridge which links the Not So Great Britain to Europe. The bridge was naturally built by the Germans not for the intelligent reason of invading England using its army, but only to cover the shameful defeat. But in the Finnish warmuseum you can still see the two pistols which Riku took as trophies from beaten General Rommel. German historians are still today trying to deny what happened, claiming that it\u00B4s impossible for two men alone to kill total of 5,984,948 people, using only logs and submachineguns. Well, duh! They're jaegers, not men. Unluckily for the Allies, Matti and Riku had to come back to Finland, because their plane was leaving on June 7. From Normandy the allied forces succeeded to liberate French and conquer the German city of Hamburg, thus supplying the troops with fresh hamburgers. It\u00B4s surprising, but Grues can indeed be killed, but only by a jaeger. No one knows exactly how, but the killing includes dramatic music, a Quentin Tarantino directed scene and a log. Origin of the jaegers is unknown. First documented appearance of jaegers is when they destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the two first cityes built in the 3 inch wide village of Poland. Jaegers play an important role during the viking time, when Olav the Holy and his merry men made an invasion to Finland. Men, women an children fled from their homes and took their property with them. Jaegers were inventing Gin and Tonic at that time, and didn\u00B4t get bothered about thousands of viking pillaging and burning buildings around them. The Olav and his men raped some farm animals, thus producing Centaurs for years supply. One of Olav\u00B4s men went and tried to steal some Gin from the jaegers. They of course got pissed off and started an massacre amongst Olav\u00B4s troops. They sailed away in panic, but because of the Baltic sea consisting of water, the jaegers were unable to cut Olav\u00B4s getaway by drinking the sea dry, as they did when Moses wanted to escape with the other Jew\u00B4s from Egypt."@en . . . . . "\u00AD\n*Can skirmish\n*Can hide in woodland\n*Can hide in light scrub\n*Can hide in long grass\n*Can hide in buildings\n*Good stamina"@en . "The Jaegers (\u30CF\u30F3\u30BF Hanta) are a mercenary group currently residing in the New World. The Jaeger\u2019s consist of three members leader Richard Abberbury, and his two followers Enigma and Stylish. They are well renounced for their shier of usage violence throughout there path of destruction, because of this the world government has considered dangerous, thus issuing a bounty for each member of the group. The mercenary's combined comes to a staggering File:Bsymbol.gif800,000,000 and counting."@en . "Skirmisher"@en . . "Jaegers"@en . "460"^^ . "20"^^ . "Jaegers are a type of skirmisher in Empire: Total War."@en . "Jaegers (\u731F\u5175, ieegaa) are the elite among mercenaries in Zemuria and being acknowledged as one is a recognition of high skill and experience. They most often form groups known as a jaeger corps (\u731F\u5175\u56E3, ieegaa), of which many of exist, each with their own specialties, histories and sometimes rivalries. Many jaegers make use of specialized equipment and are among the most dangerous individuals on the continent."@en . . . .