. . "Himself"@en . . . . "2010-04-29"^^ . . . "Johanna Kjellberg"@en . "SJW's ruin everything... even big dorks like him..."@en . . . "PewDiePie first rose to fame when he started playing video shames. He wasn't a normal shamer though. When he played, he screamed like a little girl and made friends with inanimate objects such as chairs. Furthermore, he's Swedish, so he has an accent. These factors combined to make him very popular. He eventually gathered a Bro Army and took over the entire internet. He was declared king."@en . . . "SJW's ruin everything... even big dorks like him..."@en . "2010-04-29"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Gaming, vlogs, clickbait"@en . . . "PewDiePie is from a country called YouTube. He got blocked for shouting to noobs."@en . . "Pewdie"@en . . . "Poods"@en . . "PewDiePie is from a country called YouTube. He got blocked for shouting to noobs."@en . "PewDiePie is the YouTube account of Felix Kjellberg, a Swedish video game commentator from Gothenburg. Kjellberg has found quick success on YouTube as his channel had amassed 309,000 subscribers by March 31, 2012 and by July 11, 2012 PewDewPie had reached the 1 million subscribers milestone. The PewDiePie channel was launched on April 29, 2010 and as of July 12, 2012 has over 253 million video views. In a presentation during EITB's Nonick 2012 Kjellberg stated his commentary of the game Amnesia: The Dark Descent, is, according to Kjellberg, what \"defined him on YouTube\". Along with playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Kjellberg has also played Slender. Kjellberg was also at DreamHack Summer 2012. Kjellberg gained over 1 million votes in the February 16-29, 2012 King of the Web contest and donated his cash winnings to the World Wildlife Fund. He has also started an online community of \"Bros\" that post fanart and promote his channel."@en . . "PewDiePie is the YouTube account of Felix Kjellberg, a Swedish video game commentator from Gothenburg. Kjellberg has found quick success on YouTube as his channel had amassed 309,000 subscribers by March 31, 2012 and by July 11, 2012 PewDewPie had reached the 1 million subscribers milestone. The PewDiePie channel was launched on April 29, 2010 and as of July 12, 2012 has over 253 million video views. In a presentation during EITB's Nonick 2012 Kjellberg stated his commentary of the game Amnesia: The Dark Descent, is, according to Kjellberg, what \"defined him on YouTube\". Along with playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Kjellberg has also played Slender. Kjellberg was also at DreamHack Summer 2012. Kjellberg gained over 1 million votes in the February 16-29, 2012 King of the Web contest and do"@en . . . . . . . "PewDiePie"@pl . . "Vlogging"@en . "Swedish"@en . . . . . . . . . "Straight"@en . "1.0"^^ . "PewDiePie"@en . . "\"#REHASH\""@en . . . . "Swedish"@en . . . . "PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, is a Swedish video game commentator and internet celebrity who appeared in the Season Eighteen episodes, \"#REHASH\" and \"#HappyHolograms\". PewDiePie has the most subscribed channel on YouTube and specializes in video game genre \"Let's Plays\"."@en . . . "13067056092"^^ . . . "Active"@en . . "29042010"^^ . "Male"@en . "26"^^ . "pewdiepie"@en . "Felix Kjellberg"@en . . "Circa 3,000"@en . "1"^^ . . "Agnostyk"@pl . "Maker Studios"@de . . . . . "Pewdiepie is a cool YouTuber :)"@en . . . . . . . "Nicknames:"@en . . . . . . . . "YouTube Channel:"@en . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, PewDie, Pewds and Poods (born October 24, 1989) is a Swedish YouTube vlogger and video game commentator popularized by his horror-themed and Let's Play videos on YouTube. The channel, which now mostly consists of vlogs, is currently the most subscribed on YouTube with over 58 million subscribers, holding that record for over 1,000 days. This total is 25 million more than the second most subscribed channel. He surpassed Smosh to acquire the most subscribed channel on YouTube on August 15, 2013 but after YouTube Spotlight and PewDiePie surpassed each other multiple times for the top spot, he has since had the most subscribed channel. He has made many collaboration videos with Smosh, such as appearing in several Smosh Games episodes, The End of Christmas (Part 2) (as a Muppet), the Smosh Babies episode Ian's Lost Love and appearing in vlogs by Anthony and Kalel, though none of those vlogs exist anymore."@en . . . . . . . "Internetowy celebryta, youtuber"@pl . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, (born October 24, 1989), better known as PewDiePie, is a Swedish web-based comedian and video producer. He is famous for his Let's Plays and his vlogs. Felix is the number #1 most subscribed YouTube channel ever with over 48 million subscribers. He has been the most subscribed Youtuber since August 2013. Felix refers to his his fanbase as the \"Bro Army\"."@en . . "300"^^ . . . "Felix Kjellberg"@pl . . . . . . . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (aka PewDiePie because nobody with English as a native/first language can properly pronounce his last name) is one of YouTube's biggest money sucking leeches, on par with other unfunny hacks like TheFineBros or Ray William Johnson. His cash grabbing enterprise occupation is playing through bad games and making unfunny commentary which involves screaming, MAYMAY references, and sex jokes. He later used his stolen money to arm the Bro Army and establish the Bro Nation."@en . "PewDiePie.png"@pl . . "1989-10-24"^^ . "Date of Birth:"@en . . . . "left|250px Felix ist am 24. Oktober 1989 in G\u00F6teborg, Schweden geboren und lebte dort mit seiner Schwester und seinen Eltern, welche als CIOs (Leiter der Informationstechnik) t\u00E4tig sind, zusammen. In seiner Jugend zog er sich immer mehr zur\u00FCck und spielte viel World of Warcraft. Kurz vorm Ende seiner Schulzeit versuchte er dies zu \u00E4ndern und entwickelte ein Interesse f\u00FCr Physik, welches ihm zum Klassenbesten machte. Er studierte Industriewirtschaft an der Technischen Hochschule Chalmers, konnte das Studium jedoch nicht abschlie\u00DFen."@de . . . . . "Felix Kjellberg began his YouTube account PewDiePie[1] on April 29th, 2010 with a Minecraft playthrough video showing a zombie that had spawned in a minecart. In the first few months following this video, he began uploading playthroughs of Call of Duty: Black Ops, Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Dead Space 2."@en . "245"^^ . "internet celebrity"@en . ">50 million"@en . . "2010"^^ . . . . . "Felix \u201EPewDiePie\u201D Kjellberg (ur. 24 pa\u017Adziernika 1989 w G\u00F6teborgu) \u2013 szwedzki komentator gier komputerowych i internetowy celebryta, znany jako posiadacz najwi\u0119kszej ilo\u015Bci subskrypcji kana\u0142u na YouTubie i specjalizuj\u0105cy si\u0119 w tzw. \u201Elet\u2019s playach\u201D z gier. Pojawia si\u0119 go\u015Bcinie w odcinkach Ogrzewane starocie i Szcz\u0119\u015Bliwe hologramy z serii dziewi\u0119tnastej."@pl . . . . . . . "PewDiePie assaulting his girlfriend."@en . . "1999"^^ . . "Gaming"@en . "Blond"@en . "1989-10-24"^^ . "Pewdiepie"@en . . "1989-10-24"^^ . . . "13082016"^^ . . . . . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg"@en . "\"How's it goin bros?!\""@en . "Unknown"@en . "Pewds"@en . . . "A Funny Montage"@de . . "PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, is a Swedish video game commentator and internet celebrity who appeared in the Season Eighteen episodes, \"#REHASH\" and \"#HappyHolograms\". PewDiePie has the most subscribed channel on YouTube and specializes in video game genre \"Let's Plays\"."@en . . "King of the Internet"@en . . . . . . "Earth"@en . "Let's playing"@en . . . "PewDiePie"@pl . . . . . "Felix Kjellberg began his YouTube account PewDiePie[1] on April 29th, 2010 with a Minecraft playthrough video showing a zombie that had spawned in a minecart. In the first few months following this video, he began uploading playthroughs of Call of Duty: Black Ops, Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Dead Space 2. In October 2011, a single topic blog F*ck Yeah PewDiePie[17] was created for fans of his videos, which has gained 2200 followers[18] in the span of 8 months. PewDiePie\u2019s YouTube channel has over 1,400 uploads, including playthroughs of over 40 games and 30 Amnesia custom stories[8] sent in by the fans, 1,000,000 subscribers and fares an average of 253,391 views per day. Outside of YouTube, Pewdie\u2019s Facebook fan page[3] has 195,528 likes, his official forum[10] has 11,000 members and a wiki[11] about his videos has 45 pages. In addition, posts and fanart about PewDiePie appear on Tumblr under the tag \u201Cpewdiepie\u201D[15] and there are more than 8700 pieces of fan art for PewDiePie on deviantArt.[16]"@en . . . "left|250px Felix ist am 24. Oktober 1989 in G\u00F6teborg, Schweden geboren und lebte dort mit seiner Schwester und seinen Eltern, welche als CIOs (Leiter der Informationstechnik) t\u00E4tig sind, zusammen. In seiner Jugend zog er sich immer mehr zur\u00FCck und spielte viel World of Warcraft. Kurz vorm Ende seiner Schulzeit versuchte er dies zu \u00E4ndern und entwickelte ein Interesse f\u00FCr Physik, welches ihm zum Klassenbesten machte. Er studierte Industriewirtschaft an der Technischen Hochschule Chalmers, konnte das Studium jedoch nicht abschlie\u00DFen. Er arbeitet danach zun\u00E4chst in einem HotDog- und Hamburger-Stand in der N\u00E4he der Uni und sp\u00E4ter als Hafenkapit\u00E4n (Hafenmeister), wo er jedoch gefeuert wurde, nachdem er vergessen hatte, f\u00FCr ein gro\u00DFes Schiff einen Platz zu reservieren. Kurz darauf reiste er spontan nach Italien, um Marzia (CutiePieMarzia) zu treffen. Zurzeit lebt er mit seiner italienischen Freundin Marzia Bisognin und seinen zwei M\u00F6psen Maya und Edgar in Brighton, Gro\u00DFbritannien. Er spricht sowohl schwedisch als auch englisch."@de . . . "On sam"@pl . "PewDiePie"@en . "Pewdiepie is a cool YouTuber :)"@en . . . . "PewDiePie"@en . "Video game commentator,"@en . . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, (born October 24, 1989), better known as PewDiePie, is a Swedish web-based comedian and video producer. He is famous for his Let's Plays and his vlogs. Felix is the number #1 most subscribed YouTube channel ever with over 48 million subscribers. He has been the most subscribed Youtuber since August 2013. Felix refers to his his fanbase as the \"Bro Army\"."@en . . "Video game commentaries"@en . . . . "Human"@en . "Englisch, Schwedisch"@de . . "pewdiepie"@en . "PewDiePie.jpg"@de . "1989-10-24"^^ . "2014"^^ . . . "Parents:"@en . "PooDiePie"@en . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, PewDie, Pewds and Poods (born October 24, 1989) is a Swedish YouTube vlogger and video game commentator popularized by his horror-themed and Let's Play videos on YouTube. The channel, which now mostly consists of vlogs, is currently the most subscribed on YouTube with over 58 million subscribers, holding that record for over 1,000 days. This total is 25 million more than the second most subscribed channel. He surpassed Smosh to acquire the most subscribed channel on YouTube on August 15, 2013 but after YouTube Spotlight and PewDiePie surpassed each other multiple times for the top spot, he has since had the most subscribed channel."@en . . . . "Caucasian"@en . "PewDiePie first rose to fame when he started playing video shames. He wasn't a normal shamer though. When he played, he screamed like a little girl and made friends with inanimate objects such as chairs. Furthermore, he's Swedish, so he has an accent. These factors combined to make him very popular. He eventually gathered a Bro Army and took over the entire internet. He was declared king. PewDiePie now rules his domain be playing video shames and screaming like a little girl. He sends his bros out to call people gay if they don't like PewDiePie. His main quest is to eliminate the Barrels and their king: Justin Bieber. As the great Pewds said that will always be in our hearts was..., DON'T BE A SALAD, BE THE BEST GODDAMN BROCCOLI YOU COULD EVER BE!!!!!!"@en . "3066"^^ . . "Liam Kjellberg"@en . . . "PewDiePie"@en . . . . . . . . "Girlfriend:"@en . "Nationality:"@en . "200"^^ . "Name:"@en . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg"@de . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (aka PewDiePie because nobody with English as a native/first language can properly pronounce his last name) is one of YouTube's biggest money sucking leeches, on par with other unfunny hacks like TheFineBros or Ray William Johnson. His cash grabbing enterprise occupation is playing through bad games and making unfunny commentary which involves screaming, MAYMAY references, and sex jokes. PewDiePie is an expert in milking Google's money out by continuing to post the same crap. This is because he has found a fanbase of raging 13 year old autists that laugh at any rape or fart joke no matter how old it is. Their views give him money, so whenever you go to to an old video of his and comment \"u sux lol\", remember that you are contributing to his fame and success He disabled comments, lol. He later used his stolen money to arm the Bro Army and establish the Bro Nation. He often cross dresses, wears makeup and pretend to be pregnant or be on a period. In other words, he's a drag queen."@en . "YouTube Rank:"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "2006"^^ . "Years Active:"@en . . "47183545"^^ . . . "Circa 14 billion"@en . . . . "PewDiePie"@en . "Agnostic"@en . "3000"^^ . . "200"^^ . "PewDiePie"@de . . . . "Felix \u201EPewDiePie\u201D Kjellberg (ur. 24 pa\u017Adziernika 1989 w G\u00F6teborgu) \u2013 szwedzki komentator gier komputerowych i internetowy celebryta, znany jako posiadacz najwi\u0119kszej ilo\u015Bci subskrypcji kana\u0142u na YouTubie i specjalizuj\u0105cy si\u0119 w tzw. \u201Elet\u2019s playach\u201D z gier. Pojawia si\u0119 go\u015Bcinie w odcinkach Ogrzewane starocie i Szcz\u0119\u015Bliwe hologramy z serii dziewi\u0119tnastej."@pl . . "Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg"@en . . .