. . . . "\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u043A\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043B\u043B \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0433\u043E \u043C\u0435\u0447\u0430"@en . "Varies"@en . . "* Old Republic era\n* Rise of the Empire era\n* Rebellion era\n* New Republic era\n* New Jedi Order era\n* Legacy era"@en . "A Synthetic lightsaber crystal, commonly referred to as a Synth-crystal, is a type of lightsaber crystal that is artificially created, rather than naturally formed by geological processes. Due to the methods used in their creation, they often formed with a red coloration, though they could be made with any color through special manipulations of either the creation process or the crystal itself, often through the Force, such as the green synth-crystal."@en . "Between 1 to 3 inches"@en . . . "Varies"@en . "Synthetic lightsaber crystal"@en . "Varies"@en . . "Varies"@en . "Varies, usually red or silver"@en . . "\uD569\uC131 \uB77C\uC774\uD2B8\uC138\uC774\uBC84 \uC218\uC815"@en . "Crystal"@en . . . . "Generates a slightly stronger lightsaber blade than is normal."@en . . . . . . "Varies"@en . . "Between 6900 BBY and 3961 BBY"@en . . "A Synthetic lightsaber crystal, commonly referred to as a Synth-crystal, was a type of lightsaber crystal that was artificially created, rather than naturally formed by geological processes. Due to the methods used in their creation, they were often formed with a red coloration, though they could be made with any color through special manipulations of either the creation process or the crystal itself, often through the Force, such as the green synth-crystal that powered Luke Skywalker's second lightsaber."@en . . "A Synthetic lightsaber crystal, commonly referred to as a Synth-crystal, is a type of lightsaber crystal that is artificially created, rather than naturally formed by geological processes. Due to the methods used in their creation, they often formed with a red coloration, though they could be made with any color through special manipulations of either the creation process or the crystal itself, often through the Force, such as the green synth-crystal."@en . "*Jedi\n**Luke Skywalker\n**Jaina Solo Fel\n**Adi Gallia\n**Jax Pavan\n*Sith\n**Darth Vader\n**Darth Sidious"@en . "*Sith\n*Dark Jedi\n*New Jedi Order\n*Imperial Knights"@en . . . . . "Self fabricated"@en . . "Varies"@en . . "A Synthetic lightsaber crystal, commonly referred to as a Synth-crystal, was a type of lightsaber crystal that was artificially created, rather than naturally formed by geological processes. Due to the methods used in their creation, they were often formed with a red coloration, though they could be made with any color through special manipulations of either the creation process or the crystal itself, often through the Force, such as the green synth-crystal that powered Luke Skywalker's second lightsaber."@en . . . "Lightsaber Crystal"@en . . . "Synthetic lightsaber crystal"@en .