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"Previously on Marvel's Young Avengers\u2026 -The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver\u2026 They\u2019ve gone missing.- Patriot looked up at his friends, clearly worried. -They took Steve\u2026- Natasha Romanoff spoke through her intercommunicator. -Reinforcements needed against Bullseye\u2026- Sergeant Mahoney said through the police radio. -Now I know where Kate is\u2026- Wiccan muttered. -I think these two left us to play hero on their own.- Speed suggested. -Kate, are you nuts?!- Stature exclaimed, looking at her best friend. -I couldn\u2019t let Bullseye get away with murder, plus I wanted to know if he had been involved with the disappearances.- -And what did he say?- Patriot asked, worried. -Did he hurt you?- -No, Eli, he didn\u2019t.- Kate shook her head. -And he said that he didn\u2019t know, but that he wasn\u2019t aware of Rusk and his Dark Avengers\u2019 actions.- -That doesn\u2019t say much\u2026- -She did the best she could, Stars and Stripes.- Speed put his arm around the female archer\u2019s shoulder. -Where is Billy?!- Hulkling asked, losing control. -He was here, helping me fight the fake Hawkeye when suddenly a rainbow ray absorbed him and took him to space\u2026- Bishop looked up. -I mean, I didn\u2019t know that Gay Pride could make you do that.- -Well\u2026 I think I will have to ask some contacts I have\u2026 Friends in high places, you could say.- Teddy looked at his teammates. -Will you be ok?- The others nodded. -Great, then I\u2019ll have to visit my family.- He extended his wings and flew away. Soon after, a Quinjet parked next to the Young Avengers. Black Panther got off and walked to the teenagers. -Cassandra\u2026- The Avenger said, looking at the blue-eyed girl. -W-What\u2019s wrong?- -Another mass kidnapping\u2026 This time it was Stark, Romanoff and\u2026 Well\u2026 your father.- Stature teared up, looking at the Panther\u2019s mask. -M-My dad was taken away?- -I\u2019m afraid so, yes\u2026- T\u2019Challa nodded. -But Vision, Dr. Banner, J.A.R.V.I.S. and I are doing our best to figure out who is responsible for this.- -You\u2019re clearly not doing enough!- Cassie yelled, as the tears rolled down her cheeks. -Cassie\u2026- Patriot tried to hold her back, but Kate shook her head. -You say you do a lot, but I think we have crossed more villains off the list than you!- Stature started growing in size. -And I will take this matter to my own hands! While you stay in that lab in the Mansion, trying to figure out useless algorithms to predict who did this, I will go investigate on my own.- Lang went back to normal size and ran away from the heroes. -We should go after her.- Black Panther said, looking at where where Cassandra had just ran. -No, definitely not.- Kate shook her head. -I know Cassie, and she\u2019s stubborn. She won\u2019t stop until she does some research on her own. Plus\u2026 We need to continue our investigation.- -Sounds wise, Katherine.- T\u2019Challa nodded and led the Young Avengers into the Quinjet, heading back to the Mansion. The size-changing Young Avenger shrunk down to ant size and got in a subway, heading towards the center of the city. -A.I.M.\u2019s main lab\u2026- Cassie said, walking towards the main entrance of the abandoned looking factory. Shrinking to ant size, she infiltrated the building and jumped on the two guards\u2019 shoulders, punching them in the face and knocking them down. -Scientist Supreme!!!- An A.I.M. Agent said through his intercommunicator. -Two guards just got knocked down by an unseen force.- -One of the Ant-Men\u2026- Forson replied. -Send every agent to every hallway, activate the ventilation systems, activate Code Red.- Getz nodded. -Yes, Scientist Supreme.- The agent pressed the big red button and every room in the lab was illuminated by the intermittent red lights. Cassie grew to normal size and ran through the hallways, before finding herself surrounded by A.I.M. Agents. -Stop there, woman!- -I am just 18, you know?!- She increased her size so as to be as tall as the roof before punching the floor around the agents. Shrinking back to ant size, she snuck into the ventilation system, in an area which hadn\u2019t been activated yet. As she started to run towards the main room, she saw the dust particles around her start to float. As soon as Stature turned around to see what was causing this, an extremely strong wind pushed her away, making her float through the pipes. She caught a glimpse of the hallway to the main room through the floor vent, so Cassie knew she was going in the right direction. As soon as she spotted the main room, she grew to giant size and destroyed the ventilation system, getting herself right in front of the Scientist Supreme and M.O.D.O.K. himself. -Oh, Lang\u2019s daughter!- -That\u2019s right, bobble-head. Now where is my father?- She asked threateningly. -If I only knew!- -I don\u2019t believe you don\u2019t know, machine.- She shook her head. -You\u2019re smart enough to disable J.A.R.V.I.S. and get away with it.- -That\u2019s true, Ms. Lang. I am indeed.- -And you\u2019re smart enough to think of a way to kidnap the Avengers, one by one without anyone noticing it.- -Then again, very true.- -And you hold a grudge against my father, since he didn\u2019t give the Ant-Man suit to A.I.M..- -That was under Killian\u2019s reign, but\u2026 Yes, as an organization, Lang is an enemy.- -Therefore, I doubt you didn\u2019t have anything to do. You are a big threat.- -There\u2019s a lot of evil in this world, Ms. Lang.- M.O.D.O.K. threw his hands in the air slightly. -And honestly, I do not consider my ways\u2026 Evil. Good and evil\u2026 That\u2019s in the eye of the beholder.- -You know what I mean. Kidnapping people\u2026 That\u2019s how you roll, isn\u2019t it?- -Oh, do I sense some grudges held here?- -Well, I spent a lot of my childhood being kidnapped, many times by your people.- -Then again, those were Killian\u2019s people. I haven\u2019t kidnapped\u2026 Many.- -Argh!- Cassandra tried to grab M.O.D.O.K.\u2019s head, but she was hit with his Psi Blast, making her shrink to human size. The Scientist Supreme ran against the Young Avenger, but she grabbed his arm before he could hit her and tossed him against Tarleton. Before the scientists could react, she grabbed two test tubes from a table and tossed them at the villains, generating a chemical reaction unknown to her. Growing back to giant size, she examined the whole facility. Unable to see her dad anywhere, she kicked M.O.D.O.K., making him hit a shelf and shrunk down to human size, before running away."@en . . . . "Previously on Marvel's Young Avengers\u2026 -The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver\u2026 They\u2019ve gone missing.- Patriot looked up at his friends, clearly worried. -They took Steve\u2026- Natasha Romanoff spoke through her intercommunicator. -Reinforcements needed against Bullseye\u2026- Sergeant Mahoney said through the police radio. -Now I know where Kate is\u2026- Wiccan muttered. -I think these two left us to play hero on their own.- Speed suggested. -Kate, are you nuts?!- Stature exclaimed, looking at her best friend. -And what did he say?- Patriot asked, worried. -Did he hurt you?- -That doesn\u2019t say much\u2026- The others nodded."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cassandra (YA)"@en .