. "Species"@en . . . . . "R.O.B. Blaster"@en . "The R.O.B. Blaster (\u30ED\u30DC\u30C3\u30C8\u30D6\u30E9\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC, Robot Blaster in Japan) is a gray and white member of the R.O.B. Squad. Its color scheme is based on the American version of the Robotic Operating Buddy. The design of the R.O.B. Blaster is almost identical to the R.O.B.Sentry, however they use vastly different fighting styles. Unlike the R.O.B. Sentry, the R.O.B. Blaster fully utilizes its beam firing eyes to attack from a distance, dealing around 19% and medium knockback. There are two varieties of this unit, one which remains stationary, and another that will move around, hovering with its booster rockets. The mobile version can be difficult to battle as it is the fastest member of the R.O.B. Squad, and will attack rapidly from a distance. As with other members of the R.O.B. Squad, these only appear on the Isle of Ancients."@en . . "E"@en . . . . . "The R.O.B. Blaster (\u30ED\u30DC\u30C3\u30C8\u30D6\u30E9\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC, Robot Blaster in Japan) is a gray and white member of the R.O.B. Squad. Its color scheme is based on the American version of the Robotic Operating Buddy. The design of the R.O.B. Blaster is almost identical to the R.O.B.Sentry, however they use vastly different fighting styles. Unlike the R.O.B. Sentry, the R.O.B. Blaster fully utilizes its beam firing eyes to attack from a distance, dealing around 19% and medium knockback. There are two varieties of this unit, one which remains stationary, and another that will move around, hovering with its booster rockets. The mobile version can be difficult to battle as it is the fastest member of the R.O.B. Squad, and will attack rapidly from a distance. As with other members of the R.O.B. Squad, these only appear on the"@en . "A R.O.B. Blaster firing its purple laser."@en . . . . . "A R.O.B. Blaster (\u30ED\u30DC\u30C3\u30C8\u30D6\u30E9\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC, Robot Blaster in Japan) is a type of R.O.B. Enemy which is based on the American Version of the R.O.B., the Blaster attacks by utilising the Lasers in it's eyes."@en . "R.O.B. Blaster"@en . "R.O.B. Blasters are R.O.B.s with lasers as their weaponry in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They are members of the Subspace Army."@en . . "A R.O.B. Blaster (\u30ED\u30DC\u30C3\u30C8\u30D6\u30E9\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC, Robot Blaster in Japan) is a type of R.O.B. Enemy which is based on the American Version of the R.O.B., the Blaster attacks by utilising the Lasers in it's eyes."@en . . . "R.O.B. Blasters are R.O.B.s with lasers as their weaponry in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They are members of the Subspace Army."@en . . . . . "R.O.B."@en . "400"^^ . "X"@en .